Filter based on 2 JSON properties after using json_extract - sql

Imported database tables :
id | JSON
Signed 32int | Raw JSON
It is easier to search via the properties of the JSON data than by id of the row itself. Each piece of JSON data contains (for this demo):
json: {
displayProperties: {},
hash: "foo"
itemType: "bar"
When I select I would like to matching hash, and then filter those results by a matching itemType.
My query :
SELECT json_extract(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
FROM ItemDefinition, json_tree(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
WHERE json_tree.key = 'hash' AND json_tree.value IN ${hashList}
However this returns every item that has a matching hash value. From here, I would like to also filter by key: itemType and value: "19". So I tried :
SELECT json_extract(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
FROM ItemDefinition, json_tree(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
WHERE json_tree.key = 'hash' AND json_tree.value IN ${hashList}
AND WHERE json_tree.key = 'itemType' AND json_tree.value = 19
But this isn't syntactically correct, let alone output what I am looking for. Error:
SQLITE_ERROR: near "WHERE": syntax error

The title of the question turned out to not be accurate to what I was looking for. I miss-understood what json_tree actually did. json_tree actually builds a new object with values that are filled in by the database.
What I was actually looking for was to filter by a specific value in the json column, which can be achieved by json_extract. json_extract('{column}', $.{filterValue}) will pull the raw json object out of the json column
This is the query that is working for me now:
SELECT json_extract(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
FROM ItemDefinition, json_tree(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
WHERE json_tree.key = 'hash'
AND json_tree.value IN ${hashList}
AND json_extract(ItemDefinition.json, '$.itemType') = 19
This selects the json column from ItemDefinition
Creates a json_tree from the json column
Filters results by json tree key and value
Finally filters by the property itemType from the raw json column


Transforming JSON data to relational data

I want to display data from SQL Server where the data is in JSON format. But when the select process, the data does not appear:
I've written a query like this, but nothing appears. Can anyone help?
Query :
SELECT id, JSON_Value(item_pieces_list, '$.satuan') AS Name
FROM [].dbo.medicine_alkes AS medicalkes
Your Path is wrong. Your JSON is an array, and you are trying to retrieve it as a flat object
SELECT id, JSON_Value(item_pieces_list,'$[0].satuan') AS Name
FROM [].dbo.medicine_alkes
Only in the case of data without the [] (array sign) you could use your original query '$.satuan', but since you are using an array I change it to retrieve only the first element in the array '$[0].satuan'

How to retrieve the list of dynamic nested keys of BigQuery nested records

My ELT tools imports my data in bigquery and generates/extends automatically the schema for dynamic nested keys (in the schema below, under properties)
It looks like this
How can I get the list of nested keys of a repeated record ? so for example I can group by properties when those items have said property non-null ?
I have tried
select column_name
table_name = 'my_table
But it will only list first level keys
From the picture above, I want, as a first step, a SQL query that returns
My real goal through, is to group/count my data based on a non-null value of a 2nd level nested properties properties.filters.[filter_type]
The schema may evolve when our application adds more filters, so this need to be dynamically generated, I can't just hard-code the list of nested keys.
Note: this is very similar to this question How to extract all the keys in a JSON object with BigQuery but in my case my data is already in a shcema and it's not a JSON object
Suppose I have a list of such records with nested properties, how do I write a SQL query that adds a field "enabled_filters" which aggregates, for each item, the list of properties for wihch said property is not null ?
Example input (properties.x are dynamic and not known by the programmer)
Example output
["school", "type"]
Have you looked at COLUMN_FIELD_PATHS? It should give you the paths for all columns.
select field_path from my_schema.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_FIELD_PATHS where table_name = '<table>'
The field properties is not nested by array only by structures. Then a UDF in JavaScript to parse thise field should work fast enough.
CREATE TEMP FUNCTION jsonObjectKeys(input STRING, shownull BOOL,fullname Bool)
RETURNS Array<String>
function test(input,old){
var out=[]
for(let x in input){
let te=input[x];
out=out.concat(te==null ? (shownull?[x+'==null']:[]) : typeof te=='object' ? test(te,old+x+'.') : [fullname ? old+x : x] );
return out;
return test(JSON.parse(input),"");
with tbl as (select struct(1 as alpha,struct(2 as x, 3 as y,[1,2,3] as z ) as B) A from unnest(generate_array(1,10*1))
union all select struct(null,struct(null,1,[999])) )
select *,
TO_JSON_STRING (A ) as string_output,
jsonObjectKeys(TO_JSON_STRING (A),true,false) as output1,
jsonObjectKeys(TO_JSON_STRING (A),false,true) as output2,
concat('["', array_to_string(jsonObjectKeys(TO_JSON_STRING (A),false,true),'","' ) ,'"]') as output_sring,
jsonObjectKeys(TO_JSON_STRING (A.B),false,true) as outpu
from tbl

Extracting JSON returns null (Presto Athena)

I'm working with SQL Presto in Athena and in a table I have a column named "data.input.additional_risk_data.basket" that has a json like this:
"":"Nike Force 1",
I need to extract some of the data there, for example data.input.additional_risk_data.basket.val.item_reference. I'm not used to working with jsons but I tried a few things:
json_extract("data.input.additional_risk_data.basket", '$.data.input.additional_risk_data.basket.val.item_reference')
json_extract_scalar("data.input.additional_risk_data.basket", '$.data.input.additional_risk_data.basket.val.item_reference)
They all returned null. I'm wondering what is the correct way to get the values from that json
Thank you!
There are multiple "problems" with your data and json path selector. Keys are not conventional (and I have not found a way to tell athena to escape them) and your json is actually an array of json objects. What you can do - cast data to an array and process it. For example:
-- sample data
WITH dataset (json_val) AS (
VALUES (json '[
"":"Nike Force 1",
select arr[1]['data.input.additional_risk_data.basket.val.item_reference'] item_reference -- or use unnest if there are actually more than 1 element in array expected
select cast(json_val as array(map(varchar, json))) arr
from dataset

Check if one (or more) value in a list contain in JSON in redshift

I have a column in redshift that contains a JSON.
I want to create a query that checks if one value in a list exists in the JSON, and then returns the path of the value.
For example I habe those list and JSON:
possible_values = ["html","php","python"]
json = {"encoding":"ASCI","web":{"code_language":"php"}}
So I'm expected for this result:
TRUE, path: "web\code_language"
Does it possible?

Using Postgres JSON Functions on table columns

I have searched extensively (in Postgres docs and on Google and SO) to find examples of JSON functions being used on actual JSON columns in a table.
Here's my problem: I am trying to extract key values from an array of JSON objects in a column, using jsonb_to_recordset(), but get syntax errors. When I pass the object literally to the function, it works fine:
Passing JSON literally:
select *
from jsonb_to_recordset('[
{ "id": 0, "name": "400MB-PDF.pdf", "extension": ".pdf",
"transferId": "ap31fcoqcajjuqml6rng"},
{ "id": 0, "name": "1000MB-PDF.pdf", "extension": ".pdf",
"transferId": "ap31fcoqcajjuqml6rng"}
]') as f(name text);`
results in:
It extracts the value of the key "name".
Here's the JSON in the column, being extracted using:
from journal
where id = 'ap32bbofopvo7pjgo07g';
resulting in:
[ { "id": 0, "name": "400MB-PDF.pdf", "extension": ".pdf",
"transferId": "ap31fcoqcajjuqml6rng"},
{ "id": 0, "name": "1000MB-PDF.pdf", "extension": ".pdf",
"transferId": "ap31fcoqcajjuqml6rng"}
But when I try to pass jsonb#>>'{context,data,files}' to jsonb_to_recordset() like this:
select id,>>::jsonb_to_recordset('{context,data,files}') as f(name text)
from journal
where id = 'ap32bbofopvo7pjgo07g';
I get a syntax error. I have tried different ways but each time it complains about a syntax error:
PostgreSQL 9.4.10 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2, 64-bit
The expressions after select must evaluate to a single value. Since jsonb_to_recordset returns a set of rows and columns, you can't use it there.
The solution is a cross join lateral, which allows you to expand one row into multiple rows using a function. That gives you single rows that select can act on. For example:
select *
from journal j
cross join lateral
jsonb_to_recordset(>'{context, data, files}') as d(id int, name text)
where = 'ap32bbofopvo7pjgo07g'
Note that the #>> operator returns type text, and the #> operator returns type jsonb. As jsonb_to_recordset expects jsonb as its first parameter I'm using #>.
See it working at
jsonb_to_recordset is a set-valued function and can only be invoked in specific places. The FROM clause is one such place, which is why your first example works, but the SELECT clause is not.
In order to turn your JSON array into a "table" that you can query, you need to use a lateral join. The effect is rather like a foreach loop on the source recordset, and that's where you apply the jsonb_to_recordset function. Here's a sample dataset:
create table jstuff (id int, val jsonb);
insert into jstuff
(1, '[{"outer": {"inner": "a"}}, {"outer": {"inner": "b"}}]'),
(2, '[{"outer": {"inner": "c"}}]');
A simple lateral join query:
select id, r.*
from jstuff
join lateral jsonb_to_recordset(val) as r("outer" jsonb) on true;
id | outer
1 | {"inner": "a"}
1 | {"inner": "b"}
2 | {"inner": "c"}
(3 rows)
That's the hard part. Note that you have to define what your new recordset looks like in the AS clause -- since each element in our val array is a JSON object with a single field named "outer", that's what we give it. If your array elements contain multiple fields you're interested in, you declare those in a similar manner. Be aware also that your JSON schema needs to be consistent: if an array element doesn't contain a key named "outer", the resulting value will be null.
From here, you just need to pull the specific value you need out of each JSON object using the traversal operator as you were. If I wanted only the "inner" value from the sample dataset, I would specify select id, r.outer->>'inner'. Since it's already JSONB, it doesn't require casting.