I have been reading the gitlab merge request api docs and Group activity analytics api to find a way to fetch the "Mean time to merge" for a bunch of projects in my group.
but i have not been succesful.
I want to obtain the list of pull requests for all repos of a specific reviewer or author through the GitHub API.
I've followed the instructions at http://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/ but when I query /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls, I've to specify the particular repository but I want to list all the repositories.
Does anyone know how to get a complete list of pull requests for all repos of a specific reviewer through the API.
I'm following the instructions here https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api/stores/v2/webhooks to set up webhooks to initiate some third-party order processing. All webhooks all instaled, but I don't see any data?
Where can I get history information about Webhooks?
Is the Google Logs (Java) API only for querying logs of the GAE application where it is called from or can it be used more broadly for querying logs for all GAE applications that belong to the same account?
And it the second is not possible, does Google provide an API for retrieving status information (e.g. logs) about all applications under one account?
What I'd like to do is call such an API at regular intervals to ask e.g. if any recent HTTP requests resulted in errors: this would give a quick dashboard summary based on a subset of information (also) presented in the Google Developers Console.
As far as I know this isn't possible. But, you can download logs using appcfg (for any app) - maybe that is an option?
I'm trying to integrate my Google Calendar with a plugin I installed on my page.
To do so I need the ID and the API of the calendar.
I managed to find the ID following Google's support page, but it's hours now that I've been trying to get hold of the API.
Firstly this and more can be answered here: http://amazewebs.com ...the home to 1-to-1 google api help with lots of videos, guides, examples, templates and code submissions.
see demo: http://amazewebs.com/demo
To get a Google API you need to setup an API script to call the Google servers.
This can be achieved with OAuth Authentication with either:
a Client Account or...
a Service Account
Head to here to setup your API's & Auth:
Head here for official documentation:
I need to fetch panoramio user info using google api php client library. Can somebody guide me how it is possible using google api php client library? One more thing want to confirm that
is panoramio userid (not username or email id) same as google userid? Since i am using google php api for sign in to my application.
Panoramio is not yet integrated with all the other Google APIs, so you can't access it using the google-api-php-client library. They however have 2 public APIs (i.e. without the need to authenticate) that you can use:
The Widget API for e.g. including photos using JS
The older REST Data API for quering image metadata in JSON format
Note that both are restriced to 100000 queries/day.
The Panoramio and Google user IDs are not correlated.