AdMob accounts().list() - api

Good day for everyone.
I am trying to work with AdMob reporting API.
I want to get my publisher_id.
I found next topic:
And, if I am using the UI way ("Execute") to get it, then I am receiving response body with publisher_id inside.
Otherwise, if I am using the AdMob API:
method: authenticate().accounts().list()
I cannot get this information, and I receive empty body.
But, I can still get any other info. Can somebody tell me how to fix it?

Just found the solution. You need to add to method .execute() and the you will receive the correct object.
Instead of authenticate().accounts().list(), use authenticate().accounts().list().execute()


Coinbase Webhooks: is there a list of all data available?

I am looking into the webhook notifications and I am struggling to find documentation...
I would need to find the different payload for the "data" in the notification response...
the documentation only have one example:
it is almost impossible to built an app if I need to try and see every type of notification by myself... (trial and error approach :( )
any extra resource? any help here?
thank you all
On this page, there is a link that says
See full list of notifications and corresponding payload information
But guess what, it links to the pages in your OP.
Even CB's newest documentation doesn't outline the payload until you run a sample to get the result displayed in the docs page. Here is a simple example, just click Try It to see the payload. It's not a bad thing until you need to see the payload of a signed request, then it's a PITA...
I've never used their webhooks to know how the payload differs but considering their docs you may need to run each notification to see what to expect and save the result to refer to later.

Dropbox getTemporaryLinks API errors description

I received an email from Dropbox states from middle of october get temporary links api will returns an email_not_verified error in case user not verified her email address, so far so good.
I'm able to get the response body from the doc
Since I'm using dropbox java sdk and I'm used to code test first, I was trying to simulate the scenario, but having the json inside the http response, I've an error parsing the json inside dbx library. So I tried changing the status code and, having 409 I got com.dropbox.core.v2.files.GetTemporaryLinkErrorException: Exception in 2/files/get_temporary_link: "other"
but it is not enough, since I need to manage the scenario.. Can someone help me understanding what I can check in the code but first of all, what is the response I've to simulate in my unit test?
Thanks in advance
The other error case indicates that it's an error that the SDK you're using does not recognize. The GetTemporaryLinkError.email_not_verified error is relatively new, so you'll need to make sure you're using a recent enough version of the SDK to be able to identify it. For the GetTemporaryLinkError.email_not_verified error, that is v3.1.0 or later of the Dropbox Java SDK. (It's best to just get the latest anyway, which is currently v3.1.1.)
If you're are using an updated version of the SDK, it's also possible you're just not setting valid JSON for the GetTemporaryLinkError.email_not_verified error case when you're trying to simulate this. You can find the valid JSON for this error case in the /2/files/get_temporary_link documentation. Make sure you copy that as shown there if you're trying to simulate this.
Lastly, to actually catch that error with the Dropbox Java SDK, you'll want to catch GetTemporaryLinkErrorException thrown by getTemporaryLink. To check for the specific case, check the GetTemporaryLinkErrorException.errorValue. The GetTemporaryLinkError.isEmailNotVerified will return true for the unverified email case.

Kucoin Exchange Kline Get API Response is wrong

hey guys does somebody know why i dont get the correct response from thhis api call:
it should give me normaly a couple of candelstick data back
i have code already for other exchanges with her api and did not have problems
but this one i dont know if i make somethink wrong or maybe the api from this exchange have a error
the documentation site is this:
You are using an outdated API.
KuCoin switched to TradingView as its chart software. This is why you have as the default view for trading. You can still access the old view via
Looks like the API call you are using was made for the old version.
Use this URL instead:
Working URL:
For more information about the new API call: (notice how it says tradingview-version!),-tradingview-version)

How to use novaexchange API

I am trying to get all their BTC market by accessing
Reply with quote Edit message Delete message #1
It doesn't work.
I read their API documentation try to find samples on web and I can't find it
The format is this
So I wonder what's work. I look around on google and can't find a sample of URL that works.
I have play with this api in particular many times, the call that always works that is similar of the one you are trying is from there you have to filter the pairs for just getting BTC pairs.

Using Imageshack's API

I have tried to make a uploader using imageshacks API but I have not been successful, I don't get an error code so I don't know what the error is.
This is their documentation:
I have a imageshack api key too.
These are some of the websites/codes I have tried:
But none of them have a direct code that I use without having to change most of the code, which I am not good with, I don't have experience with API's.
Edit: I still need help with it.