How to mock a service with spock in micronaut when testing a rabbit consumer? - rabbitmq

I'm currently working with:
Micronaut 3.7.3
RabbitMQ 3.11.2
Groovy / Java 17
I'm implementing a rabbitmq consumer for a simple demo project following the guidelines from micronaut project (
I'm trying to mock a service that is a dependency of my rabbitmq consumer.
I've tried this approach that does not seem to work:
class SampleRequestConsumerSpec extends Specification {
ExternalWorkflowProducer externalWorkflowProducer
SampleRequestConsumer sampleRequestConsumer
SimpleService simpleService
SimpleService simpleService() {
def "It receives a sampleRequest message in the simple.request queue"() {
externalWorkflowProducer.send(new SampleRequest(message: "Request1"))
1 * simpleService.handleSimpleRequest(_ as SampleRequest) >> { SampleRequest request ->
assert request.message != null
I get this error when running the integration test:
Too few invocations for:
1 * simpleService.handleSimpleRequest(_ as SampleRequest) >> { SampleRequest request ->
assert request.message != null
} (0 invocations)
Unmatched invocations (ordered by similarity):
See full source code on GitHub:
Also notice that when I'm not reading from the queue and directly calling the method sampleRequestConsumer.receive([message: "Request1"])
mocking for the simpleService is working :
Thanks in advance for your insight
Please use the branch test-with-mq. The branch test-without-mq's tests will succeed because it's not using rabbitMQ. This is an attempt to demonstrate that the issue lies in testing RabbitMQ consumers.

Moving the sleep() instruction to the when: block fixed the test.
Indeed, what is behind the then: block is not executed after the externalWorkflowProducer.send(), it is executed before by Spock.
This instruction:
1 * simpleService.handleSimpleRequest(_ as SampleRequest)
is creating an interaction in the scope of the feature method, and it is executed when the specification is configured.
Adding a sleep() instruction there, is not leaving the spec time for the consumer to receive the message. You need to add the sleep() after the send(). This is when your test needs to let the consumer time to execute.
Note: the closure itself:
{ SampleRequest request ->
assert request.message != null
would be executed afterwards, but only the closure. The sleep instruction was already executed when configuring the Spec. The Closure is not executed in this case, because the test finishes before the thread of the consumer can invoke the mock.
In summary:
This works:
def "It receives a sampleRequest message in the simple.request queue"() {
externalWorkflowProducer.send(new SampleRequest(message: "Request1"))
1 * simpleService.handleSimpleRequest(_ as SampleRequest) >> { SampleRequest request ->
assert request.message != null
And this doesn't work:
def "It receives a sampleRequest message in the simple.request queue"() {
externalWorkflowProducer.send(new SampleRequest(message: "Request1"))
1 * simpleService.handleSimpleRequest(_ as SampleRequest) >> { SampleRequest request ->
assert request.message != null

As #LuisMuñiz pointed out, the interactions declared in the then block are actually moved around. It creates an interaction scope that contains all the interactions, the setup of that happens immediately before the when block executes and the verification that all interactions had taken place happens before any other instruction in the then block.
That out of the way, I would advise against using any kind of sleeps for your code. At best you are just waiting uselessly, at worst you didn't wait long enough and you test breaks. It is preferable to use one or more CountDownLatch instances to synchronize your test.
def "It receives a sampleRequest message in the simple.request queue"() {
def latch = new CountDownLatch(1)
externalWorkflowProducer.send(new SampleRequest(message: "Request1"))
1 * simpleService.handleSimpleRequest(_ as SampleRequest) >> { SampleRequest request ->
assert request.message != null
This way you test will wait until you mock was called, but then immediately finish.
You can also use latch.await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) with a generous timeout, to guard against your test hanging indefinitely.


Properly cancelling kotlin coroutine job

I'm scratching my head around properly cancelling coroutine job.
Test case is simple I have a class with two methods:
class CancellationTest {
private var job: Job? = null
private var scope = MainScope()
fun run() {
job = scope.launch { doWork() }
fun doWork() {
// gets data from some source and send it to BE
Method doWork has an api call that is suspending and respects cancellation.
In the above example after counting objects that were successfully sent to backend I can see many duplicates, meaning that cancel did not really cancel previous invocation.
However if I use snippet found on the internet
internal class WorkingCancellation<T> {
private val activeTask = AtomicReference<Deferred<T>?>(null)
suspend fun cancelPreviousThenRun(block: suspend () -> T): T {
return coroutineScope {
val newTask = async(start = CoroutineStart.LAZY) {
newTask.invokeOnCompletion {
activeTask.compareAndSet(newTask, null)
val result: T
while (true) {
if (!activeTask.compareAndSet(null, newTask)) {
} else {
result = newTask.await()
It works properly, objects are not duplicated and sent properly to BE.
One last thing is that I'm calling run method in a for loop - but anyways I'm not quire sure I understand why job?.cancel does not do its job properly and WorkingCancellation is actually working
Short answer: cancellation only works out-of-the box if you call suspending library functions. Non-suspending code needs manual checks to make it cancellable.
Cancellation in Kotlin coroutines is cooperative, and requires the job being cancelled to check for cancellation and terminate whatever work it's doing. If the job doesn't check for cancellation, it can quite happily carry on running forever and never find out it has been cancelled.
Coroutines automatically check for cancellation when you call built-in suspending functions. If you look at the docs for commonly-used suspending functions like await() and yield(), you'll see that they always say "This suspending function is cancellable".
Your doWork isn't a suspend function, so it can't call any other suspending functions and consequently will never hit one of those automatic checks for cancellation. If you do want to cancel it, you will need to have it periodically check whether the job is still active, or change its implementation to use suspending functions. You can manually check for cancellation by calling ensureActive on the Job.
In addition to Sam's answer, consider this example that mocks a continuous transaction, lets say location updates to a server.
var pingInterval = System.currentTimeMillis()
job = launch {
while (true) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > pingInterval) {
Log.e("LocationJob", "Executing location updates... ")
pingInterval += 1000L
Continuously it will "ping" the server with location udpates, or like any other common use-cases, say this will continuously fetch something from it.
Then I have a function here that's being called by a button that cancels this job operation.
fun cancel() {
Log.e("LocationJob", "Location updates done.")
When this function is called, the job is cancelled, however the operation keeps on going because nothing ensures the coroutine scope to stop working, all actions above will print
Ping server my location...
Ping server my location...
Ping server my location...
Ping server my location...
Location updates done.
Ping server my location...
Ping server my location...
Now if we insert ensureActive() inside the infinite loop
while (true) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > pingInterval) {
Log.e("LocationJob", "Ping server my location... ")
pingInterval += 1000L
Cancelling the job will guarantee that the operation will stop. I tested using delay though and it guaranteed total cancellation when the job it is being called in is cancelled. Emplacing ensureActive(), and cancelling after 2 seconds, prints
Ping server my location...
Ping server my location...
Location updates done.

Reactor framework confusion with Assembly time and subscription time (when to call subscribe)

I'm actually confused on assembly time and subscription time. I know mono's are lazy and does not get executed until its subscribed. Below is a method.
public Mono<UserbaseEntityResponse> getUserbaseDetailsForEntityId(String id) {
GroupRequest request = ImmutableGroupRequest
Mono<List<GroupResponse>> response = ussClient.getGroups(request);
List<UserbaseEntityResponse.GroupPrincipal> groups = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
response.flatMapIterable(elem -> elem)
groupResponse -> {
resource -> {
log.debug("Response Object - " + groups.toString());
ImmutableUserbaseEntityResponse res = ImmutableUserbaseEntityResponse
Flux<UserbaseEntityResponse.GroupPrincipal> f = Flux.fromIterable(res.getGroups())
.doOnNext(groupPrincipal -> getResourcesForGroup((ImmutableGroupPrincipal)groupPrincipal, res.getUserbaseId()))
return Mono.just(res);
This gets executed Mono<List<GroupResponse>> response = ussClient.getGroups(request); without calling subscribe, however below will not get executed unless I call subscribe on that.
Flux<UserbaseEntityResponse.GroupPrincipal> f = Flux.fromIterable(res.getGroups())
.doOnNext(groupPrincipal -> getResourcesForGroup((ImmutableGroupPrincipal)groupPrincipal, res.getUserbaseId()))
Can I get some more input on assembly time vs subscription?
"Nothing happens until you subscribe" isn't quite true in all cases. There's three scenarios in which a publisher (Mono or Flux) will be executed:
You subscribe;
You block;
The publisher is "hot".
Note that the above scenarios all apply to an entire reactive chain - i.e. if I subscribe to a publisher, everything upstream (dependent on that publisher) also executes. That's why frameworks can, and should call subscribe when they need to, causing the reactive chain defined in a controller to execute.
In your case it's actually the second of these - you're blocking, which is essentially a "subscribe and wait for the result(s)". Usually the methods that block are clearly labelled, but again that's not always the case - in your case it's the toIterable() method on Flux doing the blocking:
Transform this Flux into a lazy Iterable blocking on calls.
But ah, you say, I'm not calling - what gives?!
Well, implicitly you are by calling forEachRemaining():
The default implementation behaves as if:
while (hasNext())
...and as per the above rule, since ussClient.getGroups(request) is upstream of this blocking call, it gets executed.

Kotlin wrap sequential IO calls as a Sequence

I need to process all of the results from a paged API endpoint. I'd like to present all of the results as a sequence.
I've come up with the following (slightly psuedo-coded):
suspend fun getAllRowsFromAPI(client: Client): Sequence<Row> {
var currentRequest: Request? = client.requestForNextPage()
return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
sequence {
while(currentRequest != null) {
var rowsInPage = runBlocking { client.makeRequest(currentRequest) }
currentRequest = client.requestForNextPage()
This functions but I'm not sure about a couple of things:
Is the API request happening inside runBlocking still happening with the IO dispatcher?
Is there a way to refactor the code to launch the next request before yielding the current results, then awaiting on it later?
Question 1: The API-request will still run on the IO-dispatcher, but it will block the thread it's running on. This means that no other tasks can be scheduled on that thread while waiting for the request to finish. There's not really any reason to use runBlocking in production-code at all, because:
If makeRequest is already a blocking call, then runBlocking will do practically nothing.
If makeRequest was a suspending call, then runBlocking would make the code less efficient. It wouldn't yield the thread back to the pool while waiting for the request to finish.
Whether makeRequest is a blocking or non-blocking call depends on the client you're using. Here's a non-blocking http-client I can recommend:
Question 2: I would use a Flow for this purpose. You can think of it as a suspendable variant of Sequence. Flows are cold, which means that it won't run before the consumer asks for its contents (in contrary to being hot, which means the producer will push new values no matter if the consumer wants it or not). A Kotlin Flow has an operator called buffer which you can use to make it request more pages before it has fully consumed the previous page.
The code could look quite similar to what you already have:
suspend fun getAllRowsFromAPI(client: Client): Flow<Row> = flow {
var currentRequest: Request? = client.requestForNextPage()
while(currentRequest != null) {
val rowsInPage = client.makeRequest(currentRequest)
currentRequest = client.requestForNextPage()
.buffer(capacity = 1)
The capacity of 1 means that will only make 1 more request while processing an earlier page. You could increase the buffer size to make more concurrent requests.
You should check out this talk from KotlinConf 2019 to learn more about flows:
Sequences are definitely not the thing you want to use in this case, because they are not designed to work in asynchronous environment. Perhaps you should take a look at flows and channels, but for your case the best and simplest choice is just a collection of deferred values, because you want to process all requests at once (flows and channels process them one-by-one, maybe with limited buffer size).
The following approach allows you to start all requests asynchronously (assuming that makeRequest is suspended function and supports asynchronous requests). When you'll need your results, you'll need to wait only for the slowest request to finish.
fun getClientRequests(client: Client): List<Request> {
val requests = ArrayList<Request>()
var currentRequest: Request? = client.requestForNextPage()
while (currentRequest != null) {
requests += currentRequest
currentRequest = client.requestForNextPage()
return requests
// This function is not even suspended, so it finishes almost immediately
fun getAllRowsFromAPI(client: Client): List<Deferred<Page>> =
getClientRequests(client).map {
* The better practice would be making getAllRowsFromApi an extension function
* to CoroutineScope and calling receiver scope's async function.
* GlobalScope is used here just for simplicity.
GlobalScope.async(Dispatchers.IO) { client.makeRequest(it) }
fun main() {
val client = Client()
val deferredPages = getAllRowsFromAPI(client) // This line executes fast
// Here you can do whatever you want, all requests are processed in background
// Then, when we need results....
val pages = runBlocking { { it.await() }
// In your case you also want to "unpack" pages and get rows, you can do it here:
val rows = pages.flatMap { it.getRows() }
I happened across suspendingSequence in Kotlin's coroutines-examples:
This is exactly what I was looking for.

Difference between Mock / Stub / Spy in Spock test framework

I don't understand the difference between Mock, Stub, and Spy in Spock testing and the tutorials I have been looking at online don't explain them in detail.
Attention: I am going to oversimplify and maybe even slightly falsify in the upcoming paragraphs. For more detailed info see Martin Fowler's website.
A mock is a dummy class replacing a real one, returning something like null or 0 for each method call. You use a mock if you need a dummy instance of a complex class which would otherwise use external resources like network connections, files or databases or maybe use dozens of other objects. The advantage of mocks is that you can isolate the class under test from the rest of the system.
A stub is also a dummy class providing some more specific, prepared or pre-recorded, replayed results to certain requests under test. You could say a stub is a fancy mock. In Spock you will often read about stub methods.
A spy is kind of a hybrid between real object and stub, i.e. it is basically the real object with some (not all) methods shadowed by stub methods. Non-stubbed methods are just routed through to the original object. This way you can have original behaviour for "cheap" or trivial methods and fake behaviour for "expensive" or complex methods.
Update 2017-02-06: Actually user mikhail's answer is more specific to Spock than my original one above. So within the scope of Spock, what he describes is correct, but that does not falsify my general answer:
A stub is concerned with simulating specific behaviour. In Spock this is all a stub can do, so it is kind of the simplest thing.
A mock is concerned with standing in for a (possibly expensive) real object, providing no-op answers for all method calls. In this regard, a mock is simpler than a stub. But in Spock, a mock can also stub method results, i.e. be both a mock and a stub. Furthermore, in Spock we can count how often specific mock methods with certain parameters have been called during a test.
A spy always wraps a real object and by default routes all method calls to the original object, also passing through the original results. Method call counting also works for spies. In Spock, a spy can also modify the behaviour of the original object, manipulating method call parameters and/or results or blocking the original methods from being called at all.
Now here is an executable example test, demonstrating what is possible and what is not. It is a bit more instructive than mikhail's snippets. Many thanks to him for inspiring me to improve my own answer! :-)
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow
import org.spockframework.mock.TooFewInvocationsError
import org.spockframework.runtime.InvalidSpecException
import spock.lang.FailsWith
import spock.lang.Specification
class MockStubSpyTest extends Specification {
static class Publisher {
List<Subscriber> subscribers = new ArrayList<>()
void addSubscriber(Subscriber subscriber) {
void send(String message) {
for (Subscriber subscriber : subscribers)
static interface Subscriber {
String receive(String message)
static class MySubscriber implements Subscriber {
String receive(String message) {
if (message ==~ /[A-Za-z ]+/)
return "ok"
return "uh-oh"
Subscriber realSubscriber1 = new MySubscriber()
Subscriber realSubscriber2 = new MySubscriber()
Publisher publisher = new Publisher(subscribers: [realSubscriber1, realSubscriber2])
def "Real objects can be tested normally"() {
realSubscriber1.receive("Hello subscribers") == "ok"
realSubscriber1.receive("Anyone there?") == "uh-oh"
def "Real objects cannot have interactions"() {
publisher.send("Hello subscribers")
publisher.send("Anyone there?")
2 * realSubscriber1.receive(_)
def "Stubs can simulate behaviour"() {
def stubSubscriber = Stub(Subscriber) {
receive(_) >>> ["hey", "ho"]
stubSubscriber.receive("Hello subscribers") == "hey"
stubSubscriber.receive("Anyone there?") == "ho"
stubSubscriber.receive("What else?") == "ho"
def "Stubs cannot have interactions"() {
given: "stubbed subscriber registered with publisher"
def stubSubscriber = Stub(Subscriber) {
receive(_) >> "hey"
publisher.send("Hello subscribers")
publisher.send("Anyone there?")
2 * stubSubscriber.receive(_)
def "Mocks can simulate behaviour and have interactions"() {
def mockSubscriber = Mock(Subscriber) {
3 * receive(_) >>> ["hey", "ho"]
publisher.send("Hello subscribers")
publisher.send("Anyone there?")
then: "check interactions"
1 * mockSubscriber.receive("Hello subscribers")
1 * mockSubscriber.receive("Anyone there?")
and: "check behaviour exactly 3 times"
mockSubscriber.receive("foo") == "hey"
mockSubscriber.receive("bar") == "ho"
mockSubscriber.receive("zot") == "ho"
def "Spies can have interactions"() {
def spySubscriber = Spy(MySubscriber)
publisher.send("Hello subscribers")
publisher.send("Anyone there?")
then: "check interactions"
1 * spySubscriber.receive("Hello subscribers")
1 * spySubscriber.receive("Anyone there?")
and: "check behaviour for real object (a spy is not a mock!)"
spySubscriber.receive("Hello subscribers") == "ok"
spySubscriber.receive("Anyone there?") == "uh-oh"
def "Spies can modify behaviour and have interactions"() {
def spyPublisher = Spy(Publisher) {
send(_) >> { String message -> callRealMethodWithArgs("#" + message) }
def mockSubscriber = Mock(MySubscriber)
spyPublisher.send("Hello subscribers")
spyPublisher.send("Anyone there?")
then: "check interactions"
1 * mockSubscriber.receive("#Hello subscribers")
1 * mockSubscriber.receive("#Anyone there?")
Try it in the Groovy Web Console.
The question was in the context of the Spock framework and I don't believe the current answers take this into account.
Based on Spock docs (examples customized, my own wording added):
Stub: Used to make collaborators respond to method calls in a certain way. When stubbing a method, you don’t care if and how many times the method is going to be called; you just want it to return some value, or perform some side effect, whenever it gets called.
subscriber.receive(_) >> "ok" // subscriber is a Stub()
Mock: Used to describe interactions between the object under specification and its collaborators.
def "should send message to subscriber"() {
1 * subscriber.receive("hello") // subscriber is a Mock()
A Mock can act as a Mock and a Stub:
1 * subscriber.receive("message1") >> "ok" // subscriber is a Mock()
Spy: Is always based on a real object with original methods that do real things. Can be used like a Stub to change return values of select methods. Can be used like a Mock to describe interactions.
def subscriber = Spy(SubscriberImpl, constructorArgs: ["Fred"])
def "should send message to subscriber"() {
1 * subscriber.receive("message1") >> "ok" // subscriber is a Spy(), used as a Mock an Stub
def "should send message to subscriber (actually handle 'receive')"() {
1 * subscriber.receive("message1") // subscriber is a Spy(), used as a Mock, uses real 'receive' function
A Stub() is a Stub.
A Mock() is a Stub and Mock.
A Spy() is a Stub, Mock and Spy.
Avoid using Mock() if Stub() is sufficient.
Avoid using Spy() if you can, having to do so could be a smell and hints at incorrect test or incorrect design of object under test.
In simple terms:
Mock: You mock a type and on the fly you get an object created. Methods in this mock object returns the default values of return type.
Stub: You create a stub class where methods are redefined with definition as per your requirement. Ex: In real object method you call and external api and return the username against and id. In stubbed object method you return some dummy name.
Spy: You create one real object and then you spy it. Now you can mock some methods and chose not to do so for some.
One usage difference is you can not mock method level objects. whereas you can create a default object in method and then spy on it to get the desired behavior of methods in spied object.
Stubs are really only to facilitate the unit test, they are not part of the test. Mocks, are part of the test, part of the verification, part of the pass / fail.
So, say you have a method that takes in a object as a parameter. You never do anything which changes this parameter in the test. You simply read a value from it. That's a stub.
If you change anything, or need to verify some sort of interaction with the object, then it it is a mock.

Testing akka FSM with futures

I have an akka FSM actor which uses futures in states. For example:
when(StateA) {
case Event(str: String, _) =>
if (str == "ping") {
} else {
stay() replying "stay-ping"
when(AwaitStateA) {
case Event(str: String, _) =>
goto(StateA) replying str
Tests for actor above using akka testkit:
val adaptation: TestFSMRef[State, Data, _ <: Actor]
"Switch between states A" must {
"should return `await-ping`" in {
adaptation ! "ping"
adaptation.stateName should be(StateA)
"should return `stay-ping`" in {
adaptation ! "pong"
adaptation.stateName should be(StateA)
Full code for tests you can find on github:
The Problem is that tests failed randomly (sometimes they all passed).
Failures appear in test "should return await-ping" -> "AwaitStateA was not equal to StateA".
Please help to find where am I mistaken.
I try to run tests from command line and from IDE (Intellij IDEA). Results are the same. When I run each test separately, is hard to catch failure.
The future is running on the global ExecutionContext (that you have imported) and there is a race between that and the calling thread dispatcher that is used by TestFSMRef.
I would not use TestFSMRef here. If it is important to verify the state transitions you can use the FSM transition listener instead. Something like this:
val adaptation: ActorRef = system.actorOf(Props[FsmSwitcher1])
"should return `await-ping`" in {
val transitionListener = TestProbe()
adaptation ! SubscribeTransitionCallBack(transitionListener.ref)
transitionListener.expectMsg(CurrentState(adaptation, StateA))
adaptation ! "ping"
transitionListener.expectMsg(Transition(adaptation, StateA, AwaitStateA))
transitionListener.expectMsg(Transition(adaptation, AwaitStateA, StateA))