Building a Google Docs Clone with Supabase Realtime - sql

I'm looking to build an app similar to Google Docs in that it is collaborative and updates should reflect in realtime when another user makes changes to a document (row).
Right now, I have a useEffect that listens to changes of the document state and debounces the changes so that changes will only persist after 1 second, preventing unnecessary requests.
I'm wondering the best way to send instructions on how to change the json document to the database rather than sending a whole new copy of the data.
Also i'm not sure how google docs works but I've heard it communicates directly from client to client?
Is there an optimal way to create a google docs clone with Supabase?


listener for changes in react native

Good evening everyone .
I am developing a react native app by interfacing to a database via endpoint (specifically aws).
Now on loading the dashboard I retrieve this data via API , save it in local storage and show it to the user.
Now from the management system, there could be some changes to this data that I show on the app, so what I was interested in knowing was if it was possible to create a sort of listener that calls my API whenever there are changes in the DB. I ask this because I would like to avoid calling the API every time a user lands on the dashboard and I would like to avoid calling the API every XXX minutes if there is no reason (if the data has not changed).
Is there any way to create an event listener? It would also be enough for me to be directed on what exactly to look for.
Thanks in advance for your availability

Vue composition api persisting state on refresh

I have a basic composition function which pulls in data from an api.
This is fine there are lots of good examples
I can share state between pages but refreshing any page resets my data. Is there a standard or good practice way to handle this? I use vuexpersist with vuex to solve this.
Are people just writing manually to localstorage?
If you refresh or reload, the "state" is expected to be missing since you are loading the app again. If you need data persistency then manually writing to local storage is the common action (so that is a yes for your last question).
You need to manually write the state recovery for your app, could it be by restoring data from local storage, retrieving data again from the API or even restoring the user session if you need authentication.

Migrating from Firebase JS SDK (Web) to react-native-firebase for offline storage

I have been using Firebase Web SDK for my react-native app (I am using FIRESTORE to store the data). Up to this point, I have had no problems. It all works smoothly. But now I want to add some kind of offline storage mechanism to my app so that I could still offer some functionality or display some content that was cached from the last connected session even if my users are offline. After some investigation, I have the impression that react-native-firebase is the preferred way to go. Now I have some questions and I like to get some advice from the experienced.
Is react-native-firebase the only option to go? I have quickly read about AsyncStorage and it is just a key-value storage. Considering the simplest thing I want to do is page through a list of firestore documents, this kind of storage seems not to be suitable to do this offline. Like If I wanted to do this with AsyncStorage I would have to put all the content (maybe hundreds of documents) I get from the firestore backend, persist them as a single string value, fetch them back, parse them, page them etc. And write custom logic& methods for all these.
If I was to use react-native-firebase, just enabling the offline storage -I assume- takes care of this for you and you don't have to write any custom logic for offline storage usage. I assume the data that has persisted for offline usage has the same structure as it does in firestore database. I feel like If I use anything other than react-native-firebase, I would have to handle all the custom logic for persisting, reading and rendering the data offline myself. Is that right?
The biggest concern I have is the amount of code refactoring that might be required. I have many lines of code and so many .get().then() like lines where I get and render the data from firestore. In the documentation of react-native-firebase it says:
...aims to mirror the official Firebase Web SDK as closely as
I am not sure to what extent this is true. I have checked the react-native-firebase's firestore module's reference documentation but I just can't tell how many of these querying methods are actually supported.
So, the way to go is react-native-firebase's way? Would it take a heavy toll on me trying to refactor the existing code? Any similar experience do you have?
I would appreciate any help.
Thanks a lot...
Maintainer of the react-native-firebase library here.
...aims to mirror the official Firebase Web SDK as closely as possible.
This is a minor disclaimer as there are some differences between the two, mainly down to how certain things have to be implemented with React Native.
For example, enablePersistence does not exist on RNFB. Instead, persistence is enabled by default and can be toggled off (or on) via settings().
Is react-native-firebase the only option to go? I have quickly read about AsyncStorage and it is just a key-value storage. Considering the simplest thing I want to do is page through a list of firestore documents, this kind of storage seems not to be suitable to do this offline. Like If I wanted to do this with AsyncStorage I would have to put all the content (maybe hundreds of documents) I get from the firestore backend, persist them as a single string value, fetch them back, parse them, page them etc. And write custom logic& methods for all these.
This is technically possible, however there are downsides to this as you have mentioned. With Firestore, when the device goes offline (quite common on apps) and you attempt a read/write it'll read/update your local cache, which will still trigger event listeners. When the app goes back online, it'll automatically re-sync with the server for you.
If I was to use react-native-firebase, just enabling the offline storage -I assume- takes care of this for you and you don't have to write any custom logic for offline storage usage. I assume the data that has persisted for offline usage has the same structure as it does in firestore database. I feel like If I use anything other than react-native-firebase, I would have to handle all the custom logic for persisting, reading and rendering the data offline myself. Is that right?
This is all handled for you. We wrap around the native Firebase SDKs so expect the same level of consistency if you were developing a native Android/iOS app if not using React Native.
The biggest concern I have is the amount of code refactoring that might be required. I have many lines of code and so many .get().then() like lines where I get and render the data from firestore.
Generally everything is the same apart from a few minor methods for reasons mentioned above.
So, the way to go is react-native-firebase's way? Would it take a heavy toll on me trying to refactor the existing code? Any similar experience do you have? I would appreciate any help.
I'd recommend anyone developing with React Native & Firebase to use RNFB. It provides a lot of extra functionality the Web SDK cannot provide with React Native. Apart from a more cumbersome setup & changing imports, it should work very much the same.

How to handle external database updates in react-native/redux?

I am creating a react-native mobile app for a service that has to interact with the service's API to get and update data.
This service also has a web interface through which users can sign in and use the service (aka getting and updating data.
Since I am only developing the mobile applications, I have no access to the code on the web side of things and my only way to make changes to that code is to go through someone else.
From the resources available online, I feel like I should be able to make a mobile app that interacts with and updates data through the API, however my thought process for how I am going to handle a user updating data through the web interface and reflecting that in the app has hit a standstill.
Does anyone know of a term that I can use to describe this in such a way that I will likely find more results online (or even better, a react-native npm package that achieves this functionality)?
So far I have tried searching the following, but have found few results:
redux caching
handling data updated on the server redux
redux how to handle data changing on the server
how to handle database updates redux seems like it would work for realtime updates.
Essentially, it works by shifting the connection from a request-based HTTP deal (where the client asks the server for stuff) to a websocket in which the client and server can send each other things (like database changes :D) over a constantly open stream, even if after a delay.

How does the Dropbox Datastore API differ from Parse?

How does the Dropbox Datastore API differ from similar offerings like Parse? One difference that I see is that my users pay for server storage instead of me. Are there other differences?
Disclaimer: I'm a Dropbox engineer who worked on the Datastore API, and know about the Parse API only indirectly. Weigh my opinion appropriately. Major differences I know of (pro and con):
Dropbox Datastores are free to the developer, and free the user for the first 5MB per-app (after which their Dropbox quota applies). Parse charges developers based on how many API requests they’re making.
Parse has minimal offline support, while Dropbox has full offline operation. With Dropbox, if the developer modifies data while offline, those modifications will be reflected in subsequent queries (with Parse, those changes are not reflected). Dropbox provides on-device query logic (unlike Parse) so that apps can continue to generate the views they need to, even when there’s no Internet available. In addition, Parse does not provide conflict resolution or querying offline.
Parse provides the ability to share data between users, and global data for all users of the app. Dropbox Datastores only support per-user data (for each app) for now (sharing is on the roadmap).
I would also add that:
Parse is full feature of backend of as service. You can find a pretty complete list of the other player in this field: They provide feature like:
Data service
User registration/auth
Push notification
The dropbox Datastore APIs is more focusing on data services. (You also got the User part for free too?) Also it works full offline.
The Parse framework can store data that can be ready by any user in the application.
The Dropbox datastore, store data for each user, and you can't accesss data from other user. That's the main difference.
So easy to get lost in this since you have to read between the lines. My take is that with Datastore you are working with objects stored offline locally as json. I'm hoping they will soon release a Xamarin Android component - they released an IOS component last month. Since Xamarin targets both Android and IOS and Winphone, who knows why they made a dedicated IOS DLL for Xamarin but I digress. With Parse, it appears to me their intent is the always-connected-device. Sure you can save queries locally and you can save (save eventually) locally where Parse will push to the server when it is connected. But saving "eventually" and saving queries for offline work is a different design than just saving and letting Parse do it all in the background for you - which it does not unless I have missed something that would make this attractive to me. I cannot see Parse useable for devices that you know will be sometimes-connected, without a lot of code to make this happen and sync.