How to show the whole buffer in emacs minimap? - module

I am running Doom Emacs with the minimap enabled in init.el.
I would like emacs-minimap to show the whole buffer and not just a part of it, so that i can see where i am in relation to the whole file.
However, i didn't find an option to define the amount of lines that the minimap shows.
How can i set emacs minimap to show the whole file?


Expose GNU Screen's entire scrollback buffer without holding up arrow forever?

When I reattach to a screen session, it only fills up my current terminal's window size worth of the scrollback buffer. If I enter Copy mode (ctrl+a [) then I'm able to scroll up the buffer (using the up arrow key) and "uncover" the history of this session (one line at a time). I have my scrollback buffer set to 30000 and some of the output that I want to see is very long so this can take a long time.
I tried using the hardcopy command, but that only saves whatever has been uncovered by me. I tried using g within copy mode, but that only jumped to the top of what had been uncovered. The full scrollback buffer is clearly still there because I can uncover it using the arrow key, but I can't figure out how to access the entire thing without holding the arrow key for a very long time.
Ideally, I'd be able to issue a command to store the whole screen session's past output to a file (or at least up to my screenbuffer limit). Which is what hardcopy is supposed to do. But since it is only saving what has been uncovered by my up arrow, this is useless for my situation.

How is it possible to increase the size of the workbench (Canvas) in the gnuradio-companino

I am working with Gnuradio-companion, working on a bigger project with a lot of blocks for the first time. The space on the workbench is getting scarce.
Do you know if it is possible to increase the size of the workbench?
Starting with GNU Radio 3.8, this is no longer necessary: the canvas auto-adjusts its size, and you can zoom around in it (usually, using ctrl+scroll wheel).
So, if this is a problem you're encountering, you're using the End-Of-Life GNU Radio 3.7 release series (or older). You should not be doing that. It's time to upgrade your GNU Radio.
To preserve the old answer:
Double-Click on the "Options" block and adjust the "Canvas Size" (it's width, height in pixels).
Another good approach to keep your flow graph manageable is to take groups of blocks and put them into "hier" blocks (select connected blocks, right click, more, Create hier); use "Pad Sinks" and "Pad Sources" to create in- and outputs for your new hier block, and use that hier block in place of the bunch of blocks, to keep your flow graph tidy!

How to use ctags for code documentation

I have some source code that I want to document without touching the code. For every source file (e.g., example.cpp, example.f90, etc.) I would like to have a separate documentation file (e.g., example.cpp.doc, example.f90.doc) that has some metadata (ctag) linking it to the original source file.
Ideally I could open the source file and the documentation file in parallel views in my favorite editor (ViM) and have the two files synced so that they scroll together. In this manner, I can keep my documentation visually inline with the un-touched source code.
I know this is likely to be a unique scenario. But I'm hoping someone else has already figured this out.
Is this even a possibility?
Create the initial .doc structure outside of Vim such that the "metadata" you want to keep is in the same line number as the original file.
Then open the two files in different Vim windows with vim -O example.cpp example.cpp.doc. At this point use :windo set scrollbind to enable scroll binding, which will allow to navigate any of the windows while keeping both in sync.

SourceTree stopped showing changes in XAML files

Under SourceTree, when you click a file on the list, it nicely shows the changes made to it.
Suddendly, my SourceTree stopped showing edits made into a XAML file. The window showing the edits is completely blank even if there are edits made to the XAML file.
Previously the edits were showing correctly but suddendly they stopped to be shown.
Is there a way to fix this somehow?
I found an answer to this.
The XAML file was very big with lot of changes and SourceTree was configured to view differences only up to a certain magnitude.
Under SourcTree, you can go Tools->Options and specify Size Limit (Text) and Size Limit (Binary) values. By increasing these values the differences in XAML are again showing.

VBA: set txt to be printed in Portrait mode

this time I'm fighting against a .txt file which doesn't want to be (programmatically) set to be printed in Portrait-mode instead of Landscape-mode (which is the default apparently).
Thing is I know how to do that with application like Word or Excel, but sadly enough I'm working on a device that has no Office at all.
I'm not providing any code at all since my problem is pretty straightforward, and I think I need a simple command in order to solve it. What I basically (programmatically) do in my subroutine is:
Open the file as #1 (I know this appears so '80, but I don't want to modify an up-and-running system, potentially having errors show up)
Write text to the file
Close #1
Save the file
Call text editor shell to show the file to the user
How can I then automatically set the print format to Portrait?
P.s.= I do not have the possibility to insert a userform or an object to print the txt file in "special ways", the user has to print the file from txt editor itself (wordpad just in case)
First to state the obvious: there are no print settings stored in text files (or indeed anything else except for the text). Print settings would be controlled within whatever you are using to print - in this case Notepad or Wordpad.
There are only very limited command line switches for Notepad and Wordpad, which unfortunately don't include page setup. In theory you may be able to automate setting portrait using SendKeys (see here and here) but if it is possible at all it's likely to be difficult and unreliable (focus and timing are two issues).
I can't see a good way round this within the parameters of your question. Adding an object within your application would probably have been the best solution. You might try looking for an alternative text editor you could install that is easier to automate. The only other alternative might be to set defaults within the printer drivers and hope that those stick when the user opens Notepad.