Kotlin call a function without importing the file it's in - kotlin

I have a Kotlin function that creates new Kotlin Objects in new files. Every new Kotlin Objects have a function in them called registger. I now want to execute this register function for every Object that was created in another file. I can get the name of every file with ease but I have no idea how to call these function without importing every file or how I automate the importing of all these files that were created.


Cannot find the log file written by java function called from sql

I have created a function to generate pdf file of the input text file. This function calls a java class TextToPDFGenerator to generate pdf file. The java class is returning false and I am not sure where it is failing. Want to go through the log file, but I dont know where the log file for this java class is written. Where should I look for the log file. Please advice.

Execute one feature at a time during application execution

I'm using Karate in this way; during application execution, I get the test files from another source and I create feature files based on what I get.
then I iterate over the list of the tests and execute them.
My problem is that by using
CucumberRunner.parallel(getClass(), 5, resultDirectory);
I execute all the tests at every iteration, which causes tests to be executed multiple times.
Is there a way to execute one test at a time during application execution (I'am fully aware of the empty test class with annotation to specify one class but that doesn't seem to serve me here)
I thought about creating every feature file in a new folder so that I can specify the path of the folder that contains only one feature at a time, but CucumberRunner.parallel() accepts Class and not path.
Do you have any suggestions please?
You can explicitly set a single file (or even directory path) to run via the annotation:
#CucumberOptions(features = "classpath:animals/cats/cats-post.feature")
I think you already are aware of the Java API which can take one file at a time, but you won't get reports.
Well you can try this, set a System property cucumber.options with the value classpath:animals/cats/cats-post.feature and see if that works. If you add tags (search doc) each iteration can use a different tag and that would give you the behavior you need.
Just got an interesting idea, why don't you generate a single feature, and in that feature you make calls to all the generated feature files.
Also how about you programmatically delete (or move) the files after you are done with each iteration.
If all the above fails, I would try to replicate some of this code: https://github.com/intuit/karate/blob/master/karate-junit4/src/main/java/com/intuit/karate/junit4/Karate.java

How to use the latest file in a folder for source

I have an SSIS package which pulls in a CSV file for processing which pulls one file for the source \\server\dash\LABORDERS.CSV and is working fine.
We wanted to keep older files for historic purposes so everyday there will be new files instead of just overwriting the old one and it looks like this:
I know I am suppose to add a script task but I am not sure where to add it and how to invoke it so that the source file is always looking in the folder for the latest file and using that file to transfer data to it's sql destination.
How can I achieve it?
What have you tried? You can could create a script task at the start of your control flow that uses the .NET framework filesystem objects to search a directory and get the file with the most recent timestamp. You could then assign that file name to a SSIS Variable, then use that variable in your file connection manager.

Save multiple objects to single file vb.net

I am trying to save multiple type of objects to a single file, objects are a custom class that I am able to serializable and another object is a word document that is not being able to serialize via binary. Is there a way to save multiple objects to one file using vb, also would it be possible to save files like how a docx is saved, that is a .zip renamed as docx but get access to inner objects.
I am trying to do in vb.net.
I think I found a method to do it manually by way of using System.IO.ZipPackaging and BinarySerialization when necessary.
Thank you.

Does liquibase give access to java.sql.Connection for custom tasks

Is there a way of having liquibase call a custom Java class/plugin and giving that class access to the underlying connection to make data changes. I had a look but it only
So of our update steps require extensive data manipulation which is far far easier to do and debug in code than using SQL. So I would want to write tasks that can extract, transform and save data. Is that possible within the liquibase framework?
If you are using a subclass of Change using the extension framework (liquibase.org/extensions) the generateStatements() method is passed the Database object the change is being executed against. Calling
((JdbcConnection) Database.getConnection()).getUnderlyingConnection()
will return the java.sql.Connection used.
If you are using the CustomTaskChange interface, the execute() method that is executed is passed the same Database object you can get the connection from.