hello I was working on an app, but need to implement Easypaisa as a payment gateway can anyone help me out with it, as there are no good understandable resources for it
I want create an affiliate application for Bigcommerce to interact with my store. I trying to use API but it's not work proper.
Follow the instructions on https://developer.bigcommerce.com/ to build an app.
If you need help with a specific API, try posting the details of the request, and what you're trying to do.
Lydia (easy paiement solution) propose Lydia API and web and iOS SDKs
Does anyone has a proof that Lydia auth/paiement actions can work in a React-Native app?
What I actually think:
Using the web sdk will maybe make the auth callbacks impossibles (like a web social auth on cordova => cookies policy errors)
Using the Lydia API using fetch is surelly ok, but without SDK the experience will be limited to create/read data from api.
Thanks by advance
Lydia tech lead here.
All SDKs you can find are just a quick and easy integration of the API : they are mainly distributed to not tech people. Using Lydia to make a payment is easy just one cURL.
Actually, there is no auth required for a payment through Lydia : the only thing you need is a phone number or an email address.
The API will return a link you can redirect the user to. If he has the app, it will open it for a on click payment. If he doesn't he will land on a credit card form. In both case, after the payment, he will redirected to an URL you gave when sending the payment request (meanwhile the payment confirmation will be done by a server to server call).
Want to know what is the process for custom payment gateway integration with NopCommerce. If my payment gateway plugins not available ?
How to make a NopCommerce plugins for another payment gateway ? Which I required to integrate with my store .
What are the changes I need to be made, to integrate, new payment gateway ? into NopCommerce ?
nopCommerce documentation have good guides on this. Here is how you create a plugin. And here is how to write the payment method.
nopCommerce source code comes with a few payment plugins (i.e AuthorizeNET, PayPal, Google Checkout). Those are great real world examples to look at.
Good luck!
I am developing iphone application for a shopping cart, i have done all stuffs but now its turn for online payment, the web version support paypal standard and the client want to stick with paypal standard the user will be redirected and paypal site and log and complete order. Is this possible on iphone?
Some days before apple does not allow any third party payment gateway. But now apple allows it to use the third party payment gateway like Paypal. You can used paypal library which allows you to pay your payment of products which you purchased from the app. For doing all this, paypal provides the library for mobile application development. I had used it in my 3-4 apps & works fine for me.
may be this could help you
Download Mobile Express Checkout Library from library and add the same to your project.
Why not you using PayPal SDk for Mobile device ? I have integrated PayPal in my app through their MPL library and Modified some stuffs like App Key and price,Store name Receiver account details etc. And its working fine for me.
check this link which is Already answered.
Also you can have a look at Getting started Guide.
PayPal API : How to integrate it in my App? IOS5
You need to implement paypal on your web server first.
Then go to that link from UIWebview….
(I am reposting this question here because I tried on the google news group and got no responses.)
I need to build a shop for my client, and the client already has a domain and a web site. I need to integrate e-commerce functionality in to the site. This is going to be done by sending AJAX requests to the API.
my question is whether I need to get a partner account for this? I am not yet going to write an app that people would install, I am just building a store for my client. how is it done?
You do not need a Shopify Partner account for this. You can instead create a "Private application" within the normal shopify admin, which will give you the api credentials you need to make stuff happen.
This article on the shopify wiki gives a good overview of the process for getting started (the first sections are most relevant in your case):