Show component or hide - vue.js

<object-mobile-filter />
I have an <object-mobile-filter /> component and if filterModal is false, then the model window is hidden, and the component itself is killed, is it possible to make it so that when the window is hidden, the component itself get hide and when filterModal = true, a new component gets created.

If the filterModal is always boolean (or it has truthy or falsy values) you can simply use v-if to conditionally render the component base on the value of filterModal.
<object-mobile-filter v-if="filterModal" />


Vuejs Unknown custom element (Imported component error)

I basically import 2-3 components in a parent component and based on the button clicks I simply hide and show some components. In every component I have Back and Next buttons, when they clicked, I show different components in different situations. Here's a simple example of one my components;
<transition name="fade" appear>
<div class="justify-center">
<form #submit.prevent="submitFormTest" v-if="!back && !configuration">
Bunch of code here is irrelevant with my question...
<!-- Buttons -->
<div class="text-center mt-4">
<button #click="back = true" class="btn-w-orange mr-2" type="button">Back</button>
<button #click="nextButton" class="btn-w-orange" type="button">Next</button>
<modalOpMode v-if="back"></modalOpMode>
<modalConnection v-if="configuration && !back"></modalConnection >
and here is my script;
import modalConnection from "./modalConnection";
import modalOpMode from "./modalOpMode "
export default {
return {
configuration: false,
back: false
components: {
methods: {
this.configuration = true;
I statically imported two other components to display when back and next button is clicked. Everything is okay when I go for Next button for ALL MY COMPONENTS. (There are other components that I get the same error.). But the problem occurs when I click the back button. When Next is clicked, the form is hidden and modalConnection is visible as it should but when Back is clicked, I only see a blank page because the modalOpMode gives me the following error;
[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: <modalOpMode> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
I'm pretty sure that I import the component in the correct way, the path, the component name, the usage, everything is normal because I do that with the other one modalConnection and that one works all good. If you want to check my modalOpMode component, here it is;
<transition name="fade" appear>
<form #submit.prevent="submitFormTest" v-if="configuration == ''">
There are four radio buttons that bound with v-model to change the value of configuration variable
<!-- Modal Comp1-->
<modalComp1 v-if="configuration == 'comp1'"></modalComp1>
<!-- Modal Comp2 -->
<modalComp2 v-if="configuration == 'comp2'"></modalComp2>
<!-- Modal Comp3-->
<modalComp3 v-if="configuration == 'comp3'"></modalComp3>
<!-- Modal Comp4 -->
<modalComp4 v-if="configuration == 'comp4'"></modalComp4 >
In here I imported 4 other components and bound them to a variable called configuration. When the variable is equal to something like comp1 or comp2 as above, I simply display the relevant component and hide the other content.
As I said before, when I click the next button and show the components, it's all good, but I can't go back, it gives me the above error. What am I doing wrong or what am I missing here? Thanks in advance
In Components you have modalOperatingMode instead of modalOpMode

Add event on slot

I'm trying to implement generic modal component with Vue 3.
And I want to close modal window on click outside the modal's content.
So I added 'close' event on modalWrapper and 'contentClick' to prevent closing (bubbling) when content is clicked:
<teleport to="body">
<div class="modal-window" v-on:click="close" v-show="isOpened">
<slot class="modal-window__content" v-on:click="contentClick($event)"></slot>
The problem is that contentClick(event:Event) is not fired for some reason. I can wrap slot into another div and put contentClick event on it, but not sure that it's a good solution

Vue scoped slot child not rendering slot content

I think I've stumbled over something really strange. I have a Menu component which has two ways of managing visibility of a dropdown div:
Internally using local state;
Using v-model to keep track on the parent component.
I also have a child component called MenuItem. This MenuItem (one or more) is to be passed into the Menu default slot. The MenuItem has a slot of its own, for an icon.
The Menu also has a slot for the "activator", an element which toggles the menu visibility. This can be a regular slot, or a scoped slot.
If the visibility of the menu is handled through the scoped slot:
<template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
<button v-on="on" type="button">Click me</button>
Then the icon for MenuItem will render the first time the menu is visible, but subsequent changes to visibility won't render the icon. The icon slot is optional, so I am checking for it's presences using this.$slots['icon-left'], and after the first render this is undefined.
However, if I manage the visibility on the parent component using v-model, this behaviour is not present.
<Menu v-model="isMenuVisible">
<template v-slot:activator>
<button #click="isMenuVisible = !isMenuVisible" type="button">Click me</button>
I am using v-if for toggling the visibility of the dropdown menu. This behaviour is not present if I use v-show. This behaviour is also not present if I do not check for the existence of this.$slots['icon-left'].
I have a full demo of the issue.
Basically I am very confused as to why this is happening, and I don't even know what to Google.

Conditionally remove element from DOM depending on screen size

In my Vue/Vuetify app, I can conditionally hide elements depending on the screen size using the Vuetify display helper classes, e.g.
<!-- Show on medium width and above -->
<v-app-bar app height="74px" class="hidden-sm-and-down">
<button #click="logout" data-cy="logout">Log Out</button
<!-- Show on small width and below -->
<v-app-bar app height="74px" class="hidden-md-and-up">
<button #click="logout" data-cy="logout">Log Out</button
The element is hidden by setting the CSS property display: none. This causes the following Cypress command to fail
With the error can only be called on a single element. Your subject contained 2 elements
So evidently Cypress doesn't ignore elemnts with display: none.
Is there a way I either remove these elements instead of hiding them, or alternatively tell Cypress to ignore hidden elements?
Add the data property "removeElement" to your data section.
Add a watcher for the Vuetify breakpoint attribute, and set the "removeElement" to true/false depending on when you need to remove/add the element.
watch: {
'$vuetify.breakpoint.width'(val) {
if (val < 425)
this.removeElement = true
this.removeElement = false
Update your template to use v-if="removeElement" instead of class=" .... "
The jquery :visible selector works, when the parent/ancestor has display: none.
Ref visibility
An element is considered hidden if:
Its CSS property (or ancestors) is display: none.
Test fiddle
/// <reference types="#cypress/fiddle" />
const test = {
html: `
<header style="display: none">
<button data-cy="logout">Button small</button>
<button data-cy="logout">Button medium</button>
test: `
it('the test', () => {

How to reset vue modal component working with vue-show to use autofocus

I made modal component using v-show options live below.
<registerModal v-show="register.etcCompanyVisible" />
Thus, when register.etcCompanyVisible is true, this modal appears.
And this modal has some input like this.
<input type="text" v-model="etcCompanyName" placeholder="name" autofocus />
When this modal is opened at first time, the autofocus works well.
And then, this modal can be closed with cancel button by changing register.etcComapnyVisible to false.
<button class="btn secondary" v-on:click="etcCompanyVisibleClosed()">Cancel</button>
When I open modal again, the autofocus doesn't work. I think it needs some reset option for this modal, but I don't know how it can be done.
Could you give me some recommendation? Thank you so much for reading.
My understanding is that the autofocus attribute is only reliable on page load, so you need to handle the focus event yourself.
The easiest way to do this is to put a ref on your input.
<input ref="companyName" type="text" v-model="etcCompanyName" placeholder="name"/>
Then when you launch your modal, maybe you are using a button, call the focus on that $ref.
<button #click="focusInput">launch modal</button>
foucusInput() {
Note that you could use the same method to dynamically focus inputs in a certain order. Here is a fiddle demonstrating that using button clicks but you could easily use this to move from one input to the next automatically after a certain condition is met.