#error creating table with desired column
from PySimpleGUI import PySimpleGUI as sg
import pandas as pd
# Layout
layout = [
[sg.Text('Ticker: '), sg.Input(key='Ticker')],
[sg.Text('Quantidade de Papéis: '), sg.Input(key='Qtd_de_papeis')],
[sg.Text('Valor: '), sg.Input(key='Valor_pago')],
[sg.Text('Data:'), sg.Input(key='Data')],
[sg.Button('Adicionar'), sg.Button('Cancelar')]
# Janela
window = sg.Window('Tela de Cadastro', layout)
# Ler os eventos
while True:
events, values = window.read()
if events == (sg.WIN_CLOSED, 'Cancelar'):
if events == 'Adicionar':
columns = list(values.keys())
rows = list(values.values())
df.to_csv('registro.csv', sep=';', mode='a', index=False)
df_new = pd.read_csv('registro.csv', sep=';')
#I wanted to know if there is a way to assign columns or will it be necessary to create variables
Not sure if it work for you.
Here, it will create new CSV file when first record added.
You can check if file exist or not.
If exist, you can set headings = False before your event loop.
from PySimpleGUI import PySimpleGUI as sg
import pandas as pd
fields = {
'Ticker' : 'Ticker:',
'Qtd_de_papeis' : 'Quantidade de Papéis:',
'Valor_pago' : 'Valor:',
'Data' : 'Data:'
columns = list(fields.keys())
layout = [
[sg.Text(text), sg.Push(), sg.Input(key=key)] for key, text in fields.items()] + [
[sg.Button(button) for button in ('Adicionar', 'Cancelar')]
window = sg.Window('Tela de Cadastro', layout)
headings = True
while True:
events, values = window.read()
if events in (sg.WIN_CLOSED, 'Cancelar'):
if events == 'Adicionar':
df = pd.DataFrame({column:[] for column in columns})
df.loc[0] = [values[key] for key in columns]
if headings:
df.to_csv('registro.csv', sep=';', index=False)
df.to_csv('registro.csv', sep=';', mode='a', index=False, header=False)
headings = False
df_new = pd.read_csv('registro.csv', sep=';')
Show, serviu muito bem.. Obrigado pela atenção.
I am having trouble appending and deleting rows. My table changes a lot and must be rebuilt often so this has been a little tricky. All of my information comes from an SQL database. I am loading the results into a pandas DataFrame and then using it to populate the GridTableBase class. I am now trying to Append and Delete rows, but am having trouble overriding the class. I have been able to somewhat get it to work, but it behaves weird. For some reason, self.table.AppendRows(row) doesn't work and throws an error. The original was self.table.AppendRow(row), but AppendRow isn't a method. So I had to use a different method. I have to change a value in order to get the GridTableMessage to realize there has been a change, which is what I am doing here data.iloc[data.shape[0]-1,0] = str(val)
Ideally, I would add/delete the row from the table itself, but I can't figure out how to do that. I have derived most of my code from here https://github.com/wxWidgets/Phoenix/blob/master/demo/Grid_MegaExample.py but a lot of that will not work properly for me.
As of now, I can append a row, but for some reason, it appends 2 even though only one has been added to the DataFrame and GetNumberRows is returning the correct count. I assume it has something to do with the way I am accessing the table class. Can anyone provide some clarity?
def rowPopup(self, row, evt):
"""(row, evt) -> display a popup menu when a row label is right clicked"""
appendID = wx.Window.NewControlId()#wx.NewId()
deleteID = wx.Window.NewControlId()#wx.NewId()
x = self.GetRowSize(row)/2
if not self.GetSelectedRows():
menu = wx.Menu()
xo, yo = evt.GetPosition()
menu.Append(appendID, "Append Row")
menu.Append(deleteID, "Delete Row(s)")
def append(event, self=self, row=row):#event, self=self, row=row
global data
dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self,'Enter a new Key ID to insert into the ' + str("'") + data.columns[0] + str("'") + ' column.', 'Insert New Record')
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
#print('You entered: %s\n' % dlg.GetValue())
val = dlg.GetValue()
data.loc[data.iloc[-1].name + 1,:] = ""
data.iloc[data.shape[0]-1,0] = str(val)
#data = data.append(pd.Series(dtype='object'), ignore_index=True)
#self.data = DataTable(data)
#self.data = DataTable(data)
def delete(event, self=self, row=row):#event, self=self, row=row
global data
rows = self.GetSelectedRows()
print (data)
#EVT_MENU(self, appendID, append)
#EVT_MENU(self, deleteID, delete)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, append, id=appendID)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, delete, id=deleteID)
self.PopupMenu(menu, wx.Point(round(x), round(yo)))
class DataTable(gridlib.GridTableBase):
def __init__(self, data):
self.headerRows = 1
if data is None:
data = pd.DataFrame()
self.data = data
#Store the row and col length to see if table has changed in size
self._rows = self.GetNumberRows()
self._cols = self.GetNumberCols()
def GetAttr(self, row, col, kind):
attr = [self.even, self.odd][row % 2]
return attr
def GetNumberRows(self):
#print("# Rows:",len(self.data))
return len(self.data)# - 1
def GetTypeName(self, row, col):
return wx.grid.GRID_VALUE_STRING
def GetNumberCols(self):
#print("# Cols:",len(self.data.columns)+ 1)
return len(self.data.columns) + 1
#return len(self.data.columns) #+ 1
def IsEmptyCell(self, row, col):
return False
def GetValue(self, row, col):
if col == 0:
return self.data.index[row]
return ""
return str(self.data.iloc[row, col - 1])
return ""
def GetColLabelValue(self, col):
if col == 0:
if self.data.index.name is None:
return 'Index'
return self.data.index.name
return self.data.columns[col - 1]
def ResetView(self, grid):
(wxGrid) -> Reset the grid view. Call this to
update the grid if rows and columns have been added or deleted
print('Old::' , self._rows, self._cols)
print('New::' , self.GetNumberRows(),self.GetNumberCols())
for current, new, delmsg, addmsg in [
(self._rows, self.GetNumberRows(), gridlib.GRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_DELETED, gridlib.GRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_APPENDED),
(self._cols, self.GetNumberCols(), gridlib.GRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_COLS_DELETED, gridlib.GRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_COLS_APPENDED),
if new < current:
msg = gridlib.GridTableMessage(self,delmsg,new,current-new)
return True
if new > current:
msg = gridlib.GridTableMessage(self,addmsg,new-current)
msg = gridlib.GridTableMessage(self, gridlib.GRIDTABLE_REQUEST_VIEW_GET_VALUES)
self._rows = self.GetNumberRows()
self._cols = self.GetNumberCols()
# update the column rendering plugins
# Okay, this is really stupid, we need to "jiggle" the size
# to get the scrollbars to recalibrate when the underlying
# grid changes.
h,w = grid.GetSize()
grid.SetSize((h+1, w))
grid.SetSize((h, w))
def UpdateValues(self, grid):#self, grid
"""Update all displayed values"""
# This sends an event to the grid table to update all of the values
msg = gridlib.GridTableMessage(self, gridlib.GRIDTABLE_REQUEST_VIEW_GET_VALUES)
class DataGrid(gridlib.Grid):
def __init__(self, parent, data, lc, tc): # data
gridlib.Grid.__init__(self, parent, - 1) #,colnames,-1 # data
self.lc = lc
self.tc = tc
self.table = DataTable(data)
self.SetTable(self.table, True)
self.Bind(gridlib.EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK, self.OnLabelRightClicked)
self.Bind(gridlib.EVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK, self.OnCellRightClick)
self.Bind(gridlib.EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGED, self.onCellChanged) #wx.grid
def Reset(self):
"""reset the view based on the data in the table. Call
this when rows are added or destroyed"""
def OnCellRightClick(self, event):
print ("OnCellRightClick: (%d,%d)\n" % (event.GetRow(), event.GetCol()))
def OnLabelRightClicked(self, evt):
row, col = evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol()
if row == -1: print("col")#self.colPopup(col, evt)
elif col == -1: self.rowPopup(row, evt)
def rowPopup(self, row, evt):
"""(row, evt) -> display a popup menu when a row label is right clicked"""
appendID = wx.Window.NewControlId()#wx.NewId()
deleteID = wx.Window.NewControlId()#wx.NewId()
x = self.GetRowSize(row)/2
if not self.GetSelectedRows():
menu = wx.Menu()
xo, yo = evt.GetPosition()
menu.Append(appendID, "Append Row")
menu.Append(deleteID, "Delete Row(s)")
def append(event, self=self, row=row):#event, self=self, row=row
global data
dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self,'Enter a new Key ID to insert into the ' + str("'") + data.columns[0] + str("'") + ' column.', 'Insert New Record')
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
val = dlg.GetValue()
data.loc[data.iloc[-1].name + 1,:] = ""
data.iloc[data.shape[0]-1,0] = str(val)
#self.data = DataTable(data)
def delete(event, self=self, row=row):#event, self=self, row=row
global data
rows = self.GetSelectedRows()
print (data)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, append, id=appendID)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, delete, id=deleteID)
self.PopupMenu(menu, wx.Point(round(x), round(yo)))
class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, data): # (self, parent, data):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, "Varkey Foundation") #, size=(640,480))
#Create a panel
self.p = wx.Panel(self)
#Create blank dataframe
data = pd.DataFrame() #pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(200, 5)),columns=list('EFGHD')
#data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
self.data = DataTable(data)
self.nb = wx.Notebook(self.p)
self.p.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 0, 0, 0 ) ) # 38,38,38
self.nb.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(58, 56, 56) )
#self.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 255, 56 ) )
#create the page windows as children of the notebook
self.page1 = PageOne(self.nb)
self.page2 = PageTwo(self.nb)
self.page3 = PageThree(self.nb)
# add the pages to the notebook with the label to show on the tab
self.nb.AddPage(self.page1, "Data")
self.nb.AddPage(self.page2, "Analyze")
self.nb.AddPage(self.page3, "Change Log")
self.b_font = wx.Font(14,wx.ROMAN,wx.NORMAL,wx.BOLD, True)
self.lbl_font = wx.Font(14,wx.ROMAN,wx.NORMAL,wx.NORMAL, True)
self.cb_font = wx.Font(11,wx.SCRIPT,wx.ITALIC,wx.NORMAL, True)
self.h_font = wx.Font(18,wx.DECORATIVE,wx.ITALIC,wx.BOLD, True)
#Create username textcontrol <<<<<<<<<<<< Passed to grid class
self.tc_user =wx.TextCtrl(self.p,value='cmccall95',size = (130,25))
self.tc_password =wx.TextCtrl(self.p,value='Achilles95', style=wx.TE_PASSWORD | wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER,size = (130,25))
#Create Change log lstCtrl <<<<<<<<<<<< Passed to grid class
self.lc_change = wx.ListCtrl(self.p,-1,style = wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.LC_REPORT | wx.LC_VRULES)
self.lc_change.InsertColumn(0,"User ID")
#Set column widths
self.lc_change.SetColumnWidth(0, 75)
self.lc_change.SetColumnWidth(1, 75)
self.lc_change.SetColumnWidth(2, 450)
self.lc_change.SetColumnWidth(3, 125)
#Create the grid and continue layout
self.grid = DataGrid(self.page1, data, self.lc_change, self.tc_user)
#More layout code...
def onLoadNewData(self, event): #This is how I'm replacing the data in my table class
global data
if self.combo_table.GetValue():
#Connect to db
#Determine db table
#Get new data
sql_query = "SELECT * FROM " + tbl
temp = pd.read_sql(sql_query, con=self.db_con)
temp.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
data = temp[~pd.isnull(temp).all(1)].fillna('')
#Create title #if data:
if not data.empty:
self.grid = DataGrid(self.page1, data, self.lc_change, self.tc_user)
#Insert grid into existing sizer
self.p1_sizer.Insert(1,self.grid,1,wx.RIGHT| wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND, 20)
print("Error:Dataframe is empty")
print('CANT BE BLANK')
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = wx.App()
frame = MainFrame(None, sys.stdout) # (None, sys.stdout)
I am scraping names, prices and images from this website. There are 8 items in total, but in the DF I would like to filter only the items that contain the pattern "Original Zaino Antifurto". When I try to apply the bp_filter to the DF I get an error, probably due to hidden characters.
Does anyone know how to filter for this pattern avoiding the error?
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
url_xd = 'https://www.xd-design.com/it-it/catalogsearch/result/?q=Bobby+Original+Zaino+Antifurto'
req_xd = requests.get(url_xd)
pars_xd = BeautifulSoup(req_xd.content, 'html.parser')
con_xd = pars_xd.find_all('div', class_ = 'product details product-item-details')
names_xd = []
prices_xd = []
picts_xd = []
for container in con_xd:
name = container.find("a", class_="product-item-link").text
for container in con_xd:
price = container.find("span", class_="price").text
for container in con_xd:
pict = container.find("a").get("href")
bp_xd = pd.DataFrame({'(XD-Design) Item_Name': names_xd,
'Item_Price_EUR': prices_xd,
'Link_to_Pict': picts_xd })
bp_xd['Item_Price_EUR'] = bp_xd['Item_Price_EUR'].str.replace('€','').str.replace(',','.').astype(float)
bp_xd['(XD-Design) Item_Name'] = bp_xd['(XD-Design) Item_Name'].str.strip()
bp_filter = bp_xd['(XD-Design) Item_Name'][bp_xd['(XD-Design) Item_Name'].str.contains('Original Zaino Antifurto')]
# bp_xd[bp_filter]
Here you have the fixed working code
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
url_xd = 'https://www.xd-design.com/it-it/catalogsearch/result/?q=Bobby+Original+Zaino+Antifurto'
req_xd = requests.get(url_xd)
pars_xd = BeautifulSoup(req_xd.content, 'html.parser')
con_xd = pars_xd.find_all('div', class_ = 'product details product-item-details')
names_xd = [c.find("a", class_="product-item-link").text for c in con_xd]
prices_xd = [c.find("span", class_="price").text for c in con_xd]
picts_xd = [c.find("a").get("href") for c in con_xd]
df = pd.DataFrame({'(XD-Design) Item_Name': names_xd,
'Item_Price_EUR': prices_xd,
'Link_to_Pict': picts_xd })
df['Item_Price_EUR'] = df['Item_Price_EUR'].str.replace('€','').str.replace(',','.').astype(float)
df['(XD-Design) Item_Name'] = df['(XD-Design) Item_Name'].str.strip()
df = df.loc[df['(XD-Design) Item_Name'].apply(lambda x: 1 if 'Original Zaino Antifurto' in x else 0) == 1]
I have some time periods (df_A) and some time instants (df_B):
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta
# Data
df_A = pd.DataFrame({'A1': [dt.datetime(2017,1,5,9,8), dt.datetime(2017,1,5,9,9), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,9,19), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,9,19), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,9,19), dt.datetime(2017,2,7,9,19), dt.datetime(2017,2,7,9,19)],
'A2': [dt.datetime(2017,1,5,9,9), dt.datetime(2017,1,5,9,12), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,9,26), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,9,20), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,9,21), dt.datetime(2017,2,7,9,23), dt.datetime(2017,2,7,9,25)]})
df_B = pd.DataFrame({ 'B': [dt.datetime(2017,1,6,14,45), dt.datetime(2017,1,4,3,31), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,3,31), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,14,57), dt.datetime(2017,1,9,14,57)]})
I can match these together:
# Define an Extra Margin
M = dt.timedelta(days = 10)
df_A["A1X"] = df_A["A1"] + M
df_A["A2X"] = df_A["A2"] - M
# Match
Bv = df_B .B .values
A1 = df_A .A1X.values
A2 = df_A .A2X.values
i, j = np.where((Bv[:, None] >= A1) & (Bv[:, None] <= A2))
df_C = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack([df_B .values[i], df_A .values[j]]),
columns = df_B .columns .append (df_A.columns))
I would like to find the time difference between each time period and the time instant matched to it. I mean that
if B is between A1 and A2
then dT = 0
I've tried doing it like this:
# Calculate dt
def time(A1,A2,B):
if df_C["B"] < df_C["A1"]:
return df_C["A1"].subtract(df_C["B"])
elif df_C["B"] > df_C["A2"]:
return df_C["B"].subtract(df_C["A2"])
return 0
df_C['dt'] = df_C.apply(time)
I'm getting "ValueError: Cannot set a frame with no defined index and a value that cannot be converted to a Series"
So, I found two fixes:
You are adding M to the lower value and subtracting from the higher one. Change it to:
df_A['A1X'] = df_A['A1'] - M
df_A['A2X'] = df_A['A2'] + M
You are only passing one row of your dataframe at a time to your time function, so it should be something like:
def time(row):
if row['B'] < row['A1']:
return row['A1'] - row['B']
elif row['B'] > row['A2']:
return row['B'] - row['A2']
return 0
And then you can call it like this:
df_C['dt'] = df_C.apply(time, axis=1) :)
In the below code, the dataframe df5 is not getting populated. I am just assigning the values to dataframe's columns and I have specified the column beforehand. When I print the dataframe, it returns an empty dataframe. Not sure whether I am missing something.
Any help would be appreciated.
import math
import pandas as pd
columns = ['ClosestLat','ClosestLong']
df5 = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
def distance(pt1, pt2):
return math.sqrt((pt1[0] - pt2[0])**2 + (pt1[1] - pt2[1])**2)
for pt1 in df1:
closestPoints = [pt1, df2[0]]
for pt2 in df2:
if distance(pt1, pt2) < distance(closestPoints[0], closestPoints[1]):
closestPoints = [pt1, pt2]
df5['ClosestLat'] = closestPoints[1][0]
df5['ClosestLat'] = closestPoints[1][0]
df5['ClosestLong'] = closestPoints[1][1]
print ("Point: " + str(closestPoints[0]) + " is closest to " + str(closestPoints[1]))
From the look of your code, you're trying to populate df5 with a list of latitudes and longitudes. However, you're making a couple mistakes.
The columns of pandas dataframes are Series, and hold some type of sequential data. So df5['ClosestLat'] = closestPoints[1][0] attempts to assign the entire column a single numerical value, and results in an empty column.
Even if the dataframe wasn't ignoring your attempts to assign a real number to the column, you would lose data because you are overwriting the column with each loop.
The Solution: Build a list of lats and longs, then insert into the dataframe.
import math
import pandas as pd
columns = ['ClosestLat','ClosestLong']
df5 = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
def distance(pt1, pt2):
return math.sqrt((pt1[0] - pt2[0])**2 + (pt1[1] - pt2[1])**2)
lats, lngs = [], []
for pt1 in df1:
closestPoints = [pt1, df2[0]]
for pt2 in df2:
if distance(pt1, pt2) < distance(closestPoints[0], closestPoints[1]):
closestPoints = [pt1, pt2]
df['ClosestLat'] = pd.Series(lats)
df['ClosestLong'] = pd.Series(lngs)