Trouble with Cypress Upload files, name repetition - variables

I'm relatively new into Cypress (Java S) so I've created a some code to check on an upload feature of a particular system. Work just fine, the issue I'm facing now is, due the scanning process the system has, when a file with an used name is re-uploaded will give an error (rightfully doing so). My question, having the following code, what is the best approach to add a "name generator" for the files?.
cy.log('File Upload');
const validfile = ('pic.jpg');
Thanks in advance.
Ps: using cypress-file-upload

You can use some random number generator and add in your code. So it will not be same e.g.
const uuid = () => Cypress._.random(0, 1e6)
const id = uuid()
const validfile = (`pic.jpg${id}`)
cy.log('File Upload')
Or create a custom command for that purpose and use it


way to use 'lowdb' in 'express'

Recently, I am trying to make a web page using express, and I am trying to manage login session information and bulletin board data through lowdb.
But when I try to generate and run the code that requires lowdb and controls lowdb,
There is a error with the require syntax with the err_code 'ERR_REQUIRE_ESM'.
When I googled it, it said that it was a syntax compatibility problem between commonjs and ESM, so do I have to convert all other codes to ESM because of one lowdb?
The code below is the code I made to control lowdb.
var low = require('lowdb');
var FileSync = require('lowdb/adapters/FileSync');
var adapter = new FileSync('db.json');
var db = low(adapter);
db.defaults({users:[], topics:[]}).write();
module.exports = db;
I don't want to convert the whole code to ESM because of lowdb, I want to use lowdb through commonjs. Or is there any other good way to handle local db via json file like lowdb?
Use lowdb#1.0.0 and it will work.
npm i lowdb#1.0.0

Problem with Prefix in Discord.js (including .toUpperCase())

Basically, I've been developing a bot for several weeks now using the discord.js library and recently encountered a small but crucial issue. Essentially when I declare my argument, I also made it so that the message content (message.content) would be capitalized using .toUpperCase(). Essentially in doing so regardless of the type of prefix you would enter (symbol wise) it would all be read by the program as valid.
For example only: !help - should work, however if I would enter .help, it would also be read as valid.
In any case, here's the code. I appreciate all the help!
bot.on('message', message =>{
let args = message.content.toUpperCase().substring(PREFIX.length).split(" ");
const sender = message.member;
case 'HELP':
message.reply("I've sent you some documentation on all the commands that you can use...").then(d_msg => {d_msg.delete(3000); });
const attachment = new Attachment('./UtilityBot_Documentation.txt')'[Education] Bot - Documentation');;
The discord.js tutorial covers an extremely similar problem to what you're trying to do. I recommend you check it out. The page I linked in specific is doing a very similar thing to you, but it's worth giving the whole thing a read through if you haven't done so already. In general, I would include the following line just above where you established args.
if (!message.content.startsWith(PREFIX)) return;
What I'm doing here is saying if the message does not start with the prefix, stop running until a new message is sent. I might be missing something, but certainly check out the tutorial. It's really well written.

generating table from *.geojson

I'm generating a HTML-table with data from a geojson-file using leaflet. It works fine, but only if I do not delete the "alert" from the following code. Otherwise the data are displaied without table. How to solve this?
$.ajax({url:"wind.geojson"}).done(function(data) {
var data = JSON.parse(data);
{pointToLayer: MarkerStyle1});
function MarkerStyle1 (feature,latlng) {
document.writeln ("<td width='40'><div align='center'>" ,, "</div></td>\n");
I do not see any possibility here to upload a file, it's 200kb. It's to find here: 1 The file works well, when I show the objects on a map.
2 shows on older version of the site, where the table is generated with php (done by a friend, I do not use php).
Perhaps it is a problem, that I do not have a "map", no "map.addLayer()" in this code!?
I now realized that the problem is caused by the asynchronous working of AJAX. I changed the code to
$.ajax({url:"wind.geojson", async: false})
Now it is working without the "alert()"-line!

How do I generate the variation file for all assets

I'm new to Akeneo, and I discovered profile configuration for assets.
So I imported my YML in order to add asset transformations, and now, cli based, I can't find a command that allows me to generate the variation file for all assets. I saw the command to do that asset by asset and channel by channel, but I need to do that for all of them.
Do you know how I can manage to do that ? I already tried pim:asset:generate-missing-variation-files but that didn't change anything
There is no built-in command to do that, however you could develop a very simple command to achieve this.
You can use the pimee_product_asset.finder.asset service to call retrieveVariationsNotGenerated() in order to retrieve every variation that are not yet genreated, then finally use the pimee_product_asset.variation_file_generator to generate the variation with generate().
Not tested code, but this would be like that:
$finder = $this->get('pimee_product_asset.finder.asset');
$generator = $this->get('pimee_product_asset.variation_file_generator');
$variations = $finder->retrieveVariationsNotGenerated();
foreach ($variations as $variation) {

Is it possible to use dojo/text! in an Intern functional test?

Is it possible to use "dojo/text!" in an Intern functional test?
I am able to setup my test page as a JSON string, but ideally I'd like to externalise the string in a file for ease of editing. I'm just getting started with Intern at the moment so I'm just experimenting with what's possible, but here is the start of my test code).
This works with the commented "testData" variable used, but is currently failing when I try to provide the same String by the dojo/text! statement.
], function (registerSuite, assert, PageConfig, require) {
name: 'firstTest',
'greeting form': function () {
var testData = PageConfig;
// var testData = '{"widgets":[{"name":"alfresco/menus/AlfMenuBar","config":{"widgets":[{"name":"alfresco/menus/AlfMenuBarPopup","config":{"id":"DD1","label":"Drop-Down","iconClass":"alf-configure-icon","widgets":[{"name":"alfresco/menus/AlfMenuGroup","config":{"label":"Group 1","widgets":[{"name":"alfresco/menus/AlfMenuItem","config":{"label":"Item 1","iconClass":"alf-user-icon"}},{"name":"alfresco/menus/AlfMenuItem","config":{"label":"Item 2","iconClass":"alf-password-icon"}}]}},{"name":"alfresco/menus/AlfMenuGroup","config":{"label":"Group 2","widgets":[{"name":"alfresco/menus/AlfMenuItem","config":{"label":"Item 3","iconClass":"alf-help-icon"}}]}}]}}]}}]}';
var testPage = 'http://localhost:8081/share/page/tp/ws/unittest?testdata=';
return this.remote
.get(testPage + testData)
.waitForElementByCssSelector('.alfresco-core-Page.allWidgetsProcessed', 5000)
The error I'm getting is this:
throw new Error('Failed to load module ' + module.mid + ' from ' + url +
Error: Failed to load module dojo/text from /home/dave/ScratchPad/ShareInternTests/dojo/text.js (parent: dojo/text!17!*)
at /home/dave/ScratchPad/ShareInternTests/node_modules/intern/node_modules/dojo/dojo.js:742:12
at fs.js:207:20
at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:107:15)
I've tried playing around with the loader/package/map configuration but without any success. It's not clear (to me at least) from the error message whether or not it can't find the file I'm passing to dojo/text (but I've tried full as well as relative paths) or the Dojo module itself ?
I'd just like to confirm that what I'm attempting is possible, before I spend any more time with this... but obviously any solution or example would be greatly appreciated!!
Many thanks,
To your specific error: You need to install Dojo for your own project if you want to use it. You are trying to load a module that does not exist. You may also try using the copy that comes with Intern, by loading modules from intern/dojo, but this isn’t recommended if you don’t understand the potential caveats of loading this internal library.
To using dojo/text in a functional test, generally: This is not currently possible unless you use the Geezer branch or explicitly use the Dojo 1 loader, because that module relies on functionality that is only exposed by the Dojo 1 loader when running in Node.js. A different text loader module that is fully generic would work, or you could load intern/dojo/node!fs and load the text yourself. This will be addressed in the future.
I just came across the same issue and for me this worked:
], function (declare, base) {
Seems as if Sitepen has included this in the meantime...