When the target is set as lib, vue cli service produces both umd.js and common.js. Can I configure it generate only umd.js?
I have a few subprojects defined in wrap files in the subprojects directory and declared in the meson.build file. Unfortunately I am forced to have some of the subprojects installed on my host system. Meson by default checks if a subproject is installed in the host os filesystem then eventually downloads and builds the subproject if it is unavailable. How to force meson to not use system libraries/headers but to always download/build subprojects independently in own build directory and link it during compilation?
url = https://github.com/bar/xyz.git
revision = HEAD
xyz = xyz_dep
xyz = dependency('xyz')
deps = [
executable(foo, dependencies: deps)
You can force a dependency to fallback to its local subprojects version using --force-fallback-for=<dependency_name> during meson setup ....
For example, I have SDL2 installed as a system package, but I can use the WrapDB version with the following command:
meson setup build --force-fallback-for=sdl2
You can also force fallback of all dependencies with -Dwrap_mode=forcefallback.
See meson options : https://mesonbuild.com/Builtin-options.html#core-options
I'm using Meson custom_target() to build a 3rd party foobar library:
foobar_ct = custom_target('foobar_build',
command: `script.sh`,
output: 'foobar.a')
The custom target calls my script, which in turn calls Make to use existing Makefiles to build the lib. The custom_target() is used as a subproject, and the resulting output file ends up located at ./subprojects/foobar/foobar.a.
When I try to link with it
foobar_dep = dependency('foobar', fallback:...)
exe = executable(
dependencies: [foobar_dep]
Meson gives me error:
builddir/subprojects/foobar/foobar.a: No such file or directory
How would I link with the foobar.a? Meson expects it at the build directory ./builddir/subprojects/foobar/foobar.a - would it be a proper solution just to add a copy step to my script which would copy foobar.a from the place where Make built it, into the builddir?
We are converting a large Makefile based project to a CMake based system. I have numerous dependencies that I need to build prior to building our code. The first three dependencies are build using the following:
expat has it's own CMakeLists.txt file and build with no problems. I would like to force expat to install to the staging directory before continuing. For libuuid I am using a ExternalProject_Add and as part of that process it does install into the staging directory.
Then when I build log4c, which needs expat, I can point it to the location of expat. Otherwise I would need to someone get access to the absolutely path for the temporary build location of expat.
I've tried to add the following after add_subdirectory:
Unfortunately CMake will not run expat's install code. How do I force expat to install after building but before it builds the rest of the project?
This looks like the primary use case for ExternalProject_Add, which is best used as a superbuild setup. This means that your top-level project (the "superbuild") does not build any actual code and instead consists only of ExternalProject_Add calls. Your "real" project is added as one of these "external" projects. This allows you to set up the superbuild with all dependencies, ordering, etc.
The workflow is then as follows:
Generate the superbuild project.
Build the superbuild project. This will build and install all dependencies, and also generate (and build) your real project.
Switch to the buildsystem generated for your real project and start doing further development using that. Your dependencies are already correctly set up and installed by the build of the superbuild project in the previous step.
I use the ExtrenalProject cmake module to add 3rd party or internal dependencies to my build. I then use the CPack module with components to install only components from the current code base in the following manner.
An example of one of these components declared in CMake is:
install(TARGETS common
COMPONENT common-lib
However, other projects added using add_subdirectory such as google test or other internal libraries also declare install targets. When I run
make package
and then list the contents of the .deb or .tar generated, I see the contents of other components not set in the CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL variable.
What is the proper way to get CMake and CPack to only install the components requested?
You can just add the argument EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL to the end of the add_subdirectory() call. This will essentially disable all of the include() calls made in the added subdirectories.
I try to build the webrtc project. It is too big. The ninja file is generated for whole project. How could I just build a single libjingle_peerconnection lib ?
After running the hooks (ie. gclient sync) to setup the directories, you can compile the libs you want by running something like,
ninja -C ./out <libjingle libs>
You can also create your own separate .gyp file to build a static lib that has the libjingle libs as direct dependencies, that way you will just have to build that single lib that will link the libjingle libs.