I have replied to a review of an app in Google Play Store. After replying, Google Play Console only shows me the options to edit the replay, but no option to delete. Is there a way to delete it?
Whit I did is
1 change the keyboard language of my phone to Arabic
2 any reply i want to delete i edit it by add a special Arabic character
The reply will still there but it will be empty
Here's the deal.
I need to check if our Platform supports payments over 1000000 currency via Google Play Store.
When I try to change the country in Account settings, Google asks for that country's payment method (Credit card). I don't have access to Vietnamese test cards and the ones from card generator don't work (obviously). Any ideas on how I can skip adding a payment method? The account is used only for Sandbox testing purposes.
Check out this Page from the Google Play Support Page if you encounter a similar Problem.
Also, you can't change the country for an existing payments profile. Hence, you need to create a new payments profile to add/associate it with a new/another country:
Sign in to Settings.
Under Payments profile, click the pencil icon next to Country.
Click the link to Create new profile from the message that appears.
Click Continue from the next message that appears.
From the drop-down list, choose the country to associate with the payments profile you're creating.
Enter the address information and click Submit.
After that you'll be seeing an option "Close" at the bottom part of the selection where you need to close the payments account under your previous location.`
I have uploaded my application to the playstore. My application has 3 letters called "xxx" (I can not put the name), and although it is published I can not find it when writing its name. It's been 3 days since I did it. Where can I customize the word or words I would like for users to find it?
You can change the app's name (Launcher App Label) by renaming the android:label inside application node:
or based from SO post:
Open your developer account.
Select your app that you want to change the name.
Find the Store Listing in the dropdown and click it.
Change title and submit update.
Note: After submit it will take time to update your info in Playstore (in 24 hours)
According to official Whatsapp documenttion, if you want to make a clickable html link that triggers a new chat window in Whatsapp, regardless of (1) the destination phone number being in your contacts or not and (2) of OS (works in Web, iOS and Android), all you have to do is create a link like this:
Click here to open Whatsapp
In Google Chrome / MacOs, if I have Whatsapp Desktop installed, as soon as I click that link, I get a new tab (due to target = blank) with an Whatsapp web page containing a button 'Click here to chat', but Whatsapp Desktop imediatelly intercepts the link and comes to the foreground and creates a new chat with that phone number. That's the behavior I'm hoping for.
On Google Chrome Windows, on the other hand, Whatsapp Desktop doesn't intercept the link, so Whatsapp's web page just sits there waiting for me to click the button. The problem is that every time you click the button, you have to wait for the full Whatsapp WEB (not desktop) to load, which takes forever, specially if use this feature all the time.
I tried using whatsapp:// syntax but it doesn't work in Windows (does nothing when clicked), and in MacOs it triggers Whatsapp Desktop but errors out unless you have that contact in your contact list already (api.whatsapp.com doesn't have this limitation).
In short: any way to make a clickable link that, on Chrome/Windows, will trigger Whatsapp Desktop instead of forcing the user to load (every time) whatsapp web?
Building on Anand's answer, here is a reg file that adds the necessary entries.
Note: Be sure to replace YOUR_USERNAME_HERE with, um, your real Windows user-name:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"URL Protocol"=""
#="\"C:\\Users\\YOUR_USERNAME_HERE\\AppData\\Local\\WhatsApp\\WhatsApp.exe\" %1"
Taking cue from Rovann Linhalis's answer, following settings worked for me in Windows 10 Pro 1809 with WhatsApp Desktop Installed
In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT create new key whatsapp
Then in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\whatsapp change default string value to URL:whatsapp
In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\whatsapp add new string value with value name URL Protocol and value data empty
New Key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\whatsapp with name shell
In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\whatsapp\shell change default string value to open
New Key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\whatsapp\shell with name Open
New Key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\whatsapp\shell\Open with name command
In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\whatsapp\shell\Open\command change default string value to
"C:\Users\{YOUR-PC-USERNAME}\AppData\Local\WhatsApp\WhatsApp.exe" %1
Make sure to replace placeholder {YOUR-PC-USERNAME} with your username.
Example whatsapp://send/?phone=+{countryCode}{mobileNumber}&text=HELLO%20WORLD
To open whatsapp: // in windows, just add the following registry:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"URL Protocol"=""
#="\"C:\\Users\\[USERNAME]\\AppData\\Local\\WhatsApp\\WhatsApp.exe\" \"%1\""
but I still have trouble starting a conversation after the last update.
I am developing a dialer application in XCode. In my application there is a button to pickup phone numbers from AddressBook. When a user click on that button I need to open the original iOS AddressBook and the user must be able to select a contact. If the contact has multiple numbers saved, the user should be able to select the number he need. After selection the number should be displayed in a UITextField. I have seen the same option in Skype Application.
Thanks in advance.
This is not possible to my knowledge. You'll have to fetch the contacts yourself and present them. My guess is that the apps you have seen that you think does this is simply just skinning the views as in the iOS Contacts app.
Have a look at https://github.com/Alterplay/APAddressBook for a convenient and easy-to-use wrapper around the Contacts API.