Hwo to convert Flux<Item> to List<Item> by blocking - spring-webflux

I have a legacy application where I need to return a List<Item>
There are many different Service classes each belonging to an ItemType.
Each service class calls a few different backend APIs and collects the responses to create a SubType of the Item.
So we can say, each service class implementation returns an Item
All backend API access code is using WebClient which returns Mono of some type, and I can zip all Mono within the service to create an Item
The user should be able to look up many different types of items in one call. This requires many backend calls
So for performance sake, I wanted to make this all asynchronous using reactor, so I introduced Spring Reactive code.
If my endpoint had to return Flux<Item> then this code work fine,
But this is some service code which is used by other legacy code caller.
So eventually I want to return the List<Item> but When I try to convert my Flux into the List I get an error
"message": "block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() are blocking,
which is not supported in thread reactor-http-nio-3",
Here is the service, which is calling a few other service classes.
Flux<Item> itemFlux = Flux.fromIterable(searchRequestByItemType.entrySet())
.flatMap(e ->
Mono<List<Item>> listMono = itemFlux
.block(); //This line throws error
Here is what the above service is calling
default Flux<Item> searchItems(List<SingleItemSearchRequest> requests) {
return Flux.fromIterable(requests)
Here is what a single-item search is which is used by above
public Mono<Item> searchItem(SingleItemSearchRequest sisr) {
return Mono.zip(backendApi.getItemANameApi(sisr.getItemIdentifiers().getItemId()),
.map(tuple3 -> Item.builder()
Sample project to replicate the problem..
I’m new to spring reactor, feel free to pinpoint ALL errors in the code.
As per Patrick Hooijer Bonus suggestion, updating the Mono.zip entries to always contain some default.
public Mono<Item> searchItem(SingleItemSearchRequest sisr) {
System.out.println("\t\tInside " + supportedItem() + " searchItem with thread " + Thread.currentThread().toString());
//TODO: how to make these XXX YYY calls conditionals In clear way?
return Mono.zip(getNameDetails(sisr).defaultIfEmpty("Default Name"),
getXXXDetails(sisr).defaultIfEmpty("Default XXX Details"),
getYYYDetails(sisr).defaultIfEmpty("Default YYY Details"))
.map(tuple3 -> Item.builder()
private Mono<String> getNameDetails(SingleItemSearchRequest sisr) {
return mockBackendApi.getItemCNameApi(sisr.getItemIdentifiers().getItemId());
private Mono<String> getYYYDetails(SingleItemSearchRequest sisr) {
return sisr.isAddYYYDetails()
? mockBackendApi.getItemCYYYApi(sisr.getItemIdentifiers().getItemId())
: Mono.empty();
private Mono<String> getXXXDetails(SingleItemSearchRequest sisr) {
return sisr.isAddXXXDetails()
? mockBackendApi.getItemCXXXApi(sisr.getItemIdentifiers().getItemId())
: Mono.empty();

Edit: Below answer does not solve the issue, but it contains useful information about Thread switching. It does not work because .block() is no problem for non-blocking Schedulers if it's used to switch to synchronous code.
This is because the block operator inherited the reactor-http-nio-3 Thread from backendApi.getItemANameApi (or one of the other calls in Mono.zip), which is non-blocking.
Most operators continue working on the Thread on which the previous operator executed, this is because the Thread is linked to the emitted item. There are two groups of operators where the Thread of the output item differs from the input:
flatMap, concatMap, zip, etc: Operators that emit items from other Publishers will keep the Thread link they received from this inner Publisher, not from the input.
Time based operators like delayElements, interval, buffer(Duration), etc. will schedule their tasks on the provided Scheduler, or Schedulers.parallel() if none provided. The emitted items will then be linked to the Thread the task was scheduled on.
In your case, Mono.zip emits items from backendApi.getItemANameApi linked to reactor-http-nio-3, which gets propagated downstream, goes outside both the flatMap in searchItems and in itemFlux, until it reaches your block operator.
You can solve this by placing a .publishOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic()), either in searchItem, searchItems or itemFlux. This will cause the item to switch to a Thread in the provided Scheduler.
Bonus: Since you requested to pinpoint errors: Your Mono.zip will not work if sisr.isAddXXXDetails() is false, as Mono.zip discards any element it could not zip. Since you return a Mono.empty() in that case, no items can be zipped and it will return an empty Mono.

If we have only spring-boot-starter-webflux defined as application dependency, then springbok spin up a `Netty server.
One is not expected to block() in a reactive application using a non-blocking server.
However, once we add spring-boot-starter-web dependency then even with the presence of spring-boot-starter-webflux, springboot spinup a tomcat server. Which is a thread-per-request model and is expected to have blocking calls
So to solve my problem, all I had to do above is, to add spring-boot-starter-web dependency in pom.xml. After that applications is started in Tomcat
with timcat .collectList().block() works in Controller class to return the List<Item>.
Whereas with the Netty server I could return only Flux<Item> not List<Item>, which is expected.


Quarkus: execute parallel unis

In a quarkus / kotlin application, I want to start multiple database requests concurrently. I am new at quarkys and I am not sure if I am doing things right:
val uni1 = Uni.createFrom().item(repo1).onItem().apply { it.request() }
val uni2 = Uni.createFrom().item(repo2).onItem().apply { it.request() }
return Uni.combine().all()
.unis(uni1, uni2)
.apply { tuple ->
Result(tuple.item1, tuple.item2) }
Will the request() really be made in parallel? Is it the right way to do it in quarkus?
Yes, your code is right.
Uni.combine().all() runs all the passed Unis concurrently. You will get the tuple (containing the individual results) when all the Unis have completed (emitted a result).
From your code, you may remove the tuple step and use combineWith instead.
Finally, note that the await().indefinitely() blocks the caller thread, forever if one of the Uni does not complete (for whatever reason). I strongly recommend using await().atMost(...)

Spring data - webflux - Chaining requests

i use reactive Mongo Drivers and Web Flux dependancies
I have a code like below.
public Mono<Employee> editEmployee(EmployeeEditRequest employeeEditRequest) {
return employeeRepository.findById(employeeEditRequest.getId())
.map(employee -> {
BeanUtils.copyProperties(employeeEditRequest, employee);
return employeeRepository.save(employee)
Employee Repository has the following code
Mono<Employee> findById(String employeeId)
Does the thread actually block when findById is called? I understand the portion within map actually blocks the thread.
if it blocks, how can I make this code completely reactive?
Also, in this reactive paradigm of writing code, how do I handle that given employee is not found?
Yes, map is a blocking and synchronous operation for which time taken is always going to be deterministic.
Map should be used when you want to do the transformation of an object /data in fixed time. The operations which are done synchronously. eg your BeanUtils copy properties operation.
FlatMap should be used for non-blocking operations, or in short anything which returns back Mono,Flux.
"how do I handle that given employee is not found?" -
findById returns empty mono when not found. So we can use switchIfEmpty here.
Now let's come to what changes you can make to your code:
public Mono<Employee> editEmployee(EmployeeEditRequest employeeEditRequest) {
return employeeRepository.findById(employeeEditRequest.getId())
.switchIfEmpty(Mono.defer(() -> {
//do something
.map(employee -> {
BeanUtils.copyProperties(employeeEditRequest, employee);
return employee;
.flatMap(employee -> employeeRepository.save(employee));

Concept of vert.x concerning a webserver?

I don't quite get how vert.x is applied for a webserver.
The concept I know for webserver is the thread-based one.
You start your webserver, which then is running.
Then for every client that connects, you get a socket, which is then passed to its own thread handler.
The thread handler then processes the tasks for this specific socket.
So it is clearly defined which thread is doing the work for which socket.
However for every socket you need a new thread, which is expensive in the long run for many sockets.
Then there is the event-based concept that vert.x supplies.
So far I have understood, it should work anyhow like this:
The Vertx instance deploys Verticles.
Verticles run in background threads, but not every Verticle has its own thread. As an example there could be 1000 verticles deployed in a Vertx instance, but the Vertx instance handles only 8 threads (nr of cores * 2).
Then there are the event loops. I'm not sure how they refer to verticles. I've read that every verticle has 2 event loops, but don't really know how that works.
As a webserver example:
class WebServer: AbstractVerticle() {
lateinit var server: HttpServer
override fun start() {
server = vertx.createHttpServer(HttpServerOptions().setPort(1234).setHost("localhost"))
var router = Router.router(vertx);
router.route("/test").handler { routingContext ->
var response = routingContext.response();
response.end("Hello from my first HttpServer")
This WebServer can be deployed multiple times in a Vertx instance. And as it seems, each WebServer instance gets its own thread. When I try to connect 100 Clients and reply with a simple response, it seems like each Client is handled synchronously. Because when I do a Thread.sleep statement in each server handler, then the every second one client gets a response. However it should be that all server handlers should start their 1 second sleep and then almost identically reply to all clients after this time.
This is the code to start 100 clients:
fun main(){
Vertx.vertx().deployVerticle(object : AbstractVerticle(){
override fun start() {
for(i in 0 .. 100)
class MyWebClient(val vertx: Vertx) {
init {
println("Client starting ...")
val webClient = WebClient.create(vertx, WebClientOptions().setDefaultPort(1234).setDefaultHost("localhost"))
webClient.get("/test").send { ar ->
val response: HttpResponse<Buffer> = ar.result()
println("Received response with status code ${response.statusCode()} + ${response.body()}")
} else {
println("Something went wrong " + ar.cause().message)
Does anybody know an explanation for this?
There are some major issues there.
When you do this:
class WebServer: AbstractVerticle() {
lateinit var server: HttpServer
override fun start() {
server = vertx.createHttpServer(HttpServerOptions().setPort(1234).setHost("localhost"))
Then something like this:
vertx.deployVerticle(WebServer::class.java.name, DeploymentOptions().setInstances(4)
You'll get 4 verticles, but only single one of them will actually listen on the port. So, you're not getting any more concurrency.
Second, when you use Thread.sleep in your Vert.x code, you're blocking the event loop thread.
Third, your test with client is incorrect. Creation of a WebClient is very expensive, so by creating those one after the other, you're actually issuing requests very slowly. If you really want to test your web application, use something like https://github.com/wg/wrk
The issue with your code is that by default Vert.x only uses a maximum of one thread per verticle (if there are more verticles than available threads, a single thread has to handle multiple verticles).
Therefore, if you perform 100 requests against a single instance of a single verticle, the requests are processed by a single thread.
To solve your issue, you should deploy multiple instances of your verticle, i.e.
vertx.deployVerticle(MainVerticle::class.java.name, DeploymentOptions().setInstances(4))
when doing that, always 4 responses will be received at nearly the same time, because 4 instances of the verticle are running and thus 4 threads are utilized.
In previous versions of Vert.x, you could also simply configure multi-threading for a verticle if you didn't want to set a specific amount of instances.
vertx.deployVerticle(MainVerticle::class.java.name, DeploymentOptions().setWorker(true).setMultiThreaded(true))
However, this feature has been deprecated and replaced with customer worker pools.
For more information concerning this topic, I encourage you to take a look at the Vert.x-core Kotlin documentation

How to wait for IAsyncOperation to finish using C++ WRL?

I am writing code to consume WinRT API on Windows 10 using C++ WRL (i.e. without using either C++/CX or C++/CLI). I am using GetAppListEntriesAsync() from Package class to get names of UWP applications installed on a system. GetAppListEntriesAsync() calls a callback method asynchronously. I want to wait till all such asynchronous methods have finished. Unlike C++/CX WRL doesn't have any await keyword to wait on asynchronous tasks.
The following code is used to get the list.
ComPtr<ABI::Windows::Foundation::__FIAsyncOperation_1___FIVectorView_1_Windows__CApplicationModel__CCore__CAppListEntry_t> operation;
package3 is pointer to type ABI::Windows::ApplicationModel::IPackage3:-
ComPtr<ABI::Windows::ApplicationModel::IPackage3> package3;
I invoke the asynchronous operation as follows.
Where cb holds reference to callback function that GetAppListEntriesAsync() calls asynchronously. (see update2)
There are several such asynchronous operations which are invoked. I want to run a piece of code which should run only after all such asynchronous callbacks have completed. C++/CX has await keyword for doing a wait on asynchronous tasks.
How should I do the same using WRL C++?
I tried using WaitForSingleObject() but it doesn't seem to work.
A very brute approach would be to keep checking status of every asynchronous operation in a while loop.
ComPtr<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo> ai;
while (true)
if (status == Started)
I am not sure if this is guaranteed to work, or whether if it will incur performance penalty. The COM apartment type for my code is APTTYPE_STA (note sure if this piece of information is relevant to the question; I wanted to set is to RO_INIT_MULTITHREADED but RoInitialize() fails, however WRL code seems to be working fine).
Here is how cb (callback) is implemented.
auto cb = wrl::Callback<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationCompletedHandler<ABI::Windows::Foundation::Collections::__FIVectorView_1_Windows__CApplicationModel__CCore__CAppListEntry_t *>>(
[](ABI::Windows::Foundation::__FIAsyncOperation_1___FIVectorView_1_Windows__CApplicationModel__CCore__CAppListEntry_t * ppp, AsyncStatus status) -> HRESULT
<do something in callback>;
Trying to implement IAgileObject.
To make my callback implement IAgileObject I will have to use Implements<> WRL template class. so callback would be something like auto cb = Callback<Implements<IAgileObject,...>> but the problem is that IAsyncOperationCompletedHandler<ABI::Windows::Foundation::Collections::__FIVectorView_1_Windows__CApplicationModel__CCore__CAppListEntry_t *> doesn't derive from IInspectable, hence using Implements on that :-
Callback<Implements<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationCompletedHandler<ABI::Windows::Foundation::Collections::__FIVectorView_1_Windows__CApplicationModel__CCore__CAppListEntry_t *>,IAgileObject>> gives the following error (Visual Studio 2017).
Error C2338 'I' has to derive from 'IWeakReference', 'IWeakReferenceSource' or 'IInspectable' AsyncTask c:\sw\tools\sdk\winsdk\win10\include\winrt\wrl\implements.h 413

How can I encapsulate the session/transaction acquisition into the lazy-init of relations in Squeryl?

I am trying to implement a One-To-Many relation using Squeryl, and following the instructions on their site.
The documentation gives the following example:
object SchoolDb extends Schema {
val courses = table[Course]
val subjects = table[Subject]
val subjectToCourses =
oneToManyRelation(subjects, courses).
via((s,c) => s.id === c.subjectId)
class Course(val subjectId: Long) extends SchoolDb2Object {
lazy val subject: ManyToOne[Subject] = SchoolDb.subjectToCourses.right(this)
class Subject(val name: String) extends SchoolDb2Object {
lazy val courses: OneToMany[Course] = SchoolDb.subjectToCourses.left(this)
I find that any calls to Course.subject or Subject.courses needs to be wrapped in a transaction. However, One of my goals in using an ORM is to hide these details from callers. As such, I don't want the calling code to have to wrap a call to these fields in a transaction.
It seems that if I modify the example to wrap the lazy init function in a transaction, like so:
class Subject(val name: String) extends SchoolDb2Object {
lazy val courses: OneToMany[Course] = {
inTransaction {
I get the following exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: no session is bound to current thread, a session must be created via Session.create
and bound to the thread via 'work' or 'bindToCurrentThread'
at scala.Predef$.error(Predef.scala:58)
at org.squeryl.Session$$anonfun$currentSession$1.apply(Session.scala:111)
at org.squeryl.Session$$anonfun$currentSession$1.apply(Session.scala:111)
at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:104)
at org.squeryl.Session$.currentSession(Session.scala:110)
at org.squeryl.dsl.AbstractQuery.org$squeryl$dsl$AbstractQuery$$_dbAdapter(AbstractQuery.scala:116)
at org.squeryl.dsl.AbstractQuery$$anon$1.<init>(AbstractQuery.scala:120)
at org.squeryl.dsl.AbstractQuery.iterator(AbstractQuery.scala:118)
at org.squeryl.dsl.DelegateQuery.iterator(DelegateQuery.scala:9)
But, like I said, if I wrap the caller in a transaction, then everything works.
So, how can I encapsulate the fact that this object is backed by a database in the object itself?
I assume you get this error in calls on the courses object?
I don't know very much about how Squeryl works, but I believe that the OneToMany[Course] is a live object. That means that the calls on the courses object need a session since any call may lazily go to the database to fetch data.
How you organise this depends on what type of application you use. In a web application it often makes sense to add a filter (first point of entry) to start and stop the transaction. In a GUI client, say a swing application, it's a good solution to start the transaction at the point where you receive the user interaction. That way you get transactions that are not to long and also stretches over calls which you expect to be performed atomically (either fully or not at all).