Telegraf.js store text into user's input field - telegram-bot

I'm interested in is it possible to put some text into user's input field in telegram?
Like, you press some button or send a command and bot adds some text template into your input field.
Template example:


Create multi-line input

We have a custom macro set up in our (health service) CRM which lets us send ad hoc text messages to clients.
It opens as a one line input box, with options for 'OK' and 'Cancel'.
We often send long-ish messages and it's painful not being able to see what you have written all at once.
I've found the code that includes the title of the input box and the prompt next to the field where you type:
set msgEntryDlg = CreateDialog("Adhoc SMS")
set msgTxtCtl = msgEntryDlg.AddControl("SMS Message: ",2, "")
Is there something I can add to this to force it to show a bigger/multi-line input box?

ionic 4 create dynamic Multi step Form from Json

have to create multi step signup form from api response( JSON )
form can contain upto 3 pages and should support text field, select box and checkbox group.
The form should support the following validations.
a. Required
b. Regex(Input should match the regex configured in json.)
c. min and max value(text field only)
Each page should have a front and back button at the bottom and final page should contain submit page.
When the next button is clicked, all the fields in the page should be validated. If there are any errors, they should be highlighted.
If not, user should be taken to the next page. When submit is clicked, the value of all the form fields should be collected as a key value pair and sent to the service for processing.

dojo form submit on change of value

I have a dojo table container embedded within dojo form. I'm able to validate all dijits like textbox, combobox etc and submit the form. But what I need is, submit the form only when a value is changed i.e. if a textbox value is changed, submit the form else don't.
Add a hidden text input field which is empty while loading page. Then After you make a change in your text field check the content in the hidden text field and your respective text field if they are same then don't submit the form.
Dojo input fields maintain the original value in the private attribute of '_resetValue'. Before submitting the form, you can check whether _resetValue is different from .get('value') and submit the data..
If all the attributes are under the Table container, you can fetch the children of the table containers and verify using array.every() function..
var unmodified = array.every(container.getChildren(), function(widget){
return widget._resetValue == widget.get('value');

Visual Basic read, split, modify .txt file

I'm using visual basic 2010 and im a new user. I have my project called mini database.
I want to export and display my text file in my program.
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I have my 3 columns table and i want an unlimited rows. The rows and depends on how many lines are there in the text file.
The first column a text box, which i can modify what i like to enter on it.
The second column is a combo box which i can select if it is working or not.
And the third column is also a textbox which i can type the name of a user.
Please help me to have my project. Thank you stackoverflow!
Make a form with a textbox, combo box, and a second textbox.
Add a command button to save the data, one to show data, and possibly one to cancel and one to exit.
Fill the combobox with the appropriate items.
In the click handler for the save button, write the data to a file with "append".
The show data button can read the file display the text in a multiline text box or rich text box.

SAS EG dynamic text field

is there a text field control in SAS EG ?
how can i set the selected prompt value ( parameter) into a text field(header is ok too) that will show in the report?
sorry , im new in SAS , so those term im using might not be the correct one.
It is possible to add prompted value to a header.
First go to the Prompt Manager under View menu
Click Add to create a new prompt
Give your prompt a name eg. HeaderText and a display text like Text to display in report header. In the second tab, make sure it's of the type text.
Open the properties (NOT modify, but bottom option of the right click) of the report you want your text to be displayed in.
Go to the prompts screen and add the prompt you just created and click OK.
Now open the modify window of the report.
Go to the titles screen, disable Default Text and enter &HeaderText. in the text field.
Run your flow. It will prompt for a text and that text will be printed in the header.