WebdriverIO - .waitForExist is not a function - webdriver-io

I am using WebDriverIO - Javascript for automation. Page object model is used.
When I run the script I get below exception
.waitForExist is not a function

try like this details
$(selector).waitForExist({ timeout, reverse, timeoutMsg, interval })


getting "browser.getTabIds" is not a function in webdriverio while calling browser.getTabIds()

getting error "browser.getTabIds" is not a function in webdriverio version-6, while calling browser.getTabIds()
There is no such command, I guess https://webdriver.io/docs/api/webdriver.html#getwindowhandles is what you trying to achieve.

Selenium request returns error 400 - Bad request

I'm trying to get pull data from
Normally on the browser there is a first request to the url above returns error 412, the second one is to a JS file and the third one is also to the url above and returns ok (200).
When using selenium the third request returns error 400 - Bad request instead.
I'm using Python. Any ideas on why this is happening?]
I had the same problem with you but I found a solution which perfectly solves my problem.
Maybe your program fails because you are detected as a robot using selenium.
So here is the method to solve it or hide your identity(window.navigator.webdriver) by using JavaScript:
With CDP(Chrome Devtools-Protocol), you run the code before the frame is loaded by the JS file(detector). Therefore, use these codes to remove the "webdriver True" property:
Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'webdriver', {
get: () => undefined
key codes:
from selenium.webdriver import Chrome
driver = Chrome('D://chromedriver.exe')
driver.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument", {
"source": """
Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'webdriver', {
get: () => undefined
However, if you upgrade your Chrome to 88 right now. The method mentioned above will be useless. Fortunately, we still have a solution (add this code)
These codes should help you pass the JS file so that you can obtain the data. At least I successfully run my program.
I am using ChromeDriver 104.0.5112.79.0 and the solution with chrome_options.add_argument("--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled") works for me!

Unable to call a function from Fixture.before Method

I am trying to implement a fixture with multiple tests where all depend on each other
Therefore I want to clean the Database and perform login only one time from the Fixture.before Method
So it will look like this:
fixture `testProject`.page(baseUrl)
.before(async t => {
await loginPM.login()
await base.clearDB()
.beforeEach(async t => {
// some steps before each test
test 1
test 2
test 3
This scenario throws the following exception:
Error in fixture.before hook - Cannot implicitly resolve the test run in the context of which the test controller action should be executed. Use test function's 't' argument instead
Any ideas why testcafe not support calling functions from a Fixture.before Method
The fixture.before hook runs between tests and doesn't have access to the tested page. Please refer to the following help topic for details on its use: Fixture.before Method. If you need to execute test actions (click, typeText, etc) once per fixture before you start all tests, see this module: testcafe-once-hook module. Here is an example of how to use it: https://github.com/AlexKamaev/testcafe-once-hook-example.

Cypress contains and cy.wait()

I've got some problem with Cypress and wait command:
I am using similar to this code:
const counter = cy.get('something')
counter.contains('0') //OK
const container = cy.xpath('something multiple').children()
counter.contains('3') //NOK
Only when I am using cy.wait() this code works. I've tried to use the internaltimeout for this code and
it's not working. Only works when using cy.wait.
It is not recommended to save Elements in variables, please use Alise instead.
cy.get('#counter') .....
Read the documentation for your reference:
#HatemHatamleh is correct about not using the return value.
With cy.*() commands you are defining command execution steps, which will run separately from the JS in the tests.
Inserting cy.wait() kind-of works because it allows time for the commands to execute, but it's not at all the correct thing to do as it can fail depending on cpu load, async calls, etc.
Think of commands as a separate "thread", try to define them with chaining, but when that's not possible use alias' as #HatemHatamleh suggests.

Access window object / browser scope from protractor

I'm running tests with protractor, but it seems impossible to access the JS 'window' object. I even tried adding a tag in my html file that would contain something like
var a = window.location;
and then try expect(a) but I couldn't make it work, I always get undefined references...
How should I process to access variables that are in the browser scope ?
Assuming you are using a recent version of Protractor, let's say >= 1.1.0, hopefully >= 1.3.1
Attempting to access Browser side JS code directly from Protractor won't work because Protractor runs in NodeJS and every Browser side code is executed through Selenium JsonWireProtocol.
Without further detail, a working example:
One-liner promise that, as of today, resolves to '1.3.0-rc.3'
browser.executeScript('return window.angular.version.full;');
You can use it directly in an expect statement given Protractor's expect resolves promises for you:
expect(browser.executeScript('return window.angular.version.full;')).
Longer example passing a function instead of a string plus without expect resolving the promise for you. i.e. for more control and for doing some fancy thing with the result.
browser.driver.executeScript(function() {
return window.angular.version.full;
}).then(function(result) {
console.log('NodeJS-side console log result: ' + result);
//=> NodeJS-side console log result: 1.3.0-rc.3