Combine search and sort with kotlin flow - kotlin

I need to search and sort data simultaneously. I did it for search but it wont trigger for sort. I'm also using pagination.
User can type in searchView and flow will trigger, but problem is when i change sortState (ascending or descending) it wont trigger flow for searching articles on api endpoint.
private val currentQuery = MutableStateFlow(DEFAULT_QUERY)
private val sortState = MutableStateFlow<SortOrderState>(SortOrderState.Ascending)
val flow = currentQuery
.filter {
.flatMapLatest { query ->
lifecycleScope.launch {
viewModel.flow.collectLatest { articles ->
binding.recyclerViewTop.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(context)
binding.recyclerViewTop.adapter = adapter.withLoadStateHeaderAndFooter(
header = ArticleLoadStateAdapter { adapter.retry() },
footer = ArticleLoadStateAdapter { adapter.retry() }
In fragment I have function: viewModel.searchNews(newText)
And in Main activity: viewModel.setSortState(SortOrderState.Ascending) (one menu item clicked) to see if MutableStateFlow.value is changed. I can see that in ViewModel i can change these values but if I do:
val flow=currentQuery.combine(sortState){
query,state ->
I never changes if I click on sort menu item, only if I type something to search.
Edit: sortState is not updating in flow variable, I checked setSortState and I can clearly see that state is changed but in flow I only send ascending all the time.
Main activity:
override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
when (item.itemId) { -> {
} -> {
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)
fun setSortState(sortOrderState: SortOrderState) {
sortState.value = sortOrderState
sealed interface SortOrderState{
object Ascending : SortOrderState
object Descening : SortOrderState
Edit 2: Collecting in HomeFragment it always gives me Ascending value even if i click on menu item for descending sort
lifecycleScope.launch {
viewModel.sortState.collectLatest {
Log.d(TAG, "onCreateViewSort: $it")
In ViewModel I can see sortState is changed:
fun setSortState(sortOrderState: SortOrderState) {
sortState.value = sortOrderState
Log.d(TAG, "setSortState: ${sortState.value}")

You aren't using your sort state as a Flow. You're only passively using its value, so your output flow won't automatically update when the value changes.
Instead, you need to combine your flows.
Here, I also moved your lowercase transformation before the distinctUntilChanged because I think that makes more logical sense. Also, it makes sense to include the trim in the transformation and not just in the filter.
val flow = currentQuery
.map { it.trim().lowercase(Locale.ROOT) }
.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
.combine(sortState) { query, sort -> query to sort }
.flatMapLatest { (query, sort) ->
articleRepository.getSearchResult(query, sort)
You might also consider tagging this with shareIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5000), 1) so the search doesn't have to restart on a screen rotation.


How to remove item from mutableList in kotlin

I am scanning a list and adding an unique item in mutableList. Scanning a item through ScanCallback but below example is using for Kotlin Flow for better understanding and make a simple use case. I am giving an example of emiting different types of item.
Basically I want to remove items from the specific condtions :-
when flow data is finished to emit new values.
when emiting an item, if we no longer receive an item within 30 sec then we remove the item from the list.
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collectLatest
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
class ItemList {
val scanResultList = mutableListOf<ScanResults>()
fun doSomething(): Flow<ScanResults> = flow {
(0..20).forEach {
when (it) {
in 10..12 -> {
emit(ScanResults(Device("item is Adding in range of 10 -- 20")))
in 15..18 -> {
emit(ScanResults(Device("item is Adding in range of 15 -- 18")))
else -> {
emit(ScanResults(Device("item is Adding without range")))
fun main() = runBlocking {
doSomething().collectLatest { value ->
private fun handleScanResult(result: ScanResults) {
if (!scanResultList.contains(result)) {
result.device?.name?.let {
if (hasNoDuplicateScanResult(scanResultList, result)) {
println("Item added")
private fun hasNoDuplicateScanResult(value: List<ScanResults>, result: ScanResults): Boolean {
return value.count { it.device == result.device } < 1
data class ScanResults(val device: Device? = null)
data class Device(val name: String? = null)
I am not adding Set because in SnapshotStateList is not available in jetpack compose.
I'll try to reword the problem in simple terms. I'll say the input is a Flow of some imaginary data class DeviceInfo so it's easier to describe.
There is a source flow of DeviceInfos. We want our output to be a Flow of Set<DeviceInfo>, where the Set is all DeviceInfo's that have been emitted from the source in the past 30 seconds.
(If you want, you can convert this output Flow into State, or collect it and update a mutablestateListOf with it, etc.)
Here is a strategy I thought of. Disclaimer: I haven't tested it.
Tag each incoming DeviceInfo with a unique ID (could be based on system time or a UUID). Add each DeviceInfo to a Map with its latest ID. Launch a child coroutine that delays 30 seconds and then removes the item from the map if the ID matches. If newer values have arrived, then the ID won't match so obsolete child coroutines will expire silently.
val sourceFlow: Flow<DeviceInfo> = TODO()
val outputFlow: Flow<Set<DeviceInfo>> = flow {
coroutineScope {
val tagsByDeviceInfo = mutableMapOf<DeviceInfo, Long>()
suspend fun emitLatest() = emit(tagsByDeviceInfo.keys.toSet())
sourceFlow.collect { deviceInfo ->
val id = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (tagsByDeviceInfo.put(deviceInfo, id) == null) {
emitLatest() // emit if the key was new to the map
launch {
if (tagsByDeviceInfo[deviceInfo] == id) {

LiveData Observer isn't triggered for the second time

I'm expecting that the observer will be triggered when I'm hitting API by clicking one of the side menu. When I clicked one of the menu, Retrofit actually gave me the response with the correct value. The problem is, the Observer isn't getting triggered for the second time. I've trace the problem and find out that my Repository isn't returning a value even though my Retrofit already update the MutableLiveData.
override fun getDisastersByFilter(filter: String?): LiveData<ApiResponse<DisastersDTO?>> {
val result = MutableLiveData<ApiResponse<DisastersDTO?>>()
apiService.getDisastersByFilter(filter).enqueue(object : Callback<DisastersResponse> {
override fun onResponse(
call: Call<DisastersResponse>,
response: Response<DisastersResponse>
) {
if(response.isSuccessful) {
val data = response.body()
data?.disastersDTO?.let {
Log.d("RemoteDataSource", "$it")
} ?: run {
result.postValue(ApiResponse.Error("Bencana alam tidak ditemukan"))
} else {
result.postValue(ApiResponse.Error("Terjadi kesalahan!"))
override fun onFailure(call: Call<DisastersResponse>, t: Throwable) {
Log.d("RemoteDataSource", t.localizedMessage!!)
return result
override fun getDisastersByFilter(filter: String?): LiveData<Resource<List<Disaster>>> =
remoteDataSource.getDisastersByFilter(filter).map {
when (it) {
is ApiResponse.Empty -> Resource.Error("Terjadi error")
is ApiResponse.Error -> Resource.Error(it.errorMessage)
is ApiResponse.Loading -> Resource.Loading()
is ApiResponse.Success -> Resource.Success(
fun getDisastersByFilter(filter: String? = "gempa"): LiveData<Resource<List<Disaster>>> =
Here's the **MapsFragment**
private val viewModel: SharedViewModel by activityViewModels()
viewModel.getDisastersByFilter("gempa").observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
when (it) {
is Resource.Success -> {
Log.d("MapsFragmentFilter", "${}") { listDisaster ->
if(listDisaster.isNotEmpty()) {
addGeofence(listDisaster) { disaster ->
is Resource.Error -> Toast.makeText(context, "Filter Error", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
is Resource.Loading -> {}
Here's the MainActivity that triggers the function to hit API
private val viewModel: SharedViewModel by viewModels()
binding.navViewMaps.setNavigationItemSelectedListener { menu ->
when (menu.itemId) { -> viewModel.getDisastersByFilter("gempa") -> viewModel.getDisastersByFilter("banjir") -> viewModel.getDisasters()
I can't be sure from what you've posted, but your menu options call getDisastersByFilter on your SharedViewModel, and it looks like that eventually calls through to getDisastersByFilter in RemoteDataSource.
That function creates a new LiveData and returns it, and all your other functions (including the one in viewModel) just return that new LiveData. So if you want to see the result that's eventually posted to it, you need to observe that new one.
I don't know where the fragment code you posted is from, but it looks like you're just calling and observing viewModel.getDisastersByFilter once. So when that first happens, it does the data fetch and you get a result on the LiveData it returned. That LiveData won't receive any more results, from the looks of your code - it's a one-time, disposable thing that receives a result later, and then it's useless.
If I've got that right, you need to rework how you're handling your LiveDatas. The fragment needs to get the result of every viewModel.getDisastersByFilter call, so it can observe the result - it might be better if your activity passes an event to the fragment ("this item was clicked") and the fragment handles calling the VM, and it can observe the result while it's at it (pass it to a function that wires that up so you don't have to keep repeating your observer code)
The other approach would be to have the Fragment observe a currentData livedata, that's wired up to show the value of a different source livedata. Then when you call getDisastersByFilter, that source livedata is swapped for the new one. The currentData one gets any new values posted to this new source, and the fragment only has to observe that single LiveData once. All the data gets piped into it by the VM.
I don't have time to do an example, but have a look at this Transformations stuff (this is one of the developers' blogs):
What I believe you are doing wrong is using LiveData in the first place while using a retrofit.
You are getting a response asynchronously while your code is running synchronously. So, you need to make use of suspending functions by using suspend.
And while calling this function from ViewModel, wrap it with viewModelScope.launch{}
fun getDisastersByFilter(filter: String? = "gempa") = viewModelScope.launch {
// do something....
// assign the values to MutableLiveData or MutableStateFlows
You should either be using RxJava or CallbackFlow.
I prefer Flows, given below is an example of how your code might look if you use callback flow.
suspend fun getDisastersByFilter(filter: String?): Flow<ApiResponse<DisastersDTO?>> =
callbackFlow {
.enqueue(object : Callback<DisastersResponse> {
override fun onResponse(
call: Call<DisastersResponse>,
response: Response<DisastersResponse>
) {
if (response.isSuccessful) {
val data = response.body()
data?.disastersDTO?.let {
// result.postValue(ApiResponse.Success(it))
Log.d("RemoteDataSource", "$it")
} ?: run {
trySend(ApiResponse.Error("Bencana alam tidak ditemukan"))
// result.postValue(ApiResponse.Error("Bencana alam tidak ditemukan"))
} else {
trySend(ApiResponse.Error("Terjadi kesalahan!"))
// result.postValue(ApiResponse.Error("Terjadi kesalahan!"))
override fun onFailure(call: Call<DisastersResponse>, t: Throwable) {
// result.postValue(ApiResponse.Error(t.localizedMessage!!))
Log.d("RemoteDataSource", t.localizedMessage!!)

How to invoke function based on condition of iterated value of Mono<List<String>> without using subscribe()?

I want to invoke a function that will notify the admin about some information missing, but I do not want to subscribe to this Mono, because I will subscribe to it later. The problem is I have some log which is called inside doOnSuccess() and when I use subscribe() and then build a response where I zip listOfWords value, the same log is logged twice and I do not want a code to behave that way.
Is there any way to retrieve that value in checkCondition() in a way that will not invoke doOnSuccess() or should I use some other function in merge() that can replace doOnSuccess()?
Should I use subscribe() only once on given Mono or is it allowed to use it multiple times?
Thank you in advance!
The functions are called in the presented order.
Code where log is called:
private fun merge(list1: Mono<List<String>>, list2: Mono<List<String>>) =
list1.flatMapMany { Flux.fromIterable(it) },
list2.flatMapMany { Flux.fromIterable(it) }
.doOnSuccess { LOG.debug("List of words: $it") }
Code where subscribe is called:
private fun checkCondition(
listOfWords: Mono<List<String>>,
) {
listOfWords.subscribe {
it.forEach { word ->
if (someCondition(word)) {
alarmSystem.notify("Something is missing for word {0}")
Code where response is built:
private fun buildResponse(
map: Mono<Map<String, String>>,
list1: List<SomeObject>,
listOfWords: Mono<List<String>>
): Mono<List<Answer>> {
val response =, Mono.just(list1), listOfWords)
.map { tuple ->
run {
val tupleMap = tuple.t1
val list = tuple.t2
val words = tuple.t3
.filter { someCondition(words) }
.map { obj -> NewObject(x,y) }

How can I write the transformation in a cleaner way

I have a method which takes a list of object (Widget) -- which contains some properties (header) and nested list(component). I want to flatten the list into a single list and have the below code for same:
fun flatten(fatList: Single<List<Widget>>) {
val flatList: MutableList<IUiData> = mutableListOf() {
Observable.fromIterable(it).map { widget ->
if (widget.header.isNotEmpty()) {
} { component ->
when (component.type) {
//Do Nothing
I intend to return a Single of List: Single<MutableList<IUiData>> from this method, this purpose can be served right now, but I am looking for a cleaner way
You're using both Rx's Observable map and Kotlin's Iterable map in an unintended way. They are for converting one type to another, not for iterating something.
You've also nested an unnecessary Observable iterable inside the outer-most map function.
You only need to map the output of the Single. Inside the map function, you iterate (not map) the original List to pull out the data you need for the MutableList.
I'm an Rx novice and didn't check this, so sorry about any syntax errors.
fun flatten(fatList: Single<List<Widget>>): Single<MutableList<IUData>> = { widgetList ->
val flatList: MutableList<IUiData> = mutableListOf()
for (widget in widgetList) {
if (widget.header.isNotEmpty()) {
for (component in widget.componentList) {
when (component.type) {
TILE_TEXT -> flatList.add(HeaderUi(component))
TILE_IMAGE -> flatList.add(ImageTileUi(component))
TILE_FOOTER -> flatList.add(FooterUi(component))
// Else do nothing
But in keeping with typical Rx chaining syntax, I would make it an extension function, so I'd have to first line like this. Then you can put it right in the middle of an Rx call chain:
fun Single<List<Widget>>.flatten(): Single<MutableList<IUData>> = map { widgetList ->
You can also do this in a more concise, functional, but less efficient way by using Kotlin's flatMap:
fun Single<List<Widget>>.flatten(): Single<MutableList<IUData>> = map {
it.flatMap { widget ->
widget.componentList.mapNotNull { component ->
when (component.type) {
TILE_TEXT -> HeaderUi(component)
TILE_IMAGE -> ImageTileUi(component)
TILE_FOOTER -> FooterUi(component)
else -> null
...where Header is whatever type widget.header uses.

Equivalent of RxJava .toList() in Kotlin coroutines flow

I have a situation where I need to observe userIds then use those userIds to observe users. Either userIds or users could change at any time and I want to keep the emitted users up to date.
Here is an example of the sources of data I have:
data class User(val name: String)
fun observeBestUserIds(): Flow<List<String>> {
return flow {
emit(listOf("abc", "def"))
emit(listOf("123", "234"))
fun observeUserForId(userId: String): Flow<User> {
return flow {
In this scenario I want the emissions to be:
[User(abc_name), User(def_name)], then
[User(123_name), User(234_name)], then
[User(123_name_updated), User(234_name_updated)]
I think I can achieve this in RxJava like this:
observeBestUserIds.concatMapSingle { ids ->
.concatMap { id ->
What function would I write to make a flow that emits that?
I believe you're looking for combine, which gives you an array that you can easily call toList() on:
observeBestUserIds().collectLatest { ids ->
combine( { id -> observeUserForId(id) }
) {
}.collect {
And here's the inner part with more explicit parameter names since you can't see the IDE's type hinting on Stack Overflow:
combine( { id -> observeUserForId(id) }
) { arrayOfUsers: Array<User> ->
}.collect { listOfUsers: List<User> ->
[User(name=abc_name), User(name=def_name)]
[User(name=123_name), User(name=234_name)]
[User(name=123_name_updated), User(name=234_name)]
[User(name=123_name_updated), User(name=234_name_updated)]
Live demo (note that in the demo, all the output appears at once, but this is a limitation of the demo site - the lines appear with the timing you'd expect when the code is run locally)
This avoids the (abc_name_updated, def_name_updated) discussed in the original question. However, there's still an intermediate emission with 123_name_updated and 234_name because the 123_name_updated is emitted first and it sends the combined version immediately because they're the latest from each flow.
However, this can be avoided by debouncing the emissions (on my machine, a timeout as small as 1ms works, but I did 20ms to be conservative):
observeBestUserIds().collectLatest { ids ->
combine( { id -> observeUserForId(id) }
) {
}.debounce(timeoutMillis = 20).collect {
which gets you the exact output you wanted:
[User(name=abc_name), User(name=def_name)]
[User(name=123_name), User(name=234_name)]
[User(name=123_name_updated), User(name=234_name_updated)]
Live demo
This is unfortunatly non trivial with the current state of kotlin Flow, there seem to be important operators missing. But please notice that you are not looking for rxJavas toList(). If you would try to to do it with toList and concatMap in rxjava you would have to wait till all observabes finish.
This is not what you want.
Unfortunately for you I think there is no way around a custom function.
It would have to aggregate all the results returned by observeUserForId for all the ids which you would pass to it. It would also not be a simple windowing function, since in reality it is conceivable that one observeUserForId already returned twice and another call still didn't finish. So checking whether you already have the same number of users as you passed ids into your aggregating functions isn't enought, you also have to group by user id.
I'll try to add code later today.
Edit: As promised here is my solution I took the liberty of augmenting the requirements slightly. So the flow will emit every time all userIds have values and an underlying user changes. I think this is more likely what you want since users probably don't change properties in lockstep.
Nevertheless if this is not what you want leave a comment.
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
data class User(val name: String)
fun observeBestUserIds(): Flow<List<String>> {
return flow {
emit(listOf("abc", "def"))
emit(listOf("123", "234"))
fun observeUserForId(userId: String): Flow<User> {
return flow {
inline fun <reified K, V> buildMap(keys: Set<K>, crossinline valueFunc: (K) -> Flow<V>): Flow<Map<K, V>> = flow {
val keysSize = keys.size
val valuesMap = HashMap<K, V>(keys.size)
.flatMapMerge { key -> valueFunc(key).map {v -> Pair(key, v)} }
.collect { (key, value) ->
valuesMap[key] = value
if (valuesMap.keys.size == keysSize) {
fun observeUsersForIds(): Flow<List<User>> {
return observeBestUserIds().flatMapLatest { ids -> buildMap(ids.toSet(), ::observeUserForId as (String) -> Flow<User>) }
.map { m -> m.values.toList() }
fun main() = runBlocking {
.collect { user ->
This will return
[User(name=def_name), User(name=abc_name)]
[User(name=123_name), User(name=234_name)]
[User(name=123_name_updated), User(name=234_name)]
[User(name=123_name_updated), User(name=234_name_updated)]
You can run the code online here
You can use flatMapConcat
val users = observeBestUserIds()
.flatMapConcat { ids ->
.map { id ->
.flatMapConcat { ids ->
.map { id ->
.collect { user ->