Make featured products disappear when clicked on Shopify - shopify

I made a category filter on my shopify website since my theme doesn't support filters. I made a collection of all my products and featured them on my page.
I essentially want to be able to filter out the featured products that the customer isn't interested in viewing. So if they click the "Shirts" category in the filter, only shirts will be seen on the page and the other elements disappear.
Is there a way to do this? Would I have to make a distinct ID for each individual product?
Thank you!


Fetching products with swatches in product page Shopify

Above is the image.
I'm fetching products in Product page Shopify but the variation swatches not working properly. I used Smart Filter App in Shopify and the products are coming with swatches using GLO Color Swatches. Both are Globo Teams apps. But the variation swatches not working properly. Suppose we select variation of first product, the other product variations are affected too. I contacted Globo team for that issue but they told me that "It is not possible to change the app workflow as product page has only one product.". Also the wishlist app isn't working while we change variation. It always adds first variation of product.
Anyone has any idea about this issue? Thanks for any suggestions too.
The main goal is Product page contains more from this collection products they can also buy from this collection in Product page. Suppose we have Cloths collection and we opened one product's product page in Shopify. The product page contains More from Cloths collection in which there are many products with variation with add to cart and wishlist. Swatches should work properly with instock or out of stock functionality. Wishlist should perfectly work with variation swatches. If I select Black / Tshirt. The Wishlist must add Black / Tshirt in wishlist not the first variant of products.
This is not possible by any app. The only way to do it by custom coding.

How to display featured products through featured products block in prestashop

I have some products in Prestashop that I want to display on the homepage of my website as featured products. How do i do that?
You have to use the module homefeatured.
In its configuration, select the category containing the products you want to show in this block.

Preastashop Category pages are not showing all the products associated to them

I have created several categories on my store. But I got a problem that I can't figure out. Category Pages are not showing all the products associated to them. On some pages all the associated products are being shown. On some page some of the total products are there. And Some pages just don't show any product at all. What should I do?
Thanks in advance.

Sort items according to features

I have a shop on PrestaShop 1.5 and I need to display products based on "features" criteria. To do this, I figured I need to modify (or clone and modify) homefeatured module. But how? I can't seem to find out what to add.
The file homefeatured.php only has $category and $products (with usage of $category). I'm totally in the dark, can someone help me out?
Do you like to show product on certain creiterial. Or you like to show special product. As homefeatured product serve the featured product. So if you add any product as featured it will show on home featured.

Display featured products on category page PRESTASHOP

I just want to show some featured products on each category page (not home page).
I thought to use features or tags. So in the back, I add to the products I want to show a "featured" tag or feature. And then in the front on each category page I display the products of that category that have that tag or feature.
What do you think is easier? and how can I achieve this? I am so lost, so I'd appreciate any guidance.
Thanks guys
Here is how I would do this:
Create a module (obviously) to extend the product class and add a featured field (as a boolean, you can also use a position field if you want to manage something like that)
Within the module it's easy to override the admin controller to add a checkbox somewhere
On the category page, create a hook to display the featured product, or just override the categoryController to get them.
And voilĂ ! It's really easy. I just give you the steps as I won't write the code for you :) but if you need more advices feel free to ask