CMAKE how to pass arguments to msbuild.exe - cmake

I have a cmake project and I'm using the msvc 2019 generator on windows 10.
I can successfully build with the following:
cmake -S . -B build
cd build
cmake --build . -- /m
I'm interested in passing the /m switch to msbuild.exe within the CMakeLists.txt itself.
I've tried the following without success as arguments get passed to cl.exe:
message(STATUS "NOTICE: Setting parallel build for msbuild.exe")
Also bonus question: How does -- work in the last cmake command above? I'm struggling finding documentation on it.

The answer as #Johnny_xy pointed out is you can't. You need to use ninja as the cmake generator.
cmake -S . -B build -G Ninja Multi-Config
cd build
cmake --build .
link to ninja releases:
ninja build time: 17.51s
cmake default build time: 44.54s


CMake build types make no difference

I've worked in c++ for many years but I am new to CMake.
I build my app with
cmake --build build_dir --config Debug --target all -- -j 1
This works fine and builds the Debug version.
If I change the --config to anything else, for example Release with the following command:
cmake --build build_dir --config Release --target all -- -j 1
ninja says "no work to do" and exits. Running the compiled app it is clearly not optimised. There are two other options in this Cmake Project, RelWithDebug and MinSizeRel, and they act the same.
In CmakeLists.txt there is:
set(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES "Release;Debug;MinSizeRel;RelWithDebInfo")
There are a lot of other mentions of the various types, but it's all slightly greek to me at this time.
What can I do to work out where the issue is?
I'm going to give you the full in depth answer. Just in case someone else has this confusion.
What is a generator?
Essentially a generator is the build system CMake creates. CMake doesn't directly build your project. Because CMake is a meta-build system. IE CMake is a build system that 'generates' your true build system. That's why it is called a 'generator'.
"Visual Studio 16 2019" was designed to handles multiple configurations in 1 build.
Which is why when you open a Visual Studio project created by CMake you can easily change between Debug, Release, etc.
Where as "Unix Makefiles" and "Ninja" can only handle 1 config type at a time.
This difference in build system abilities leads to slightly different CLI when running CMake.
Visual Studio 16 2019 (Multi-Config)
As mentioned before Visual Studio supports multiple config types in the build.
cmake -S . -B build/vs -G "Visual Studio 16 2019"
cmake --build build/vs --config Debug
cmake --build build/vs --config Release
In the first command you are creating the Visual Studio 2019 project.
In the second command you are actually building the binaries. And since Visual Studio projects are multi-config you don't need a different build folder for each type. Since Visual Studio handles it for you!
Ninja (Single Config)
cmake -S . -B build/ninja/ -G "Ninja" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build build/ninja/
# Now I've updated the project to make Release binaries
cmake -S . -B build/ninja/ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build/ninja/
In the example above you create a Ninja project for a debug build. Then you build it.
Then you create a Ninja project for a release build. Then you build it.
Notice how you have to manually specify 2 build folders for each type yourself.
Ninja Multi-Config (new in CMake 3.17)
Thanks to advances in Ninja and CMake you can create avoid the hassle of specifying the build type at project creation time. So now it's just like Visual Studio.
So now you can create a "Ninja Multi-Config" project instead of just a "Ninja" project.
cmake -S . -B build/nin -G "Ninja Multi-Config"
cmake --build build/nin --config Debug
cmake --build build/nin --config Release
Further Elaboration
Single Config Vs Multi-Config
How can you tell if your generator is Multi vs Single?
Read the docs. Or if you need to in your scripts you can check it programmatically.
You can query the global property GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG
A minor thing to mention is that CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE doesn't do anything on multi-config generators. So avoid using it in your CMake code.
See this answer: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is not being used in CMakeLists.txt

CMake - customize 'make help' output

I introduced CMake to my project it replaced Make's makefiles. Anyhow I'm not able to find how to customize 'make help' output. This target is created automagically anyhow I would like to add some descriptions for particular targets. It is anyhow possible?
Overwriting help with add_custom_target results in:
See also "/tmp/20/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_custom_target):
The target name "help" is reserved or not valid for certain CMake features,
such as generator expressions, and may result in undefined behavior.
Instead of overwriting what cmake generates, write your own make wrapper one directory above the cmake one. Like so:
$ cd /your/project
$ ls
_build CMakeLists.txt source_file.c Makefile
$ cmake -S. -B./_build
... configure the project in ./_build builddir ...
$ make
cmake --build _build --target all
<builds the project>
$ make help
This is your help
With Makefile:
cmake --build _build --target all
cmake -S. -B_build -DSOME_OPTION=true
#echo 'This is your help'
.PHONY: help configure_for_some_configuration all
Remember that make is one of several of supported generators. I recommend Ninja for faster builds. Use cmake --build <the build dir> to abstractly build the project independently of the used generator.

CMAKE build gui application with MinGW

I want to build gui application with SDL2. I link SDL2 libraries(libSDL2.dll.a and libSDL2main.a) but I don't know how a can apply -mwindows flag to my application. Without him .exe file of my application doesn't show window (executing have not any effect). I use MinGW-w64 my OS is Windows 10. In command line I can do this like here (see section B). How I can apply this flag with usage cmake? Console application works fine.
I try next variant but it doesn't work.
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -D CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-mwindows"
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-mwindows"
Also in CMakeLists.txt I try do like this
You can pass WIN32 argument to add_executable and CMake will do this for you:
add_executable(target_name WIN32 ${sources})
I basically copy-pasted the stuff, which CLion executes in the command line, and it worked:
$ cmake DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G "CodeBlocks - MinGW Makefiles" ../
$ cmake --build ./ --target target_name -j 6
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/target_name.dir/main.cpp.obj
[100%] Linking CXX executable target_name.exe
[100%] Built target tree_traverse
After this the executable target_name.exe appeared in the directory.

How to instruct CMake to use the build architecture compiler

When using CMake for cross compiling, one generally specifies a toolchain file via the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE option. In GNU terminology, one can specify the host architecture toolset using this file. However, one can generally not expect to be able to execute anything built with this toolchain. So often enough, some build tools need to be compiled for the build architecture.
Consider the following setup. I have two source files genfoo.c and bar.c. During build, genfoo.c needs to be compiled and run. Its output needs to be written to foo.h. Then I can compile bar.c, which #include "foo.h". Since CMake defaults to using the host architecture toolchain, the instructions for bar.c are easy. But how do I tell it to use the build architecture toolchain for compiling genfoo.c? Simply saying add_executable(genfoo genfoo.c) will result in using the wrong compiler.
CMake can only handle one compiler at a time. So - if you don't go the long way to set up the other compiler as a new language - you will end up with two configuration cycles.
I see the following approaches to automate this process:
Taking the example "CMake Cross Compiling - Using executables in the build created during the build?" from the CMake pages as a starting point I'll get:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
# When crosscompiling import the executable targets
set(IMPORT_PATH "IMPORTFILE-NOTFOUND" CACHE FILEPATH "Point it to the export file path from a native build")
# Then use the target name as COMMAND, CMake >= 2.6 knows how to handle this
COMMAND genfoo
add_executable(bar bar.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/foo.h)
target_include_directories(bar PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
# Only build the generator if not crosscompiling
add_executable(genfoo genfoo.cpp)
export(TARGETS genfoo FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/genfooTargets.cmake")
Then using a script like:
if [ ! -d hostBuild ]; then
cmake -E make_directory hostBuild
cmake -E chdir hostBuild cmake ..
cmake --build hostBuild
if [ ! -d crossBuild ]; then
cmake -E make_directory crossBuild
cmake -E chdir crossBuild cmake .. -DIMPORT_PATH=${PWD}/hostBuild -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=toolchain.cmake
cmake --build crossBuild
I'll get the desired results by calling ./
Splitting the CMakeLists.txt and maybe even replace the export()/include() with something where I know the output path of my build tools e.g. by using CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY would simplify things:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
# Then use the target name as COMMAND. CMake >= 2.6 knows how to handle this
COMMAND genfoo
add_executable(bar bar.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/foo.h)
target_include_directories(bar PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
add_executable(genfoo genfoo.cpp)
if [ ! -d crossBuild ]; then
cmake -E make_directory crossBuild
cmake -E chdir crossBuild cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=toolchain.cmake
if [ ! -d hostBuild ]; then
cmake -E make_directory hostBuild
cmake -E chdir hostBuild cmake ../buildTools -DCMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY:PATH=${PWD}/crossBuild
cmake --build hostBuild
cmake --build crossBuild
Making a CMake library accessible by other CMake packages automatically
CMake build multiple targets in different build directories
How do I make CMake output into a 'bin' dir?
It is possible to do that completely within CMake.
The trick is to run a separate CMake configuring stage within its own space, silently dismissing every crosscompiling setting and using the host's default toolchain, then import the generated outputs into it's parent, crosscompiling build.
First part:
set(host_tools_list wxrc generate_foo)
# Pawn off the creation of the host utilities into its own dedicated space
file(TO_NATIVE_PATH ${CMAKE_COMMAND} native_cmake_command)
file(TO_NATIVE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} native_cmake_current_source_dir)
COMMAND "${native_cmake_command}" "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" "${native_cmake_current_source_dir}"
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --target host_tools --config $<CONFIG>
foreach(tgt IN ITEMS ${host_tools_list})
add_dependencies(host${tgt} host_tools)
# Add an empty target, host tools are built inplace
DEPENDS ${host_tools_list}
... then you add the usual add_executable and whatever ...
At the end:
foreach(tgt IN ITEMS ${host_tools_list})
add_executable(host${tgt} ALIAS ${tgt})
export(TARGETS ${host_tools_list} NAMESPACE host FILE host_tools.cmake)
When it crosscompiles, it pawns off the creation of the host-run tools into its own dedicated space, and imports the targets as "hostwxrc" and "hostgenerate_foo", with a dependency on generating the host_tools themselves .
When it doesn't crosscompile, it builds wxrc and generate_foo as-is, and aliases them to hostwxrc and hostgenerate_foo.
After this, when you use $<TARGET_FILE:wxrc>, you refer to the wxrc built for the target platform, and $<TARGET_FILE:hostwxrc> refers to the wxrc built for the host platform, regardless whether they are the same or not.

the option "--build" of cmake

I want to use the cmake --build command to build my project.
This command has a --config option. I don't know how many different parameters I can assign to. And I found cmake doesn't check if the parameter of --config is correct or not
You can call cmake --build like this:
cmake --build . --target MyExe --config Debug
This would be run from your build root, since the directory is passed as ., and would build the target MyExe in Debug mode.
If your build tool is a multi-configuration one (like devenv on Windows), the --config argument matters. If you pass an invalid parameter as the config type here, the build tool should give an error.
If the build tool isn't multi-config (like gcc), then the --config argument is ignored. Instead the build type is set via the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE CMake variable; i.e. it's set when running CMake, not when running the build tool.
You can pass further options to the build tool by adding them at the end after a --, e.g to pass -j4 if using gcc:
cmake --build . --target MyExe -- -j4