Updates are slow with Redux - react-native

I'm building a React Native app, using Redux and AsyncStorage. When a user deletes an item, updates happen a bit slow (2-3 seconds).
I have an array of objects (rather small).
I delete an item in this array with such function:
let idFordeleteFav = categoryArrFav.map(function(el) {return el['name']}).indexOf(itemName)
let cleanedCategory = [...categoryArrFav.slice(0, idFordeleteFav), ...categoryArrFav.slice(idFordeleteFav+1)]
let completeNewList = {...allAffirmation, [category]: cleanedCategory}
My mapStateToProps looks like this:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
const { appR } = state
return {
allAffirmation: appR.allAffirmation,
affirmations: appR.affirmations}
I wonder, what I can do to update faster.

First of all, check how much middleware you have and the logic inside them. Also, I recommend you replace async storage with react native MMKV (https://github.com/mrousavy/react-native-mmkv) which is much faster:
You need to do 2 things. First, create a wrapper for MMKV because it is sync:
import { Storage } from 'redux-persist'
import { MMKV } from "react-native-mmkv"
const storage = new MMKV()
export const reduxStorage: Storage = {
setItem: (key, value) => {
storage.set(key, value)
return Promise.resolve(true)
getItem: (key) => {
const value = storage.getString(key)
return Promise.resolve(value)
removeItem: (key) => {
return Promise.resolve()
The second step is migration from the async store for existing users if you have https://github.com/mrousavy/react-native-mmkv/blob/master/docs/MIGRATE_FROM_ASYNC_STORAGE.md


How to fetch big data in vue

Csv Link:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/owid/covid-19-data/master/public/data/owid-covid-data.csv
Hello, I need to import the above csv file, but I need to do it from this link to be up to date. When I take this data and use pinia for storage data, about 700mb is added to my memory usage every time I refresh the page. Since I don't know the backend, I need to fetch and use the data like this.
What should I do so that the memory usage does not increase every time I refresh the page?
Pinia Code:
import {defineStore} from "pinia";
import {computed, ref} from "vue";
export const useCovidDataStore = defineStore('covidData', () => {
const data = ref(null)
const loaded = ref(false)
const selectedCountry = ref('Germany')
function setData(veri) {
data.value = veri
function setCountry(country) {
selectedCountry.value = country
function setLoaded() {
loaded.value = !loaded.value
const getData = computed(() => data.value)
const getLoaded = computed(() => loaded)
const getSelectedCountry = computed(()=>selectedCountry)
return {data, setData, getData, setLoaded, getLoaded, loaded,selectedCountry,setCountry,getSelectedCountry}
Data Code:
Papa.parse("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/owid/covid-19-data/master/public/data/owid-covid-data.csv", {
download: true,
header: true,
complete: function(results) {
const groupedByLocation = results.data.reduce((acc, obj) => {
if (!acc[obj.location]) {
acc[obj.location] = [];
return acc;
}, {});
When you have a huge amount of data you can either:
use some pagination to get only some chunks and not the whole thing
use a middleware backend/serverless function to do that work on a more appropriate place
No other magic sauce. .slice'ing on the frontend will not make the loading of the page more performant, just reduce the DOM overhead of injecting all of those nodes.
Memoization can also help, but not on the initial load.

Async Storage / Secure Store help for React Native

I'm doing a test app to learn react native, and I'm trying to use secure store (a bit like async storage) to store my individual goals and save them. So far it's working, however when I refresh the app only the last goal I entered gets loaded.
Where am I going wrong here? In my console log the full array is shown with both the old and the new ones I add, then I refresh and I only have one left.
const [goals, setGoals] = useState([])
const addGoal = async (goal) => {
const goalJson = JSON.stringify({text: goal, id:`${Math.random()}`, todos:[], date: Date.now(), percentage:0})
await SecureStore.setItemAsync("Goal", goalJson)
catch (err) {alert(err)}
const load = async() => {
try {
const goalValue = await SecureStore.getItemAsync("Goal")
const parsed = JSON.parse(goalValue)
if(goals !== null) {
setGoals([...goals, parsed])
}catch (err) {alert(err)}
useEffect(()=> {
SecureStore is like a key-value database, so currently you're always writing to the same key Goal and your addGoal function is erasing the previous value with goalJson content.
Instead, load once the goals from storage, then update the goals state when a new goal is added, and write them all to on storage each time goals value is updated.
This how effects works, by "reacting" to a change of value. This is just a little bit more complicated because of SecureStorage async functions.
Here is my (untested) improved code. I renamed the storage key from Goal to Goals.
const [goals, setGoals] = useState([])
const [loaded, setLoaded] = useState(false)
useEffect(()=> {
async function load() {
try {
const goalsValue = await SecureStore.getItemAsync("Goals")
const goalsParsed = JSON.parse(goalsValue)
if (goalsParsed !== null) {
} catch (err) { alert(err) }
}, []) // load only when component mount
const addGoal = (text) => {
const goal = { text, id:`${Math.random()}`, todos:[],
date: Date.now(), percentage:0 }
setGoals([...goals, goal])
useEffect(() => {
async function saveGoals() {
try {
// save all goals to storage
const goalsJson = JSON.stringify(goals)
await SecureStore.setItemAsync("Goals", goalsJson)
catch (err) {alert(err)}
if (loaded) { // don't save before saved goals were loaded
}, [goals, loaded]) // run the effect each time goals is changed

React redux async data sync then re-render view

I have a number of actions and reducers setup for different content types, e.g. pages, events and venues. These actions and reducers get data which has been saved to AsyncStorage, by another action called sync, and puts it into the store.
Sync performs an async call to Contentful and retrieves any new/updated/deleted entries, which I then save to AsyncStorage.
What is the best way to ensure the view correctly is re-rendered after the async call is finished?
Should syncReducer merge data into the store that would normally be pulled out by pagesReducer, venuesReducer etc or should there be some kind of event emitted after syncReducer is done?
Data is pulled in asynchronously for offline viewing and keeping things fast, so I really don't want to wait for the sync before rendering.
import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native';
import database from './database';
const cache = {
getByType: async (query) => {
return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => {
// Get results from AsyncStorage
sync: async () => {
return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => {
.then(async results => {
// Save results to AsyncStorage
export default cache;
import actionTypes from '../constants/actionTypes';
import cache from '../data/cache';
export function sync() {
return dispatch => {
return cache
.then(() => {
.catch(error => {
function syncRequestedAction() {
return {
type: actionTypes.SyncRequested
function syncRejectedAction() {
return {
type: actionTypes.SyncRejected
function syncFulfilledAction(data) {
return {
type: actionTypes.SyncFulfilled,
import actionTypes from '../constants/actionTypes';
import cache from '../data/cache';
export function getPages() {
return dispatch => {
return cache
.then(results => {
.catch(error => {
function getPagesRequestedAction() {
return {
type: actionTypes.GetPagesRequested
function getPagesRejectedAction() {
return {
type: actionTypes.GetPagesRejected
function getPagesFulfilledAction(settings) {
return {
type: actionTypes.GetPagesFulfilled,
import { merge } from 'lodash';
import actionTypes from '../constants/actionTypes';
const pagesReducer = (state = {}, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case actionTypes.GetPagesRequested: {
return merge({}, state, { loading: true });
case actionTypes.GetPagesRejected: {
return merge({}, state, { error: 'Error getting pages', loading: false });
case actionTypes.GetPagesFulfilled: {
const merged = merge({}, state, { error: false, loading: false });
return { ...merged, data: action.pages };
return state;
export default pagesReducer;
In the end I was able to solve this by importing the other actions into my sync action, and dispatching depending on which data needs to be updated.
import { getEvents } from './getEvents';
import { getPages } from './getPages';
import { getVenues } from './getVenues';
export function sync() {
return dispatch => {
return cache
.then(results => {
if (results.includes('event')) {
if (results.includes('page')) {
if (results.includes('venue')) {
.catch(error => {
Your sync action should be a thunk function (redux middleware) that makes the call to Contentful, resolves the promise, and contains the data, or error. Then you can dispatch another action, or actions to reduce the data into the store.
On each component that you want to re-render (based on the data being updated in the store via the actions we just dispatched and reduced), if you have connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) and have included those parts of the store in MSTP, those props will be updated which will re-render the components.
You can even be more explicit about the resolution of data if necessary by creating another action where you can dispatch and reduce to some part of your store the current state of the fetch.
So when you make the call, you could dispatch 'FETCH_IN_PROGRESS', then either 'FETCH_ERROR' or 'FETCH_SUCCESS' and if that was mapStateToProps into your component, you could choose to evaluate it in shouldComponentUpdate() and based on where in the process it is, you could either return true or false based on if you wanted to rerender. You could also force render in componentWillReceiveProps. I'd start with just relying on props changing and adding this if necessary.
You should use Redux Persist for this kind of thing, it supports AsyncStorage and a range of other options.
Actions and Reducers should be just designed to update the Redux store. Any other action is known as a side effect, and should be managed in a Middleware or Store Enhancer.
I would strongly advise against using Redux-Thunk it is way too powerful for the few things that it is useful for and very easy to create unmaintainable anti-patten code as it blurs the boundaries between actions and middleware code.
If you think you need to use Redux-Thunk first look to see if their is already a middleware that does what you need and if not learn about Redux-Sagas.

Structuring a Vuex module

I am having some trouble in trying to keep my Vuex modules clean and I was hoping to receive some insight on how to improve this. I have already split up some mutations and am using actions to compose multiple mutations so I guess that is a good start.
In most examples I see super clean mutations and I have those as well but a lot I needs checks with if statements or other side effects. To provide examples:
My action:
setFilteredData({ state, commit }, payload) {
commit('setFilteredData', payload);
// Check if we need to split up the data into 'hotels' and 'nearby_hotels'.
if (state.filteredData.find(hotel => hotel.nearby_city)) {
commit('splitHotelsAndNearbyHotels', state.filteredData);
My mutation:
splitHotelsAndNearbyHotels(state, payload) {
// Chunk it up into hotels and nearby hotels.
const composed = groupBy(payload, 'nearby_city');
if (composed.true) {
composed.true.forEach((hotel) => {
if (hotel.isFirst) hotel.isFirst = false;
composed.true[0].isFirst = true;
// Merge them back together in the right order.
state.filteredData = composed.false.concat(composed.true);
In this example if my array of objects contains a hotel with hotel.nearby_city set to true it will perform the commit of splitHotelsAndNearbyHotels.
The code is not transparent enough. The if statement inside the action does not feel right and I would like my mutation to be cleaner.
I have thought about splitting up my splitHotelsAndNearbyHotels into separate functions but I have no idea where to place those. Simply putting them inside the Vuex file does not feel like a big improvement putting them in a separate file could be an option I guess.
How could I clean up my file to improve the readability? Perhaps someone can show me a Vuex example which does not have an ideal scenario like what I am dealing with.
Actually you can move your actions code into getters, it's more clean to use single source and filter it on getter.
But if you insist using action you can move your mutation code inside on action, and restructure your actions code just like this:
This is for provide data and helper functions:
var _ = require('lodash');
const payloadData = [
{"name":"A", "nearby_city":true, "isFirst":true},
{"name":"B", "nearby_city":false, "isFirst":false},
{"name":"C", "nearby_city":false, "isFirst":false},
{"name":"D", "nearby_city":true, "isFirst":false}
// assumed nearby_city is boolean
const isNearby = (hotels) => { return !!hotels.find(hotel => hotel.nearby_city === true) };
const groupBy = (items, key) => { return _.groupBy(items, item => item[key]) };
This is your mutation looks now:
const mutations = {
setfilteredData : (state, hotels) => {
state.filteredHotels = hotels || [];
And this is your actions, it's fine without moving your functions into separate files.
// separate filter function
const filterNearby = (payload) => {
if(isNearby(payload) === false){
return payload;
const composed = groupBy(payload, 'nearby_city');
composed.true.forEach((hotel) => {
if (hotel.isFirst) hotel.isFirst = false;
composed.true[0].isFirst = true;
return composed.false.concat(composed.true);
const actions = {
setfilteredData: ({state, commit}, payload) => {
* Using separate filter function
commit('setfilteredData', filterNearby(payload));
* Using restructured code
// Check if we need to split up the data into 'hotels' and 'nearby_hotels'.
if(isNearby(payload) === false){
commit('setfilteredData', payload);
// Chunk it up into hotels and nearby hotels.
const composed = groupBy(payload, 'nearby_city');
composed.true.forEach((hotel) => {
if (hotel.isFirst) hotel.isFirst = false;
composed.true[0].isFirst = true;
// Merge them back together in the right order.
commit('setfilteredData', composed.false.concat(composed.true));

React Native - How to see what's stored in AsyncStorage?

I save some items to AsyncStorage in React Native and I am using chrome debugger and iOS simulator.
Without react native, using regular web development localStorage, I was able to see the stored localStorage items under Chrome Debugger > Resources > Local Storage
Any idea how can I view the React Native AsyncStorage stored items?
React Native Debugger has this built in.
Just call showAsyncStorageContentInDev() in the RND console and you'll be able to see a dump of your app's storage.
You can use reactotron i think it has Async Storage explorer ;)
Following should work,
AsyncStorage.getAllKeys((err, keys) => {
AsyncStorage.multiGet(keys, (error, stores) => {
stores.map((result, i, store) => {
console.log({ [store[i][0]]: store[i][1] });
return true;
I have created a helper method to log all Storage in a single object (more clean to log for example in Reactotron):
import AsyncStorage from '#react-native-community/async-storage';
export function logCurrentStorage() {
AsyncStorage.getAllKeys().then((keyArray) => {
AsyncStorage.multiGet(keyArray).then((keyValArray) => {
let myStorage: any = {};
for (let keyVal of keyValArray) {
myStorage[keyVal[0]] = keyVal[1]
console.log('CURRENT STORAGE: ', myStorage);
react native debugger
right click on free space
With bluebird you can do this:
const dumpRaw = () => {
return AsyncStorage.getAllKeys().then(keys => {
return Promise.reduce(keys, (result, key) => {
return AsyncStorage.getItem(key).then(value => {
result[key] = value;
return result;
}, {});
dumpRaw().then(data => console.log(data));
Maybe late, but none of these solutions fit for me.
On android, with Android Studio open file explorer then go to data/data/your_package_name
Inside you should have a folder called database and inside a file RKStorage.
This file is a SQLite3 file so get your favorite SQLite explorer and explore. If you want one this one does the job : DB Browser for SQLite
I did not find Reactotron to have any type of pretty printing enabled and it's also brutally latent so I just wrote a simple function using lodash. You could use underscore too.
Assuming you have a static mapping of all your keys...
const keys = {
key1: 'key1',
key2: 'key2'
export function printLocalStorage() {
_.forEach(keys, (k, v) => {
localStore.getAllDataForKey(v).then(tree => {
console.log(k) // Logs key above the object
console.log(tree) // Logs a pretty printed JSON object
It's not performant but it solves the problem.
You can Define function to get all keys by using async and await
getAllkeys = () => {
return new Promise( async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
let keys = await AsyncStorage.getAllKeys();
let items = await AsyncStorage.multiGet(keys)
} catch (error) {
reject(new Error('Error getting items from AsyncStorage: ' + error.message))
somefunc = async () => {
try {
var items = await getAllkeys();
var someItems = items.filter(function (result, i, item) {
// do filtering stuff
return item;
// do something with filtered items
} catch (error) {
// do something with your error
I have a expo snack that shows this and also performs a "load". So it is useful for doing a dump of the contents and storing it to a file and loading it up later.
Here are they parts.
const keys = await AsyncStorage.getAllKeys();
const stores = await AsyncStorage.multiGet(keys);
const data = stores.reduce(
(acc, row) => ({ ...acc, [row[0]]: row[1] }),
// data now contains a JSONable Javascript object that contains all the data
This ammends the data in the AsyncStorage from a JSON string.
// sample is a JSON string
const data = JSON.parse(sample);
const keyValuePairs = Object.entries(data)
.map(([key, value]) => [key, value])
.reduce((acc, row) => [...acc, row], []);
await AsyncStorage.multiSet(keyValuePairs);
import AsyncStorage from "#react-native-async-storage/async-storage";
export const printAsyncStorage = () => {
AsyncStorage.getAllKeys((err, keys) => {
AsyncStorage.multiGet(keys, (error, stores) => {
let asyncStorage = {}
stores.map((result, i, store) => {
asyncStorage[store[i][0]] = store[i][1]
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