Search Turkish Character Problem on VueJs Bootstrap Vue Table - vue.js

I have a problem. I used bootstrap vue table. And I have a search box. I have a yield as "Istanbul". It doesn't see it when I press i in lower case. It accepts a capital letter I. I tried toLocaleLowerCase() but didn't run.
I type "istanbul" in the search box, but it does not find it in the table. It finds it when you write it as "İstanbul".
This is my template and dataset:
<b-table striped hover :fields="fields" :items="cities"></b-table>
export default {
data() {
return {
cities : [
cityCopyArray : [
This is my input:
:placeholder="'City Name"
This is my watch:
citySearchSearch: {
handler(val) {
this.cities = this.cityCopyArray.filter((city) => {
return this.converter(
And I used this code as converter :
var trMap = {
for(var key in trMap) {
text = text.replace(new RegExp('['+key+']','g'), trMap[key]);
return text.replace(/[^-a-zA-Z0-9\s]+/ig, '')
.replace(/\s/gi, "-")
.replace(/[-]+/gi, "-")

You can compare Turkish characters using toLocaleUpperCase('tr-TR') like:
const firstWord = 'istanbul';
const secondWord = 'İstanbul';
// If firstWord contains secondWord, firstWordContainsSecondWord will be true otherwise false.
const firstWordContainsSecondWord = firstWord.toLocaleUpperCase('tr-TR').indexOf(secondWord.toLocaleUpperCase('tr-TR')) !== -1;
Simple example:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
firstWord: 'istanbul',
secondWord: 'İstanbul',
result: null,
watch: {
firstWord() {
secondWord() {
mounted() {
methods: {
contains() {
// If firstWord contains secondWord, result will be true otherwise false.
this.result = this.firstWord.toLocaleUpperCase('tr-TR').indexOf(this.secondWord.toLocaleUpperCase('tr-TR')) !== -1;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<input placeholder="firstWord" v-model="firstWord">
<input placeholder="secondWord" v-model="secondWord">
Result =>
<br/> {{ firstWord }} contains {{ secondWord }} : {{ result }}


How can I get a specifc selection in select vue.js?

How are you?
I'm studying Vue and I'm stuck on the current task not knowing where to go.
I have a select that when I click I need to show on screen only what corresponds to that selection. For example, when placing the "to do" option in the select, only the tasks with a concluded=false should appear on the screen. I've only gotten this far and I need help to continue. Can you help me? Thanks
This is my App.vue
<div id="app">
<h1>Lista de Tarefas</h1>
<List :data="list" #remove="handleRemove"/>
<Form #add="addNewTask" #onChange="handleN"/>
import List from "./components/List.vue";
import Form from "./components/Form.vue";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
list: [],
methods: {
addNewTask(newTask) {
handleRemove(item) {
const index = this.list.findIndex(i => ===
this.list[index].excluded = true
handleN(item) {
const index = this.list.findIndex(i => ===
this.list[index].concluded = true
This is my List.vue
<select v-model="selected" #change="onChange($event)">
<option disabled value="">Escolha a visualização</option>
<option v-for="option in options" :key="option.text">
{{ option.text }}
<li v-for="item in itens" :key="">
<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" v-model="item.concluded" />
<label for="checkbox"> {{ item.description }} </label>
<button #click="() => $emit('remove', item)">Excluir</button>
export default {
props: {
data: {
type: Array,
default: () => {},
data() {
return {
selected: "",
options: [
{ text: "Todos", value: "1" },
{ text: "A fazer", value: "2" },
{ text: "Concluído", value: "3" },
{ text: "Deletado", value: "4" },
computed: {
itens() {
return => item.excluded === false);
methods: {
onChange(event) {
return => item.concluded === false);
This is my Form.vue
<form #submit.prevent="handleNewTask">
<input type="text" v-model="newTask" placeholder="Insira a tarefa"/>
<input type="submit" value="Adicionar"/>
import Task from '../types/Task.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
newTask: "",
methods: {
handleNewTask() {
this.$emit('add', new Task(this.newTask))
this.newTask = ''
And this is my Task.js
export default class {
constructor(description) {
this.description = description, = Math.random(),
this.concluded = false,
this.excluded = false
I watch some tutorials, read the documentation and some StackOverflow questions but I really can't get out of here
Thanks in advance for the help
Based on how you have structured your app, our only concern should be with the List.vue file.
Your goal is to filter the results based on the selection (selected property). However, your issue is that you are not even using that anywhere.
I know you are hard coding the filter on the onChange method but that is, first of all wrong because you aren't really changing anything (you are returning an array), and secondly it's inefficient.
A better way to do it is to update the computed itens function like so:
itens() {
return => {
if (this.selected === '1'){
return item.concluded === false
} else if (this.selected === '2'){
// filter another way
} else if (... // so on and so forth
Also, I would filter out the excluded items before sending them to the component. If you aren't going to use it, don't send it.
Remove the onChange event on the <select> and the associated method since they are now unused.

v-on does not working why not receive $emit in custom component

I'm create a an component which represents my money field.
My target is on add element in list, set zero on money field to add next element in list...
But, my problem is that not working when send using $emit event to clear input to improve usability.
$emit works as described on image bellow
My money field:
<div class="input-group" #clear="clearInputField()">
<span>{{ title }}</span>
<input ref="displayMoney" type="text" v-model="displayMoney" #focus="isActive = true" #blur="isActive = false" />
export default {
props: {
title: String,
data() {
return {
money: 0,
isActive: false,
methods: {
clearInputField() {
console.log("Its work event"); = 0;
this.displayMoney = "";
computed: {
displayMoney: {
get: function () {
if (this.isActive) {
} else {
return"pt-br", { style: "currency", currency: "BRL" });
set: function (modifiedMoney) {
let newMoney = parseFloat(modifiedMoney.replace(/[^\d.]/g, "."));
if (isNaN(newMoney) || newMoney.length == 0) {
newMoney = 0;
this.$emit("input", newMoney);
return ( = parseFloat(newMoney));
My principal component
<div class="wish-list">
<div class="row">
<div class="input-group">
<span>Digite sua meta: </span>
<input ref="descriptionWish" type="text" v-model="descriptionWish" />
<MoneyField title="Valor (R$): " v-model="valueWish" #keyup.native.enter="addWish" />
<button id="btnCalculate" #click="addWish()">Adicionar a lista de desejos</button>
<div class="list-items">
<li v-for="wish in wishes" :key="wish">{{ wish }}</li>
import MoneyField from "./Fields/MoneyField";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
wishes: [],
valueWish: 0,
descriptionWish: "",
methods: {
addWish() {
if (!isNaN(this.valueWish) && this.valueWish > 0 && this.descriptionWish.length > 0) {
`${this.descriptionWish} => ${this.valueWish.toLocaleString("pt-BR", { currency: "BRl", style: "currency" })}`
this.descriptionWish = "";
this.valueWish = 0;
this.valueWish = 0;
I still don't understand much about vueJS, but I believe it's something related to parent and child elements, but I've done numerous and I can't get my answer.
sorry for my bad english .
The emit sends an event from the child to the parent component not as you've done, to run a method from the child component you could add a ref in the component inside the parent one like :
<MoneyField title="Valor (R$): "
ref="moneyField" v-model="valueWish" #keyup.native.enter="addWish" />
then run this.$refs.moneyField.clearInputField() instead this.$emit("clear")

VueJs Watch per key of a model

I have an object (model), as an input field,for a search method, and I want that the watcher to detect changes per key, and not for all.
Right now ,if an input is changed, the watcher is called 10 times (the number of inputs that I have).
search: {
// do somenthing
deep: true
You can watch a computed value that return the specific field that you want to watch.
Vue.config.devtools = false;
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
form: {
name : '',
lastname: ''
computed: {
formName() {
watch: {
formName() {
console.log("Name has changed")
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
Name :
<input v-model="" />
Lastname :
<input v-model="form.lastname" />
You can explicitly watch the required key only.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
search: {
name: { placeholder: 'search name', value: '' },
age: { placeholder: 'search age', value: '' },
country: { placeholder: 'search country', value: '' }
'': { // Explicitly watch the required key.
console.log('name changed...')
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
v-for="(value, key, i) in search"
So, here watch's handler is called only when the name is searched & does not get called when age or country is searched.

Replace tag dynamically returns the object instead of the contents

I'm building an chat client and I want to scan the messages for a specific tag, in this case [item:42]
I'm passing the messages one by one to the following component:
import ChatItem from './ChatItem'
export default {
props :[
name: 'chat-parser',
data() {
return {
testData: []
methods : {
parseMessage(msg, createElement){
const regex = /(?:\[\[item:([0-9]+)\]\])+/gm;
let m;
while ((m = regex.exec(msg)) !== null) {
msg = msg.replace(m[0],
createElement(ChatItem, {
props : {
"id" : m[1],
if (m.index === regex.lastIndex) {
return msg
render(createElement) {
let user = "";
let msg = this.parseMessage(this.$, createElement)
return createElement(
// "hello",// createElement("render function")
createElement('span', '['+ this.$'] '),
I thought passing createElement to the parseMessage method would be a good idea, but it itsn't working properly as it replaces the tag with [object object]
The chatItem looks like this :
<span v-model="item">chatITem : {{ id }}</span>
export default {
data: function () {
return {
item : [],
props :['id'],
created() {
// this.getItem()
methods: {
getItem: function(){
obj.item = ["id" : "42", "name": "some name"]
Example :
if the message looks like this : what about [item:42] OR [item:24] both need to be replaced with the chatItem component
While you can do it using a render function that isn't really necessary if you just parse the text into a format that can be consumed by the template.
In this case I've kept the parser very primitive. It yields an array of values. If a value is a string then the template just dumps it out. If the value is a number it's assumed to be the number pulled out of [item:24] and passed to a <chat-item>. I've used a dummy version of <chat-item> that just outputs the number in a <strong> tag.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
ChatItem: {
props: ['id'],
template: '<strong>{{ id }}</strong>'
data () {
return {
text: 'Some text with [item:24] and [item:42]'
computed: {
richText () {
const text = this.text
// The parentheses ensure that split doesn't throw anything away
const re = /(\[item:\d+\])/g
// The filter gets rid of any empty strings
const parts = text.split(re).filter(item => item)
return => {
if (part.match(re)) {
// This just converts '[item:24]' to the number 24
return +part.slice(6, -1)
return part
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<template v-for="part in richText">
<chat-item v-if="typeof part === 'number'" :id="part"></chat-item>
<template v-else>{{ part }}</template>
If I were going to do it with a render function I'd do it pretty much the same way, just replacing the template with a render function.
If the text parsing requirements were a little more complicated then I wouldn't just return strings and numbers. Instead I'd use objects to describe each part. The core ideas remain the same though.

How do you activate a class for individual elements within an array? [Vue.js]

I want to activate a class for each input individually. I have two inputs bound to the same v-model and class. I have a method that checks for something to be true, and if true enables the bound class. Currently it enables the class on all inputs. (The end goal is to search multiple inputs for an element within an array and if it matches, the class activates only for that element)
<input v-model="highlightTest" id="1" v-bind:class="{ active: active }" v-on:keyup="Highlighting"></input>
<input v-model="highlightTest" id="2" v-bind:class="{ active: active }" v-on:keyup="Highlighting"></input>
Highlighting: function() {
if (this.highlightTest != '') { = true;
else { = false;
How about this:
<input v-for="(hi,index) of highlights" v-model="highlights[]" v-bind:class="{ active: highlights[index] }" v-on:keyup="highlighting(index)"></input>
export default{
data() {
return {
highlights: []
created() {
this.$http.get('some/api').then(res => {
// map: convert 0,1 to false,true
this.highlights = res.json().map(h => h==1);
methods: {
highlighting(index) {
if (this.highlights[index]) {
// this.highlights[index] = false won't let vue detect the data change(thus no view change)
this.highlights.splice(index, 1, false);
} else {
this.highlights.splice(index, 1, true);
Here's one way to do it (sorry for the delay btw)
<div id="app">
<p :class="{'active': activateWord(word)}" v-for="word in words">#{{ word }}</p>
<input type="text" v-model="inputText">
.active {
color: red;
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
inputText: '',
words: [
methods: {
activateWord(word) {
return this.inputText === word
here's a fiddle