How to Disable Pretty String for Struct Field - serialization

I am trying to find a way to disable string-prettify for struct fields
My struct:
pub struct Span {
pub start: (i32, i32), // ( Line, Column)
pub end: (i32, i32), // ( Line, Column)
Output: (Playground)
"span": {
"start": [
"end": [
// to something like this
"span": {
"start": [12,12],
"end": [12,12]
Is there any Field attributes or custom method to do this?
I commonly need to analyze json files containing these Span.



I am using the following query:
query myOrgRepos {
organization(login: "COMPANY_NAME") {
repositories(first: 100) {
edges {
node {
defaultBranchRef {
target {
... on Commit {
history(after: "2021-01-01T23:59:00Z", before: "2023-02-06T23:59:00Z", author: { emails: "USER_EMAIL" }) {
edges {
node {
But with accurate names for the orginization and emails, and am persistantly getting the following error for every repo.
"path": [
"locations": [
"line": 10,
"column": 29
"message": "`2021-01-01T23:59:00Z` does not appear to be a valid cursor."
If I remove the after field, it works just fine. However, I kind of need it. Acording to all the docs that I have read both after and before take the same timestamp. Can't tell where I am going wrong here.
I have tried:
to narrow the gap between before and after
return only a single repository
remove after (works fine without it)

Finding record which doesn't contain some value in array fields

I am using sequelize + typescript over node (with postgresql db) and I have the following model:
id: number,
someField: string,
arr1: number[],
arr2: number[]
and I'm trying to find all records in which arr1 and arr2 don't contain a certain value.
As far as I've seen my only option in one query is a mix between Op.not and Op.contains,
so I've tried the following queries:
/// Number 1
where: {
arr1: {
[Op.not] : {[Op.contains]: [someValue]}
arr2: {
[Op.not] : {[Op.contains]: [soemValue]}
/// Number 2
where: {
[Op.not]: [
{arr1: {[Op.contains]: [someValue]}},
{arr2: {[Op.contains]: [someValue]}}
Now, number 1 does compile in typescript but when trying to run it the following error returns:
"errorId": "db.failure",
"message": "Database error occurred",
"name": "SequelizeValidationError",
"message": "{} is not a valid array",
"type": "Validation error",
"path": "arr1",
"value": {},
"origin": "FUNCTION",
"instance": null,
"validatorKey": "ARRAY validator",
"validatorName": null,
"validatorArgs": []
So I tried number 2, which didn't compile at all with the following TS error:
Type '{ [Op.not]: ({ arr1: { [Op.contains]: [number]; }; } | { arr2: { [Op.contains]: [number]; }; })[]; }' is not assignable to type 'WhereOptions<any>'.
Types of property '[Op.not]' are incompatible.
Type '({ arr1: { [Op.contains]: [number]; }; } | { arr2: { [Op.contains]: [number]; }; })[]' is not assignable to type 'undefined'
So the question is what am I doing wrong, or in other words, how can I make that query without querying all records and filter using code
You have to use notIn and not contain maybe then it will work:
Official Docs:
where: {
arr1: {
[Op.notIn]: someValueArray
arr2: {
[Op.notIn]: someValueArray
Apparently the second option is the correct one, but what was incorrect was the types of sequelize, #ts-ignore fixes the problem

Want to parse string BLOB as JSON, modify few fields and parse it back to string BIGQUERY

So I have a column which contains JSONs as string BLOBs. For example,
"a": "a-1",
"b": "b-1",
"c-1": "c-1-1",
"c-2": "c-2-1"
"k": "v1"
"k": "v2"
"k": "v3"
Now my use case is to parse the key b, hash the value of key b, assign it back to the key b and store it back as a string in Bigquery.
I initially tried to do a lazy approach where I am only extracting the key b using the json_extract_scalar function in Bigquery and for other keys (like c and d - which I dont want to modify), I used json_extract function. Then I converted back to string after doing hashing the key b. Here is the query -
json_EXTRACT(COL_NAME, "$.a") AS a,
MD5(json_extract_scalar(_airbyte_data,"$.b")) AS b,
json_EXTRACT(COL_NAME,"$.c") AS c,
json_EXTRACT(COL_NAME,"$.d") AS d ) )
But the issue with this query is the JSON objects are getting converted to string and double quotes getting escaped due to TO_JSON_STRING (I tried using CAST AS STRING on top of STRUCT but it isn't supported). For example, the output row for this query looks like this:
"a": "a-1",
"b": "b-1",
\"c-1\": \"c-1-1\",
\"c-2\": \"c-2-1\"
\"k\": \"v1\"
\"k\": \"v2\"
\"k\": \"v3\"
I can achieve the required output if I use JSON_EXTRACT and JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR functions on every key (and on every nested keys) but this approach isn't scalable as I have close to 200 keys and many of them are nested 2-3 levels deep.
Can anyone suggest a better approach of achieving this? TIA
This should work
declare _json string default """{
"a": "a-1",
"b": "b-1",
"c-1": "c-1-1",
"c-2": "c-2-1"
"k": "v1"
"k": "v2"
"k": "v3"
SELECT regexp_replace(_json, r'"b": "(\w+)-(\w+)"',concat('"b":',TO_JSON_STRING( MD5(json_extract_scalar(_json,"$.b")))))
"a": "a-1",
"c-1": "c-1-1",
"c-2": "c-2-1"
"k": "v1"
"k": "v2"
"k": "v3"
If you need specific regex then please specify the example for b values.

Search for a numeric range inside string in elastic search

I wanted to search a numeric expression in elastic search.
indent code 4.8663 spaces
indent code 121.232 spaces
indent code 12.3232 spaces
Example query
get all string with "indent code between 1 and 100"
It should get 1st and 3rd but not 2nd.
"span_near": {
"in_order": 1,
"clauses": [
"span_term": {
"request": "indent"
"span_term": {
"request": "code"
"span_multi": {
"range": {
"request": {
"to": 100,
"from": 1
"slop": 0,
"collect_payloads": 0
giving wrong result. as it is comparing using TermRangeQuery rather than NumericRangeQuery.
If you can either replace float numbers by integer numbers (4.8663 => 5) or multiply your float numbers by a chosen power of 10 so that all numbers become integers (4.8663 => 48663), then you might be able to use the regexp query for this.
I've indexed three documents with integer numbers (5, 121 and 12) and I've been able to successfully retrieve the two in the 1-100 interval using the following query.
"query": {
"regexp": {
"request": {
"value": "<1-100>"
If you absolutely need to keep the precision for other reasons, then this might not work out for you.

How to query mongodb with “like” for number data type? [duplicate]

I want to regex search an integer value in MongoDB. Is this possible?
I'm building a CRUD type interface that allows * for wildcards on the various fields. I'm trying to keep the UI consistent for a few fields that are integers.
> db.seDemo.insert({ "example" : 1234 });
> db.seDemo.find({ "example" : 1234 });
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4bfc2bfea2004adae015220a"), "example" : 1234 }
> db.seDemo.find({ "example" : /^123.*/ });
As you can see, I insert an object and I'm able to find it by the value. If I try a simple regex, I can't actually find the object.
If you are wanting to do a pattern match on numbers, the way to do it in mongo is use the $where expression and pass in a pattern match.
> db.test.find({ $where: "/^123.*/.test(this.example)" })
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4bfc3187fec861325f34b132"), "example" : 1234 }
I am not a big fan of using the $where query operator because of the way it evaluates the query expression, it doesn't use indexes and the security risk if the query uses user input data.
Starting from MongoDB 4.2 you can use the $regexMatch|$regexFind|$regexFindAll available in MongoDB 4.1.9+ and the $expr to do this.
let regex = /123/;
$regexMatch and $regexFind
"$expr": {
"$regexMatch": {
"input": {"$toString": "$name"},
"regex": /123/
"$expr": {
"$gt": [
"$size": {
"$regexFindAll": {
"input": {"$toString": "$name"},
"regex": "123"
From MongoDB 4.0 you can use the $toString operator which is a wrapper around the $convert operator to stringify integers.
{ "$redact": {
"$cond": [
{ "$gt": [
{ "$indexOfCP": [
{ "$toString": "$example" },
] },
] },
If what you want is retrieve all the document which contain a particular substring, starting from release 3.4, you can use the $redact operator which allows a $conditional logic processing.$indexOfCP.
{ "$redact": {
"$cond": [
{ "$gt": [
{ "$indexOfCP": [
{ "$toLower": "$example" },
] },
] },
which produces:
"_id" : ObjectId("579c668c1c52188b56a235b7"),
"example" : 1234
"_id" : ObjectId("579c66971c52188b56a235b9"),
"example" : 12334
Prior to MongoDB 3.4, you need to $project your document and add another computed field which is the string value of your number.
The $toLower and his sibling $toUpper operators respectively convert a string to lowercase and uppercase but they have a little unknown feature which is that they can be used to convert an integer to string.
The $match operator returns all those documents that match your pattern using the $regex operator.
{ "$project": {
"stringifyExample": { "$toLower": "$example" },
"example": 1
{ "$match": { "stringifyExample": /^123.*/ } }
which yields:
"_id" : ObjectId("579c668c1c52188b56a235b7"),
"example" : 1234,
"stringifyExample" : "1234"
"_id" : ObjectId("579c66971c52188b56a235b9"),
"example" : 12334,
"stringifyExample" : "12334"
Now, if what you want is retrieve all the document which contain a particular substring, the easier and better way to do this is in the upcoming release of MongoDB (as of this writing) using the $redact operator which allows a $conditional logic processing.$indexOfCP.
{ "$redact": {
"$cond": [
{ "$gt": [
{ "$indexOfCP": [
{ "$toLower": "$example" },
] },
] },