How to get an api get request's query parameter using Playwright-Java - api

Context :
Trying to intercept and Replace a browser get request's query string parameters using playwright java.
I am able to print the URL of the get request along with the query string parameters using page.onRequest
Please help me find a method in the request object that could retrieve the query string parameters in the payload section or any other way to intercept and Replace a browser get request's query string parameters.
PFB Playwrights available methods in the request object
PFB the Network tab log of the fired get request


How to get the response body of JSON format when using Jenkins rest api to create job?

The .../api/json seems only working for query info with GET method. When I request /createItem?name=xxx or /createItem/api/json?name=xxx with POST method, it always return the response body of HTML。
This is very inconvenient to get error information,for example, when the job already exists,it return like this

Variable Path Param for GET request in Jmeter

I'm testing a GET request using Jmeter, this request has path parameter:
I'm trying to send the parameter in two different locations
Send Parameters With the Request
And I insert a "User Parameters" as productSku and the value.
I noticed the code response is 200, but the body response is "[]", but when I send it using Postman the response body has a lot of information.
If I change the path in the request like this:
I noticed the code response is 404. Can you help me?
Use "//" instead of "/".
Correct URL will be : rest/V1/autobusca/marketplace/product//${productSku}

JMeter variable in GET request failing

I have a GET Request that is returning an XML that contains a TicketName. I have setup the Regular Expression Extractor with Debug Sampler. It is picking up the TicketName as required and is displaying it in the View Results Tree, with the correct name variable name ticketID_g1.
However when I pass that variable to the next GET request the test plan fails with Non HTTP response message: Socket closed.
The thing is that the GET request looks find when I look at the request tab in the Results Tree.
I have changed my regular expression a number of times with each one extracting the TicketName properly but each time I apply it as a variable the GET request fails. However if I copy the request showing in the Results Tree Request Tab and paste it directly into my browser I get the desired result.
I have been through the manuals and on-line tutorials and it appears that I am doing everything right but obviously I am missing something.
The 1st GET Request returns an XML that contains name="2019-05-09-16-59-54cmrpip000613_EDASERVE" needsPrompt
I am using the following regular expression to extract the name for my variable ticketID
name="([^"]+)" needsPrompt - This works
The Results Tree is showing the following response from the Debug Sampler -
When I pass the ticketID variable to the next GET request
The Response tab in the Results Tree for the second GET request is showing that the request is good but is failing.
GET http://localhost:8080/ibi_apps/rs?IBIRS_action=getReport&IBIRS_ticketName=2019-05-09-16-59-54cmrpip000613_EDASERVE&IBIRS_service=defer
What I am expecting is that this second GET will run with the variable and return a report but is throwing the Non HTTP response message: Socket closed error.
You have below variable which is capturing ticket id.
But, in the below request you are passing the same which also have repeated content that is
Please pass the ticketID variable correctly and hopefully it solves the issue. If I am correct you request should look like:-

ShopStyle API - How to Invoke an HTTP request

How do I Invoke an HTTP request with a particular URL and process the body of the response as XML?
Information Provided by ShopStyle:
Choose the method that returns the data your application needs. For example, the /products method is used to get products that match a given category or brand.Construct a URL for that method with the appropriate host, method name, and query parameters. Invoke the URL as an HTTP GET.
When the HTTP response arrives, extract the required data elements from the response's body.The rest of this document describes the details of constructing the right URL for each of the API methods. The XML format of the responses may be seen by clicking on the sample URLs shown for each method. The responses in JSON format contain identical information, just in a different format.
All ShopStyle API URLs have the following form:
The METHOD_NAME is taken from the list of methods in the various API shown at left (Press Link To View List of Methods-
All methods in the API accept these parameters:
API_KEY (my unique key is ******************)
pid Unique API_KEY string that is assigned to the caller. You can find your API Key on the Account Settings page.
The format of the response. Supported values are:
json - The response is in JSON format with UTF-8 encoding. This is the default if the parameter is absent.
xml - The response is in XML format with UTF-8 encoding.
jsonp - The response is in JSON format with UTF-8 encoding wrapped in a JavaScript method called padding. The padding must be specified with the query parameter 'callback'. Only single expressions (function reference, or object property function reference) are accepted as valid padding.
When set to 1 or 'true' the HTTP status will always be 200. Use the field "errorCode" in the response to detect whether the API Call was successful. By default, when an error occur the HTTP Status of the response will be different than 200
Again I am a beginner, so please provide detailed information on how to retrieve CATEGORY data (Examples: Dresses, Tops, Buttoms, etc) in XML format.**
Thank you!!!
Here's a simple example to get your started. Copy the code below and put it into a file, say "cat.php". Then run it by typing "php cat.php" at a command prompt (assumes you have php on your machine):
// don't show dom parse errors
// grab the xml from the api
$response = file_get_contents("");
$doc = new DOMDocument();
// grab all the categories
$elements = $doc->getElementsByTagName('categories');
foreach($elements as $node){
foreach($node->childNodes as $child) {
// get the name out of the category
$nodes = $child->getElementsByTagName("name");
foreach ($nodes as $name) {
echo $name->nodeValue . PHP_EOL;

How to pass regular expression extracted value in json format for PUT call in jmeter?

I am testing RESTapi with (json format) using (HTTP Request sampler) in jmeter. I am facing problems with the PUT calls for update operation.
The PUT call with parameters don't work at all using (HTTP Request sampler), so now i am using the post body to pass the Json.
How can i pass the extracted values from the previous response to next PUT request in thread group? Passing the 'Regex veritable' to PUT call in Post body don't work, it doesn't take ${value} in Post body.
How do i carry out UPDATE operations using (HTTP Request sampler) in Jmeter?
Check that your regexp extractor really worked using a debug sampler to show extracted value.
Check your regexp extractor is scoped correctly.
See this configuration:
A Variable:
Its use with a PUT request:
The sampler result: