Unable to create a cURL string in VB.net - vb.net

I I'm trying to integrate an SMS service in my desktop application in VB.net but I'm not able to create the correct string to to that.
This is the autentication method:
Session Key example
curl -XGET 'https://app.esendex.it/API/v1.0/REST/login' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Basic base64_encode(MY_USERNAME:MY_PASSWORD)'
On success, the above command returns the following response: USER_KEY;SESSION_KEY
This is what I've done:
Private Sub SMS()
Dim username = "myuser"
Dim password = "mypass"
Dim encoded As String
encoded = System.Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetBytes(username + ":" + password))
Dim webRequest As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("https://app.esendex.it/API/v1.0/REST/login")
webRequest.ContentType = "application/json"
webRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + encoded)
webRequest.Method = "GET"
Dim myHttpWebResponse = CType(webRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
TextBox1.Text = myHttpWebResponse.ToString
End Sub
but myHttpWebResponse.ToString doesn't get USER_KEY & SESSION_KEY
Can someone help me ?


Curl URL into vb.net

Hi i'm trying to find a solution how to implement the below curl in vb.net:
curl -X 'GET' \ 'https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=bitcoin&vs_currencies=usd&include_market_cap=false&include_24hr_vol=false&include_24hr_change=false&include_last_updated_at=false&precision=full' \ -H 'accept: application/json'
Using System.Net.Http you can do that as follows:
Private Sub GetBtcPrice()
Using client As System.Net.Http.HttpClient = New System.Net.Http.HttpClient
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("accept", "application/json")
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
Dim response As HttpResponseMessage = client.GetAsync("https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price" & sb.ToString).GetAwaiter().GetResult()
Dim sResponse As String = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult()
Console.WriteLine("response: " & sResponse)
End Using
End Sub
Dim webClient As New System.Net.WebClient
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12
Dim result As String = webClient.DownloadString("https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=bitcoin&vs_currencies=usd&include_market_cap=false&include_24hr_vol=false&include_24hr_change=false&include_last_updated_at=false&precision=full")
And its stored in variable result as json

Correct way to add "autorization : bearer" header in an HttpWebRequest

I want to code this curl command in VB.NET
curl -X GET 'https://api.twitch.tv/helix/users?login=crunchprank' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YY' \
-H 'Client-Id: XX'
This curl works perfectly if executed in online curl like https://reqbin.com/curl
Client Id and Bearer are ok.
Here is my VB.Net code
Dim strTwitchApiRequestChannelUrl As String
Dim httpTwitchApiRequestChannel As HttpWebRequest
Dim httpTwitchApiRequestChannelResponse As HttpWebResponse
Dim strTwitchApiRequestChannelResponse As String
strTwitchApiRequestChannelUrl = "https://api.twitch.tv/helix/users?" & strTwitchChannelId
httpTwitchApiRequestChannel = CType(WebRequest.Create(strTwitchApiRequestChannelUrl), HttpWebRequest)
httpTwitchApiRequestChannel.Timeout = 10000
httpTwitchApiRequestChannel.Headers("client_id") = "XX"
httpTwitchApiRequestChannel.Headers("Authorization") = " Bearer " & YY
httpTwitchApiRequestChannelResponse = TryCast(httpTwitchApiRequestChannel.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
If httpTwitchApiRequestChannelResponse.StatusCode = 200 Then
Using responseStream As Stream = httpTwitchApiRequestChannelResponse.GetResponseStream()
Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(responseStream)
strTwitchApiRequestChannelResponse = reader.ReadToEnd()
End Using
End If
I get an 401 response code. I'm pretty sure it's because of the autorization headers. It missed the :
Same issue if i did this :
httpTwitchApiRequestChannel.Headers("Authorization") = ": Bearer " & YY
And I cannot do this httpTwitchApiRequestChannel.Headers("Authorization: Bearer ") = YY because i got an error: Specified value has invalid HTTP Header characters. (Parameter 'name')"}

converting curl -x get to vb.net without success

I need to convert this to vb.net:
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'X-API-KEY: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' 'https://app.atera.com/api/v3/agents'
What I've tried is:
Dim myHttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create("https://app.atera.com/api/v3/agents"), HttpWebRequest)
myHttpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Accept", "application/json")
myHttpWebRequest.Headers.Add("X-API-KEY", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
Dim myHttpWebResponse = CType(myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
TextBox1.Text = myHttpWebResponse.ToString
Unfortunatly whatever I tried I get an error.
Can you help me out here?
Got it worked.
They new code that works is:
Dim myHttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create("https://app.atera.com/api/v3/agents/130"), HttpWebRequest)
myHttpWebRequest.Accept = "application/json"
'myHttpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Accept", "application/json")
myHttpWebRequest.Headers.Add("X-API-KEY", "XXXXXXXXXXXX")
Dim myHttpWebResponse = CType(myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
Dim responseReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(myHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream)
Dim result As String = responseReader.ReadToEnd()
TextBox1.Text = result
End Sub

VB.NET 401 Unauthorized error in PayPal OAuth API

I'm trying to get an access token back from PayPals OAuth API, I can get it back with curl but need to get the code through vb.NET. I always get a 401 unauthorized response but can't see why. I'm using the following code:
Dim uri as new Uri("https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/oauth2/token")
Dim wClientID As String = "client ID"
Dim wClientSecret As String = "Client Secret"
Dim data as string = "grant_type=client_credentials"
Dim dataByte as Byte()
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12
request = WebRequest.Create(uri)
request.Headers.Add("Username", wClientID)
request.Headers.Add("Password", wClientSecret)
request.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "Basic " & wClientID & ":" & wClientSecret)
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
request.Method = "POST"
dataByte = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data)
Using requestStream = request.GetRequestStream
requestStream.Write(dataByte, 0, dataByte.Length)
End Using
Any help would be appreciated, I've triple checked the client id and secret, both are definitely correct
You need to Base64 encode the clientid:secret string for HTTP basic authentication. Curl does this for you.

VB.NET Rest Client POST -d body

I have a Rest API that i can query normal. Unfortunately I have to submit parameter values as body content.
CURL code is like
curl -X POST "https://URL" -H "accept: application/json" -H "authorization: bearer [BEARER GOES HERE] -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"ids\": [\"ldt:b3b6ea07a6b848fdb5ca3e36bf1e3678:21475014799\",\"ldt:b3b6ea07a6b848fdb5ca3e36bf1e3678:8590616500\"]}"
I'm able to query the API like this:
Dim request = New RestRequest("/detects/queries/detects/v1, Method.POST)
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json")
request.AddHeader("Authorization", "bearer " + bearer)
data_response = data_client.Execute(request)
data_response_raw = data_response.Content
The thing that I'm struggling with is to add the body / -d part of the curl request. The content is fairly simple:
I tried request.AddBody(Of RequestBody)(body) but that gives me only a syntax error.
Can anybody give me a hint on this?
Thank you!
I have personally never used RestSharp, however here is the documentation related to specifying the request body of the RestRequest object: https://restsharp.dev/usage/parameters.html#request-body
Specifically, the documentation suggests using the AddJsonBody method: https://restsharp.dev/usage/parameters.html#addjsonbody
Here is an example using your desired body content:
Dim param = New With {Key .ids = {"ldt:b3b6ea07a6b848fdb5ca3e36bf1e3678:21475014799"}}
Davids hint did the trick - this is the code working
Dim sb0 As New StringBuilder
sb0.Append(Chr(123) + Chr(34) + "ids" + Chr(34) + Chr(58) + Chr(91))
Dim append As String
Dim zahl = 0
Do Until zahl = nmbr2 - 1
append = raw_d("resources")(zahl)
sb0.Append(Chr(34) + append + Chr(34) + ",")
zahl = zahl + 1
append = raw_d("resources")(zahl)
sb0.Append(Chr(34) + append + Chr(34))
sb0.Append(Chr(93) + Chr(125))
Dim body As String = sb0.ToString
Dim request = New RestRequest("xxx", Method.POST)
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json")
request.AddHeader("Authorization", "bearer " + bearer)
data_response = data_client.Execute(request)
data_response_raw = data_response.Content
Maybe not the prettiest way to create the body but it works ;)