Azure B2C Custom Policy Social Button Showing Above Local Account Fields - azure-ad-b2c-custom-policy

I have added social logins to out custom policy. I am using the latest version of unifiedssp
For some reason the div containing the social buttons are appearing above the local login, whereas if I use the same page version with a user flow the social buttons appear below the local login.
I have since used default B2C pages - Classic and Azure Blue, i.e.
<ContentDefinition Id="api.selfasserted.unifiedsigninsignup">
I find that classic puts the social buttons above the input form and Azure Blue below.
Is this controlled by something in the HTML or CSS/JS as I thought we were not meant to alter the order via JS.


Login screen for a Ext JS 4.0.7 application

I've developed an Ext JS 4.0.7 app for my company. It has various modules for different team's needs. Now, the company want to make sure only relevant people have access to relevant modules in an app. It's an ERP application which has CRM, MRP, Engineering, HR and Finance modules. Now, respective team members should have access to respective menus and pages and super admin will have access to everything.
I know how to control the menus based on user login. But not sure how to integrate user login screen into my app. I know basics of Ext JS and able to design a Login screen using form panel ...... but not sure how to make it as my app's first screen and upon successful login, let the user in and able to logout from there.
If anyone already developed such functionality, i request to share the solution here. Any pointers or code snippets will be a great help.
Thanks very much in advance.
My application has a header (company logo and app title - horizontal on north) and left menu and content panel.
So, here is how login/logout screen implemented.
When app is loaded, when viewport is loaded, on render, I load menu store and load 'Login' and 'Change Password' menu items in them.
When user enters login/pwd, via ajax call , will call servlet and process login data. Upon login successful, based on user role, respective menu json built in server side and menu store is loaded with this json. This json has 'Logout' menu by default. So, when user logs out, will load Login screen in content panel.
Not sure whether any other best ways to implement the same. But this is working well.

Unable to create a custom field of type Social Media (OpenGraph)

I am implementing a social share feature in to my website which has been created using sitefinity CMS.
For that I have created MVC widget which consist of the code to share via twitter, linkedin and so on. I have referred the following link to implement the same.
To enrich the shared content I need to use open graph custom fields which I need to add on the page where the social share widget is used. However, when I go on to create custom field from page grid I cannot find a type "Social Media (OpenGraph)" inside the type dropdown list.
Note:Version I am using is Progress Sitefinity CMS 11.0.6701.0 Enterprise Edition and checked SEO and OpenGraph properties from settings in backend.
The OpenGraph field type has been added to Pages in Sitefinity version 11.1
See here:

SQL Script to set DNN page permissions and add an existing module to a page

I have a DNN site with a broken login screen. All urls (incl ?ctl=login) are not displaying the account login module so I am trying to create a new login page via the SQL database only.
I am looking for a script to do 3 things (ideally as a single script):
1) create a new page
2) give this new page 'All Users' permission to 'View Tab' and 'Edit Tab'
3) add the account login module to this new page
I hope this will be a workaround to gain access to site in order to fix underlying issue.
In general this is caused by the set login (Admin Site settings > Advanced settings) page not containing a login module.
Although not a direct answer to you question, the easier way to fix this is to remove the set login page for the portal.
In DNN 5+ check out the PortalLocalization table and look for the LoginTabId, reset that to NULL and you should be able to login again.

Bigcommerce app submission - user flow requirements

I'm hoping that a Bigcommerce rep can answer this. I had some trouble accessing my Bigcommerce store to get my support PIN so I'm posting here.
I am developing a Bigcommerce app and am wondering if the Bigcommerce user must automatically be logged into my app when they open it in the iframe, or can the app display a login page inside the iframe when it opens?
I've seen some apps first display a signup page for the user to fill out, and I was planning to also first display a signup page for the user to create an account inside the app, then ask them to log into the app on the next session. Is this allowed, or do I need to implement OAuth in a way that allows the Bigcommerce user to log into my app based on their store during the app load?

Can I create Page Tab through Graph API?

I am currently developing an web application on Rails. I want the user to be able to create his own facebook page. I thought of creating custom Tab for him on my main application or page.
Can Graph API create Page Tabs programatically?
I do not believe that it is possible to actually create a new application via the API. This would open a flood gate for possible spam.
What you will be able to do is allow users to add your tab application to their page and then provide them with some customization. You can add a tab to a page programmatically with a post call similar to this -
along with these parameters -
app_id - Tab application to be added.
access_token - An access token with permissions to manage the page (manage_pages).
References -
Pages Documentation
Permisssions Documentation