is it possible to get the execute sql that contains parameter when debugging mybatis source - intellij-idea

I am setting a breakpoint in mybatis source BaseExecutor's queryFromDatabase function in Intellij Idea, this code block look like this:
private <E> List<E> queryFromDatabase(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, CacheKey key, BoundSql boundSql) throws SQLException {
List<E> list;
localCache.putObject(key, EXECUTION_PLACEHOLDER);
try {
list = doQuery(ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, boundSql);
} finally {
localCache.putObject(key, list);
if (ms.getStatementType() == StatementType.CALLABLE) {
localOutputParameterCache.putObject(key, parameter);
return list;
but the boundSql content shows sql like this:
select * from article where channel_id in (?)
is it possible to get the execute sql in the trace? because the channel_id has more than 100 and the sql also contains other filter condition.

Related with null

My code:
From the frontend we get connect object with 2 fields:
aCredentialsId : UUID //required
bCredentialsId : UUID //optional
So sometimes the second line credentialService.getCredentials(connect.getBCredentialsId())) can return Mono.empty
How to write code to be prepared for this empty Mono when my second field bCredentialsId is null?
What should I do? In case of empty values return Mono.just(new Object) and then check if obj.getValue != null??? I need to fetch data from DB for 2 different values
The strategy I prefer here is to declare an optional() utility method like so:
public class Utils {
public static <T> Mono<Optional<T>> optional(Mono<T> in) {
...which then allows you to transform your second Mono to one that will always return an optional, and thus do something like:
).map(e -> new Connect(e.getT1(), e.getT2()))
(...assuming you have a Connect object that takes an Optional as the second parameter of course.)
An easier way is using mono's defaultIfEmpty method.
Mono<String> m1 = credentialService.getCredentials(connect.getACredentialsId());
Mono<String> m2 = credentialService.getCredentials(connect.getBCredentialsId()).defaultIfEmpty("");, m2).map(t -> connectService.connect(t.getT1(), t.getT2()));
Explanation: if m2 is null then get empty string as a default value instead of null.
Instead of using .zip here, I would work with a nullable property of Connect and use .flatMap in combination with .switchIfEmpty for it.
val aCredentials = credentialService.getCredentials(connect.getACredentialsId())
.flatMap { bCredentials -> aCredentials
.map { Connect(it, bCredentials)}
.switchIfEmpty(Connect(null, bCredentials))
.switchIfEmpty { { Connect(it, null) } }

Syntax Error, cannot parse from lucene StandardQueryparser when using fq(filtered query)

I am trying to pass a java String to Apache StandardQueryparser to get the Querynode.
Input - "fq=section:1"
All I need is section:1 in FILTER clause in QueryNode. This looks pretty straightforward but it throws
INVALID_SYNTAX_CANNOT_PARSE: Syntax Error, cannot parse fq=section:1:
Use a ConstantScoreQuery. It won't affect it score, and is the same was as the fq parameter is implemented in Solr:
public Weight createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher, ScoreMode scoreMode, float boost) throws IOException {
// SolrRequestInfo reqInfo = SolrRequestInfo.getRequestInfo();
if (!(searcher instanceof SolrIndexSearcher)) {
// delete-by-query won't have SolrIndexSearcher
return new BoostQuery(new ConstantScoreQuery(q), 0).createWeight(searcher, scoreMode, 1f);
SolrIndexSearcher solrSearcher = (SolrIndexSearcher)searcher;
DocSet docs = solrSearcher.getDocSet(q);
// reqInfo.addCloseHook(docs); // needed for off-heap refcounting
return new BoostQuery(new SolrConstantScoreQuery(docs.getTopFilter()), 0).createWeight(searcher, scoreMode, 1f);

jdbcTemplate.query works fine when passing few parameters and doesn't work for others

I have a select Oracle SQL that I am hitting using jdbcTemplate.query method. This returns a bean of the values from the table. I am passing a dynamic value to the query that will be used in the WHERE clause. However, the SQL values for few values that i am passing. But when I pass the value as NA it won't work. Any suggestions on this or help me with what am i missing?
private static final String regionSearchSql = "SELECT PRFLID, PRFLNM, RGN_CD FROM %PREFIX%MER_PRFL WHERE RGN_CD = ?";
public List<SearchProfileBean> regionSearchProfile(SearchProfileRequest searchProfileRequest) throws DatabaseQueryException {
try {
return jdbcTemplate.query((QueryUtility.getQueryWithPrefix(regionSearchSql,prefix)), new SearchProfileRowMapper(), searchProfileRequest.getRegionName());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DatabaseQueryException(QueryUtility.getQueryWithPrefix(regionSearchSql, prefix), e);
If i pass 'EMEA', 'LAC', 'JAPA' in searchProfileRequest.getRegionName() - the SQL returns perfect results. But if I pass 'NA' in searchProfileRequest.getRegionName(), it gives empty results. But there are rows in the table for NA.

Apache DBUtils - Why need resultsethandler for Insert?

I run an insert statement using Apache DBUtils. However, I am not sure why I have to include ResultSetHandler for this case:
String theQuery = QueryGenerator.insertintoStats();
ResultSetHandler<Object> dummyHandler = new ResultSetHandler<Object>() {
public Object handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException
return null;
queryRunner.insert(connection, theQuery, dummyHandler, Constants.UUIDSTR.toString(), name, prevbackupTime,
curbackupTime, updStartTime, delStartTime, bkupType.toString(), rowCount);
catch (SQLException e)
LOGGER.error("Caught exception!", e);
Similar's the case for insertbatch which does use ResultSetHandler. I have resorted to use batch call for batch queries. Can anyone explain why we would be needing resultset handler for insert?
From documentation
public <T> T insert(String sql,
ResultSetHandler<T> rsh,
Object... params)
throws SQLException
rsh - The handler used to create the result object from the ResultSet
of auto-generated keys.
If you insert values in a table which generate id upon insertion, you can retrieve it back, for example see this answer how to do this manually :
You need ResultSetHandler<T> rsh to iterate over ResultSet which returned with id's which has been created.

How to handle null pointer exceptions in elasticsearch

I'm using elasticsearch and i was trying to handle the case when the database is empty
public <M extends Model> SearchResults<M> findPage(int page, String search, String searchFields, String orderBy, String order, String where) {
BoolQueryBuilder qb = buildQueryBuilder(search, searchFields, where);
Query<M> query = (Query<M>) ElasticSearch.query(qb, entityClass);
// FIXME Currently we ignore the orderBy and order fields
query.from((page - 1) * getPageSize()).size(getPageSize());
return query.fetch();
the error at return query.fetch();
i'm trying to implement a try and catch statement but it's not working, any one can help with this please?