Is it possible to authenticate a user using google identity without provider's sign in page - authentication

I have a web application "APP1" (front-end: Vue.js & Back end:Azure function) deployed in azure app service. I have implemented client directed sign in (easy auth using this), after that I can authenticate user using provider's sign in page [both AAD & google].
I have another web application "APP2" deployed in on-primes server. I want to redirect to APP1 from "APP2" and automatically sign in without provider's sign in page. I will read credentials from environment variable.
Tried solutions
I have found a similar issue here, however I am unable to use the solution because the DB between AAP1 and AAP2 can't be shared
I have also checked the google identity providers documentation, however I am unable to find how to programmatically sign in without provider's sign in page
Is it possible to programmatically sign in to google identity to get token without provider's sign in page

The whole point of google identity is to prove the identity of the person behind the machine.
OpenID Connect is an open standard that companies use to authenticate (signin) users. IdPs use this so that users can sign in to the IdP, and then access other websites and apps without having to log in or share their sign-in information. (id_token)
OAuth 2.0. This standard provides secure delegated access. This means an application created by a developer, can take actions or access resources from a server on behalf of the user, without them having to share their credentials (login and password). It does this by allowing the identity provider (IdP) to issue tokens to third-party applications with the user’s approval. (access_token, refresh_token)


How to login into Google workspace using OIDC with my own identity provider

I am building an SSO system for android where I am the identity provider. And I want users to sign in from my app that will automatically log them in to google workspace (or any other enterprise application e.g salesforce). I cannot figure out what and how to send identity values from my Idp to Google workspace.
This can't be done this way round. When a user signs in to your app she can't be automatically signed in to any other application. The options that you have are:
When a user signs in to your application you can ask Google for an access token. As part of your sign-in process, you can run an OAuth flow against Google Authorization Servers and ask for proper permissions. This will allow the user to additionally log in to their Google account, consent to release information to your app and you will then get an access token that will enable you to call Google's APIs. This way your users will have to log in twice (both to your app and to Google).
You can rely on Google to log users into your app. So, Google will be the OIDC Provider and your app will only be the client. People will log in to their Google account, and you will get an ID token in return. You can use the data from the ID token to create user accounts and sessions in your app.
In the first case, you will want to have a look at OAuth flows, like the code flow. In the latter, you will need OIDC flow, e.g. the OIDC code flow.

How is it possible to authenticate an application using Azure AD

I'm trying to setup an application to validate identity using Azure AD and acquire a token to allow access to a secure api. The front end application is written in angular and allows anonymous access. What can I use to access AAD authenticate and return an access token?
This will be an angular 6+ UI that is communicating to a secure .Net api using Azure AD for authentication. I have done a couple days research and everything points to a user logging in to authenticate using the login page. I need it to be by app and open the login page. I tried a couple examples where it utilized authentication/authorization and that didn't work because the app needs to authorization the user to talk to the api. I have seen where people were using Microsoft graph but once again it was user based and they were redirected to an azure login. I am looking for a solution that will allow me to setup an account in azure ad and authenticate the app on start to get an access token to allow communication to my secure api. If I have missed something somewhere in my research and test attempts let me know. This is my first Azure AD auth attempt and I feel like I am missing something for application authorization.
The problem is an Angular app is what we call a public client.
It cannot hold secrets and thus cannot prove its identity.
So, only user-based authentication flows should be used by public clients.
Confidential clients on the other hand can hold secrets as they run on servers that you control.
So for example, a back-end Web application or API would be a confidential client.
Those can use the client credentials flow to acquire access tokens and call APIs as themselves without a user being involved.
There is a bit of a fundamental issue in your question.
Your API requires authentication, but you want functionality to be available to anonymous users.
So you want to bypass authentication.
If you really want to bypass authentication for parts of the API, you could just make those endpoints available anonymously without a token.

How do I allow users to log in to my web app using their IBM ID

Should be a simple matter of registering the app in the IBM Cloud and providing callback URIs for authenticating the user and returning control just like login with google or login with Amazon.
But I cannot seem to find the exact flow of steps involved.
I think the service you are looking for is App ID.
When you are developing a web application, you can use the App ID web flow to securely authenticate users. Users are then able to access your server-side protected content in your web apps.
App ID uses the OIDC authorization code flow to securely authenticate users. With this flow, when the user is authenticated, the app receives an authorization code. The code is then exchanged for an access, identity, and refresh token. In code exchange step the tokens are always sent via a secure backchannel between the app and the OIDC server. This provides an additional layer of security as the attacker is not able to intercept the tokens. These tokens can be sent directly to the web server hosting application for user authentication.
App ID interacts with identity providers by using multiple protocols such as OpenID Connect, SAML, and more. For example, OpenID Connect is the protocol that is used with many social providers such as Facebook, Google. Enterprise providers such as Azure Active Directory External link icon or Active Directory Federation Service External link icon, generally use SAML as their identity protocol. For Cloud Directory, the service uses SCIM to verify identity information.
Read this blog post for using a custom identity provider
For an in-depth understanding of the flow, you can refer to this link

SAML between existing account and service provider

I have a basic user database with username(email) and password. The users are able to sign in to a website of mine with these credentials. From the website they get a link to different services they have access to, but with different username/passwords. So they click the link "Open My Service X" and they have to login with their service unique login credentials. I do have the users service login-username. So I can map local-user <=> service-user.
I want SSO between service X which has support for SAML and my website.
I want the users to login with their user/password in my database, then single sign on towards service X where service X has support for SAML. I don't want a user to be able to sign up for a new user account to my website using the SAML support in service X. The user must already have an account in my database.
So my question might be rather vague, but I'm having a hard time to grasp how this can be achieved?
I was thinking of letting my webapp become a SAML identity provider, so that the SSO request are transferred back to my webapp and verified for their service-user. Would that be correct approach?
You're on the right track with your SAML IdP. There are basically three parts involved. Your email database (the identities), your existing application front end and the remote services which support SAML. Usually it's SAML2 these days.
To get single sign-on (SSO) across your portfolio of apps (your own app and the remote services) you could install an IdP like the Shibboleth IdP and convert your app to use it instead of using email/password to login. That would take a fair amount of work as you'd have to convert your app into a SAML SP, just like the remote services.
An easier way might be to only use the IdP for SAML to the remote services and get the IdP to recognise that your users are already logged in with their email/password. Cookie? So the IdP should never display a login page as it would recognise your app's cookie and match that with a user in the database. It then releases SAML attributes to the remote service based on that user's information. That also covers your use case of not allowing account creation via SAML from a remote service.
That would mean you might end up with the following URLs:
Your users login with the first URL as normal and the remote services use the second URL. That way your app cookie will be visible to the /idp endpoint but you'd need to write code to match that with a user in the database.

Authentication from desktop app

I'm building a windows service that would upload files to under some conditions.
How can I authenticate without having the user go to a webpage and enter the username and password ?
I can't seem to find the details in the documentation.
At the moment, you have two options.
You can sign up for the 'instant mode' beta that gets you an authentication token via the /tokens V2 API endpoint, but limits you to accessing a single folder in the user's account.
You can use the V1 authentication APIs. If your app is a company internal app, then we have a V1 authentication API that we can enable for you to do direct logins. However, direct logins are less secure, and generally discouraged.