Upgrading Gatsby v4 to v5 - npm

I am using an Apple M1 Max processor and using MAC os Ventura 13.0.
I am on Node v18.12.1 (npm v8.19.2)
After using the
gatsby new
and setting up the site, it's installed to Gatsby 4, and React to 18.1.0 and after running this command:
npm install gatsby#next --legacy-peers-deps
I see that in my package.json file that Gatsby is now set to: 5.0.0-next.16.
Then running the command:
nvm install 18
I then run the command:
npm run develop
but then I run into the following error:
Missing onError handler for invocation 'building-schema', error was
'Error: Cannot create as TypeComposer the following value:
GraphQLScalarType({ name: "Date", description: "A date string, such as
2007-12-03, compliant with the ISO 8601 standard for representation
of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar.", specifiedByURL:
undefined, serialize: [function String], parseValue: [function
String], parseLiteral: [function parseLiteral], extensions: { },
astNode: undefined, extensionASTNodes: [] }).'. Stacktrace was 'Error:
Cannot create as TypeComposer the following value:
GraphQLScalarType({ name: "Date", description: "A date string, such as
2007-12-03, compliant with the ISO 8601 standard for representation
of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar.", specifiedByURL:
undefined, serialize: [function String], parseValue: [function
String], parseLiteral: [function parseLiteral], extensions: { },
astNode: undefined, extensionASTNodes: [] }).
Is this an Apple silicon issue or am I missing something?

Apparently, after I deleted the package-lock.json file and deleted the node_modules folder, I ran gatsby develop and this ran.
I have not figured out what the previous issue was, but it's working now.


'serverless invoke -f hello' gives KeyError

I am following a tutorial in order to learn how to work with the serverless framework. The goal is to deploy a Django application. This tutorial suggests putting the necessary environment variables in a separate yml-file. Unfortunately, following the tutorial gets me a KeyError.
I have a serverless.yml, variables.yml and a handler.py. I will incert all code underneath, together with the given error.
service: serverless-django
custom: ${file(./variables.yml)}
name: aws
runtime: python3.8
- THE_ANSWER: ${self:custom.THE_ANSWER}
handler: handler.hello
import os
def hello(event, context):
return {
"statusCode": 200,
"body": "The answer is: " + os.environ["THE_ANSWER"]
The error in my terminal:
"errorMessage": "'THE_ANSWER'",
"errorType": "KeyError",
"stackTrace": [
" File \"/var/task/handler.py\", line 7, in hello\n \"body\": \"The answer is: \" + os.environ[\"THE_ANSWER\"]\n",
" File \"/var/lang/lib/python3.8/os.py\", line 675, in __getitem__\n raise KeyError(key) from None\n"
Error --------------------------------------------------
Error: Invoked function failed
at AwsInvoke.log (/snapshot/serverless/lib/plugins/aws/invoke/index.js:105:31)
at AwsInvoke.tryCatcher (/snapshot/serverless/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/util.js:16:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (/snapshot/serverless/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:547:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (/snapshot/serverless/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:604:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (/snapshot/serverless/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:649:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (/snapshot/serverless/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:729:18)
at _drainQueueStep (/snapshot/serverless/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:93:12)
at _drainQueue (/snapshot/serverless/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:86:9)
at Async._drainQueues (/snapshot/serverless/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:102:5)
at Immediate._onImmediate (/snapshot/serverless/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:15:14)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:456:21)
at process.topLevelDomainCallback (domain.js:137:15)
For debugging logs, run again after setting the "SLS_DEBUG=*" environment variable.
Get Support --------------------------------------------
Docs: docs.serverless.com
Bugs: github.com/serverless/serverless/issues
Issues: forum.serverless.com
Your Environment Information ---------------------------
Operating System: linux
Node Version: 12.18.1
Framework Version: 2.0.0 (standalone)
Plugin Version: 4.0.2
SDK Version: 2.3.1
Components Version: 3.1.2
The command i'm trying is 'sls invoke -f hello'. The command 'sls deploy' has been already executed succesfully.
I am new to serverless, so please let me know how to fix this, or if any more information is needed.
First of all, there is an error in yml script:
Serverless Error ---------------------------------------
Invalid characters in environment variable 0
The error is defining environment variables as an array instead of key-value pairs
And then after deployment, everything works smoothly (sls deploy -v)
sls invoke --f hello
"statusCode": 200,
"body": "The answer is: 42"
service: sls-example
custom: ${file(./variables.yml)}
name: aws
runtime: python3.8
THE_ANSWER: ${self:custom.THE_ANSWER}
handler: handler.hello

rollup esm and umd builds, with typescript plugin and declarations, not possible?

I want to use rollup to make two builds of my library, an UMD version as well as a never ESM version
Earlier my configuration when using the non official plugin rollup-plugin-typescript2 looked like this:
import typescript from 'rollup-plugin-typescript2'
import pkg from '../package.json'
export default {
input: 'src/index.ts',
output: [
file: pkg.main,
format: 'umd',
name: pkg.name,
sourcemap: true
file: pkg.module,
format: 'esm',
sourcemap: true
plugins: [
tsconfig: "src/tsconfig.json",
useTsconfigDeclarationDir: true
And in my package json I have:
"scripts": {
"build": "rollup -c ./scripts/dist.js",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/index.esm.js",
"files": [
And in my tsconfig.json I have:
"compilerOptions": {
"rootDir": "./src",
"outDir": "./dist",
"declaration": true,
"declarationDir": "./dist/#types/chrisweb-utilities",
The resulat was "created dist/index.js, dist/index.esm.js in 2.6s" ... all good
The files that got created where the following:
Today I tried to use the official plugin #rollup/plugin-typescript instead (because I use that one in other projects where I only do a single ESM build and it works without a problem and I wanted to use the same plugins through out all of my projects)
I had a first error because of the configuration propery only rollup-plugin-typescript2 understands:
"(!) Plugin typescript: #rollup/plugin-typescript TS5023: Unknown compiler option 'useTsconfigDeclarationDir'."
So I removed it, which fixed that problem ...
But I got another error: "[!] (plugin typescript) Error: #rollup/plugin-typescript: 'dir' must be used when 'outDir' is specified."
So I added dir to my configuration, which then looked like this:
import typescript from '#rollup/plugin-typescript';
import pkg from '../package.json'
export default {
input: 'src/index.ts',
output: [
file: pkg.main,
format: 'umd',
name: pkg.name,
sourcemap: true,
dir: "dist",
file: pkg.module,
format: 'esm',
sourcemap: true,
dir: "dist",
plugins: [
tsconfig: "tsconfig.json",
Nope, next error shows up: "[!] Error: You must set either "output.file" for a single-file build or "output.dir" when generating multiple chunks."
Actually I don't even want to generate chunks, I'm fine with a single file, but I remove dir I'm back to the previous error. So next thing I tried was to keep "dir" and instead remove "file"
This worked, or at least I got a success message: "created dist, dist in 2.6s" but the problem now is that instead of having two builds I just have a single one "dist/index.js", the first build for UMD gets owerwritten by the second one for ESM.
I thought ok one last try, lets output the UMD version in a subfolder of /dist and the ESM version in another one, so I changed my config to this:
output: [
format: 'umd',
name: pkg.name,
sourcemap: true,
dir: "dist/umd",
format: 'esm',
sourcemap: true,
dir: "dist/esm",
This failed too :( this time with this error: "[!] (plugin typescript) Error: #rollup/plugin-typescript: 'outDir' must be located inside 'dir'." So my outDir is "./dist" which yes is not in dir: "dist/umd" anymore, I only have one outDir in tsconfig, so it can't be in each rollup output.dir, or do I miss something here?
Oh and I actually also tried something else, remember that earlier error where rollup told me that "'dir' must be used when 'outDir' is specified", so I removed outDir from tsconfig.json and hey another rollup error (at this point I think I got all possible rollup errors ;) ) which was the following: "[!] (plugin typescript) Error: #rollup/plugin-typescript: 'dir' must be used when 'declarationDir' is specified."
So I also commented out "declarationDir" in the tsconfig ... no more error, but this is not really the solution as now I don't have typescript type definition files getting generated.
I went back and forth and tried all combinations for hours, but no luck so far...
So I'm stuck and was wondering if someone can help me out? Maybe you had this or a similar problem? Either I'm missing something or this a bug in which case I will open a ticket in a few days.

TronBox compile issue

I've installed the latest tronbox (2.7.5) using npm
Created a new project using command tronbox init
In file tronbox.js I've updated the compiler version to 0.4.25 (see the file below).
When compiling using the command tronbox compile --compile-all --reset I'm getting:
Windows error:
And then the following message in my terminal:
Error: Error parsing C:/dev/temp/contracts/Migrations.sol: Command failed: tronbox --download-compiler 0.4.25
at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:575:11)
at execSync (child_process.js:612:13)
at getWrapper (C:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\tronbox\build\components\TronSolc.js:1:1717)
at Object.parseImports (C:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\tronbox\build\components\Compile\parser.js:1:2345)
at C:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\tronbox\build\components\Compile\profiler.js:1:4981
at C:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\tronbox\build\components\Resolver\index.js:1:1727
at C:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\tronbox\node_modules\async\internal\onlyOnce.js:12:16
at next (C:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\tronbox\node_modules\async\whilst.js:68:18)
at C:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\tronbox\build\components\Resolver\index.js:1:1495
at C:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\tronbox\build\components\Resolver\fs.js:1:1685
I added this line to the top of my tronbox.js file:
console.log('Running tronbox compile');
and noticed that once compiling the output is written twice on my screen:
I'm not sure it relates but for some reason, it runs twice.
Any idea? Is this a tronbox issue?
const port = process.env.HOST_PORT || 9090
module.exports = {
networks: {
mainnet: {
// Don't put your private key here:
privateKey: process.env.PRIVATE_KEY_MAINNET,
Create a .env file (it must be gitignored) containing something like
export PRIVATE_KEY_MAINNET=4E7FECCB71207B867C495B51A9758B104B1D4422088A87F4978BE64636656243
Then, run the migration with:
source .env && tronbox migrate --network mainnet
userFeePercentage: 100,
feeLimit: 1e8,
fullHost: 'https://api.trongrid.io',
network_id: '1'
shasta: {
privateKey: process.env.PRIVATE_KEY_SHASTA,
userFeePercentage: 50,
feeLimit: 1e8,
fullHost: 'https://api.shasta.trongrid.io',
network_id: '2'
nile: {
privateKey: process.env.PRIVATE_KEY_NILE,
fullNode: 'https://httpapi.nileex.io/wallet',
solidityNode: 'https://httpapi.nileex.io/walletsolidity',
eventServer: 'https://eventtest.nileex.io',
network_id: '3'
development: {
// For trontools/quickstart docker image
privateKey: 'da146374a75310b9666e834ee4ad0866d6f4035967bfc76217c5a495fff9f0d0',
userFeePercentage: 0,
feeLimit: 1e8,
fullHost: '' + port,
network_id: '9'
compilers: {
solc: {
version: '0.4.25'
This seems like a regression bug in tronbox 2.7.4 and 2.7.5 since when I use tronbox 2.5.2 everything works smoothly.

My nightwatch.js tests not runs in Chrome headless of CentOS

I run nightwatch.js tests using Nightwatch version 1.0.18 and It's working in windows environment but when I run it in centOS after installment of Xvfb I found below error.
Error while running .navigateTo() protocol action: invalid session id
Error while running .locateMultipleElements() protocol action: invalid session id
Error while running .locateMultipleElements() protocol action: invalid session id
Here is my nightwatch.json file code:
"src_folders": [
"output_folder": "./reports",
"custom_commands_path": "./custom_commands",
"custom_assertions_path": "",
"test_workers": false,
"webdriver": {
"start_process": true
"test_settings": {
"default": {
"webdriver": {
"port": 9515,
"server_path": "./node_modules/chromedriver/lib/chromedriver/chromedriver",
"cli_args": [
"skip_testcases_on_fail": true,
"desiredCapabilities": {
"browserName": "chrome",
"javascriptEnabled": true,
"acceptSslCerts": true,
"chromeOptions": {
"args": [
am I missing something to run my tests in the centOS environment because it is running in the windows environment?
I had the same issue with Nightwatchjs and the npm chomedriver setup.
Everything was working until I just recently updated Chromium on my system. In addition to the errors in the original post, verbose logging also showed:
message: 'unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally',
error: [
"(unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist)",
'(The process started from chrome location /usr/bin/chromium is no longer running, so ChromeDriver is assuming that Chrome has crashed.)',
'(Driver info: chromedriver=2.46.628388 (4a34a70827ac54148e092aafb70504c4ea7ae926),platform=Linux 4.9.0-8-amd64 x86_64)'
After downloading the standalone chromedriver (2.46.628388) to match my Chromium version (72.0.3626.69) it was still showing the same errors.
I ended up downloading an older version of Chromium (71.0.3578.127) and setting chromeOptions.binary to the new path of the chromium 71 binary. I also had to include 'no-sandbox' with chromeOptions.args.
Here is the snippet from the site mentioned above:
Downloading old builds of Chrome / Chromium
Let's say you want a build of Chrome 44 for debugging purposes. Google does not offer old builds as they do not have up-to-date security fixes.
However, you can get a build of Chromium 44.x which should mostly match the stable release. Here's how you find it:
Look in https://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/search/label/Stable%20updates for the last time "44." was mentioned.
Loop up that version history ("44.0.2403.157") in the Position Lookup
In this case it returns a base position of "330231". This is the commit of where the 44 release was branched, back in May 2015.*
Open the continuous builds archive
Click through on your platform (Linux/Mac/Win)
Paste "330231" into the filter field at the top and wait for all the results to XHR in.
Eventually I get a perfect hit: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/index.html?prefix=Mac/330231/
Sometimes you may have to decrement the commit number until you find one.
Download and run!
Upgrading to the latest version of chromedriver solved the issue for me. You can find the latest version here; https://www.npmjs.com/package/chromedriver
In my situation, when that error occurs:
Error while running .navigateTo() protocol action: invalid session id
I added the following code into .travis.yml:
chrome: stable

Running Aurelia new project failed

I've just created Aurelia new project and when I run au run --watch (I am following this instructions: http://aurelia.io/hub.html#/doc/article/aurelia/framework/latest/contact-manager-tutorial/1), I got this message from console. I'm quite new in JS and don't know anything about error code so can anybody tell me what's wrong?
{ uid: 11,
name: 'writeBundles',
branch: false,
error: [SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const,function,class) not yet supported outside strict mode],
duration: [ 1, 536524679 ],
time: 1493576142781 }
You'll need node.js version 6 and above for es2015 features like let, const and class