Retrieving Covid-19 pandemic statistics per country from DBpedia - sparql

I'm trying to get the arrival date, the confirmed and recovery cases total and the deaths total of Covid-19 pandemic per country from DBpedia, using this query:
PREFIX dbp: <>
SELECT distinct ?country ?arrivalDate ?confirmedCases ?recoveryCases ?deaths WHERE {
?country a dbp:location;
dbp:arrivalDate ?arrivalDate;
dbp:confirmedCases ?confirmedCases;
dbp:recoveryCases ?recoveryCases;
dbp:deaths ?deaths
Unfortunately, it doesn't return anything

?country a dbp:location
With this triple pattern, you are trying to find entities that have as type (rdf:type). This is not what you intend, because
dbp:location is a property (not a class), and
in the subject position, you don’t seem to want to find locations, but information about the pandemic.
So ideally rename ?country to something like ?pandemicInfo (for clarity), and then ask for the dbp:location of that ?pandemicInfo:
SELECT DISTINCT ?pandemicInfo ?country ?arrivalDate ?confirmedCases ?recoveryCases ?deaths
dbp:location ?country ;
dbp:arrivalDate ?arrivalDate ;
dbp:confirmedCases ?confirmedCases ;
dbp:recoveryCases ?recoveryCases ;
dbp:deaths ?deaths .
To only get information about the COVID-19 pandemic, you could add:
dbo:disease dbr:COVID-19
And if there is a type that all entities share, e.g., dbo:Pandemic, you could add:
a dbo:Pandemic
(But you should verify if all the entities you are interested in contain these statements, otherwise you would exclude them.)


Wikidata: Get all non-classical Musicians via SPARQL query

I hope that this kind of question is allowed here as it is more a Wikidata specific question. Anyways, I try to get all non-classical-music musicians from Wikidata by SPARQL. Right now I have this code:
SELECT ?value ?valueLabel ?born WHERE {
?value wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . # all Humans
?value wdt:P106/wdt:P279* wd:Q639669 . # of occupation or subclass of occupation is musician
?value wdt:P569 ?born . # Birthdate
FILTER(?born >= "1981-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime) # filter by Birthyear
#LIMIT 500
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,ger". }
this gets me (theoretically) all People whose occupation is Musician ( and who were born after 1900. (Theoretically because this query runs way too long and I had to break it into smaller chunks)
What I am after however is to exclude People who are primary classical musicians. Is there any property I am not aware of? Otherwise, how would I change my query to be able to filter by specific properties (like Q21680663, classical composer)?
If you check the Examples tab in the query interface and type music into the search field, you'll find an example that almost hits the spot:
Musicians or singers that have a genre containing 'rock'.
I've used that mostly to just get a list of all musicians with their genres. I finally settled on a MINUS query subtracting any musician who touches western classical music or baroque music, the latter included specifically to get Bach, the old bastard.
?human ?humanLabel
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?genreLabel; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?genres)
?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5;
wdt:P106 wd:Q639669;
wdt:P136 ?genre.
VALUES ?classics {
?human wdt:P136 ?classics.
# This is just boilerplate to get the labels.
# it's slightly faster this way than the label
# service, and the query is close to timing out already
?genre rdfs:label ?genreLabel.
FILTER((LANG(?genreLabel)) = "en")
?human rdfs:label ?humanLabel.
FILTER((LANG(?humanLabel)) = "en")
GROUP BY ?humanLabel ?human
In the Query Interface: 25,000 results in 20sec
Here's a taste of what the results look like (from some intermediate version, because I'm not redoing the table now).
Gigi D'Agostino
Latin jazz, Italo dance
Erykah Badu
neo soul, soul music
Yoko Kanno
jazz, blues, pop music, J-pop, film score, New-age music, art rock, ambient music
Michael Franks
pop music, rock music
Harry Nilsson
rock music, pop music, soft rock, baroque pop, psychedelic rock, sunshine pop
Yulia Nachalova
jazz, pop music, soul music, contemporary R&B, blue-eyed soul, estrada
Linda McCartney
pop rock
From the original example, you may want to try also including singers. The following, replacing the existing line with "P106" does that, and results in about twice as many results. But it often times out.
VALUES ?professions {
wdt:P106 ?professions;
Query including singers, 53,000 results but may time out
The example also uses the following to cut down results rather drastically, by including only items with a certain number of statements, assuming those correlate with... something. You may want to experiment with it to focus on the most significant results, or to give you room to avoid the timeout with other changes. Maybe trying lower limits than 50 to find the right balance is a good idea, though.
?human wikibase:statements ?statementcount.
FILTER(?statementcount > 50 )
A query with singers and the statement limit
This is an earlier version. It excludes all the listed genres, but includes any musician linked to any other genre, and there are many of them that would probably qualify as "classics". The filter uses the "NOT IN" construct, which seems cleaner to me than filtering based on labels.
?human ?humanLabel
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?genreLabel; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?genres)
?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5;
wdt:P106 wd:Q639669;
wdt:P136 ?genre.
# The "MAGIC": Q9730 is "Western Classical Music"
# Q1344 is "opera"
# Then I noticed Amadeus, Wagner, and Bach all slipped through and expanded the list, and it's a really
# ugly way of doing this
FILTER(?genre NOT IN(wd:Q9730, wd:Q1344, wd:Q9734, wd:Q9748, wd:Q189201, wd:Q8361, wd:Q2142754, wd:Q937364, wd:Q1546995, wd:Q1746028, wd:Q207338, wd:Q3328774, wd:Q1065742))
?genre rdfs:label ?genreLabel.
FILTER((LANG(?genreLabel)) = "en")
?human rdfs:label ?humanLabel.
FILTER((LANG(?humanLabel)) = "en")
GROUP BY ?humanLabel ?human
This gets me 26,000 results. View in Query Interface
Note that this will still return artists that have "western classical music" among their genres, aw long as they are also linked to other genres. To exclude any musician ever dabbling in the classics, you'll have to start a daytime top-30 radio station use a MINUS construct to, essentially, subtract all those.

Wikidata SPARQL query is missing part of expected results

On Wikidatas SPARQL endpoint i tried to find all cities worldwide with a population greater than 100000.
I'm getting lots of correct results with my query. But when i checked for some particular cities they didn't show up in the list.
My query:
SELECT DISTINCT ?cityLabel ?population ?coord ?countryLabel ?shortCountry ?city WHERE {
?city (wdt:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q515;
wdt:P1082 ?population;
wdt:P625 ?coord.
FILTER(?population > 100000 )
?city wdt:P17 ?country.
?country wdt:P298 ?shortCountry.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
ORDER BY ASC (?shortCountry)
I looked for the following cities in the results:
But they didn't show up.
Try it out here
Ok i figured something out for myself:
I dug a little deeper into the wikidata object of the cities i mentioned and found out, that they are no instance of "city" (Q515).
Berlin belongs to e.g. "capital", "city with millions of inhabitants", "metropolis"
Lyon belongs to "commune of france" and "big city"
Beirut belongs to e.g. "capital" and "big city"
But none of them is listed as a "city". That's for sure not intentionally because other bigger cities are also an instance of "city" e.g. Paris
So in conclusion:
Check all the categories your filtering for and check your expected results to match them.

How to convert some queries from sql to sparql?

I am just learning Sparql and I have the following tables:
Countries, European Country, City and Capital
I would like to know how to make the following queries, because I didnt understand them...
1) Which country has the city "Paris" as capital.
2) Print all the European Countries
3) Print all the countries and theis capitals.
Thank you very much in advance.
This said, there is DBpedia that offers info similar to what is described, and is a good playground. To query it, (which is a better sparql editor) or (which is our own integration, a few months old, but has some extra goodies).
Which country has the city "Paris" as capital
select * {
?x a dbo:Country; dbo:capital dbr:Paris
The yasgui results will surprise you:
I understand all the historic kingdoms, but dbr:Office_International_d'Hygiène_Publique is a bit of a shock. The reason is that it's an International Organization (uses Infobox Former International Organization, and it redirects to, which "is currently being merged with Template:Infobox country". See
factforge returns even more results from linked datasets (all these mean just France):
All the European Countries
That's better because there happens to be a Wikipedia category:
select * {
?x a dbo:Country; dct:subject dbc:Countries_in_Europe
all countries and their capitals
select * {
?x a dbo:Country; dbo:capital ?capital
This returns a bunch of historic countries and capitals, and again some international organizations, eg
SO THEN, you may have better luck with Wikidata ( At you can find a bunch of interesting queries related to countries.
countries and capitals on Wikidata
select ?country ?countryLabel ?city ?cityLabel {
?country wdt:P36 ?city
filter exists {?country wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q6256}
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,pl,ru,es" .
} order by ?countryLabel
It uses a bunch of Qnn and Pnn but you can decode them when you mouse-over.
How did I find that wdt:P36 means "capital"? Search for property:capital
why filter exists? Because a country may have several subtypes of wd:Q6256 "country", and if I use that in the main query, it returns several results per country. This way it returns only one.
You can also easily display it on a map:
select ?country ?countryLabel ?city ?cityLabel ?coords {
?country wdt:P36 ?city
filter exists {?country wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q6256}
?city wdt:P625 ?coords
SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,pl,ru,es"}
See a couple of shots

Retrieve the US release date for a movie from Wikidata using Sparql

I am trying to retrieve the titles and release dates (publication date) for movies using the sparkql endpoint ( The titles are listed in different languages, which are filtered in the query below. However, some movies also have several publication dates (e.g. for different countries), e.g. I'm not sure how the RDF triple structure is actually used to assign a country to the value of another triple, but specifically, how can I only retrieve the publication date for a movie in the US?
SELECT ?item ?title ?publicationdate
?item wdt:P31 wd:Q11424 ;
rdfs:label ?title ;
wdt:P577 ?publicationdate ;
filter ( lang(?title) = "en" )
ORDER BY ?movieid
The solution provided by M.Sarmini works. Apparently, facts such as publication data are stored as n-ary relations, they create a unique symbolic tag that links the resources. The value that P577 links to is just the date, when turned into a string will give the release date, while in reality it is a token that you can link to other qualifiers.
Just add a new variable to hold the place of publication and filter your results to just list US films like this:
PREFIX q: <>
PREFIX s: <>
SELECT distinct ?item ?title ?publicationdate
?item wdt:P31 wd:Q11424;
rdfs:label ?title;
p:P577 ?placeofpublication.
?placeofpublication q:P291 wd:Q30.
?placeofpublication s:P577 ?publicationdate;
filter ( lang(?title) = "en")
ORDER BY ?item

Query DBpedia to get abstract for different inputs

I have a question I need to build a single query to DBpedia such that, If I give any one of these as input like a City name or a person name or a Institute name or a Instrument name can I get its abstract as a output???
For instance,
New York- New York is a state in the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States......
Mars- Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System....
Michael Jackson- Michael Joseph Jackson was an American singer, songwriter, dancer, and actor......
I have tried but its not working for all.
SELECT ?abstract WHERE {
FILTER langMatches(lang(?abstract), "en")
If you intend to get the abstract for multiple things, supply those multiple things within a VALUES block. I found that matching by ?name worked sufficiently well for name-based searches.
[ rdfs:label ?name
; dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract
] .
FILTER langMatches(lang(?abstract),"en")
VALUES ?name { "New York"#en }