How to process 50 million rows fast in pandas? - pandas

I am trying to measure sentence similarity between 2 sets of questions using Spacy, and then output the pairs along with their similarity score in 3 columns (one dataframe) using pandas.
This will result about 50 million rows, and it has been processing for 12hrs.
Is there any way I can speed up this process please?
user_inputs_vector = [nlp(row) for row in user_inputs_df["User_Input"]] #vectorise user inputs
#creating doc object for comparison
sample_df_vector = [nlp(row) for row in sample_df["Frage"]] #vectorise sample sentences
#for loop to compare questions and then append similarity score in empty lists
similarity_score_list = []
sample_list = []
user_input_list = []
for i in range (len(sample_df_vector)):
for j in range (len(user_inputs_vector)):
similar_frage = user_inputs_vector[j].similarity(sample_df_vector[i])
similarity_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(sample_list, user_input_list, similarity_score_list)), columns = ["Samples", "User Inputs", "Similarity Score"])
I have run this code in a very small dataframe and it should be ok. It's just that the actual dataset has millions of rows and I don't see it ending yet. Please help.


Question about Random Forest data preprocessing

I'm trying to analyze about which product will broke.
I have 4 variables(X) and 1 result(Y)
I have some data experimented under the same conditions, and their results are different.
for example
Y : results(1,0)
X : temp, day, angle, used_time
train_data <- data.frame(temp = c(10,10,20,25,20,30,30,10),day = c("Mon","Mon","Tues","Tues","Thurs","Mon","Mon","Thurs"),angle = c(90,90,90,180,180,90,90,180), used_time = c(25,25,25,30,30,30,30,25), results = c(1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0))
like in this train_data, I have same X and same Y in 1,2 rows and 6,7 rows.
Should I combine this same rows into 1 row? (I've experimented twice)
I wonder if leaving these two rows would be more effective from a modeling point of view.

Understanding Pandas Series Data Structure

I am trying to get my head around the Pandas module and started learning about the Series data structure.
I have created the following Series in Spyder :-
songs = pd.Series(data = [145,142,38,13], name = "Count")
I can obtain information about the Series index using the code:-
The output of the above code is as follows:-
My question is where it states Start = 0 and Stop = 4, what are these referring to?
I have interpreted start = 0 as the first element in the Series is in row 0.
But i am not sure what Stop value refers to as there are no elements in row 4 of the Series?
Can some one explain?
Thank you.
This concept as already explained adequately in the comments (indexing is at minus one the count of items) is prevalent in many places.
For instance, take the list data structure-
z = songs.to_list()
[145, 142, 38, 13]
4 # length is four
# however indexing stops at i-1 position 'i' being the length/count of items in the list.
z[4] # this will raise an IndexError
# you will have to start at index 0 going till only index 3 (i.e. 4 items)
z[0], z[1], z[2], z[-1] # notice how -1 can be used to directly access the last element

How can I optimize my for loop in order to be able to run it on a 320000 lines DataFrame table?

I think I have a problem with time calculation.
I want to run this code on a DataFrame of 320 000 lines, 6 columns:
index_data = data["clubid"].index.tolist()
for i in index_data:
for j in index_data:
if data["clubid"][i] == data["clubid"][j]:
if data["win_bool"][i] == 1:
if (data["startdate"][i] >= data["startdate"][j]) & (
data["win_bool"][j] == 1
NW_tot[i] += 1
if (data["startdate"][i] >= data["startdate"][j]) & (
data["win_bool"][j] == 0
NL_tot[i] += 1
The objective is to determine the number of wins and the number of losses from a given match taking into account the previous match, this for every clubid.
The problem is, I don't get an error, but I never obtain any results either.
When I tried with a smaller DataFrame ( data[0:1000] ) I got a result in 13 seconds. This is why I think it's a time calculation problem.
I also tried to first use a groupby("clubid"), then do my for loop into every group but I drowned myself.
Something else that bothers me, I have at least 2 lines with the exact same date/hour, because I have at least two identical dates for 1 match. Because of this I can't put the date in index.
Could you help me with these issues, please?
As I pointed out in the comment above, I think you can simply sum the vector of win_bool by group. If the dates are sorted this should be equivalent to your loop, correct?
import pandas as pd
dat = pd.DataFrame({
"clubid": [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2],
"date" : [1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6],
temp = dat[["clubid", "win_bool"]].groupby("clubid")
NW_tot = temp.sum()
NL_tot = temp.count()
NL_tot = NL_tot["win_bool"] - NW_tot["win_bool"]
If you have duplicate dates that inflate the counts, you could first drop duplicates by dates (within groups):
# drop duplicate dates
temp = dat.drop_duplicates(["clubid", "date"])[["clubid", "win_bool"]].groupby("clubid")

fast row-wise boolean operations in sparse matrices

I have a ~4.4M dataframe with purchase orders. I'm interested in a column that indicates the presence of certain items in that purchase order. It is structured like this:
1 [a1, a2, a5]
2 [b1, b2, c3...
3 [b3]
4 [a2]
There are 4k different items, and in each row there is always at least one. I have generated another 4.4M x 4k dataframe df_te_sub with a sparse structure indicating the same array in terms of booleans, i.e.
c = df_te_sub.columns[[10, 20, 30]]
>>a10 b8 c1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
The name of the columns is not important, although it is in alphabetical order, for what is worth.
Given a subset g of items, I am trying to extract the orders (rows) for two different cases:
At least one of the items is present in the row
The items is present in the row are all a subset of g
The first rule I found it the best way was to do:
c = df_te_sub[g].sparse.to_coo()
rows = pd.unique(c.row)
The second rule presented a challenge. I tried different things but they are all slow:
# using set
s = set(g)
# using the "non selected items"
c = df_te_sub[df_te_sub.columns[~df_te_sub.columns.isin(g)]].sparse.to_coo()
x = np.ones(len(df_te_sub), dtype='bool')
x[c.row] = False
# mix
s = set(g)
c = df_te_sub[g].sparse.to_coo()
rows = pd.unique(c.row)
Any ideas to improve performance? I need to do this for several subsets.
The output can be given either in rows (e.g. [0, 2, 3]) or as a boolean mask (e.g. True False True True ....), as both will work to slice the order dataframe.
I feel like you're overthinking this. If you have a boolean array of membership you've already done 90% of the work.
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
# Turn your sparse data into a sparse array
arr = csc_matrix(df_te_sub.sparse.to_coo())
# Get the number of items per row
row_len = arr.sum(axis=1).A.flatten()
# Get the column indices for each item and slice your array
arr_col_idx = [df.columns.get_loc(g_val) for g_val in g]
# Sum the number of items in g in the slice per row
arr_g = arr[:, arr_col_idx].sum(axis=1).A.flatten()
# Find all the rows with at least one thing in g
arr_one_g = arr_g > 0
# Find all the things in the rows which are subsets of G
# This assumes row_len is always greater than 0, if it isnt add a test for that
arr_subset_g = (row_len - arr_g) == 0
arr_one_g and arr_subset_g are 1d boolean arrays that should index for the things you want.

Pandas manipulation: matching data from other columns to one column, applied uniquely to all rows

I have a model that predicts 10 words for a particular course in order of likelihood, and I'd like the first 5 words of those words that appear in the course's description.
This is the format of the data:
course_name course_title course_description predicted_word_10 predicted_word_9 predicted_word_8 predicted_word_7 predicted_word_6 predicted_word_5 predicted_word_4 predicted_word_3 predicted_word_2 predicted_word_1
Xmath 32 Precalculus Polynomial and rational functions, exponential... directed scholars approach build african different visual cultures placed global
Xphilos 2 Morality Introduction to ethical and political philosop... make presentation weekly european ways general range questions liberal speakers
My idea is for each row to start iterating from predicted_word_1 until I get the first 5 that are in the description. I'd like to save those words in the order they appear into additional columns description_word_1 ... description_word_5. (If there are <5 predicted words in the description I plan to return NAN in the corresponding columns).
To clarify with an example: if the course_description of a course is 'Polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry and trigonometric functions. Complex numbers, fundamental theorem of algebra, mathematical induction, binomial theorem, series, and sequences. ' and its first few predicted words are irrelevantword1, induction, exponential, logarithmic, irrelevantword2, polynomial, algebra...
I would want to return induction, exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, algebra for that in that order and do the same for the rest of the courses.
My attempt was to define an apply function that will take in a row and iterate from the first predicted word until it finds the first 5 that are in the description, but the part I am unable to figure out is how to create these additional columns that have the correct words for each course. This code will currently only keep the words for one course for all the rows.
def find_top_description_words(row):
for i in range(num_words_per_course):
description = row.loc['course_description']
word_i = row.loc['predicted_word_' + str(i+1)]
if (word_i in description) & (description_words_index <=5) :
row['description_word_' + str(description_words_index)] = word_i
description_words_index += 1
The end goal of this data manipulation is to keep the top 10 predicted words from the model and the top 5 predicted words in the description so the dataframe would look like:
course_name course_title course_description top_description_word_1 ... top_description_word_5 predicted_word_1 ... predicted_word_10
Any pointers would be appreciated. Thank you!
If I understand correctly:
Create new DataFrame with just 100 predicted words:
pred_words_lists = df.apply(lambda x: list(x[3:].dropna())[::-1], axis = 1)
Please note that, there are lists in each row with predicted words. The order is nice, I mean the first, not empty, predicted word is on the first place, the second on the second place and so on.
Now let's create a new DataFrame:
pred_words_df = pd.DataFrame(pred_words_lists.tolist())
pred_words_df.columns = df.columns[:2:-1]
And The final DataFrame:
final_df = df[['course_name', 'course_title', 'course_description']].join(pred_words_df.iloc[:,0:11])
Hope this works.
def common_elements(xx, yy):
temp = pd.Series(range(0, len(xx)), index= xx)
return list(df.reindex(yy).sort_values()[0:10].dropna().index)
pred_words_lists = df.apply(lambda x: common_elements(x[2].replace(',','').split(), list(x[3:].dropna())), axis = 1)
Does it satisfy your requirements?
Adapted solution (OP):
def get_sorted_descriptions_words(course_description, predicted_words, k):
description_words = course_description.replace(',','').split()
predicted_words_list = list(predicted_words)
predicted_words = pd.Series(range(0, len(predicted_words_list)), index=predicted_words_list)
predicted_words = predicted_words[~predicted_words.index.duplicated()]
ordered_description = predicted_words.reindex(description_words).dropna().sort_values()
ordered_description_list = pd.Series(ordered_description.index).unique()[:k]
return ordered_description_list
df.apply(lambda x: get_sorted_descriptions_words(x['course_description'], x.filter(regex=r'predicted_word_.*'), k), axis=1)