IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.1 Ultimate Edition
When I open log4j2.xml file in a project that is working fine with Eclipse, IntelliJ complains about tag with error "Wrong root element"
What is the reason and how to resolve? The tag is correct from what I read from log4j2 site
I've upgraded my IntelliJ Community from 2021.1 to 2021.2 today and now I'm getting the following error when trying to run maven commands:
No valid Maven installation found. Either set the home directory in the configuration dialog or set the M2_HOME environment variable on your system.
But it's correctly configured to use Maven Wrapper:
My .mvn/wrapper/ is as follow:
What am I supposed to do in order to keep using Maven Wrapper? Or is it a possible bug?
It is a bug: IDEA-258757 Cannot start tasks with maven wrapper
UPD: This is fixed in versions 2021.3+
I just installed the checkstyle plugin from disk in IntelliJ by navigating to the jar which is just in the directory that it was downloaded to. When I restart IntelliJ to have the plugin take effect I get the following error:
2:50 PM Unexpected Exception Caught
The scan failed due to an exception: Could not determine plugin directory
org.infernus.idea.checkstyle.exception.CheckStylePluginException: Could not determine plugin directory
at org.infernus.idea.checkstyle.CheckstyleClassLoader.getBasePath(
at org.infernus.idea.checkstyle.CheckstyleClassLoader.buildClassLoader(
at org.infernus.idea.checkstyle.CheckstyleClassLoader.<init>(
at org.infernus.idea.checkstyle.CheckstyleProjectService$
at org.infernus.idea.checkstyle.CheckstyleProjectService$
at org.infernus.idea.checkstyle.CheckstyleProjectService.checkstyleClassLoader(
at org.infernus.idea.checkstyle.CheckstyleProjectService.getCheckstyleInstance(CheckstyleProjectService.
I am on IntelliJ 2018.1 and the most recent version of the checkstyle plugin. Is it claiming it is unable to find the directory where the checkstyle plugin jar is even though I just installed it by pointing it to that directory? Do I need to move the jar to some kind of plugins directory? I'm following the guides I found online and they do not mention having to do anything besides what I have already done.
Nevermind. I was pointing to a particular jar file instead of the zip file for the whole plugin. Installing from disk and pointing to the zip file instead fixed the issue
This worked for me:
Uninstall the plugin and restart Intellij
Reinstall the plugin pointing to the zip file as originally downloaded from
Restart Intellij
Hello Team, Created munit from APIkit router ,while running a mule maven project along with munit, I am facing Failed to execute goal (test) error ,without munit I can able to run the project successfully. My Studio version : 6.2.5 Mule runtime : 3.8.4 ,
Munit POM config
There could be a few things wrong with your set up:
Point to the correct settings.xml file
You will have a default settings.xml file in your project that you have to reference. Go to
Window > Preferences > Maven > User Settings
and point to your correct settings.xml file:
While you're there, make sure you have the correct 'm2-repository' configured as well (pictured above).
Point to the correct installation of Maven
Ensure that you are referencing the correct installation of Maven. Go to
Window > Preferences > Anypoint Studio > Maven
and choose the correct path to your Maven installation:
Make sure your build path is correct
Double-check your build path and make sure that it's correct.
I had been used log4j2 with the same configuration on my other projects but in this project, Intellij could not find resource directory.
I created resource directory and marked it as Resource Root.
Here is an image that shows my project structures.
But I got below error.
ERROR StatusLogger No log4j2 configuration file found. Using default configuration: logging only errors to the console. Set system property 'org.apache.logging.log4j.simplelog.StatusLogger.level' to TRACE to show Log4j2 internal initialization logging.
I had tried to rebuild project and restart IDE, with no success.
I'll be appreciated if somebody helps me.
I always get an 404 error in intelij ide when I try to "find jar on web". The following appears:
And I can't find a way to change the urls intelij is using. I don't use a proxy.
How to configure this to make it work?
As described here, you may open the Project structure (⌘+; on mac or Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S on windows). Go to Libraries pane on the left and click on the + button and choose "From Maven..."
Provide the correct Maven URL for the jar that you need in the resulting dialog.
Screenshot from Intellij 15.0.1: