Laravel | General error: 1 no such table: users - laravel-9

I googled this error and went on many different sites that told different things that would solve it, including adding the refreshdatabase and adding migrations, but I still get the same error. this occurs when I try to register on the test website. I'm very new to using laravel so please explain in laymen terms what I need to do
registering links to a page saying "General error: 1 no such table: users"


Remove facebook pixel error "Invalid Match Key Parameters for ViewContent Event"

My developer has integrated facebook pixel on my shopify site. But after 3 days it is showing me this error in diagnostic window. I am trying to resolve this at my end.
You’re sending the same event ID for many instances of your ViewContent events. Event IDs are unique identifiers that are used to deduplicate identical events received from your pixel and the Conversions API so they’re not counted twice. To ensure that Facebook is accurately counting your events, each unique event instance needs its own unique event ID.
This may cause issues with the measurement of your events and the attribution of your ad campaigns.
So to remove this I simple enabled "external_id" parametre from "Automatic Advanced matching" option but I am not quite sure that I did right thing or not as I am new in integrating this. After solving this, I am seeing this error now as mentioned in screenshot
Is there something in code, that I need to change to resolve this issue.
Note: Setup is made through a partner integration.
Please help me to resolve these errors. If you need more info, please let me know.
Any help will be appreciated!
I tried both the option
Switching OFF "Automatic advanced matching"
Switching ON "Automatic advanced matching" -> Show options (External ID --> ON)
Finally I observed we have to go with option 1. Still the issue will come single time for each conversion event. After first time we encounter the error we have to move it to ignore list. For each event we will get error we have to do similar trick. Once all event encountered such error and all ignored problem might be solved.
So far I have done for 4 events which I got error. After that I have not got the error for those 4 events. Waiting for my other 2 events error.
But not sure the problem is solved permanently but not seeing any problem for those 4 events for 48 hours. But definitely shopify and facebook together need to solve. But both passing ball to one another.

Prestashop Technical Error: Details: Error Thrown: [Object Object] Text Status: Parsererror

I am getting this error when trying to add weight ranges to shipping carriers that I have. It mostly seems to happen at random and I have been able to complete some of the carriers but others will cause the error every time. The console reports the following: Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check
Is there a solution for this? I couldn't find anything online about it.
I have v.
Thank you!
You have to use firefox developper and when you get the "Parseerror"
using the developper tools you go to network and select your last query.
On the right you have a window with all the options of the query : cookies parameters... select response.
You should see the response of the parse error.
For me it was just a parameter of the form that could not be empty.
Putting a random word made everything work fine.
The same thing happened to me when adding weight ranges.
The annoying thing is i had to restore a backup of the tables ps_range_weight and ps_carrier.. as for every single instance of
"Prestashop Technical Error: Details: Error Thrown: [Object Object] Text Status: Parsererror" it made a new entry and i ended up with over 700 weight ranges.
Anyways, i restored to the last fucntioning versions of ps_range_weight and ps_carrier (needed doing) and disabled the standard paypal plugin from prestashop. After that it worked fine.
Hope this helps someone.
I have found a solution for this on Prestashop 1.7
This happened to me as well when I changed the theme, however, I checked the Database and found that the carrier ID in ps_range_weight has randomly changed!
Fix the carrier ID in the database to the correct one and this error should not be appearing again! Good luck

Prestashop : SmartyException' with message 'unable to write file...'

I know this subject has already been covered, and if I come to ask for help here, it's because all the solutions I've found on the Internet didn't work for me.
The problem is the following :
I'm using Prestashop 1.6. I developed my website locally and everything worked just fine, so I decided to put it online. But after moving the database and the website on my FTP, I am encountering the following error :
Uncaught exception 'SmartyException' with message 'unable to write file /home/web/chienchat/cache/smarty/compile/wrt53fc8900660ea3.68556794' in /home/web/chienchat/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_write_file.php:44
Stack trace:#0 /home/web/chienchat/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php(201): Smarty_Internal_Write_File::writeFile('/home/web/chien...', 'compileTemplateSource() #2 /home/web/chienchat/classes/module/Module.php(1860): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch()#3 /home/web/chienchat/modules/blockuserinfo/blockuserinfo.php(72): ModuleCore->display('/home/web/chien...', 'blockuserinfo.t...')#4 /home/web/chienchat/classes/Hook.php(507): BlockUserInfo->hookDisplayTop(Array) #5 /home/web/chienchat/classes/controller/FrontController.php(444): HookCore::exec('displayTop') #6 /home/web/chienchat/controllers/front/IndexController.php(37): F in /home/web/chienchat/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_write_file.php on line 44
I found it could be the file permissions, so for the sake of testing I've set CHMOD 777 on the whole www, by using FileZilla. The problem is still here.
I would like to point out that after deleting the cache/smarty folder, and after refreshing the non-working page, the folder cache/smarty/compile is anew created, but it is empty. Please help me, I can't seem to approach any solution.
The correct permission is 755. If this does not work try with 775.
Also the apache user must be the owner of the required folders.
The folders are listed here:
This error can also occur if you use the filesystem cache. Many of the prestashop plugins are written in a way that causes a cache miss and store for lots of combinations of each page (page name, category name, language etc.) If you have a large number of products this can mean that you run over the Inode limit for the cache folder and you'll start to see this error, but only on first time visits to pages. Pages that were already in the cache will still render properly.
The solutions in this case are to
a) clear the cache
b) fix all the cache ids for every module
c) use an alternative caching strategy
A warning for c however - it doesn't fix the problem as the cache is still growing. It just takes away the filesystem limits on how many cache items you can hold. The best I can suggest for those suffering this problem is to automatically tail the log and clear the cache when this error occurs.

Magento: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user 'DBUSER'#'%' to database 'DBNAME'

I've been banging my head off the wall for hours with this problem. Can anyone help please? I've not been able to find anything online about it.
I've installed the latest version of magento and added a few stores and simple products, and everything seems to be working fine until trying to add associated products to a configurable product. It lets me add the configurable product but then when I try to add associated products to it, it shows this error:
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user 'DBUSER'#'%' to database 'DBNAME'
It appears to me to be a privileges issue, but not sure how to resolve it. The site is hosted on heart internet and I can't find how to manage privileges. What's confusing me though is why it's letting me add simple products but not configurable ones.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Goto magento dir /app/etc/ and open local.xml. here
check database username ,database name,database user password
It was a privileges issue.
sorted the problem.

LDAP Bad Search Filter

I'm using an open source software called LDAP Account Manager to manage ldap users, groups, and hosts for my company. I'm having a weird problem though, and I was hoping someone could give me an idea what's happening on the LDAP side of things as opposed to the actual software.
So here's the problem in a nutshell.
The software can find all users at the following suffix:
When I try to view the details of one of these users, I get an error that says:
Bad search filter
Here's the weird part. When I add a new user, the entry appears with the other users at the same suffix.
In other words, all of the users (the old ones that were already in the LDAP tree, and the new one I added, exist in the same place).
I can navigate to the new user at:
CN=User, Test,ou=Users,ou=Accounts,dc=xxxxx,dc=com
But I can't navigate to any of the existing users at this location (I get the Bad Search Filter error):
CN=Fakename, John,ou=Users,ou=Accounts,dc=xxxxx,dc=com
This seems inconsistent, and I'm trying to brainstorm what could be happening. The users exist in the same location, but I get an error when accessing some, but not others. Could this be a permissions issue, or is there something I am missing?
It sounds very much like your software has troubles encoding the , (comma) separating the name and the surname in the create command or in the search filter.