Query multiple GeonameIds in SPARQL query on wikidata - sparql

How can I format this SPARQL query
?id wdt:P1566 "6359304"
So that it will accept multiple genome IDs as value.
I tried
SELECT ?id WHERE { ?id wdt:P1566 } VALUES ?id {("6359304"), ("6299427")}
?id wdt:P1566
FILTER (?id IN ("6359304", "6299427")
Including a lot of variations of the two above. No luck however.

As answered by UninformedUser in the comments:
VALUES ?id {"6359304" "6299427"} # separated by space, not by comma
?s wdt:P1566 ?id . # triple, not tuple


Return values under same column in SPARQL query

Given three possible objects for triples, foaf:name, foaf:givenName, and foaf:familyName, where statements either have foaf:name or foaf:givenName + foaf:familyName, e.g.:
<uri1> <foaf:name> "Lolly Loozles" .
<uri2> <foaf:givenName> "Stotly" .
<uri2> <foaf:familyName> "Styles" .
wondering how to write a SPARQL query to return a new variable like pretty_name that is either the value of foaf:name or a concatenation of the values from foaf:givenName and foaf:familyName.
Resulting in something like:
?o | ?pretty_name
<uri1> | Lolly Loozles
<uri2> | Stotly Styles
This is what I have so far, but unsure how to proceed:
PREFIX : <https://example.org/>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
# select two variables, not ideal...
SELECT ?foaf_fullName ?pretty_name
# Find all triples
?s ?p ?o .
# Binds
OPTIONAL { ?s foaf:name ?foaf_fullName }
OPTIONAL { ?s foaf:givenName ?givenName }
OPTIONAL { ?s foaf:familyName ?familyName }
# Filter where predicate is part of list
FILTER (?p IN (foaf:name, foaf:givenName, foaf:familyName ) )
# Binds
BIND( CONCAT(?givenName, ' ', ?familyName) AS ?pretty_name ) .
I had imagined, and tried, adding another BIND to add to ?pretty_name, but the SPARQL engine wouldn't have it:
BIND( ?foaf_fullName AS ?pretty_name ) .
I also had luck writing a CONSTRUCT statement to get the values I'm looking for, but don't have the ability to write back to this triplestore (for a number of reasons):
?s :hasPrettyName ?foaf_fullName .
?s :hasPrettyName ?pretty_name .
I had thought that CONSTRUCT could accompany SELECT, but must have been mistaken?
Any insight or suggestions would much appreciated.
Using #StanislavKralin comment/suggestion to use COALESCE without IF clauses works great:
PREFIX : <https://example.org/>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
# select two variables, not ideal...
SELECT ?foaf_fullName ?pretty_name
# Find all triples
?s ?p ?o .
# Binds
OPTIONAL { ?s foaf:name ?foaf_fullName }
OPTIONAL { ?s foaf:givenName ?givenName }
OPTIONAL { ?s foaf:familyName ?familyName }
# Filter where predicate is part of list
FILTER (?p IN (foaf:name, foaf:givenName, foaf:familyName ) )
# Binds
BIND( COALESCE(?foaf_fullName, CONCAT(?givenName, ' ', ?familyName)) AS ?pretty_name )

What does !a mean in SPARQL?

I'm using SPARQL to construct a query and would like to rule out certain results.
I'm aware FILTER NOT EXISTS can be used to do the task. For example:
?sub a ?type .
FILTER NOT EXISTS {?sub a :NotExpectedType.}
But during exploration, I accidentally found I could write !a. That's a valid SPARQL query, but the result is different from FILTER NOT EXISTS. For example:
?sub a ?type .
?sub !a :NotExpectedType .
So what does the !a mean? (I'm aware a is a shortcut for rdf:type, but that doesn't help me understanding yet.)
!a is a property path, and it means “a path of length one with a property other than rdf:type”.
?x a ?type.
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?x a :MyClass }
The query above will find the ?x where no triple ?x rdf:type :MyClass exists.
?x a ?type.
?x !a :MyClass.
This query will find the ?x where a triple ?x ?property :MyClass exists for some ?property other than rdf:type.

how to find classes from dbpedia?

I need a sparql query that given a free text (user input),
it finds me from dbpedia all the classes related to it.
How do it?
Also asked here. Accepted answer said --
When you say classes, are you mean about types? If yes, try something like
SELECT ?uri ?label ?type
?uri rdfs:label ?label .
?uri <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/type> ?type .
FILTER regex(str(?label), "Leipzig") .
limit 10
I couldn't let this go...
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX virtdrf: <http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#>
SELECT ?s1c AS ?c1
COUNT (*) AS ?c2
QUAD MAP virtrdf:DefaultQuadMap
?s1 ?s1textp ?o1 .
?o1 bif:contains '"dbpedia"' .
?s1 a ?s1c .
OPTIONAL { ?s1c rdfs:label ?c3
GROUP BY ?s1c ?c3
The earlier answer gets you partial results.

Select inside another select

I have the following query where I'm trying to use the id of an element from one graph to retrieve some values in another graph. However this doesn't work:
select * from <mygraph2#> where {
?s ?p ?id in {select ?id from <mygraph1#> where { ?id ?t "MyService" }
You don't select from a subselect. You just execute the sub-select, and it provides some variables to the enclosing query. I'm not sure where you found an example like what you showed in the question. It's not what any of the examples in the standard (see Section 12, Subqueries) look like. Your query would be something like this (note that this isn't actually legal, since you can't use FROM in subqueries):
select * from <mygraph2#> where {
?s ?p ?id
{ select ?id from <mygraph1#>
where { ?id ?t "MyService" } }
However, the the graphs that you're selecting from are available as named graphs in the dataset, there's no real need for the sub-select here. You can just do
select * where {
graph <mygraph2#> { ?s ?p ?id }
graph <mygraph1#> { ?id ?t "MyService" }

How the pass the output of one sparql query as a input to another sparql query

I am trying get the dbpedia movie link using the movie name in the first query and pass that link in the second query to get the movies similar to this movie.For e.g Lagaan.Now instead of passing the link manually in the second query is there a way to combine the two queries and pass the output of first query as an input to the second query.i.e:the link of the movie lagaan.Also,if the first query gives multiple links eg:if i am searching for Harry potter it will return multiple harry potter series links so,it should handle that case as well.
prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
prefix dbpedia-owl: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
select distinct ?film where {
?film a dbpedia-owl:Film .
?film rdfs:label ?label .
filter regex( str(?label), "Lagaan", "i")
limit 10
Query 2
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
select ?similar (count(?p) as ?similarity) where {
values ?movie { <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Lagaan> }
?similar ?p ?o ; a dbpedia-owl:Film .
?movie ?p ?o .
group by ?similar ?movie
having count(?p) > 35
order by desc(?similarity)
Edited query:
select ?film ?similar (count(?p) as ?similarity) where {
select distinct ?film where {
?film a dbpedia-owl:Film .
?film rdfs:label ?label .
filter regex( str(?label), "Lagaan", "i")
?similar ?p ?o ; a dbpedia-owl:Film .
?film ?p ?o .
group by ?similar ?film
having count(?p) > 35
order by desc(?similarity)
corrected query as told by Joshua Taylor
select ?film ?other (count(*) as ?similarity) {
select ?film where {
?film a dbpedia-owl:Film ; rdfs:label ?label .
filter contains(lcase(?label),"lagaan")
limit 1
?film ?p ?o .
?other a dbpedia-owl:Film ; ?p ?o .
group by ?film ?other
having count(?p) > 25
order by desc(?similarity)
is there a way to combine the two queries and pass the output of first
query as an input to the second query.
SPARQL 1.1 defines subqueries. The results of inner queries are available to outer queries, so they are "passed" to them. In your case, you would have something along the lines of:
select ?similarMovie (... as ?similarity) where {
{ #-- QUERY 1, find one or more films
select distinct ?film where {
#-- ...
#-- QUERY 2, find films similar to ?film
#-- ...