Should I use OOP for my command like-style project? - oop

I'm fairly new to OOP, I know the basics of classes, child classes, inheritance, etc.. in theory But I'm not really sure how to apply it. For this reason, I was thinking that maybe I should code my next project using OOP style.
What I want to do is create a text / command based game filled with user inputs. For example I would ask them what type of build they want, what type of powers they would like to select from a list, etc..
If I was coding this mini game using simple functions, I'd probably write it using one main() function that branches out into other functions depending on the users responses.
However, since I want to do this using OOP, I'm not entirely sure how to proceed. I mean wouldn't I have to call the class using instances , for example:
Hero1 = Hero("Name", "build" "powers")
This seems counter intuitive to me as it defeats the purpose of being interactive, because the user has to type in what Hero1 is as well as the build and powers with out even knowing what they are yet..
Am I missing something in terms of how OOP works and when it is best to apply it? I have been coding in Python for about six months but I certainly welcome any and all feedback in order to improve my knowledge.


Need to confirm my thinking on Modules vs Classes in

I'm working on a project with a contractor we hired to do some VB.Net programming. I used to program for this project, but I have more recently become primarily the project manager so I can work on other issues I have. His method of programming differs greatly from what I was taught in school. The only time he uses classes is basically in the form of a sort of dataset (not an actual dataset, as I learned how to use in school). As an example, there's the cEmployee class, where he creates a class for an Employee, and in that he defines all the fields an employee has.
All functions are put in Modules. So if he has several functions to populate a combo box, they all go in the combo box module. My understanding on this though is that when the program is run, the modules are treated as global functions and included regardless of whether or not they are actually used on a form. To me this sounds like it would increase the resource requirements to run such a program, since the large amount of module code has to be included for every form.
The way I learned was to put functions with specific purposes in namespaces and classes, then import the appropriate namespace and class when needed. Then only the necessary code to run a form is loaded, and the extra code for functions that are not needed isn't loaded until imported on a form. I never used modules myself, but I can see their utility, I just think he is severely mis-using modules in this case. Am I correct?
From your description of the situation, it appears your programmer has VB6 backgrounds and has not completely migrated to VB.NET; he does not use OOP if he can avoid it.
To answer your questions, his code style would make a hell for a pure VB.NET OOP programmer. However, it wouldn't cause much overhead.
A VB module does basically define "global" functions - if this were C# it'd be a static class with static functions. However, this won't make any difference to the resource requirements of your application: all methods are defined once, no matter where they're called from, and being in a module or a class doesn't change that. If you have 20 forms that all use the combobox code, the combobox code still only exists once - it's not duplicated 20 times, either in the application or in memory when you run.
It does sound like your contractor may have some unusual coding styles if he's using a lot of module code, but without more concrete examples it's hard to say for sure.
It's hard to answer without seeing the code. From the information in your question it seemed that your contractor was writing procedural structured code, which is old-fashioned, but not necessarily a huge problem, although many programmers who are used to OO won't enjoy looking at the code.
From your last comment on Dan's answer it sounds like he is writing a module for each functional area, with routines that can act on any object. The routines accept Object or Variant arguments, detect the type of object passed with case/if statements, then branch to the appropriate code for that object. Is that right? That is quite eccentric and hard to maintain. Usually, a better way is to declare interfaces for the functional areas, and have the classes implement the interfaces.
I've seen code like this from self-taught programmers. To be fair to them, they are bright people who were stumbling towards inventing OO programming from scratch! It can be a slow process though, and it's better to learn about other people's conclusions first! I might recommend a course on OO programming, or if he is a reader a book like Head First Design Patterns or even Code Complete 2, which has some good chapters on design. If you can get him hooked on Code Complete, that would be a good thing.
By traditional OOP approach, we learned at school that class methods are bound to their objects and while modules are used to carry global functions, and I guess your project partner wants to use those functions independently, irrelevant of associated objects. If those methods are processing only on Combo boxes, than they must be encapsulated with dedicated class for the purpose.
Well, as you said that loading all the functions at the same time will increase overhead, so here's how things will work; since, execution deals with functions only when they are needed, & not when execution starts, so no matter you include hundreds of functions with your code, compiler will execute them only when you call it, (until then compiler doesn't knows what you've wrote in it) along with allocating variables within the functions. But, this is not the case if variables are shared by all the functions, as when they are shared by all of the functions, they are global for them, and hence, they will sit in memory since from the beginning.

First step in OOD?

What is the frst step in OOD?
There are no steps, it's not a process.
The answer is..
Practice, read broadly and more practice.
Especially with others to review and comment on approaches.
Reading should cover not just OOD, but also patterns to see how others have approached common problems.
It's a lot of practice. The first thing is to get your mind around the way objects work--especially if you are a procedural programmer.
Practice making many small objects--I've literally never seen a system with too many objects; it's possible but I've never seen it. It should be really obvious when you need to put many objects into one, but it's not as obvious when an object should be broken up.
Ask an object to do something, don't ask for it's data. Try to avoid getters and setters and concentrate on methods where you ask it to do something with it's data. If you EVER see code like o.a=o.b+o.c or o.setA(o.getB()+o.getC() you are doing it wrong.
Constantly try to refactor out duplication. Rewrite your code repeatedly until there is none (or as little as possible). This will probably do more for your OO design skills than any other practice. As you get more knowledgeable, try refactoring things you didn't think you could refactor before. Anything that even looks like a pattern can probably be refactored. For instance here's a very basic example--if you had lines of code that looked like this:
a = b + c * d;
g = h + i * d;
Chances are there are HUGE refactorings missing in your code even though it doesn't look like it off the bat. You probably are missing an object that would hold a,b,c and a second instance would hold g,h,i, after creating these objects a bunch of stuff would factor into your new object. Learning to recognize new opportunities like this is critical.
I've been programming for over 20 years now, over half of it has been OO at this point and it seems like every few years I think I know it all--a year later I look back and realize how ignorant I was.
the first step is object oriented analysis - its aim is to identify the objects that make up a system and how they interact; given this knowledge you can then specify the behavior of the object (the interface methods) and then the internals (what are the required data members of an object)
The design process produces a number of diagrams - these are tools that are supposed to help with working out the details of the system :
first come a set of 'use cases' - a use case is a verbal description of a scenario that is implemented by the system (one is supposed to pick the most substantial ones); these are then used to identify the main actors and concepts which are supposed to map to the classes of a system. This understanding is then refined by working out 'object interaction diagrams' 'class diagrams' and 'sequence diagrams' sometimes state charts are used to visual state machines - these diagrams are tools to gain an even better understanding of the system, as a result you have a sufficient understanding of the system to write the class header files/class definitions. There are no fixed rules which one of these diagrams come first, these are used as appropriate.
i found the following book very useful :
OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN With applications (second edition) by Grady Booch
the book goes through the process of designing several example systems step by step (i think it is enough to read the design process for these example systems); One minor problem is that the notation used in this book is a bit dated : modern practice is to use the UML notation for diagrams, however the book still uses the older Booch notation. The strong point of the book is that it is always explaining each concept by working through concrete examples.
There are some preliminary steps:
Understand OOD (in general)
Understand the problem/application domain (the functional specification)
Have a high-level/architectural design: know what O/S, libraries, frameworks etc. you can use
I then use a mixture of top-down and bottom-up development:
Top-down: decide what components and what APIs (object interfaces) I would like to have in order to implement the application (and then, develope those API)
Bottom-up: decide how to add new functionality to existing APIs (object interfaces), by adding new methods and new types of object (and sometimes splitting a large object into several smaller objects).
The first step of OOD are the OOD principles. Check out The Principles of OOD.

OO or procedural

I have an Access db I use for my checkbook (with a good amount of fairly simple VBA behind it) and I'd like to rewrite it as a stand-alone program with a SQL backend. I'm thinking of using either C++, Java, or Python. I had assumed, before I started, that I would write it OO because I thought that I would think "in OO terms" (due to a OO Logic class and a C++ class I took), but I'm finding that I can only visualize it as procedural (but maybe because I'm mentally stuck in thinking of how the db works in Access). How do I decide? Am I making sense or does it seem like I'm not understanding the concepts?
Thanks for your help.
I'd suggest OO - it's not harder than procedural programming, actually easier to maintain with the right tool. Delphi would be my choice - great DB programming support, visual designer, strongly-typed, plenty of components available. There are many great applications that are written in Delphi. Often underestimated, there are many reasons it's got a loyal following.
Now I'll duck as the Delphi-haters load up with tomatoes.
Well, OO may well be overkill, but it is excellent practice. Any code monkey can write procedural code. Its the path of least resistance in every case, which is why most people use it for one off apps that don't do much. However, if you're writing to get experience in working with OO, than it is best to think of it that way. You could start by designing an object that manages financial transaction, then you will also need a way to interact with the DB. Perhaps you could write a DB layer where you abstract away the database calls from the transaction object using the Entity framework where you could learn LINQ (or whatever the JAVA equivalent is). This is all assuming that you are doing this for fun and practice.
oo seems to be overkill for a simple checkbook app. Try something on a larger scale like something to manage all your financial accounts. This way designing an account class would make sense
Well it depends on your motivation. If you want a checkbook application as quickly as possible, just churn out the procedural code. No-one other than you will know the difference. If you want to use this application to better yourself as aprogrammer. Take the time to learn how to write in in OO.
I'd go with Python: no compiling and uses dynamic typing (you can use strict typing too if you want). Plus, it has a huge following in the open source community which means great support, tools, and documentation for free.
As for OO vs. Procedural -- all these languages you've mentioned could be written in a procedural style -- that is, one big class/method that does everything -- but you'll soon find that you'll want to follow DRY principles (Don't Repeat Yourself) and start with some private methods that do one particular thing well. From then, you'll want to group similar things into separate classes, and then from there you'll want to abstract those classes... see where I'm going here?
In my opinion you should concentrate less on the OO versus procedural thing. If you have the possibility to go procedural in the beginning, then go procedural. It's the easiest thing you can do to get you started. The OO thing, on the other hand, may just as well qualify as YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna Need It).
What you should do though, is to write tests, unit tests and then integration tests. And you should strive to write tests first. This way, even if you begin with a procedural application you may later on refactor it into a full-fledged OO application. But, only if you need objects. These tests will be you're safety net when moving around code in your application.
Trying to think your applications into object from the beginning may lead you to an point where you're stuck with your class hierarchies and architecture.
I'm not a genius, so I may be wrong, but in my experience, starting with simple functions and then thinking about grouping them into objects or modules is better than starting by saying: OK, I'll have this object that interacts with this object, which is implementing pattern X, so this way I'll decouple interface Y from implementation Z. Later on, you may observe that your domain model is weak. Take an evolutionary design path and start with small building blocks.
If you are looking for a quick app that you can extend, check out Dynamic Data.

Practical uses of OOP

I recently had a debate with a colleague who is not a fan of OOP. What took my attention was what he said:
"What's the point of doing my coding in objects? If it's reuse then I can just create a library and call whatever functions I need for whatever task is at hand. Do I need these concepts of polymorphism, inheritance, interfaces, patterns or whatever?"
We are in a small company developing small projects for e-commerce sites and real estate.
How can I take advantage of OOP in an "everyday, real-world" setup? Or was OOP really meant to solve complex problems and not intended for "everyday" development?
My personally view: context
When you program in OOP you have a greater awareness of the context. It helps you to organize the code in such a way that it is easier to understand because the real world is also object oriented.
The good things about OOP come from tying a set of data to a set of behaviors.
So, if you need to do many related operations on a related set of data, you can write many functions that operate on a struct, or you can use an object.
Objects give you some code reuse help in the form of inheritance.
IME, it is easier to work with an object with a known set of attributes and methods that it is to keep a set of complex structs and the functions that operate on them.
Some people will go on about inheritance and polymorphism. These are valuable, but the real value in OOP (in my opinion) comes from the nice way it encapsulates and associates data with behaviors.
Should you use OOP on your projects? That depends on how well your language supports OOP. That depends on the types of problems you need to solve.
But, if you are doing small websites, you are still talking about enough complexity that I would use OOP design given proper support in the development language.
More than getting something to just work - your friend's point, a well designed OO design is easier to understand, to follow, to expand, to extend and to implement. It is so much easier for example to delegate work that categorically are similar or to hold data that should stay together (yes even a C struct is an object).
Well, I'm sure a lot of people will give a lot more academically correctly answers, but here's my take on a few of the most valuable advantages:
OOP allows for better encapsulation
OOP allows the programmer to think in more logical terms, making software projects easier to design and understand (if well designed)
OOP is a time saver. For example, look at the things you can do with a C++ string object, vectors, etc. All that functionality (and much more) comes for "free." Now, those are really features of the class libraries and not OOP itself, but almost all OOP implementations come with nice class libraries. Can you implement all that stuff in C (or most of it)? Sure. But why write it yourself?
Look at the use of Design Patterns and you'll see the utility of OOP. It's not just about encapsulation and reuse, but extensibility and maintainability. It's the interfaces that make things powerful.
A few examples:
Implementing a stream (decorator pattern) without objects is difficult
Adding a new operation to an existing system such as a new encryption type (strategy pattern) can be difficult without objects.
Look at the way PostgresQL is
implemented versus the way your
database book says a database should
be implemented and you'll see a big
difference. The book will suggest
node objects for each operator.
Postgres uses myriad tables and
macros to try to emulate these nodes.
It is much less pretty and much
harder to extend because of that.
The list goes on.
The power of most programming languages is in the abstractions that they make available. Object Oriented programming provides a very powerful system of abstractions in the way it allows you to manage relationships between related ideas or actions.
Consider the task of calculating areas for an arbitrary and expanding collection of shapes. Any programmer can quickly write functions for the area of a circle, square, triangle, ect. and store them in a library. The difficulty comes when trying to write a program that identifies and calculates the area of an arbitrary shape. Each time you add a new kind of shape, say a pentagon, you would need to update and extend something like an IF or CASE structure to allow your program to identify the new shape and call the correct area routine from your "library of functions". After a while, the maintenance costs associated with this approach begin to pile up.
With object-oriented programming, a lot of this comes free-- just define a Shape class that contains an area method. Then it doesn't really matter what specific shape you're dealing with at run time, just make each geometrical figure an object that inherits from Shape and call the area method. The Object Oriented paradigm handles the details of whether at this moment in time, with this user input, do we need to calculate the area of a circle, triangle, square, pentagon or the ellipse option that was just added half a minute ago.
What if you decided to change the interface behind the way the area function was called? With Object Oriented programming you would just update the Shape class and the changes automagically propagate to all entities that inherit from that class. With a non Object Oriented system you would be facing the task of slogging through your "library of functions" and updating each individual interface.
In summary, Object Oriented programming provides a powerful form of abstraction that can save you time and effort by eliminating repetition in your code and streamlining extensions and maintenance.
Around 1994 I was trying to make sense of OOP and C++ at the same time, and found myself frustrated, even though I could understand in principle what the value of OOP was. I was so used to being able to mess with the state of any part of the application from other languages (mostly Basic, Assembly, and Pascal-family languages) that it seemed like I was giving up productivity in favor of some academic abstraction. Unfortunately, my first few encounters with OO frameworks like MFC made it easier to hack, but didn't necessarily provide much in the way of enlightenment.
It was only through a combination of persistence, exposure to alternate (non-C++) ways of dealing with objects, and careful analysis of OO code that both 1) worked and 2) read more coherently and intuitively than the equivalent procedural code that I started to really get it. And 15 years later, I'm regularly surprised at new (to me) discoveries of clever, yet impressively simple OO solutions that I can't imagine doing as neatly in a procedural approach.
I've been going through the same set of struggles trying to make sense of the functional programming paradigm over the last couple of years. To paraphrase Paul Graham, when you're looking down the power continuum, you see everything that's missing. When you're looking up the power continuum, you don't see the power, you just see weirdness.
I think, in order to commit to doing something a different way, you have to 1) see someone obviously being more productive with more powerful constructs and 2) suspend disbelief when you find yourself hitting a wall. It probably helps to have a mentor who is at least a tiny bit further along in their understanding of the new paradigm, too.
Barring the gumption required to suspend disbelief, if you want someone to quickly grok the value of an OO model, I think you could do a lot worse than to ask someone to spend a week with the Pragmatic Programmers book on Rails. It unfortunately does leave out a lot of the details of how the magic works, but it's a pretty good introduction to the power of a system of OO abstractions. If, after working through that book, your colleague still doesn't see the value of OO for some reason, he/she may be a hopeless case. But if they're willing to spend a little time working with an approach that has a strongly opinionated OO design that works, and gets them from 0-60 far faster than doing the same thing in a procedural language, there may just be hope. I think that's true even if your work doesn't involve web development.
I'm not so sure that bringing up the "real world" would be as much a selling point as a working framework for writing good apps, because it turns out that, especially in statically typed languages like C# and Java, modeling the real world often requires tortuous abstractions. You can see a concrete example of the difficulty of modeling the real world by looking at thousands of people struggling to model something as ostensibly simple as the geometric abstraction of "shape" (shape, ellipse, circle).
All programming paradigms have the same goal: hiding unneeded complexity.
Some problems are easily solved with an imperative paradigm, like your friend uses. Other problems are easily solved with an object-oriented paradigm. There are many other paradigms. The main ones (logic programming, functional programming, and imperative programming) are all equivalent to each other; object-oriented programming is usually thought as an extension to imperative programming.
Object-oriented programming is best used when the programmer is modeling items that are similar, but not the same. An imperative paradigm would put the different kinds of models into one function. An object-oriented paradigm separates the different kinds of models into different methods on related objects.
Your colleague seems to be stuck in one paradigm. Good luck.
To me, the power of OOP doesn't show itself until you start talking about inheritance and polymorphism.
If one's argument for OOP rests the concept of encapsulation and abstraction, well that isn't a very convincing argument for me. I can write a huge library and only document the interfaces to it that I want the user to be aware of, or I can rely on language-level constructs like packages in Ada to make fields private and only expose what it is that I want to expose.
However, the real advantage comes when I've written code in a generic hierarchy so that it can be reused later such that the same exact code interfaces are used for different functionality to achieve the same result.
Why is this handy? Because I can stand on the shoulders of giants to accomplish my current task. The idea is that I can boil the parts of a problem down to the most basic parts, the objects that compose the objects that compose... the objects that compose the project. By using a class that defines behavior very well in the general case, I can use that same proven code to build a more specific version of the same thing, and then a more specific version of the same thing, and then yet an even more specific version of the same thing. The key is that each of these entities has commonality that has already been coded and tested, and there is no need to reimpliment it again later. If I don't use inheritance for this, I end up reimplementing the common functionality or explicitly linking my new code against the old code, which provides a scenario for me to introduce control flow bugs.
Polymorphism is very handy in instances where I need to achieve a certain functionality from an object, but the same functionality is also needed from similar, but unique types. For instance, in Qt, there is the idea of inserting items onto a model so that the data can be displayed and you can easily maintain metadata for that object. Without polymorphism, I would need to bother myself with much more detail than I currently do (I.E. i would need to implement the same code interfaces that conduct the same business logic as the item that was originally intended to go on the model). Because the base class of my data-bound object interacts natively with the model, I can instead insert metadata onto this model with no trouble. I get what I need out of the object with no concern over what the model needs, and the model gets what it needs with no concern over what I have added to the class.
Ask your friend to visualize any object in his very Room, House or City... and if he can tell a single such object which a system in itself and is capable of doing some meaningful work. Things like a button isnt doing something alone - it takes lots of objects to make a phone call. Similarly a car engine is made of the crank shaft, pistons, spark plugs. OOPS concepts have evolved from our perception in natural processes or things in our lives. The "Inside COM" book tells the purpose of COM by taking analogy from a childhood game of identifying animals by asking questions.
Design trumps technology and methodology. Good designs tend to incorporate universal principals of complexity management such as law of demeter which is at the heart of what OO language features strive to codify.
Good design is not dependant on use of OO specific language features although it is typically in ones best interests to use them.
Not only does it make
programming easier / more maintainable in the current situation for other people (and yourself)
It is already allowing easier database CRUD (Create, Update, Delete) operations.
You can find more info about it looking up:
- Java : Hibernate
- Dot Net : Entity Framework
See even how LINQ (Visual Studio) can make your programming life MUCH easier.
Also, you can start using design patterns for solving real life problems (design patterns are all about OO)
Perhaps it is even fun to demonstrate with a little demo:
Let's say you need to store employees, accounts, members, books in a text file in a similar way.
.PS. I tried writing it in a PSEUDO way :)
the OO way
Code you call:
class objectsCollection
function ourFunctionForSaving() As String
String _Objects
for each _Object in objectsCollection
Objects &= _Object & "-"
end for
return _Objects
end method
I don't think i'll write down non-oo code. But think of it :)
In the OO way. The above class is the parent class of all methods for saving the books, employees, members, accounts, ...
What happens if we want to change the way of saving to a textfile? For example, to make it compactible with a current standard (.CVS).
And let's say we would like to add a load function, how much code do you need to write?
In the OO- way you only need the add a New Sub method which can split all the data into parameters (This happens once).
Let your collegue think about that :)
In domains where state and behavior are poorly aligned, Object-Orientation reduces the overall dependency density (i.e. complexity) within these domains, which makes the resulting systems less brittle.
This is because the essence of Object-Orientation is based on the fact that, organizationally, it doesn't dustinguish between state and behavior at all, treating both uniformly as "features". Objects are just sets of features clumpled to minimize overall dependency.
In other domains, Object-Orientation is not the best approach. There are different language paradigms for different problems. Experienced developers know this, and are willing to use whatever language is closest to the domain.

OOP Problems to use for Coding Tests during interviews

As a second interview I get people to sit down and write code...I try to make the problem really technology independent.
My programming problems that I have don't really exercise peoples OO abilities. I tend to try and keep the coding problem solvable within 2 hours ish. So, I've struggled to find a problem small enough and involved enough that it exposes peoples OO design skills.
Any suggestions?
This is a problem that I use with some trainings, looks simple but is tricky OOP-wise:
Create model classes that will properly represent the following constructs:
Define a Shape object, where the object is any two dimensional figure, and has the following characteristics: a name, a perimeter, and a surface area.
Define a Circle, retaining and accurately outputting the values of the aforementioned characteristics of a Shape.
Define a Triangle. This time, the name of the triangle should take into account if it is equilateral (all 3 sides are the same length), isoceles (only 2 sides are the same length), or scalene (no 2 sides are the same).
You can go on and on with quadrelaterals (which include squares, rectangles, rhombi, etc) and other polygons.
The way that they would solve the above problems would reveal the people who understand OOP apart from those who don't.
ideally, you want to present a problem that appears difficult, but has a simple, elegant, obvious solution if you think in OO terms
we need to control access to a customer web site
each customer may have one or more people to access the site
different people from different customers may be able to view different parts of the site
the same person may work for more than one customer
customers want to manage permissions based on the person, department, team, or project
design a solution for this using object-oriented techniques
one OO solution is to have a Person, a Customer, an Account, and AccountPermissions, where the Account specifies a Person and a Customer and an optional Parent Account. the use of a recursive Account object collapses the otherwise cumbersome person/team/department/project structure a direct ERD solution might yield
I have used the FizzBuzz Programming Test. And shockingly can corroborate the claims made by the article. As a second follow up I have asked candidates to compute the angle(s) between the hands on an analog clock. We set up a laptop with VS 2008 installed and the stub in place. all they have to do is fill in the implementation.
I am always stunned at how poorly candidates do on these two questions. I really am.
Designing Social Security Application is something which I ask a lot of people during interviews.
The nice thing about this is everyone is aware of how it works and what things to keep track of.
They also have to justify their design and this really helps me get inside their head :)
(As there is lots of flexibility here)
Kind regards,
Whether or not people do some coding in the interview, I make it a point to ask this:
Tell me about a problem you solved recently using object oriented programming. You'd be surprised how often people cannot answer that simple question. A lot of times I get a blank stare, or they say something like "what do you mean? I program in .NET, which is all object oriented."
These aren't specifically OO Questions, but check out the other questions tagged interview-questions
Edit: What about implementing some design patterns? I don't have the best knowledge in the area but it seems as if you would be getting two questions for the price of one. You can test for both OO and Design pattens in the one question.
How about some sort of simple GUI. It's got inheritance, overriding, possibly events. If you mean for them to actually implement as part of the test then you could hand them a blank windows-form with an OnPaint() and tell them to get to it.
You could do worse than ask them to design a MapReduce library with a single-process implementation. Will the interface still work for a distributed implementation? What's the exception-handling policy? Should there be special support for chaining MapReduce jobs in a pipeline? What's the interface to the inputs and outputs? How are inputs chunked up? Can different inputs in one job go to different mappers? What defaults are reasonable?
A good solution in Python takes about a page of code.
I've got a super simple set. The idea is mainly to use them to filter out people who really don't know their stuff rather than filtering in the rock stars.
These are all 5 minute white-board type questions, so they are really not that hard. But the act of writing up code, and talking through it reveals a lot about a candidate - and is brilliant for exposing those that can otherwise BS through the talk.
Write a method that takes a radius of a circle as an argument, and returns the area of the circle (You would be amazed how many people struggle on this one!)
Write a program that accepts a series of numbers as arguments from the command line. Add them up, and print the sum
Write a class that acts as a keyed counter (basically a map that keeps track of how many times each key is "counted")