I'm using the #codemirror/theme-one-dark theme with codemirror 6 and I'm trying to figure out how to extend the theme. I mostly just want to increase the font sizeā¦ any ideas?
I am using vue-apexcharts in my vuejs project. I have around 15 pages where I am using charts and I want to change the font family everywhere. How to achieve this generically? Is there any general approach to change the fonts all together?
This is the example where it's written how to change it in a specific way.
You can set global options just after you've imported and registered vue-apexcharts.
import VueApexCharts from "vue-apexcharts";
window.Apex.chart = { fontFamily: "MuseoModerno, Arial, sans-serif" };
This will then be applied to all charts.
Of course, remember that you'll also need to make sure that the font is globally available in your Vue project by for example importing it.
So I have a site and I'm using Bootstrap 3.3.7 and sass. I'm being asked to have a "dark theme" page and the ability to set different types of color themes based on certain pages.
There might be a page with white-label branding, or a dark theme, or a blue theme.
I'm being asked to keep everything else the same.
I'm thinking about having those pages add a class to the body tag that changes the CSS colors, but what are the best practices for changing all colors in a bootstrap 3.3.7 sass style controllers.
Bootstrap colour code are present under variables file(bootstrap/**/_variables.scss) were we can play on it.
But when it comes to theme development best way to handle the colour is we can have separate scss for colour code, where the folder or file structure can be followed like bootstrap or as per the developer style.
I am using ag-grid in my project which uses vuetify.js and is based on vueJS. I am facing problems with the ag-grid themes. Whenever I use the ag-material theme the outcome is different from the one shown ag-grid website. I just get a very basic theme when I add material theme. Can anyone help?
you need to make sure you import both
import "/node_modules/ag-grid/dist/styles/ag-grid.css";
import "/node_modules/ag-grid/dist/styles/theme-material.css";
and then, make sure you include both classes <ag-grid-vue class="ag-material ag-theme-material">
Does anyone know if there is any blank theme for prestashop? I would like to create my own theme without bootstrap though.
Any ideas?
You may want to check out https://github.com/PrestaShop/community-theme-16
which just basic Bootstrap theme which you can extend. Many of work hours have been put into it to clean up the CSS, JS and TPL.
It will be very painful to build a theme from scratch with Prestashop 1.6.
You may want to wait for Presashop 1.7 which features the starter theme for that.
So, I'm trying to create a theme for Ninja-IDE. Ninja-IDE uses PyQt, so the themes are made in qss. I'm trying to make my Ninja-IDE look like VS2012. I was just wandering, if it is possible to have separate styles for horizontal and vertical tabs in qss.
isn't working for me.
Any Ideas?
please check this answer QTabWidget tabPosition when using stylesheets