(Odoo 14) Possibility to select more than 1 form or tree view in a window action - odoo

Is there a way (or a OCA module) to let the user switch between multiple form views or multiple tree views in the same window action, see the image below ?


Passing search and filter parameters between Components

I am trying to implement breadcrum functionality in my application using Blazor.
My requirements are:
Search page - Click search: shows list of items using card
I have a filter box to filter data . e.g posted date, range
When I select a single item, it should go the detail page. On the detail page I should see a breadcrum like - Home -> View -> Detail
So when I click on the View breadcrum item it should take me back to view page with the previous search parameters and filters selected
I know how to pass single parameters between components but little confuse how can I pass multiple parameters to parent and again back to child component. Please advise. Thank you

How can a popup window store additional field value in odoo?

According to scenario , i need, when user click button from main view (model name ='StudentRegistration') to open a new popup window. New opened window select drop down list option and save it into main model e.g 'StudentRegistration'.
how can i do this operation where popup window is opening.?
Try this:
Create an intermediate model. Add all your required fields to this model. Create a form view for this model. Call this view on a button click. While saving this form view, access your main model and add data from here to main model.
EDIT: To call a view from button use like this:
<button name="%( view ID )d" string="Documents" context="{'default_cases':active_id}" type="action" />

Odoo window action button using XML ID

In an Odoo view, I can create a button to trigger a specific window action by giving the button a name equal to the database identifier for the action. For example:
<button type="action" name="123">Trigger</button>
Will trigger action id 123 when clicked.
Is it possible to accomplish the same thing using the XML ID of the action rather than the database ID?
I'm asking because I have created a module full of data files that include view and window actions. The views include a reference to the ID of the window action since they contain buttons to trigger them. However, I don't know the ID's of the window actions until the module is imported, so I can't include them in the views on the initial import.
Is there any way around this?
Found my answer:
<button type="action" name="%(xml_id_of_action)d"></button>

How to manage Two WindowedApplication in Flex?

1) There are two .mxml files (Windowed Application): one is Log-in(Active Window/ Start up Window) and other is Main Window.
2) Main Window has viewstack
3) On log-in successful, log-inHandler called from Main Window.
4) log-inHandler access viewstack id of Main Window.
5) But viewstack id shows null.
1) How to solve this case?
You should not use 2 Windowed Applications
Make your Login page as a MXMLComponent
Add the Login page as a new NativeWindow from your main App, so you can communicate with it.

Backbone Structure Tips

New to Backbone and wondering if any Backbone experts can lend their advice as to how to structure the following application:
Users log in to view the Dashboard. The Dashboard has 6 Panes and the Content of each Pane is determined by each User's Preference List (a Backbone Model with attributes panelone: contentA, paneltwo: contentD, etc...)
Above the Panes is a horizontal list of Content types. The User should be able to drag and drop the Content type over a Pane to save it and render the Content in that Pane immediately.
For example, if ContentF dropped on Pane3 then Pane3 saves ContentF ( Model.set('Pane3: ContentF' ) and updates itself with ContentF's template.
Specifically, How do I divide up this functionality between Router, Views and Templates?
I can't consider myself a Backbone expert, anyway that's my two cents.
I suggest you to use Marionette, a framework built on top of Backbone that ease the things a lot.
You could setup your dashboard view as a layout, and each panel as a region of that.
This way you could update each panel's content without affecting the others and have all the events and stuff attached to your old view be cleaned up by Marionette's build-in memory management.
Also I don't think your router should be too affected by a change in panels content, it should just render the view assigned to that specific content, so it just has to be able to access the list model. Each of this views will have their specific template and that's all!