What design pattern exist for Lua? - oop

As i know many design pattern in oop languages, in Lua just capabilities of itself. So i want to know and if there is example of design pattern which apply in Lua.
Singelton and command no need special implementation as i see.


Programming with ADTs without OOP?

Does OOP mean that the paradigm is around ADTs, since ADTs are the base of objects? If so, if ADTs are used procedurally, what does this make the procedural code?
I am not sure I totally understand your question, but even so, ADTs predate OOP direct support in languages (or language compilers). This usually means that you can(could) emulate OOP support, when it does(did) not exist(ed), by manipulating ADTs and following certain conventions your respect (yourself, not forced by the compiler). If you do that, you are writing code in object-oriented style, although only using available procedural mechanisms.

What is a Factory in OOP

My understanding of "factory-related" design patterns and their OOP-implementations has always been pretty simple.
A "Factory method" is a method inside a class that has an interface (or an abstract class) as a return type and constructs objects implementing this interface based on some internal logic.
A "Factory" is a class that only contains factory methods
An "Abstract factory" is an interface (or an abstract class) that only contains factory methods
But I recently stumbled upon Wikipeda articles on the subject (Factory, Abstract factory) that made me somewhat confused, especially about what a "Factory" is in OOP.
Here are several quotes:
A subroutine that returns a "new" object may be referred to as a "factory", as in factory method or factory function.
Factories are used in various design patterns
The "Abstract factory pattern" is a method to build collections of factories.
A factory is the location of a concrete class in the code at which objects are constructed
which arouse some questions:
(1)&(2) Does this mean that a factory is not a class or an object, but a piece of logic?
(2) Is "Factory" not a pattern itself?
(3) What does "collection" mean here? Is it just a way of saying "you can have several factories that implement the same interface (which is an abstract factory)"?
(4) What???
Can anyone clarify what this means? Is my initial understanding of factories incorrect?
Look at this wiki which says:
In object-oriented programming (OOP), a factory is an object for
creating other objects – formally a factory is a function or method
that returns objects of a varying prototype or class from some
method call, which is assumed to be "new".[a] More broadly, a
subroutine that returns a "new" object may be referred to as a
"factory", as in factory method or factory function. This is a basic
concept in OOP, and forms the basis for a number of related software
design patterns.
So to answer your questions specifically:
(1)&(2) Does this mean that a factory is not a class or an object, but a piece of logic?
No, it means that you can create other objects using an object(factory).
(2) Is "Factory" not a pattern itself?
There are different design patterns out of which factory pattern is one. So when you are creating objects using a factory then that patter of creating other objects is "Factory pattern"
I think you generally have it right. But, people don't like general, so it's the specifics where things go pear-shaped.
There a few things to consider:
Wikipedia is sometimes woefully bad on technical subjects because they are trying to get to a single answer where different domains or programming languages may use the terms slightly differently. Not only that, many people are not skilled at technical writing and forget that Wikipedia is for the masses, not a graduate-level computer science theory class. As such, they tend to overly focus on minutiae or use language more complicated than necessary. So, don't worry about Wikipedia. And, although there is an edit history, no real names tend to be attached to these and no one really cares who wrote which words, so no one is that motivated to do that well. Having expressed that quite cynical opinion of the whole endeavor, reading the Talk pages are very interesting, in a Cunningham's Law sort of way.
(2) The name "Factory" is a pattern, but remember that patterns are general ideas, not implementations. Different languages may employ the same idea in different ways, and those different ways may not agree. A particular language or community starts to use the term in the way most meaningful to them, however, despite what anyone else thinks. That idea may show up in bare, procedural logic; classes; objects; or whatever the tool provides.
Design Patterns (the book(s)) are generally describing shortcomings in tools. They also aren't really design patterns in the way the authors think they are. Mark Jason Dominus has a wonderful talk on this, "Design Patterns" Aren't. His basic idea is that the Gang of Four misunderstand Christopher Alexander in that they (accidentally) prescribe solutions rather than promote the idea of a locally-relevant architectural language. So, the Gang of Four patterns become reified in languages almost exactly as the described single possible solution. Readers then force those patterns as a globally-relevant language completely disconnected from what you personally are trying to build, then argue about what it all really means out of any sort of context using extremely ill-suited examples that don't matter to what anyone is trying to build. There's no reason your recommendation engine and someone's first person shooter should have the same architectural language other than your tool forcing it on both of you. FWIW, paying attention to Mark Jason Dominus is a very good professional development move. His Higher-Order Perl is one of the best programming language books I've read and certainly better than anything I've written. He knows a lot of different languages (and languages that are very different) and thinks very deeply about things.
In (3), the term "collection" is unfortunate because we tend to use that to mean a set of things that co-exist at a particular time in the same container (box, book, whatever). I think they are trying to suggest that the abstract factory is a template for future factories that cannot be presently enumerated, which is a fancy way of saying that we can use it to build factories we don't even know about yet.
In (4), the term "location" is unfortunate. An abstract factory is a way of producing concrete factories, which is a way of producing objects.

Categories feature of objective-c comes under which OOPS feature?

As per my knowledge, Objective-C is an Object oriented programming languge and Categories is a feature provided by Objective-C.
So I would like to know that Category feature is coming under which OOPs concept
Inheritance, etc.
Thanks in advance.
#Abizern's answer is good. I would add that categories are a form of dynamic dispatch, in particular that they can be used to extend existing classes without subclassing.
That said, Object Oriented Programming is more a design philosophy than a set of language features. One might ask "what OOP feature does postfix increment correspond to?" The answer is "none; it's a language feature." Categories are not primarily used to implement OOP design (though sometimes they are, as noted above). Their original use was to break up large implementation files. Their later use was to provide informal protocols due to a flaw in the language (lack of #optional). And today, they're primarily used to split code along platform-specific lines (NSString+UIStringDrawing vs NSString+AppKitAdditions).
Extensions are similar to categories, and similarly are primarily a language feature rather than an OOP design feature. They facilitate encapsulation to some extent, but mostly are a side-effect of an arbitrary compiler requirement to define methods before they are used (I say "arbitrary" because this is not related to design or developer needs; it just simplifies the compiler). Extensions should not be confused with some deep OOP requirement.
So using categories to attach additional functionality at runtime is dynamic dispatch. Beyond that, it's just a language feature that's used for several non-OOP things.
According to the Cocoa Design Patterns book by Buck and Yacktman. Category is a pattern in itself, and one that is supported by the Objective-C programming language directly.
Probably closest to Encapsulation, when it comes to academic OOP concepts. But this really shows the difference between academic definitions of OOP, and the practical world of OOP Design Patterns.

Can Procedural Programming use Objects?

I have seen a number of different topics on StackOverFlow discussing the differences between Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming. The question is: If the program uses an object can it still be considered procedural?
Yes, and a lot of early Java was exactly that; you had a bunch of C programmers get into Java because it was "hot", people who didn't think in OOP. Lots of big classes with lots of static methods, lots of RTTI in case statements, lots of use of instanceof.
GLib has GObject which is object oriented programming implemented in pure C. While you can build up an API which begins to "feel" like OOP, it's still just plain "C" code with no actual classes (from the compiler's point of view). If you get far enough so you're starting to implement Object Oriented design patterns then I would call that OOP no matter what language it's written in. It's all about the feel of the code and how you have to think to write against it.
Procedural programming has to do with how you structure your program and model your domain. Just because at some point you instantiate an object, doesn't alone make your program oriented towards objects (i.e., object-oriented).
The distinction is entirely subjective. For example, if you code a C library using state passing, you are implementing something of a "tell" pattern, with the state as the object.
Classes can be considered as super types. When we converted from VB3 to VB6 our first pass was finding all the types we used, then finding all the subroutines and functions that took that type as a parameter. We moved those into the class definition, removed the parameter and then tested leaving the original flow of control intact
Then we refactored our flow of control to use various patterns and object oriented techniques.
The heart of object orientation is about how you decompose the problem into smaller parts, and how these parts work together. It's about the philosophy. Using OO language does not necessarily mean a program written in it is OO; it's just easier to do OO with a language that supports common OO concepts out of the box.
To answer the question: "If the program uses an object can it still be considered procedural?" - That depends on what your definitions of object and procedural programming are. But in my opinion, the answer is resounding "Yes". "Objects" are only a part of the philosophy that is OO and using them "somewhere in your application" does not mean you're doing OO.
The answer to your question is, yes. For example. I've got an old php legacy page to maintain. Most of the code is procedural but I decided that some things can be maintained much easier if I plug Zend Framework into the existing stuff and write some of my own classes to replace some of the old code. In general this application is still written and functioning in a mainly procedural way but here and then a class or another are instantiated and used. I guess there is no clear border between procedural and OO. You can do it cleaner or less clean. If you don't have enough layers for the size and complexity of your app you'll end up with more procedural code automatically too...

Why the claim that C# people don't get object-oriented programming? (vs class-oriented)

This caught my attention last night.
On the latest ALT.NET Podcast Scott Bellware discusses how as opposed to Ruby, languages like C#, Java et al. are not truly object oriented rather opting for the phrase "class-oriented". They talk about this distinction in very vague terms without going into much detail or discussing the pros and cons much.
What is the real difference here and how much does it matter? What are other languages then are "object-oriented"? It sounded pretty interesting but I don't want to have to learn Ruby just to know what if anything I am missing.
After reading some of the answers below it seems like people generally agree that the reference is to duck-typing. What I'm not sure I understand still though is the claim that this ultimately changes all that much. Especially if you are already doing proper TDD with loose coupling etc. Can someone show me an example of a specific thing I could do with Ruby that I cannot do with C# and that exemplifies this different OOP approach?
In an object-oriented language, objects are defined by defining objects rather than classes, although classes can provide some useful templates for specific, cookie-cutter definitions of a given abstraction. In a class-oriented language, like C# for example, objects must be defined by classes, and these templates are usually canned and packaged and made immutable before runtime. This arbitrary constraint that objects must be defined before runtime and that the definitions of objects are immutable is not an object-oriented concept; it's class oriented.
The duck typing comments here are more attributing to the fact that Ruby and Python are more dynamic than C#. It doesn't really have anything to do with it's OO Nature.
What (I think) Bellware meant by that is that in Ruby, everything is an object. Even a class. A class definition is an instance of an object. As such, you can add/change/remove behavior to it at runtime.
Another good example is that NULL is an object as well. In ruby, everything is LITERALLY an object. Having such deep OO in it's entire being allows for some fun meta-programming techniques such as method_missing.
IMO, it's really overly defining "object-oriented", but what they are referring to is that Ruby, unlike C#, C++, Java, et al, does not make use of defining a class -- you really only ever work directly with objects. Conversely, in C# for example, you define classes that you then must instantiate into object by way of the new keyword. The key point being you must declare a class in C# or describe it. Additionally, in Ruby, everything -- even numbers, for example -- is an object. In contrast, C# still retains the concept of an object type and a value type. This in fact, I think illustrates the point they make about C# and other similar languages -- object type and value type imply a type system, meaning you have an entire system of describing types as opposed to just working with objects.
Conceptually, I think OO design is what provides the abstraction for use to deal complexity in software systems these days. The language is a tool use to implement an OO design -- some make it more natural than others. I would still argue that from a more common and broader definition, C# and the others are still object-oriented languages.
There are three pillars of OOP
If a language can do those three things it is a OOP language.
I am pretty sure the argument of language X does OOP better than language A will go on forever.
OO is sometimes defined as message oriented. The idea is that a method call (or property access) is really a message sent to another object. How the recieveing object handles the message is completely encapsulated. Often the message corresponds to a method which is then executed, but that is just an implementation detail. You can for example create a catch-all handler which is executed regardless of the method name in the message.
Static OO like in C# does not have this kind of encapsulation. A massage has to correspond to an existing method or property, otherwise the compiler will complain. Dynamic languages like Smalltalk, Ruby or Python does however support "message-based" OO.
So in this sense C# and other statically typed OO languages are not true OO, sine thay lack "true" encapsulation.
Update: Its the new wave.. which suggest everything that we've been doing till now is passe.. Seems to be propping up quite a bit in podcasts and books.. Maybe this is what you heard.
Till now we've been concerned with static classes and not unleashed the power of object oriented development. We've been doing 'class based dev.' Classes are fixed/static templates to create objects. All objects of a class are created equal.
e.g. Just to illustrate what I've been babbling about... let me borrow a Ruby code snippet from PragProg screencast I just had the privilege of watching.
'Prototype based development' blurs the line between objects and classes.. there is no difference.
animal = Object.new # create a new instance of base Object
def animal.number_of_feet=(feet) # adding new methods to an Object instance. What?
#number_of_feet = feet
def animal.number_of_feet
cat = animal.clone #inherits 'number_of_feet' behavior from animal
cat.number_of_feet = 4
felix = cat.clone #inherits state of '4' and behavior from cat
puts felix.number_of_feet # outputs 4
The idea being its a more powerful way to inherit state and behavior than traditional class based inheritance. It gives you more flexibility and control in certain "special" scenarios (that I've yet to fathom). This allows things like Mix-ins (re using behavior without class inheritance)..
By challenging the basic primitives of how we think about problems, 'true OOP' is like 'the Matrix' in a way... You keep going WTF in a loop. Like this one.. where the base class of Container can be either an Array or a Hash based on which side of 0.5 the random number generated is.
class Container < (rand < 0.5 ? Array : Hash)
Ruby, javascript and the new brigade seem to be the ones pioneering this. I'm still out on this one... reading up and trying to make sense of this new phenomenon. Seems to be powerful.. too powerful.. Useful? I need my eyes opened a bit more. Interesting times.. these.
I've only listened to the first 6-7 minutes of the podcast that sparked your question. If their intent is to say that C# isn't a purely object-oriented language, that's actually correct. Everything in C# isn't an object (at least the primitives aren't, though boxing creates an object containing the same value). In Ruby, everything is an object. Daren and Ben seem to have covered all the bases in their discussion of "duck-typing", so I won't repeat it.
Whether or not this difference (everything an object versus everything not an object) is material/significant is a question I can't readily answer because I don't have sufficient depth in Ruby to compare it to C#. Those of you who on here who know Smalltalk (I don't, though I wish I did) have probably been looking at the Ruby movement with some amusement since it was the first pure OO language 30 years ago.
Maybe they are alluding to the difference between duck typing and class hierarchies?
if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, just pretend it's a duck and kick it.
In C#, Java etc. the compiler fusses a lot about: Are you allowed to do this operation on that object?
Object Oriented vs. Class Oriented could therefore mean: Does the language worry about objects or classes?
For instance: In Python, to implement an iterable object, you only need to supply a method __iter__() that returns an object that has a method named next(). That's all there is to it: No interface implementation (there is no such thing). No subclassing. Just talking like a duck / iterator.
EDIT: This post was upvoted while I rewrote everything. Sorry, won't ever do that again. The original content included advice to learn as many languages as possible and to nary worry about what the language doctors think / say about a language.
That was an abstract-podcast indeed!
But I see what they're getting at - they just dazzled by Ruby Sparkle. Ruby allows you to do things that C-based and Java programmers wouldn't even think of + combinations of those things let you achieve undreamt of possibilities.
Adding new methods to a built-in String class coz you feel like it, passing around unnamed blocks of code for others to execute, mixins... Conventional folks are not used to objects changing too far from the class template.
Its a whole new world out there for sure..
As for the C# guys not being OO enough... dont take it to heart.. Just take it as the stuff you speak when you are flabbergasted for words. Ruby does that to most people.
If I had to recommend one language for people to learn in the current decade.. it would be Ruby. I'm glad I did.. Although some people may claim Python. But its like my opinion.. man! :D
I don't think this is specifically about duck typing. For instance C# supports limited duck-typing already - an example would be that you can use foreach on any class that implements MoveNext and Current.
The concept of duck-typing is compatible with statically typed languages like Java and C#, it's basically an extension of reflection.
This is really the case of static vs dynamic typing. Both are proper-OO, in as much as there is such a thing. Outside of academia it's really not worth debating.
Rubbish code can be written in either. Great code can be written in either. There's absolutely nothing functional that one model can do that the other can't.
The real difference is in the nature of the coding done. Static types reduce freedom, but the advantage is that everyone knows what they're dealing with. The opportunity to change instances on the fly is very powerful, but the cost is that it becomes hard to know what you're deaing with.
For instance for Java or C# intellisense is easy - the IDE can quickly produce a drop list of possibilities. For Javascript or Ruby this becomes a lot harder.
For certain things, for instance producing an API that someone else will code with, there is a real advantage in static typing. For others, for instance rapidly producing prototypes, the advantage goes to dynamic.
It's worth having an understanding of both in your skills toolbox, but nowhere near as important as understanding the one you already use in real depth.
Object Oriented is a concept. This concept is based upon certain ideas. The technical names of these ideas (actually rather principles that evolved over the time and have not been there from the first hour) have already been given above, I'm not going to repeat them. I'm rather explaining this as simple and non-technical as I can.
The idea of OO programming is that there are objects. Objects are small independent entities. These entities may have embedded information or they may not. If they have such information, only the entity itself can access it or change it. The entities communicate with each other by sending messages between each other. Compare this to human beings. Human beings are independent entities, having internal data stored in their brain and the interact with each other by communicating (e.g. talking to each other). If you need knowledge from someone's else brain, you cannot directly access it, you must ask him a question and he may answer that to you, telling you what you wanted to know.
And that's basically it. This is real idea behind OO programming. Writing these entities, define the communication between them and have them interact together to form an application. This concept is not bound to any language. It's just a concept and if you write your code in C#, Java, or Ruby, that is not important. With some extra work this concept can even be done in pure C, even though it is a functional language but it offers everything you need for the concept.
Different languages have now adopted this concept of OO programming and of course the concepts are not always equal. Some languages allow what other languages forbid, for example. Now one of the concepts that involved is the concept of classes. Some languages have classes, some don't. A class is a blueprint how an object looks like. It defines the internal data storage of an object, it defines the messages an object can understand and if there is inheritance (which is not mandatory for OO programming!), classes also defines from which other class (or classes if multiple inheritance is allowed) this class inherits (and which properties if selective inheritance exists). Once you created such a blueprint you can now generate an unlimited amount of objects build according to this blueprint.
There are OO languages that have no classes, though. How are objects then build? Well, usually dynamically. E.g. you can create a new blank object and then dynamically add internal structure like instance variables or methods (messages) to it. Or you can duplicate an already existing object, with all its properties and then modify it. Or possibly merge two objects into a new one. Unlike class based languages these languages are very dynamic, as you can generate objects dynamically during runtime in ways not even you the developer has thought about when starting writing the code.
Usually this dynamic has a price: The more dynamic a language is the more memory (RAM) objects will waste and the slower everything gets as program flow is extremely dynamically as well and it's hard for a compiler to generate effective code if it has no chance to predict code or data flow. JIT compilers can optimize some parts of that during runtime, once they know the program flow, however as these languages are so dynamically, program flow can change at any time, forcing the JIT to throw away all compilation results and re-compile the same code over and over again.
But this is a tiny implementation detail - it has nothing to do with the basic OO principle. It is nowhere said that objects need to be dynamic or must be alterable during runtime. The Wikipedia says it pretty well:
Programming techniques may include
features such as information hiding,
data abstraction, encapsulation,
modularity, polymorphism, and
They may or they may not. This is all not mandatory. Mandatory is only the presence of objects and that they must have ways to interact with each other (otherwise objects would be pretty useless if they cannot interact with each other).
You asked: "Can someone show me an example of a wonderous thing I could do with ruby that I cannot do with c# and that exemplifies this different oop approach?"
One good example is active record, the ORM built into rails. The model classes are dynamically built at runtime, based on the database schema.
This is really probably getting down to what these people see others doing in c# and java as opposed to c# and java supporting OOP. Most languages cane be used in different programming paradigms. For example, you can write procedural code in c# and scheme, and you can do functional-style programming in java. It is more about what you are trying to do and what the language supports.
I'll take a stab at this.
Python and Ruby are duck-typed. To generate any maintainable code in these languages, you pretty much have to use test driven development. As such, it is very important for a developer to easily inject dependencies into their code without having to create a giant supporting framework.
Successful dependency-injection depends upon on having a pretty good object model. The two are sort of two sides of the same coin. If you really understand how to use OOP, then you should by default create designs where dependencies can be easily injected.
Because dependency injection is easier in dynamically typed languages, the Ruby/Python developers feel like their language understands the lessons of OO much better than other statically typed counterparts.