Reply Markup Keyboard To Enter Text In Field Not Send - telegram-bot

I am reading about telegram keyboards for bots (see picture)
From as far i can gather pressing of these button will instantly send the text in the chat.
What i want is the keyboards send the text to the message field.
For example -
if i press 1 ,the message field shows 1 then pressing * and 1 will result in 1*1 which will be sent to bot

What you want is not allowed by Telegram Bot APIs, because as soon as you press a button, it instantly sends a message with the same text.
The only thing you can do is receive every message and put them together. you have also to define a workflow using states, for example


Take a screenshot in appcelerator and send it by email

How do I take a screenshot in appcelerator using a click event and send it using email? I have developed a floating action bar and want to associate a click event with it that takes a screenshot of the current screen and then opens an email dialog.
I tried the following:
$.btnScreen.addEventListener("click",function(e){ Ti.Media.takeScreenshot(function(){
I see you're calling the right method, but you're not actually capturing the blob. You should do something along these lines: (keep in mind, email dialog doesn't work in simulator)
var dialog = Ti.UI.createEmailDialog();

Telegram Bot: Add action to keyboard button to add text in the chat inputbox

I have added a Inlinekeyboard button as reply_markup to a chat message, and now as an on click action, i want to add a text in the input box, to make it easy for the user ( the text is part of the input to be given in the conversation).
All I could find is 'switch_inline_query_current_chat', which only supports inline queries
Unfortunately, you can't do it directly at this time. :(
You need to send/edit a message which contains a switch_to_inline_current_chat button, and ask user to click it.
I hope you can make this suggestions to #BotSupport, this would be useful for further developers!

Send Intercom Message every time an event occurs?

Hi im trying to send messages through intercom every time an event is sent. Let's say i have a feature in my product which is submitting intercom events every time the user clicks a certain tab. I would like to send a message on every occur of the event. I have already set an auto message in my intercom app, but i´m just able to send the message the first time the event occurs.
According to the interecom support team, auto-messaging is the currently the only way to do it. For now, they do not support advanced/customized triggers like "send the user a welcome message for the first 3 times when he clicks some link"

Activity Indicator on "Send" button and "Save Draft" button on MFMailComposeViewController in iPad

In my iPad application, I am playing some PDF and Video files. In the application user have option to email these files to himself or a friend. Email functionality is working fine and email gets delivered too. However, when user presses send button to send the email it freezes the application for sometime, also, when user presses Save Draft button to save that email, it freezes too. I think this happens because of large size of the PDF or Video file being attached and since it takes time to attach a file. When app freezes it seems like as if the iPad has hung or the app is crashing. However, it is working fine. But it doesn't look good. That is why I need to apply an activity indicator when Send or Save Draft button is pressed. It should work till the file is attached. I would apply an activity indicator, but not sure how to apply it on Send and Save Draft buttons as they come automatically in Email modal view controller.
Thanks in advance
I have also experienced the same problem. Not because of the size of an attachment. It happens arbitrarily, Here's a workaround:
Enter anything in the "To:" field and then immediately backspace over it.
The "Send" and "Cancel" buttons should start working again.
If not, Quit Mail by double tapping the "Home" key, press and hold the "Mail" icon, when a minus signal shows press it on the "Mail" icon.
Relaunch mail. Your previous work should be intact.
Hope this helps.

How to send textfields content via email in the background?

I'm trying to make a simple view based application.
I want to receive information with the content of text fields when user filled text fields and hits the submit button.
The way I do this doesn't matter so much. It can be done by sending information to a web server or sending information to my e-mail in background. Actually it seems easier to do it via e-mail.
I just want to know what the user wrote on text fields when he hit the submit button.