Using pandas udf to return a full column containing average - pandas

This is very weird I tried using pandas udf on a spark df and it works only if i do select and return one value which is the average of the column
but if i try to fill the whole column with this value then it doesnt work
the following works:
def avg(col ) :
cl = np.average(col)
return cl'col' ))
this works and returns a df of one row containing the value average of column.
but the following doesnt work
df.withColumn('avg', F.lit( avg(col))
why? if avg(col) is a value then why cant i use that to fill the column with a lit()?
like the following example which does work. This does work when i return a constant number
def avg(col ) :
return 5
df.withColumn('avg', avg(col)
I also tried returning a series and didnt work either
def avg(col ) :
cl = np.average(col)
return pd.Series([cl]* col.size())
df.withColumn('avg', avg(col))
doesnt work. But does work if i use a constant instead of cl
So basically how could i return a full column containing the same value of the average to fill up the whole column with that value?

lit is evaluated on driver and not executed on the data on the executor.
The best way to achieve this would be to simply define a window spec for the entire dataset and call the aggregate function over the window. This would eliminate the need for an extra UDF.
windowSpec = Window.rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.unboundedFollowing)
df.withColumn('avg', avg(col).over(windowSpec))

Type cast it to float().
I am not sure what you are trying to achieve here. The UDF is called for each row. So, inside the UDF, the "col" represents each individual cell value - it does not represent the entire column.
If your column is of type array/list:
df = spark.createDataFrame(
[[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]],
[[5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]],
def avg(col):
import numpy as np
return float(np.average(col))
df = df.withColumn("avg", avg("num"))
| num|avg|
|[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]|2.5|
|[5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]|6.5|
But if your column is a scalar type like double/float, then the average of it via UDF will always return the same column value:
df = spark.createDataFrame(
def avg(col):
import numpy as np
return float(np.average(col))
df = df.withColumn("avg", avg("num"))


Creating PySpark UDFs from python method with numpy array input, to calculate and return a single float value

As input I have a csv file with int values in it.
spark_df ="header", "false").csv("../int_values.csv")
df = spark_df.selectExpr("_c0 as something")
_df = df.withColumn("values", df.something.cast(FloatType())).select("values")
I also have some python functions designed for numpy array inputs, that I need to apply on the Spark DataFrame.
The example one:
def calc_sum(float_array):
return np.sum(float_array)
Real function:
def calc_rms(float_array):
return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.diff(float_array)**2))
For the 1. example you can use SQL sum like:
But, what I need is a standard solution to transform these functions into Spark UDFs
I tried many ways, like:
udf_sum = udf(lambda x : calc_sum(x), FloatType())
but it always failed with:
TypeError: Invalid argument, not a string or column:
Row(values=1114.0) of type <class 'pyspark.sql.types.Row'>. For column
literals, use 'lit', 'array', 'struct' or 'create_map' function.
Is it possible to transform the data in a way that works with these functions?
DataFrame sample:
In [6]:
| _c0|
| 975|
only showing top 20 rows
Expected output:
A Float value returned from the UDF.
For the Sum function it should be clear.
What you want is groupby and use collect_list to get all integer values into an array column then apply your UDF on that column. Also, you need to explicitly return float from calc_rms:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import FloatType
def calc_rms(float_array):
return float(np.sqrt(np.mean(np.diff(float_array) ** 2)))
calc_rms_udf = F.udf(calc_rms, FloatType())
df.groupby().agg(F.collect_list("_c0").alias("_c0")) \
.select(calc_rms_udf(F.col("_c0")).alias("rms")) \
#| rms|

Empty cells when using an apply function

So I am trying to calculate a value from one column or another based based on which one has data available into a new column. This is the code I have right now. It doesn't seem to notice when there is no data present and always goes to the "else" statement. My dataframe is an imported excel file. Thanks for any advice!
def create_sulfide_col(row):
if row["Sulphate-S(HCL Leachable)_%S"] is None:
val = row["Total-S_%S"] - row["Sulphate-S(HCL Leachable)_%S"]
val = ["Total-S_%S"]- df["Sulphate-S_%S"]
return val
df["Sulphide-S(calc)-C_%S"] = df.apply(lambda row: create_sulfide_col(row), axis='columns')
This is can be done by using numpy.where
Import numpy as np
df['newcol'] = np.where(df["Sulphate-S(HCL Leachable)_%S"].isna(),df["Total-S_%S"]- df["Sulphate-S(HCL Leachable)_%S"],df["Total-S_%S"]- df["Sulphate-S_%S"])

Streamlit - Applying value_counts / groupby to column selected on run time

I am trying to apply value_counts method to a Dataframe based on the columns selected dynamically in the Streamlit app
This is what I am trying to do:
if st.checkbox("Select Columns To Show"):
all_columns = df.columns.tolist()
selected_columns = st.multiselect("Select", all_columns)
new_df = df[selected_columns]
The above lets me select columns and displays data for the selected columns. I am trying to see how could I apply value_counts/groupby method on this output in Streamlit app
If I try to do the below
I get the below error
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'value_counts'
I believe the issue lies in passing a list of columns to a dataframe. When you pass a single column in [] to a dataframe, you get back a pandas.Series object (which has the value_counts method). But when you pass a list of columns, you get back a pandas.DataFrame (which doesn't have value_counts method defined on it).
Can you try st.table(new_df[col_name].value_counts())
I think the error is because value_counts() is applicable on a Series and not dataframe.
You can try Converting ".value_counts" output to dataframe
If you want to apply on one single column
def value_counts_df(df, col):
Returns pd.value_counts() as a DataFrame
df : Pandas Dataframe
Dataframe on which to run value_counts(), must have column `col`.
col : str
Name of column in `df` for which to generate counts
Pandas Dataframe
Returned dataframe will have a single column named "count" which contains the count_values()
for each unique value of df[col]. The index name of this dataframe is `col`.
>>> value_counts_df(pd.DataFrame({'a':[1, 1, 2, 2, 2]}), 'a')
2 3
1 2
df = pd.DataFrame(df[col].value_counts()) = col
df.columns = ['count']
return df
val_count_single = value_counts_df(new_df, selected_col)
If you want to apply for all object columns in the dataframe
def valueCountDF(df, object_cols):
c = df[object_cols].apply(lambda x: x.value_counts(dropna=False)).T.stack().astype(int)
p = (df[object_cols].apply(lambda x: x.value_counts(normalize=True,
dropna=False)).T.stack() * 100).round(2)
cp = pd.concat([c,p], axis=1, keys=["Count", "Percentage %"])
return cp
val_count_df_cols = valueCountDF(df, selected_columns)
And Finally, you can use st.table or st.dataframe to show the dataframe in your streamlit app

Linear 1D interpolation on multiple datasets using loops

I'm interested in performing Linear interpolation using the scipy.interpolate library. The dataset looks somewhat like this:
DATAFRAME for interpolation between X, Y for different RUNs
I'd like to use this interpolated function to find the missing Y from this dataset:
DATAFRAME to use the interpolation function
The number of runs given here is just 3, but I'm running on a dataset that will run into 1000s of runs. Hence appreciate if you could advise how to use the iterative functions for the interpolation ?
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
for RUNNumber in range(TotalRuns)
InterpolatedFunction[RUNNumber]=interp1d(X, Y)
As I understand it, you want a separate interpolation function defined for each run. Then you want to apply these functions to a second dataframe. I defined a dataframe df with columns ['X', 'Y', 'RUN'], and a second dataframe, new_df with columns ['X', 'Y_interpolation', 'RUN'].
interpolating_functions = dict()
for run_number in range(1, max_runs):
run_data = df[df['RUN']==run_number][['X', 'Y']]
interpolating_functions[run_number] = interp1d(run_data['X'], run_data['Y'])
Now that we have interpolating functions for each run, we can use them to fill in the 'Y_interpolation' column in a new dataframe. This can be done using the apply function, which takes a function and applies it to each row in a dataframe. So let's define an interpolate function that will take a row of this new df and use the X value and the run number to calculate an interpolated Y value.
def interpolate(row):
int_func = interpolating_functions[row['RUN']]
interp_y = int_func._call_linear([row['X'])[0] #the _call_linear method
#expects and returns an array
return interp_y[0]
Now we just use apply and our defined interpolate function.
new_df['Y_interpolation'] = new_df.apply(interpolate,axis=1)
I'm using pandas version 0.20.3, and this gives me a new_df that looks like this:

Extracting value and creating new column out of it

I would like to extract certain section of a URL, residing in a column of a Pandas Dataframe and make that a new column. This
ref = df['REFERRERURL']
returns me a Series with tuples in it. How can I take out only one part of that tuple before the Series is created, so I can simply turn that into a column? Sample data for referrerurl is;jsessionid=....
In this example I am interested in creating a column that only has 'someproduct_step2' in it.
In [25]: df = DataFrame([[';jsessionid=....']],columns=['A'])
In [26]: df['A'].str.findall("\\d\\d\\/(.*?)(;|\\?)",flags=re.IGNORECASE).apply(lambda x: Series(x[0][0],index=['first']))
0 someproduct_step2
in 0.11.1 here is a neat way of doing this as well
In [34]: df.replace({ 'A' : "http:.+\d\d\/(.*?)(;|\\?).*$"}, { 'A' : r'\1'} ,regex=True)
0 someproduct_step2
This also worked
def extract(x):
res = re.findall("\\d\\d\\/(.*?)(;|\\?)",x)
if res: return res[0][0]
session['RU_2'] = session['REFERRERURL'].apply(extract)