Laravel livewire dialog - laravel-9

I have developed a webapp using laravel livewire, it works perfectly fine but with some reservations. It omits data that has been Copy-Pasted from excel or word document on a field in the form and save the rest of the data that has been collected from the same form.
The problem is it saves everything when you fill the form from the keyboard and reject copy pasted data after wire:click
I'm expecting to resolve the issue and keep everything working


Search form doesn't work on front end database

I split a database and created a search form in the front end. It works there, but when I copy the front end, the search form doesn't work there
The form is a continuous form and has my table as a datasource. There are a number of bound fields in the detail section and a number of unbound fields in the form header. On the click of the search button, I use vba to build a sql select string and use Me.RecordSource = strSQL. Again this works in my original front end db. After realizing it doesn't work in a copy, I have tried copying and pasting the form from one front end to another, export/import, recreating it, hard coding a select, trying to display a message box on the click...nothing seems to work on the button click (tried double click too). If I build a button with the wizard, it will work, but they are using built in macros.
Any thoughts? Thank you in advance.
If no code seems to run in your new database (including MsgBox), then it is quite likely that the new database is in a folder that Access doesn't recognize as "trustworthy" and has therefore turned off code running.
Check that the folder where the database is currently located is allowed to run code, and if not add the folder:
File|Options|Trust Center|Trust Center Settings|Trusted Locations

Launching VBA Applications blocks working with and opening other workbooks

I developed a vba application in excel for a company, They wants to leave it open the whole day until the end of work hours, while working normally on other excel workbooks.
The application is working just fine, no problem with the code.
My problem is that when the application is launched .. it blocks the other opened workbooks (I can't select cells or do anything).
And also If I try to open a sample excel file while the application is launched, it won't open.
(I tried with a simple userform and still the same problem, so the problem doesn't have anything to do with my application)
Is this something normal in Microsoft Excel, because I can't find anything on the net that is similar to my problem ?
Thanks in advance ..
Sounds as though you have a userform displayed modally (which is the default way of displaying a form). If you need to have the form displayed all the time you can display it modeless, but note that this does not work well with Excl's SDI implementation: you have to use Windows API calls to keep the form from being hidden. see
Alternatively you could change the design to use a ribbon command to display the form only when needed.

Changing form name causes error message "Error accessing the system registry"

I am programming the On_Click method for the button labeled "View" in the first printscreen below. The method will load a form with data corresponding with the specific address id in the row containing the "View" button. This code worked perfectly when pointing to a target form called "Addresses". However, when I decided to rename the form "Address", I started receiving the following error message when clicking on the view button:
I did some research on the web about this error message, which lead me to try to delete any outdated references in the VBA editor. But when I clicked on Tools-->References in the VBA editor, I got the following error message:
It seems that MS Access' entries in the system registry might have been corrupted. But I am not certain of this because the documentation of this on the web is sparse and inconsistent.
Here is a link to the database on a file sharing site:
If the problem is in the database, you can recreate the problem by opening the form "Main" and clicking on the button "View" for the record shown in the printscreen above, or for other records.
Can anyone show me how to get past this error message?
my advices?
You could rename your Forms!....SourceObject to "Address" instead of "Addresses"
You could copy/paste the form, delete the original, and retry
You could install a decent debugging tool like MZ-Tools for VBA, that will help you manage your errors. Check the details here
EDIT: I used to get similar bugs years ago, when I was writing specific form event procedures. As we decided to switch to a model where forms did not need to be debbuged anymore (check this here), we stopped getting this kind of message. And I think I forgot the trick we used to solve this kind of error. If I were you:
I'd try to open another access database and import all objects ...
I'd put aside/cancel the faulty onClick procedure
And I'd install MZ Tools because otherwise VBA debugging is a nightmare ...
Since access was not liking the command button in each record of the continuous form, I choose to put the view button's logic in the on click event of a text box in each row, which I configured as enabled but locked. This produces a separate link from each record of the continuous form to a unique detail page with more of the chosen record's data.
This solution works perfectly, and is enabling me to move on with my other coding.
However, it would be nice if someone else were able to show how to get the command button solution to work.

SharePoint 2010 and Editform.aspx

In one of my custom application user wants to keep EditForm.aspx open once list item is created and he can keep saving the same record without redirecting user to DisplayForm.aspx page.So what I'm doing after list item creation I'm loading EditForm.aspx again.
Now the problem is when form is opened in Edit mode and if existing field is modified that doesn't gets updated in the list item but if something new added to the field then it gets saved to the list. I believe it's postback issue but not sure how to pass latest form data upon save.
If this was my task, I would create a new application page that replaces the edit page on that list.
(You can use powershell / object model to set the url of the new / edit / display pages)
Ignoring the ribbon, the edit page is actually pretty simple. It shouldn't be too difficult to create a custom one, that has the submittal behavior you are interested in. Indeed, since you are keeping the exact same field names and input types, you may be able to simply inherit the default form in yours, and simply override the post call.
I suppose it might be possible instead for you to write some javascript to hijack the submit post of the default edit page, but this seems messy to me, and I probably wouldn't go that route.
If you don't need to complete this task today, I've been meaning to push to github some code I wrote a few months ago. That code is a custom aspx edit/new/display page that is extremely easy to customize / implement. I could forward you the link tonight when I get out of work.

Form won't open in Sharepoint Designer 2010

I'm using Sharepoint Designer (2010) to develop a series of connected lists.
I have a number of child-lists and I use the "DispForm.aspx" of my main list to add these 'children'.
Recently the DispForm.aspx has stopped opening in Sharepoint Designer. Clicking it from the list's main page goes into the Form view, but the page never loads and I get no error messages.
Since I can't see the Code window I can't make any changes, even though the page works fine in the browser and I can perform (limited) edits directly on the website through Sharepoint.
Has anyone got any tips on what I could try, or any way of accesing the code in DispForm.aspx if I can't open it in Sharepoint Designer?
Not a fix as such, but I got around this by mapping a drive to the sharepoint site and using notepad++ to edit the file directly.
If you browse the lists folder and the list you are interested in you will see the display, new, edit forms in there