Access Embedded Macro and Event Procedure - vba

I am trying to make basic msaccess form. And I created this save button through command button wizard. (Record Operations/ Save Record)
As you can see this save button's On_Click event =>>Embedded Macro.
I wanna write some additional code after insertion has occured.
Private Sub Command28_Click()
MsgBox "Done!"
End Sub
My question is: If On_Click=Macro; button save function works but msgbox code doesnt work. If On_Click=Procedure "Done!" message appears but save function doesnt work. How to work both of them (save function and message; in other words embedded macro and VBA code)


Pause VBA Word macro, allow user to make a selection, and restart where it left off

I have a requirement for VBA script in Microsoft Word to pause so that the user can select text that will be copied to the clipboard so that it can exported to an Excel file. The user will make a number of selections and finally indicate he/she is done when the contents of the clipboard will be copied to a template Excel file.
I have the code working to copy each selection to the clipboard and then all rows to the Excel file. But I need assistence in figuring out how to pause the code to allow the user to make the selection and then restart the code to copy the selection to the clipboard. I am able to get the userform with toggle switch to switch states and labels when pressed. But have not figured out how to pause the VBA code to allow the user to navigate to the next section of the Word document for the next selection.
The Stakeoverflow question/answer below appears to address this requirement but I have not been able to get it to work. It appears that the code is incomplete.
Pause VBA macro, allow user to make a selection, and restart where it left off
Can someone provide example VBA code that accomplishes this?
Your assistence is much appreciated as I have been beating my head against the wall and it is starting to hurt!
There's no way in VBA to "pause" a macro. Code must run to completion... Unless there's a command for user input.
Input can be requested via the InputBox and MsgBox methods, but those block access to the document because they're modal. A UserForm, however, can be set to display as non-modal, meaning it stays on top, but doesn't block access to the document or the application features. Since you're already working with a UserForm, this can be implemented relatively easily.
In the small example below, the Continue button runs the code to perform an action on the user selection. When Done is clicked the entire code is exited and the form unloaded.
Code behind the user form
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdContinue_Click()
Debug.Print Selection.Range.Text
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDone_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
'Position the form near the top-left of the window
'So that the user can work with the document
Me.Top = Application.ActiveWindow.Top + 50
Me.Left = Application.ActiveWindow.Left + 50
End Sub
Code in a regular module
Option Explicit
Sub DisplayModeless()
Dim frm As frmModelessForInput
Set frm = New frmModelessForInput
frm.Show False 'Display as non-modal
Set frm = Nothing
End Sub

Stop a do loop with a command button

I have a VBA excel userform that is misbehaving. Basically I want my code to pause until a command button on a userform is pressed. Any ideas?
In a module:
Public okayclicked as boolean
Sub MyThing
Do Until okayclicked
End Sub
In my userform:
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
okayclicked = True
End Sub
Not sure what else to try to make this work. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
Sub MyThing1
End Sub
Public Sub MyThing2
' of code
End Sub
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
Either use a MsgBox to ask for the user input, or set your form to be Modal (MSDN link).
A Modal form will allow you to continue to work in the form, and any code underlying the form will continue to run, but the main code that calls the form will be 'blocked'.
Should the underlying Excel sheets be modified during the period of pause, you can add code when the button press is detected (i.e. when the Form is closed or then the MsgBox OK button is pressed) to update the relevant parts of the Form.
But we have digressed from the original simple question and many other factors (such as how the underlying sheets will be modified when the form is open) come into play.
Consider if a change in the underlying sheet has to change the form immediately or if it can occur when the user resumes the form/code.
Consider if the functions you want can be done natively in the spreadsheet and minimise the use/functionality of the form.
Consider other event driven options where the code is broken into natural sections, functions, subroutines or modules and each section only runs when triggered by the right event (sheet change, user input, subroutine finished, form exit etc.)

calling a sub function with a button in vba

I have 10 Sub function macros in "This workbook". Instead of running each macros, everytime i wanted an userform with button, and when I click , it should execute all the Sub function in "This workbook".
I created another function like calling, and I used the following code,
Sub calling()
Call lookup
Call RangeTest
Call datecompare
Call AutoPivot
Call Autochart
Call pivot
Call chart
Call pivot1
End Sub
so, whenever I go for macros, I select Sub calling() and it executes the 10 Sub functions. I would like to have it through a button click. Could anyone suggest how I can do this ?
You should simply add a button from the developper ribbon and assign it to calling().
However, make sure all your macros are in the same module or else you'll have to specify it. If you still get an error it would be interesting to see on what line the error is coming from.
Thank you
I'm assuming the confusion arises because you are trying to use an ActiveX button. If you were using a Form Button, the macro name would appear in the "Assign Macro" popup box. But the ActiveX version doesn't provide the dialog, and because the button exists on the page, doesn't easily see the macros from "This Workbook".
Here's what worked for me.
Within Sheet3:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Application.Run ("'ThisWorkbook.calling'")
End Sub

Application.Quit in UserForm attempts to run rest of macro before exiting

My question is: using VBA in Excel 2013 how can I gracefully close an entire instance of Excel when the user decides they don't want to fill out a UserForm and clicks quit or cancel?
Currently, if the user clicks quit or cancel, I check to see if my instance is the only one open. If it is not, I can use ThisWorkbook.Close and I think I will be okay. However, if it is, I do not want the application to still be present, so I used Application.Quit. This, though, tries to finish running the macro, throws errors (originally "type mismatch" because I unload the form), and only closes after I click "Debug" or "End" (which it does so fast for either I cannot actually debug). I'm ignoring the first case for now and just trying to exit the entire application. It's a very long macro with a lot of subroutines and functions, so for debugging and posting here, I have shortened it. The type mismatch error no longer occurs, but I believe that was a consequence of the actual error: code running after the command to close the application is called.
First, here's the code that starts everything:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Call form_variables
Call a_REQUEST_main
End Sub
The subroutine
is a subroutine that creates public variables so I can store the data from the UserForm.
initializes (including calling a function that finds another workbook, extracts a list, does some formatting, closes the workbook and enters the list into the userforms drop down box) and shows the form, and finally
uses the public variables (where UserForm data is stored) and does its thing (but shouldn't do anything if the UserForm is closed).
The code that is executed when .Show is called is:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' Get job numbers from other workbook
Dim job_selection_list As Variant
job_selection_list = get_job_list()
With frm_REQUEST.Job_Number_ComboBox
.List = job_selection_list
End With
' set focus on Job Numbers
End Sub
Private Sub cancel_button_Click()
Set job_selection_list = Nothing
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub submit_button_Click()
' Values from userform saved as global (?) variables so other subroutines can access.
End Sub
I stepped through the program and saw that, once Application.Quit is called in the UserForm, the macro, in the main subroutine, steps to
Call a_REQUEST_main
but it should really just close everything out. I tried doing "save" commands, and changing the order of things, and read about objects needing to be set to nothing (hence the setting of the job_selection_list which is created when the drop down list is initialized), but I cannot seem to get this to work, or find anything online. Can anyone provide some guidance or let me know of a better way to close an excel instance? Help me Stack-Overflow Kenobi, you're my only hope!
Just add a variable to account for when the user closes the form
in the form
'hold flag if users cancels form
Public btnCancel As Boolean
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Unload Me
btnCancel = True
End Sub
'set the flag each time the form active
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
btnCancel = False
End Sub
then in your code
Call form_variables
If frm_REQUEST.btnCancel Then
Call a_REQUEST_main
End If
Put Application.Quit in the form's Terminate event handler instead of in the button's Click event handler.
The reason is that clearly the procedure will keep running even if the form has unloaded. So use the events to your advantage.
Putting it in the Click event will unload the form, but the procedure will keep running which of course may raise errors or other undesired effects.
Note: You may be prompted to save/discard changes (if any) to the workbook.

Modeless form that still pauses code execution

Is there anyway to have a userform that acts modeless, while still pausing code execution like a modal form?
I'd like the userform to show, but still allow interaction with the parent program. Modal forms block interaction with the parent program. A modeless form would work, but I would like the code execution to pause while the form is up.
I've worked around this by creating an infinite loop that checks if the form is visible, but that seems a bit hacky.
Public Sub GetFormInfoAndDoStuff vbModeless
Do while ufForm.Visible
' Do other stuff dependent on form
End Sub
EDITED to clarify that code after .show exists which must execute after the user form is done
You should be able display the form as vbModeless and only execute code when specifically requested, i.e., from a CommandButton or other control.
You then leave the form visible/shown until it is specifically closed, via the "X" button or via another control which calls the UserForm_Terminate event.
In order to achieve this, you may need to move some of your executable code in to another subroutine and/or module, and call this subroutine for example from a CommandButton_Click event.
You already have a subroutine somewhere that contains a line like:
Sub ShowTheForm()
UserForm1.Show vbModeless
End Sub
So the form is displayed properly to allow user-input to the parent application.
You don't really need to put any other code in the above module. We will put the other code in other modules/subs, and then call it from user controls like command buttons.
Take all of your executable code, and put it in another subroutine (and if it suits your organizational preference, another module), like:
Sub MyMacro(msg$)
MsgBox msg
End Sub
On the UserForm, add a command button and assign it the following code:
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
MyMacro "hello"
End Sub
Now, the form will display until the user clicks the "X" button. Code will only run when called from the command button.
You don't need to "pause" the execution using this method. Execution ends once the form is displayed modelessly, and the form persists. The object has some events which you may use to trigger further execution of code.
Here's what I do.
This example is for a form I called "Find Header". The code tries to find several column headers, but the markers for a few of them may be missing (and the header text may have been overwritten with something random), so I may need to pause and ask the user to locate (click on) some of the headers for me:
First, put this declaration in a standard module:
Public bDlgFindHeaderIsShowingModeless As Boolean
Then, put this in the event procedure for any button or other control that dismisses the modeless dialog, such as the Click events for the form's OK and Cancel buttons:
bDlgFindHeaderIsShowingModeless = False
Then, put this wherever in your code you want to show the modeless form while paused for user interactivity:
bDlgFindHeaderIsShowingModeless = True 'init
frmFindHeader.Show vbModeless
If Not bDlgFindHeaderIsShowingModeless Then Exit Do
Yes, it churns the CPU, so you might not want to do it if you're on a single-core processor and there are critically important background processes running. But it works; the user is able to easily and smoothly interact with Excel while the modeless form displays. The user doesn't feel like they are fighting an endless loop.
The Best method would be to use two different subs. I was able to solve this problem without splitting my sub as follows:
Public Mode as Boolean
Sub Stuff()
If Mode Then
Goto Continue
End If
'Code before Userform
Mode = True
Userform.Show vbModeless
Exit Sub
Mode = False
'Rest of your code
End Sub
I made "Mode" a global variable because I use this userform for multiple subs. If you are using a single sub you can use it locally. I also made "Mode" false when opening this workbook by going under "ThisWorkbook" Tab and adding the following code:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Mode = False
End Sub
This again will only be needed if you use your userform for more than one sub.
Last add this code under your Userform code when your proceed button is pressed.
Private Sub Confirm_Click()
if Mode Then
Call Stuff
End If
End Sub
If you are only are using the one sub method skip the if statement and just call the sub.