iOS Dir Not Found (but it exists) and React Native Config shows settings as null - react-native

I wanted to test my react native project on iOS (my app works correctly for Android). I do have an iOS folder in my project directory, but I never did anything for iOS in the past. While I was on 0.59, I have since upgraded successfully to React 0.69 and it runs in Android again. Now I would like to try iOS and I typed
react-native run-ios
and the output was:
error iOS project folder not found. Are you sure this is a React Native project?.
The thing is, there is an iOS folder, and lots of files in there as well. After some investigation, I believe my configuration is not setup right. I typed the following command:
react-native config
And here is a snippet of that output.
"healthChecks": [],
"platforms": {
"ios": {},
"android": {}
"project": {
"ios": null,
"android": {
"sourceDir": "<my path is here and valid>",
"appName": "app",
"packageName": "com.sensebot"
I would imagine the fact ios is null is the problem! Why is this null, and how do I configure it? I read you can override this configuration with a react native config file. I don't have one in my directory. Do I need that? If not, where do I configure this, and how is it that it was configured correctly for Android, but not iOS?
Thank you in advance for any help!


Can't Open My App in Production | DeepLink React Native | React Navigation v5/v6

hope you guys have a great day!
I'm in the middle of learning deeplink in react native, currently I've managed to open my app via cmd using npx uri-scheme open myapp://inv/12321312 --android, and the page I'm going to is also already open along with the :id I included in the link
now i have released my app (not yet uploaded in playstore - but just run npx react-native run-android --variant=release), then why when i access myapp://inv/12321312 link in my browser, my app doesn't open?
i'm using Google Chrome in my android device
please help:(
in app.json add intentFilters for android
if you are using expo
"expo": {
"scheme": "myapp",
"android": {
"intentFilters": [
"action": "VIEW",
"autoVerify": true,
"data": [
"scheme": "https",
"host": "",
"pathPrefix": "/"
"scheme": "myapp",
"host": "*",
"pathPrefix": "/"
"category": [
or if you are using react native CLI
after that generate APK for Android
and send in message whatsapp
click this link from chat
it's work ^^
update : (test)
ios => after build ipa for test ios run this link in your browser phone when app installed : myapp://
android => after build apk for test android send in this link in message (email , whatsapp, ...) and click link for test (after installed app)

Expo UIBackgroundModes audio is not working on iOS but works fine on Android

Does anyone have the same issue and able to get around?
Here is Expo doc that explains how to enable audio to be played in the background as it shown below. However, it still does not play the audio in the background when phone goes to sleep.
"expo": {
"ios": {
"infoPlist": {
"UIBackgroundModes": [
It seems to be the issue from Expo but there's no activity on Github issue page.

How to play background music in react native expo?

I really dont know how to play background music in react native expo ..
I tried lot to add music .. since Im beginner I couldn't found
please help me
It will work on Android but will not work on iOS with expo. Need to add the following code in the app.json -
"ios": {
"supportsTablet": true,
"bundleIdentifier": "com.yourcompany.yourappname",
"buildNumber": "1.0.0",
"infoPlist": {
"UIBackgroundModes": [
After that, You have to create standalone application of iOS and it will work on standalone application.
You can try this library it take mp3 from bundle or you can stream:
This feature is not supported yet By Expo APIS
You can check the current state of this Expo feature request

How to disable autolinking on iOS?

I've installed react-native-localization in my react native project (v0.6). Library is not supporting autolinker yet so I need to disable it for iOS and Android in react-native.config.js.
I already tried to add dependencies in react-native.config.js. After that, I did react-native link react-native-localization command and build an app.
This is my react-native.config.js file:
'use strict';
const ios = require('#react-native-community/cli-platform-ios');
const android = require('#react-native-community/cli-platform-android');
module.exports = {
dependencies: {
'react-native-localization': {
platforms: {
android: null, // disable Android platform, other platforms will still autolink if provided
ios: null,
commands: [...ios.commands,],
platforms: {
ios: {
linkConfig: ios.linkConfig,
projectConfig: ios.projectConfig,
dependencyConfig: ios.dependencyConfig,
android: {
linkConfig: android.linkConfig,
projectConfig: android.projectConfig,
dependencyConfig: android.dependencyConfig,
* Used when running RNTester (with React Native from source)
reactNativePath: '.',
project: {
ios: {
project: './RNTester/RNTester.xcodeproj',
android: {
sourceDir: './RNTester',
Error in simulator says:
"Please check your configuration. Did you run 'react-native link'?
As now, react-native has added the support for CocoaPods inside of his projects. (
Sadly, i don't know why, but the autolinking feature never works for me on iOS but always goes trough in Android. The only solution i found is to do a react-native link only for iOS (renaming the android folder to something else), then do cd ios and pod install. After that, in the majority of the cases, it would work out of the box, while other libs needs still to be updated to have a full integration with RN 0.60.
Hope all this will be fixed soon but until that we only have to wait and hope that the libs work without any other complications

Convert Expo project to Original React Native project

I did yarn run eject to eject but it gave me this warning
Warning! We found at least one file where your project imports the Expo SDK
I know I have some modules which use Expo API like this -
await Expo.Font.loadAsync({
Roboto: require('native-base/Fonts/Roboto.ttf'),
Roboto_medium: require('native-base/Fonts/Roboto_medium.ttf'),
Now I want to convert this to React Native Components so that I can eject without any errors so that I get & index.ios.js in the root folder like we do while using react-native init example
After 4 hours, I got the answer..
Had to install exp using npm i -g expo & then used expo eject to detach the project
Also I added some fields in app.json for it to work as follows
"expo": {
"name": "Project",
"slug": "project",
"sdkVersion": "18.0.0",
"privacy": "public",
"android": {
"package": "com.example.project"
Docs are given here
SideNote: It doesn't create the folder structure like when done using react-native init... It creates android & ios folders respectively.