I am trying to pass only: and skip: options to f2py distutils Extension. How can(?) this be done?
I tried to add to sources or to f2py_options, or just provide the name of the function(s) I want to wrap (as f2py manual suggests was also possible; preferred option), but to no avail. The functionality of the Extension module seems to be a very small subset of the f2py interface only. Is there a way to access the full functionality?
I want to start using Sorbet for my Ruby on Rails project, but I've been asked not to add the type annotation to every file.
Is there a way to use Sorbet without adding the annotation?
Sorbet supports --typed-override feature where you can give sorbet a YAML file to specify what files should go into what level: https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet/tree/master/test/cli/override-typed.
srb runner doesn't currently know about it, but there has been chatter in the community about adding support for it: https://sorbet-ruby.slack.com/archives/CHN2L03NH/p1563404308018500
Note that from our experience at Stripe we found that having typed: true sigils in typed files has a lot of value as it allows users to build & verify their expectations on what is typed and what is not.
Considering all freedom that yocto gives to the developer, I have a question.
I would like to make this my_file.inc available only for recipes in one particular meta-layer. I know, that, for instance, using INHERIT keyword inside the local.conf will make my_class.bbclass file available globally for each recipe.
Is it a good practice to add this:
require my_file.inc
inside layer.conf? Or should I change my_file.inc to the my_file.bbclass, and, add INHERIT = "my_file.bbclass" to the layer.conf?
Any other possibilities?
Even if it seems to work, neither of your approaches is technically completely correct. The key point is that all .conf files are parsed first and everything they contain is globally visible throughout the whole build process. So if you add something through the layer.conf file, itis not being pulled in through an unexpected place, it also is not being limited that layer only and might therefore cause breakage at other places.
While I do not have a really good and clean solution, maybe the following can help you:
You can make your custom recipes react on certain keywords in DISTRO_FEATURES or MACHINE_FEATURES. Then you can create a two-staged approach:
Add the desired keyword in local.conf (or your MACHINE, or DISTRO, or whatever configuration)
Make the recipes react to it. If you need the mechanism in several places, then it might be useful to pour it into a .bbclass that your layer brings along and that you pull in for the respective recipes.
This way the effect is properly contained.
Maybe part from the Yocto Project answers your question:
Avoid duplicating include files. Use append files (.bbappend) for each recipe that uses an include file. Or, if you are introducing a new recipe that requires the included file, use the path relative to the original layer directory to refer to the file. For example, use require recipes-core/package/file.inc instead of require file.inc. If you're finding you have to overlay the include file, it could indicate a deficiency in the include file in the layer to which it originally belongs. If this is the case, you should try to address that deficiency instead of overlaying the include file. For example, you could address this by getting the maintainer of the include file to add a variable or variables to make it easy to override the parts needing to be overridden.
So to avoid duplicate inclusion later, it would be better not to include your .inc file(s) this way.
In my work, we have a file with utilities functions that are extended in _.mixin() function at runtime. No, I cannot change the framework, because the solution would be to separate those function from _.mixin() and make them and indepent module, that would be the best.
Either way, my problem is that I cannot link this file, with all the extended functions in WebStorm, so I always see Unresolved function or method warning
Yes I have tried to add the file in the Library tab under Libraries & Framework preferences. And it did nothing.
So my question is, It is possible to WebStorm (or other Atlassian software) to link a file with several functions that will be extended with Underscore.js _.mixin() function to show up in Autocomplete?
Thanks, in advance
Adding the file to JavaScript libraries won't help here. _.mixin() dynamically adds passed utility functions to _ object, it's not possible to resolve such dynamically generated stuff during static code analysis unless a special treatment for the certain functions is provided. And WebStorm doesn't provide any special support for _.mixin().
If you miss it, please feel free to create a feature request in youtrack, https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/WEB
Is there a way to open a module in Erlang and then call its functions without using module name prefix?
Like opening an ML structure!
You can use
-import(my_module, [foo/1,bar/2]).
to import individual functions (in my example foo/1 and bar/2) from another module (my_module), see the modules documentation . There is no way of importing all functions from a module, they have to be explicitly listed.
Also see In Erlang how can I import all functions from a module? for an explanation why you shouldn't import functions!
No, you can't! The methods given by #johlo and #stemm are just work-arounds which allow you to not explicitly write the module name but that is all. The -import(...) declaration is a misnomer and doesn't do what you would expect.
Given Erlang's very dynamic handling of code it would be practically meaningless as well. There is no guarantee that at run-time you have the same "other" module as you had at compile-time, or if it is there at all. All code handling, compiling/loading/purging/reloading/etc. , is done on a module basis and there are no inter-module dependencies or optimisations.
Instead of import you can use defining:
-define(SIN(X), math:sin(X)).
my_func(X) -> ?SIN(X).
I'm an Erlang beginer and I'd like to find a way to list all the methods available for a given module. What's the best way?
In my case, the module is ejabberd_odbc.
You can call Modulename:module_info() to get information on the module in a proplist form. To get exports only, call Modulename:module_info(exports).
I'm always checking the exports section in the source of the module.
There is a tool you can install called edoc, whose manual is at: http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/edoc.html This allows javadoc style documentation to be generated for Erlang modules.
Also there is ejabberd_odbc documentation at: http://www.process-one.net/docs/ejabberd/devdoc/trunk/ejabberd_odbc.html