Loading state adapter is always loading - kotlin

My task is to load recyclerView and show pagination which I both implemented.
I also implemented LoadingState for adapter.
suspend fun getTopHeadlinesArticles(
#Query("page") page:Int = 1,
#Query("q") query: String,
) : Response<ArticleListResponse>
I wont show paging because it is working so I will jump to repository:
fun getSearchResult(query: String) =
config = PagingConfig(
pageSize = 1,
maxSize = 20,
enablePlaceholders = false
pagingSourceFactory = { ArticlePaging(newsService, query)}
val news = _currentQuery.flatMapLatest { query ->
binding.recyclerViewTop.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(context)
binding.recyclerViewTop.adapter = adapter.withLoadStateHeaderAndFooter(
header = ArticleLoadStateAdapter { adapter.retry() },
footer = ArticleLoadStateAdapter { adapter.retry() }
lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated {
viewModel.news.collect { articles ->
And LoadStateViewHolder in LoadStateAdapter:
init {
binding.buttonRetry.setOnClickListener {
fun bind(loadState: LoadState) {
binding.apply {
progressBar.isVisible = loadState is LoadState.Loading
buttonRetry.isVisible = loadState !is LoadState.Loading
textViewError.isVisible = loadState !is LoadState.Loading
I already predefined DEFAULT_QUERY so I only get 1 Article.
Problem is that progressBar loading is always visible and I have no more articles to show.
Edit: when i have at least 10 items to show this works fine
Edit 2nd: Add ArticlePagingSource if that can help
override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<Int, ArticleResponse>): Int? {
return state.anchorPosition?.let {
val anchorPage = state.closestPageToPosition(it)
anchorPage?.prevKey?.plus(1) ?: anchorPage?.nextKey?.minus(1)
try {
val currentPageList = params.key ?: 1
response = if(query != ""){
newsService.getTopHeadlinesArticles(currentPageList, query)
} else{
val responseList = mutableListOf<ArticleResponse>()
val data = response.body()?.articleResponses ?: emptyList()
val prevKey = if (currentPageList == 1) null else currentPageList - 1
return LoadResult.Page(


Wait for result from Coroutine and then use it in Composable function

I am creating a video scraper, and it has the following function which scrapes the video source from a URL that has been given as the parameter:
fun scrapeVideoSrcFromUrl(url: String): String? {
val document = Jsoup.connect(url).get()
for (element in document.getElementsByTag("script")) {
if (element.attr("type") == "application/ld+json") {
val content = element.data()
val array = JsonParser.parseString(content).asJsonArray
val embedUrl = Gson().fromJson(array.get(0).asJsonObject.get("embedUrl"), String::class.java)
var embedId = ""
for (char in embedUrl.dropLast(1).reversed()) {
if (char != '/') {
embedId += char
} else {
val doc = Jsoup.connect("$RUMBLE_API_URL${embedId.reversed()}").ignoreContentType(true).get()
val jsonData = doc.getElementsByTag("body").first()?.text()
val mp4 = JsonParser.parseString(jsonData).asJsonObject.get("u").asJsonObject.get("mp4").asJsonObject.get("url").toString()
return mp4.replace("\"", "")
return null
I want to show this in a dialog for a certain link using ExoPlayer, so I did the following:
fun VideoPlayer(videoSrc: String) {
val context = LocalContext.current
val exoPlayer = remember {
ExoPlayer.Builder(context).build().apply {
playWhenReady = true
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
DisposableEffect(key1 = Unit) {
onDispose {
factory = {
StyledPlayerView(context).apply {
player = exoPlayer
layoutParams =
Then, in the main Composable:
if (openDialog) {
onDismissRequest = {
openDialog = false
title = {
Column {
text = viewModel.currentRumbleSearchResult?.title ?: ""
text = "By ${viewModel.currentRumbleSearchResult?.channel?.name ?: ""}",
style = MaterialTheme.typography.titleSmall
text = {
confirmButton = {
onClick = {
openDialog = false
) {
After running that code I keep getting NetworkOnMainThread exceptions, and I tried many things to fix it but nothing worked.
So I am unsure what to do as to how I can go around fixing this. I was wondering how I would go around waiting in the background for a result and then show it in the Compose function when it returns the value?
You can do something like this:
var videoSrc by remember { mutableStateOf<String?>(null) }
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
videoSrc = RumbleScraper.create().scrapeVideoSrcFromUrl("")
text = { VideoPlayer(videoSrc) }
You can also call the scrapeVideoSrcFromUrl inside your viewModel and update some state that you will use in UI.
If you want to run it in response to some event like item click, you will be better of with something like this:
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
onClick = {
scope.launch {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { ... }

How to parse two data list from one PagingData Source in Android Kotlin?

This is My ViewModle Class
class MainViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val movieRepository: MovieRepository,
private val favMovieRepository: FavMovieRepository
) : ViewModel() {
private var _movieState = mutableStateOf(false)
val movieState = _movieState
val nowPlayingMovies: Flow<PagingData<Movie>> = Pager(PagingConfig(pageSize = 10)) {
val popularMovies: Flow<PagingData<Movie>> = Pager(PagingConfig(pageSize = 10)) {
fun setListToPopular(){
_movieState.value = true
PagingSource file is here
class MoviePagingSource(
private val movieRepository: MovieRepository
) : PagingSource<Int , Movie>() {
override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<Int>): LoadResult<Int, Movie> {
return try {
val nextPage = params.key ?: 1
val nowPlayingMovieResponse = movieRepository.getNowPlayingMovies(nextPage)
val popularMovieResponse = movieRepository.getPopularMovies(nextPage)
data = nowPlayingMovieResponse.results,
prevKey = if (nextPage == 1) null else nextPage - 1,
nextKey = nowPlayingMovieResponse.page.plus(1)
data = popularMovieResponse.results,
prevKey = if (nextPage == 1) null else nextPage - 1,
nextKey = popularMovieResponse.page.plus(1)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Here I define two LoadResult one for NowPlaying other for popluar movies.
I want to get the follwing result as expected Below.
Here whenever i choose one result should be in my favour for that i have my Home screen.
fun MovieListView(viewModel: MainViewModel) {
val lazyMovieItems = viewModel.nowPlayingMovies.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
val lazyPopularMovieItems = viewModel.popularMovies.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
val movieItems = if (!viewModel.movieState.value) lazyMovieItems else lazyPopularMovieItems
LazyColumn {
item {
Row(... ) {
} }
items(movieItems) { item ->
MovieCard(movie = item!!) {
}else Log.d(TAG, "MovieListView: ${item.original_title} with id ${item.id} It is Not favorite ")
movieItems.apply {
What should be the way for fetching data from PagingSource ? and please suggest better way for handling NowPlaying and popular movie.

Remote Mediator loads only the first page

I'm trying to add offline capabilities to my TMDB app. I've tried doing it with Room but RemoteMediator only loads the first page.
This is how I implemented the RemoteMediator class
class MoviesPopularMediator(
private val service: ApiService,
private val database: PopularMoviesDatabase
) : RemoteMediator<Int, MoviesModel>() {
override suspend fun load(
loadType: LoadType,
state: PagingState<Int, MoviesModel>
): MediatorResult {
return try {
val loadKey = when(loadType){
LoadType.REFRESH -> {
LoadType.PREPEND -> return MediatorResult.Success(endOfPaginationReached = true)
LoadType.APPEND ->{
?: return MediatorResult.Success(endOfPaginationReached = true)
val response = service.getPopular(
page = state.config.pageSize,
val listing = response.body()
val results = listing?.results
if (listing != null) {
database.withTransaction {
if (loadKey != null) {
database.popularMoviesPageDao().savePopularMoviesPage(MoviesPage(page = listing.page, results = listing.results, total_pages = listing.total_pages))
if (results != null) {
MediatorResult.Success(endOfPaginationReached = response.body()?.page == response.body()?.total_pages)
} catch (exception: IOException) {
} catch (exception: HttpException) {
private suspend fun getMoviesPage(): MoviesPage? {
return database.popularMoviesPageDao().getPopularMoviesPage().firstOrNull()
I get the data from this api: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/.
Any ideas on how I should change this RemoteMediator so that it will load all pages?
If you need more details please feel free to ask

Data fetch from API not showing on recyclerview MVVM kotlin

I got blocked for this problem, Api will call and get the objects from the response and it will display on the recyclerview. But it is not showing,
fetchProductCategories will do the api call.
prepareProducts will handle the fetched from fetchProductCategories
class ProductsWelcomeFragment : BaseProductsFragment<ProductsWelcomeViewModel, ProductsWelcomeFragmentBinding>() {
private val TAG = "ProductsWelcomeFragment"
lateinit var animationQueue: AnimationQueue
override fun getViewModelClass(): KClass<ProductsWelcomeViewModel> = ProductsWelcomeViewModel::class
override fun getContentViewRes(): Int = R.layout.products_welcome_fragment
private val cordovaViewModel: CordovaViewModel by activityViewModels()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
* Initialize only once when everytime accessing products screen.
* */
override fun onBindView() {
with(dataBinding) {
viewModel = this#ProductsWelcomeFragment.viewModel
title = getString(R.string.products_screen_welcome_header)
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
viewModel.productCategoriesLiveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
Log.i(TAG, it.toString())
viewModel.items.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
viewModel.showProgress.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {}
viewModel.failedAtRetrievingData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
// showErrorScreen(true)
private fun RecyclerView.configure() {
with(dataBinding.recyclerViewProducts) {
addItemBindings(getListButtonItemViewBinder(ProductItem.NormalProduct::dto, ::onProductItemClick))
addItemBindings(getListBigtileItemViewBinder(ProductItem.FeaturedProduct::dto, ::onProductItemClick))
private fun onProductItemClick(product: ProductItem.NormalProduct) {
when (product.id) {
else -> { // TODO : )}
// TODO : implement move to another screen
private fun onProductItemClick(product: ProductItem.FeaturedProduct) {
// TODO : implement move to another screen
private fun showErrorScreen(isDataRetrievalError: Boolean) {
val dismissAction = ErrorHandlingAction(
) { dismissDialog ->
if (isDataRetrievalError) {
fragmentManager = parentFragmentManager,
window = requireActivity().window,
title = getString(R.string.native_error_title),
description = getString(R.string.online_identity_something_went_wrong_error_description),
iconId = R.drawable.ic_error_thick_exclamation_icon,
errorHandlingActions = arrayOf(dismissAction),
isHtmlDescription = true
private fun openCordovaScreen(destination: CordovaPage) {
findNavController().popBackStack(R.id.homeScreenMainFragment, false)
class ProductsWelcomeViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val productsRepository: ProductsRepository
) : BaseRequestViewModel(), ViewModelWithItems {
private val TAG = "ProductsWelcomeViewModel"
private val _failedAtRetrievingData = SingleLiveEvent<Boolean>()
val failedAtRetrievingData: LiveData<Boolean> = _failedAtRetrievingData
private val _showProgress = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
val showProgress: LiveData<Boolean> = _showProgress
private val onProductCategories: SingleLiveEvent<ProductBasketsCategoriesModel?> = SingleLiveEvent()
val productCategoriesLiveData: LiveData<ProductBasketsCategoriesModel?> = onProductCategories
private val _items: MutableLiveData<List<Any>> = MutableLiveData()
override val items: LiveData<List<Any>> = _items
fun fetchProductCategories() {
viewModelScope.launch {
request({ productsRepository.getProductCategories() },
success = { response -> onProductCategories.value = response },
failure = { })
fun prepareProducts() {
_items.value = mutableListOf<Any>().apply {
productCategoriesLiveData.value?.embedded?.categories?.filter { categories ->
categories.isFeatured == true }?.let { filteredCategories ->
text = TextLine(
textRes = if (filteredCategories.isNotEmpty()) {
R.string.products_screen_welcome_header } else { null }
filteredCategories.toItems()?.let { addAll(it) }
productCategoriesLiveData.value?.embedded?.categories?.filter { categories ->
categories.isFeatured == false }.let { filteredCategories ->
if (filteredCategories != null) {
text = TextLine(
textRes = if (filteredCategories.isNotEmpty()) {
R.string.products_screen_welcome_header } else { null }
filteredCategories.toItems()?.let { addAll(it) }
private fun List<CategoriesItemModel>?.toItems(): List<ProductItem>? =
this?.mapIndexed { index, item ->
if (item.isFeatured == true) {
id = item.id as Any,
name = item.name,
dto = BigTileDto(
title = TextLine(text = item.name),
image = item.id.toString().let { toFeatureIcon(it, item.isFeatured) },
description = TextLine(item.description.toString()),
background = BackgroundType.SINGLE
} else {
id = item.id as Any,
name = item.name,
dto = ListButtonItemViewDto(
firstLine = TextLine(text = item.name),
rightDrawable = R.drawable.ic_arrow_right,
separatorDrawable = R.drawable.list_divider_margin_start_72dp,
background = index.indexToBackgroundType(this.size),
avatarDto = AvatarDto(iconBackgroundColor = R.color.ubs_concrete, avatarSize = AvatarDto.AvatarSize.SMALL_ICON_SIZE, iconId = toFeatureIcon(
item.id, item.isFeatured
private fun toFeatureIcon(id: String?, isFeature: Boolean?): Int = if (ProductFeature.verify(id) == true) {
} else { if (isFeature == true) { R.drawable.abc_vector_test } else {
R.drawable.balloon_illustration } }

Problem saving data into room db from paging library api response

I have an application built using Jetpack Compose , where i also use paging library 3 to fetch data from db , i have multiple remote mediator where i fetch data and save it directly into database , the issue is that sometimes data gets saved , sometimes not , it goes to the point that sometimes one of the two only gets data stored.
Remote Mediator 1:
class PopularClothingRemoteMediator #Inject constructor(
private val clothingApi: ClothingApi,
private val clothingDatabase: ClothingDatabase
) : RemoteMediator<Int, Clothing>(){
private val clothingDao = clothingDatabase.clothingDao()
private val clothingRemoteKeysDao = clothingDatabase.clothingRemoteKeysDao()
override suspend fun initialize(): InitializeAction {
val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
val lastUpdated = clothingRemoteKeysDao.getRemoteKeys(clothingId = 1)?.lastUpdated ?: 0L
val cacheTimeout = 1440
val diffInMinutes = (currentTime - lastUpdated) / 1000 / 60
return if (diffInMinutes.toInt() <= cacheTimeout) {
// Log.d("RemoteMediator", "UP TO DATE")
} else {
// Log.d("RemoteMediator", "REFRESH")
override suspend fun load(loadType: LoadType, state: PagingState<Int, Clothing>): MediatorResult {
return try {
val page = when (loadType) {
LoadType.REFRESH -> {
val remoteKeys = getRemoteKeyClosestToCurrentPosition(state)
remoteKeys?.nextPage?.minus(1) ?: 1
LoadType.PREPEND -> {
val remoteKeys = getRemoteKeyForFirstItem(state)
val prevPage = remoteKeys?.prevPage
?: return MediatorResult.Success(
endOfPaginationReached = remoteKeys != null
LoadType.APPEND -> {
val remoteKeys = getRemoteKeyForLastItem(state)
val nextPage = remoteKeys?.nextPage
?: return MediatorResult.Success(
endOfPaginationReached = remoteKeys != null
val response = clothingApi.getPopularClothing(page = page)
if (response.popularClothing.isNotEmpty()) {
clothingDatabase.withTransaction {
if (loadType == LoadType.REFRESH) {
val prevPage = response.prevPage
val nextPage = response.nextPage
val keys = response.popularClothing.map { clothing ->
clothingId = clothing.clothingId,
prevPage = prevPage,
nextPage = nextPage,
lastUpdated = response.lastUpdated
// When i debug this code , it works fine and the last line is executed
// the issue data sometimes gets saved , sometimes not
clothingRemoteKeysDao.addAllRemoteKeys(clothingRemoteKeys = keys)
clothingDao.addClothing(clothing = response.popularClothing)
MediatorResult.Success(endOfPaginationReached = response.nextPage == null)
} catch (e: Exception) {
return MediatorResult.Error(e)
private suspend fun getRemoteKeyClosestToCurrentPosition(
state: PagingState<Int, Clothing>
): ClothingRemoteKeys? {
return state.anchorPosition?.let { position ->
state.closestItemToPosition(position)?.clothingId?.let { clothingId ->
clothingRemoteKeysDao.getRemoteKeys(clothingId = clothingId)
private suspend fun getRemoteKeyForFirstItem(
state: PagingState<Int, Clothing>
): ClothingRemoteKeys? {
return state.pages.firstOrNull { it.data.isNotEmpty() }?.data?.firstOrNull()
?.let { clothing ->
clothingRemoteKeysDao.getRemoteKeys(clothingId = clothing.clothingId)
private suspend fun getRemoteKeyForLastItem(
state: PagingState<Int, Clothing>
): ClothingRemoteKeys? {
return state.pages.lastOrNull { it.data.isNotEmpty() }?.data?.lastOrNull()
?.let { clothing ->
clothingRemoteKeysDao.getRemoteKeys(clothingId = clothing.clothingId)
Remote Mediator 2:
class OuterwearRemoteMediator #Inject constructor(
private val clothingApi: ClothingApi,
private val clothingDatabase: ClothingDatabase
) : RemoteMediator<Int, Clothing>() {
private val clothingDao = clothingDatabase.clothingDao()
private val clothingRemoteKeysDao = clothingDatabase.clothingRemoteKeysDao()
override suspend fun initialize(): InitializeAction {
val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
val lastUpdated = clothingRemoteKeysDao.getRemoteKeys(clothingId = 1)?.lastUpdated ?: 0L
val cacheTimeout = 1440
val diffInMinutes = (currentTime - lastUpdated) / 1000 / 60
return if (diffInMinutes.toInt() <= cacheTimeout) {
// Log.d("RemoteMediator", "UP TO DATE")
} else {
// Log.d("RemoteMediator", "REFRESH")
override suspend fun load(loadType: LoadType, state: PagingState<Int, Clothing>): MediatorResult {
return try {
val page = when (loadType) {
LoadType.REFRESH -> {
val remoteKeys = getRemoteKeyClosestToCurrentPosition(state)
remoteKeys?.nextPage?.minus(1) ?: 1
LoadType.PREPEND -> {
val remoteKeys = getRemoteKeyForFirstItem(state)
val prevPage = remoteKeys?.prevPage
?: return MediatorResult.Success(
endOfPaginationReached = remoteKeys != null
LoadType.APPEND -> {
val remoteKeys = getRemoteKeyForLastItem(state)
val nextPage = remoteKeys?.nextPage
?: return MediatorResult.Success(endOfPaginationReached = remoteKeys != null)
val response = clothingApi.getOuterwear(page = page)
if (response.outerwear.isNotEmpty()) {
clothingDatabase.withTransaction {
if (loadType == LoadType.REFRESH) {
val prevPage = response.prevPage
val nextPage = response.nextPage
val keys = response.outerwear.map { clothing ->
clothingId = clothing.clothingId,
prevPage = prevPage,
nextPage = nextPage,
lastUpdated = response.lastUpdated
// the same thing here
// When i debug this code , it works fine and the last line is executed
// the issue data sometimes gets saved , sometimes not
clothingRemoteKeysDao.addAllRemoteKeys(clothingRemoteKeys = keys)
clothingDao.addClothing(clothing = response.outerwear)
MediatorResult.Success(endOfPaginationReached = response.nextPage == null)
} catch (e: Exception) {
return MediatorResult.Error(e)
private suspend fun getRemoteKeyClosestToCurrentPosition(
state: PagingState<Int, Clothing>): ClothingRemoteKeys? {
return state.anchorPosition?.let { position ->
state.closestItemToPosition(position)?.clothingId?.let { clothingId ->
clothingRemoteKeysDao.getRemoteKeys(clothingId = clothingId)
private suspend fun getRemoteKeyForFirstItem(
state: PagingState<Int, Clothing>): ClothingRemoteKeys? {
return state.pages.firstOrNull { it.data.isNotEmpty() }?.data?.firstOrNull()
?.let { clothing ->
clothingRemoteKeysDao.getRemoteKeys(clothingId = clothing.clothingId)
private suspend fun getRemoteKeyForLastItem(
state: PagingState<Int, Clothing>
): ClothingRemoteKeys? {
return state.pages.lastOrNull { it.data.isNotEmpty() }?.data?.lastOrNull()
?.let { clothing ->
clothingRemoteKeysDao.getRemoteKeys(clothingId = clothing.clothingId)