Smart Contracts - How to agree on a value between parties? - cryptography

I am writing a smart contract in Solidity about co-selling an NFT.
When initializing the contract, a division for the benefits is chosen by one of the co-seller. For example, three co-seller could choose 50%, 25%, 25%.
My goal is that each co-seller must agree on the division value before the selling can take place. As I want to do it "on-chain", I'm wondering what is the best way to do it.
Include a function in the smart contract that set an "agreed" boolean for each co-seller
Ask the co-seller to sign the current repartition and send it to the smart contract
As a bonus, I'm also wondering what to do in case of a disagreement. Is there any known pattern for negotiation of values "on-chain" ?
Thanks in advance for your answers :)

let me give this a shot:
contract NFT_Price_Agreement {
bool reachedAgreement = false;
uint numParties = 3;
uint numSigned = 0;
uint totalVal = 0;
uint nftPrice = 1000000000000000000; // = 1 ether
mapping(address => uint) public nftStake;
function makeReq(uint reqStake) public {
uint stake = nftPrice * (reqStake / 100);
totalVal += stake; // to make sure 100% ownership at the end
nftStake[msg.sender] = stake;
function confirmReq() public {
require(numSigned == numParties, "Not everyone has agreed on what percent ownership.");
require(totalVal == nftPrice);
reachedAgreement = true;
While this will currently yield an error, this is the general idea. To abort request and make a new one, you will just have to have a function that restates what your mappings are to 0 for their requested stake and decrement 1 from numSigned. Even though this code has some issues, this is the general idea.


Reverse Lotto Search has CRAZY fees (new to solidity): Gas estimation errored with the following message

I am new to solidity and for this project I am trying to do a reverse lottery drawing, where the losers are drawn and appended until only the winner remains.
I keep getting a gas estimation error:
Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending?
gas required exceeds allowance (29970705)
I have tried upping my gas when I deploy on remix and all that does is up my cost when I run - it currently estimates 75000ethererum for running: drawLoser()
I use fulfullRandomWords which calls Chainlink VRF - which gives me a verified random seed, I then use this seed in drawLoser(). current_supply is hardcoded at 10000 for testing. I then use my random seed to make a random number and check if that number exists in my losers array, if it does not exist, I increment and generate a new number from the same seed and repeat until I find a new number. I am trying to do all of this without storing anything except my uint16 entry in my loser array, but I am guessing I am doing something stupid and storing more than I realize on the blockchain since the gas fee is absurd.
Thank you for any help!
function fulfillRandomWords(
uint256, /* requestId */
uint256[] memory randomWords
) internal override {
s_randomWords = randomWords;
function exists1(uint16 num) public view returns (bool) {
for (uint i = 0; i < losers.length; i++) {
if (losers[i] == num) {
return true;
return false;
//Right now I need to fulfill randomwords and then drawLoser - draw loser does not generate a new seed
function drawLoser() public {
uint16 drawing;
uint i = 0;
uint j = 1;
//generate 10% of total entrys as losers
while(i < 10*(current_supply-getCountLosers())/100) { //current_supply is entrys in lotto
drawing = uint16(uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(s_randomWords[0], j)))%(current_supply-losers.length)+1);
if (exists1(drawing) == true){
if (exists1(drawing) == false){
error: Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending? gas required exceeds allowance (29970705)
This means that your transaction is going to fail to tripped require() or revert.

How can i set 2 max supply's in a ERC721

I have a problem. The problem is that i want a max mint supply for the whitelist sale and public sale. So for example;
In total i have 10.000 NFT's. There will be an whitelist sale and a public sale. For the whitelist sale i have 2.000 wallet addresses, but i only want them to be able to mint 1.500 NFT's. and in the public sale i want the remaining 8.500 NFT's to be sold.
I already tried somethings with the normal maxsupply but can't figure it out. I want a max mint per wallet like 10 and cant seem to limit the supply to 1500 for only the whitelist
Does anyone can explain this to me or have a code example?
I don't recommend limiting your whitelist per-wallet minting amount (you want to mint out, don't you?!), but I understand the reasons why you might. I'll provide both options. All code is abbreviated for brevity sake:
*Note 1: We will be using OpenZeppelin Utilities - Counters for tracking minted progress. You can also consider using totalSupply(), however, if burned tokens are a concern totalSupply() will decrement and throw off your count, whereas Counters will not.
Note 2: This assumes you're whitelist occurs before public and that you're not also juggling a reserve count as well - additional checks and counters would be required for that.
Note 3: This covers ONLY the check for limiting whitelist; you will obviously also need additional checks for valid whitelist account, sufficient payment, etc.
Limit Whitelist Total Supply
import "#openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol";
error ExceededWhitelistSupply();
using Counters for Counters.Counter;
uint256 public maxSupply = 10000;
uint256 public maxWhitelistSupply = 1500;
Counters.Counter private totalWhitelistSupply;
function mintWhitelist(uint256 _qty) external payable {
if ( totalWhitelistSupply.current() + _qty > maxWhitelistSupply ) revert ExceededWhitelistSupply();
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _qty; i++) {
_mint(msg.sender, _qty, '', true);
Limit Wallet && Limit Whitelist Total Supply
import "#openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol";
error ExceededWhitelistSupply();
error ExceededMaxPerWallet();
using Counters for Counters.Counter;
uint256 public maxSupply = 10000;
uint256 public maxWhitelistSupply = 1500;
uint256 public maxWhitelistPerWallet = 10;
Counters.Counter private totalWhitelistSupply;
mapping(address => uint256) public whitelistMintedAmount;
function mintWhitelist(uint256 _qty) external payable {
if ( whitelistMintedAmount[msg.sender] + _qty > maxWhitelistPerWallet ) revert ExceededMaxPerWallet();
if ( totalWhitelistSupply.current() + _qty > maxWhitelistSupply ) revert ExceededWhitelistSupply();
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _qty; i++) {
whitelistMintedAmount[msg.sender] += _qty;
_mint(msg.sender, _qty, '', true);
Here, we've used mapping - good tutorial here - to track the number of NFTs that have been minted to this wallet (preferred method, as this won't be fooled by the account transferring NFTs out of the wallet and then minting more). If you want to go WAY down the rabbit hole, you can also look at trash-canning this whole approach and learn up on this approach for handling your whitelist.
Keep in mind that there are more checks and balances that you'll need to add (e.g., visualizing this in the front end of your dApp to avoid minting when they shouldn't be able to, additional validation layers in your mint functions, etc.), but this should provide you with the core pieces needed for limiting by a max wallet and max supply. I apologize for any code errors - this is my first StackOverflow answer and the short-handing and readability of the code is a bit difficult to error check.
Have a whitelistMaxSupply
Have a getMaxSupply function
Have a finishWhitelist function
Have a maxSupply
Unless whitelist finished, getMaxSupply will return whitelistMaxSupply, after finished, it will return maxSupply
There are many ways to solve your problem, this is just the first one that came to my mind
function getMaxSupply() view public returns(uint256){
return maxSupply;
return whitelistMaxSupply;
function finishWhitelist() public{
whitelistFinished = true;

How to set msg.value in Remix IDE

This is probably an easy error I'm missing, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to set the msg.value variable in this contract. I've read online that this value is the amount of wei associated with the transaction, but how do I, as a caller of the contract, specifically set that value. Here's the contract I'm struggling with.
pragma solidity 0.8.7;
contract VendingMachine {
// Declare state variables of the contract
address public owner;
mapping (address => uint) public cupcakeBalances;
// When 'VendingMachine' contract is deployed:
// 1. set the deploying address as the owner of the contract
// 2. set the deployed smart contract's cupcake balance to 100
constructor() {
owner = msg.sender;
cupcakeBalances[address(this)] = 100;
// Allow the owner to increase the smart contract's cupcake balance
function refill(uint amount) public {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can refill.");
cupcakeBalances[address(this)] += amount;
// Allow anyone to purchase cupcakes
function purchase(uint amount) public payable {
require(msg.value >= amount * 1 ether, "You must pay at least 1 ETH per cupcake");
require(cupcakeBalances[address(this)] >= amount, "Not enough cupcakes in stock to complete this purchase");
cupcakeBalances[address(this)] -= amount;
cupcakeBalances[msg.sender] += amount;
Every time I enter an amount, I'm getting thrown the error that says "You must pay at least 1 ETH per cupcake"
There's nowhere for me to specifically enter in a value for how much I'm going to pay for this, any help would be great
here's what I'm able to input when I deploy the contract on Remix
Top of the Deploy Button you can see the Value Field :
when you want to call the purchase , first fill the value field and select Ether after that calls your function.
I try this way with your code and it works fine.

how do i compute the result of a solidity contract without paying gas fee?

suppose I have this solidity contract, I would like to calculate the result of minAmountOut2, without actually paying the gas gas fee. Is it possible to achieve it? I think this should be theoretically possible, but I'm not sure how to achieve it practically.... Thanks!
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
contract Storage {
constructor() payable {
// uint256 number;
address wbnb_addres = 0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c;
address pancake_swap_v2 = 0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E;
uint amount = msg.value ;
address target_token_address = 0x0E09FaBB73Bd3Ade0a17ECC321fD13a19e81cE82;
address sender_address = tx.origin;
address[] memory address_input = new address[](2);
address_input[0] = wbnb_addres;
address_input[1] = target_token_address;
uint[] memory result = IPancakeRouter02(pancake_swap_v2).getAmountsOut(amount,address_input);
uint minAmountOut = result[1];
uint deadline = 1e30;
address[] memory address_output2 = new address[](2);
address_output2[0] = target_token_address;
address_output2[1] = wbnb_addres;
uint[] memory result2 = IPancakeRouter02(pancake_swap_v2).getAmountsOut(minAmountOut,address_output2);
uint minAmountOut2 = result2[1];
One possible way is that I convert the result into string and trigger a revert function.... Then when I run estimatgas function in web3, then i got the result using error and exception handling.
Far as I know estimateGas is the only such function. estimateGas should be almost equal to web3.eth.sendTransaction, the only difference between them is estimateGas does not send the transaction out actually, and if your operation will fail when call a function, you can not get a valid result by estimateGas.
You have now all code in constructor. You probably want to split the code up in smaller functions and then call estimateGas.

Best memory practices and optimizations for Solidity gas fees

I have a state variable in my smart contract called "_ownerAddresses". It is an array of addresses. In one of my functions, I remove addresses from this array depending on a condition. I was wondering what is the best approach to doing this in a fast and memory-efficient way. Should I delete addresses while in the for loop and shrink the array? Should I create a new storage array that just adds the addresses I am keeping and then assign "_ownerAddresses" to this new array? Here is the excerpt of code:
struct Sub {
uint256 amount;
uint256 createdTime;
mapping(address => Sub) private _addrBalances;
address[] private _ownerAddresses;
uint MONTH = 30 days;
uint256 private _totalSupply;
function expireAccounts() external onlyOwner(_owner) {
address[] storage _ownersLeft;
for (uint i = 0; i < _ownerAddresses.length; i++) {
if ((_addrBalances[_ownerAddresses[i]].createdTime + MONTH) >= block.timestamp) {
_totalSupply -= _addrBalances[_ownerAddresses[i]].amount;
_addrBalances[_ownerAddresses[i]].amount = 0;
_addrBalances[_ownerAddresses[i]].createdTime = 0;
} else {
_ownerAddresses = _ownersLeft;
Any input would be great. Thanks!
Once my team conducted a study of the efficiency of EVM in processing iterative cycles - the results are reflected in the article (unfortunately, in Russian). In short, with the number of iterations over 1000, the cost of even the simplest operations will reach millions of gas units. Therefore, if the size of the array is several thousand, then the cost of execution expireAccounts() can become very high, and there is even a risk that it will exceed the gas limit per block and will not be executed at all.
Therefore, instead of concentrating the "expire" functionality in a single function for all accounts, I would insert it into the functions for processing the single accounts. Most likely, in this case, you can also refuse the _ownerAddresses array.