error when trying to access file on pc from H2 Console - sql
when i try to access existed file from hfu console ,shows an error up .
the error says the following:C:\Users\najla\Pictures\Screenshots
IO Exception: "IOException reading C:\Users\najla\Desktop\Data-B\titanic.csv"; SQL statement:
select *
from csvread('C:\Users\najla\Desktop\Data-B\titanic.csv') [90028-214] 90028/90028 (Hilfe)
org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLNonTransientException: IO Exception: "IOException reading C:\Users\najla\Desktop\Data-B\titanic.csv"; SQL statement:
select *
from csvread('C:\Users\najla\Desktop\Data-B\titanic.csv') [90028-214]
getting error while loading data in a table using hive
Am getting error as "analysisException: Syntax error in line 1: undefined: LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH'/home/cloudera...Encounttered:IDENTIFIER Expected:INPATH CAUSED BY:Exception:Syntax error" My code is LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/home/cloudera/UNSW_NB15.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE mybigdata;
why dbt runs in cli but throws an error on cloud UI for the exact same model?
I am executing dbt run -s model_name on CLI and the task completes successfully. However, when I run the exact same command on dbt cloud, I get this error: Syntax or semantic analysis error thrown in server while executing query. Error message from server: org.apache.hive.service.cli.HiveSQLException: Error running query: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve '`pv.meta.uuid`' given input columns: []; line 6 pos 4; \n'Project ['pv.meta.uuid AS page_view_uuid#249595, 'pv.user.visitorCookieId AS (80) (SQLExecDirectW)") it looks like it fails recognizing 'pv.meta.uuid' syntax which extract data from a json format. It is not clear to me what is going on. Any thoughts? Thank you!
How to resolve an error in Importing CSV file from PostgreSQL
I want to import a CSV file to PostgreSQL. Shown below is the syntax used to import a CSV file to a created table i.e. salary_supervisor in PostgreSQL, COPY salary_supervisor FROM 'X:\XX\XXX\XXX\XXX\XXX\XXX\supervisor_salaries.csv' /* File path */ WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER); However, it indicates an error as shown below, ERROR: could not open file "X:\XX\XXX\XXX\XXX\XXX\XXX\supervisor_salaries.csv" for reading: Permission denied HINT: COPY FROM instructs the PostgreSQL server process to read a file. You may want a client-side facility such as psql's \copy. SQL state: 42501 Since an error was shown above, the below syntax was used to import the CSV file to PostgreSQL, \copy (Select * From salary_supervisor) FROM 'X:\XX\XXX\XXX\XXX\XXX\XXX\supervisor_salaries.csv' /* File path */ WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER); However, it also indicated a syntax error shown below, ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" LINE 1: \copy (Select * From salary_supervisor) ^ SQL state: 42601 Character: 1
Need to export CSV file from PSQL on Windows (psql 13) using COPY TO
I am using \COPY ( SELECT * FROM person LEFT JOIN car ON ) TO 'c:/Users/nick-/Downloads/results.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER; and am getting the error ERROR: syntax error at or near "TO" LINE 6: TO 'c:/Users/nick-/Downloads/results.csv' I've also tried COPY rather than \COPY but I get this error ERROR: could not open file "c:/Users/nick-/Downloads/results.csv" for writing: Permission denied HINT: COPY TO instructs the PostgreSQL server process to write a file. You may want a client-side facility such as psql's \copy. I have tried using all of the below c:/Users/nick-/Downloads/results.csv c://Users//nick-//Downloads//results.csv 'c:\Users\nick-\Downloads\results.csv' 'c:\\Users\\nick-\\Downloads\\results.csv' and none have worked.
How can I resolve an Arithmetic Overflow Error when inserting data from a CSV into a SQL Server table?
I am trying to read in a .CSV file of test results into my SQL Server Express database, and I am able to get two of the 25 rows into my database, but then it errors out with the following error: DataError: ('22003', u'[22003] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric. (8115) (SQLExecDirectW); [22003] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The statement has been terminated. (3621)') It doesn't specify which field or column is causing the issue; and I have searched Google and Stack Exchange, but haven't found anything to resolve this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am using Python 2.7, SQL Server Express, and pyodbc for the connection between the two. Here is the code that I am trying to run: import pyodbc import csv print print("Please wait while I connect to database...") print # Connecting to the Database mydb = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};' 'Server=DESKTOP-5I015MM\SQLEXPRESS;' 'Trusted_Connection=yes;') # Turning on autocommit mydb.autocommit = True # Creating a cursor object mycursor = mydb.cursor() mycursor.execute("USE mydatabase") print print("Connection to the database was successful!") # Adding Test Results to database - Look into this... strSQL='''INSERT INTO TestResults(datasource, modelNumber, testSequence, reportingCondition, testDate, isc, voc, imp, vmp, ff, pmp, noct) VALUES ('SolarLabs',?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)''' #open csv file with open('test_results_NOCT.csv','rb') as f: csvfile= csv.reader(f) next(csvfile) for row in csvfile: mycursor.execute(strSQL, row) print print("Test Results added successfully") print And here is the CSV code that I am trying to read into SQL: Model,Test Sequence,Condition,Date,Isc,Voc,Imp,Vmp,FF,Pmp,NOCT KUT0012,Baseline,STC,3/11/2008,5.2,44.7,4.88,35.7,75,174.3,51.9 KUT0003,Baseline,STC,3/11/2008,5.34,44.7,5.03,35.7,75.2,179.7,52.1 KUT0003,TC200,STC,5/7/2008,5.2,45.1,4.83,36.4,75.2,176.2,- KUT0004,Baseline,STC,3/11/2008,5.21,44.8,4.91,36.1,76,177.2,51.8 KUT0004,TC200,STC,5/7/2008,5.17,45.1,4.81,36.5,75.3,175.6,- KUT0004,Hotspot,STC,6/25/2008,5.09,45.6,4.7,37,74.9,173.7,- KUT0001,Baseline,STC,3/11/2008,5.32,44.6,4.95,35.4,73.8,175.2,51.8 KUT0001,TC200,STC,5/7/2008,5.2,45,4.77,36.8,75.1,175.6,- KUT0006,Baseline,STC,3/11/2008,5.35,44.4,4.95,35.8,74.5,177.2,52 KUT0006,UV,STC,6/5/2008,5.28,44.6,4.84,35.8,73.7,173.7,- KUT0006,TC50,STC,7/4/2008,5.22,45,4.72,36.9,74.1,173.9,- KUT0006,HF10,STC,8/1/2008,5.21,45.1,4.69,37,73.9,173.4,- KUT0006,Termination,STC,8/19/2008,5.23,45,4.62,37.3,73.2,172.5,- KUT0007,Baseline,STC,3/11/2008,5.25,44.4,4.87,35.8,74.6,174.2,52.1 KUT0007,UV,STC,6/5/2008,5.39,43.9,4.84,35.5,72.5,171.7,- KUT0007,TC50,STC,7/4/2008,5.56,44.7,4.87,36.8,72.2,179.3,- KUT0007,HF10,STC,8/1/2008,5.5,44.6,4.85,36.4,72.2,176.8,- KUT0005,Baseline,STC,3/11/2008,5.13,44.3,4.84,35.6,75.7,172.3,51.7 KUT0005,Damp Heat,STC,5/8/2008,5.11,45.5,4.7,37.4,75.4,175.6,- KUT0005,Static Load,STC,5/29/2008,4.95,45.6,4.67,37.6,77.6,175.5,- KUT0008,Baseline,STC,3/11/2008,5.13,44.6,4.84,36,76.2,174.4,52.2 KUT0008,Damp Heat,STC,5/8/2008,5.17,44.9,4.78,36.2,74.4,172.7,- KUT0008,Hail,STC,5/21/2008,5.14,44.5,4.73,35.8,74,169.4,- KUT0011,Baseline,STC,3/11/2008,5.24,44.7,4.99,35.8,76.1,178.4,51.9 KUT0011,Outdoor Exposure,STC,4/17/2008,5.05,44.3,4.79,35.6,76.4,170.7,- And here is the table schema: Table Schema