Is the order of lists stored in pyspark data frame column fixed - dataframe

I have a spark data frame which contains lists as column values. Is the order of the list elements fixed or can it change for example if I save the data frame and then reload it in a different session.


Updating data frame specific column values in a row using loop

I have a data frame having 2 columns, imagename and its class. Now I want to add its corresponding features extracted from the image. This feature is a list of 10 entries(LBP).Below is the dataframe.
How can I update these A->J column
I have tried using dataframe.loc with image name as input but error.

Ordering only a subset of a data frame keeping the whole data frame

I have tried arrange() and order(), but cannot manage to order only a part of my data frame according with one variable (column), keeping the rest of the data frame intact.
I always have to create a new data frame. I want to avoid this because then I have to re-buid a new data frame with the pieces

Creating Tables with varying size in array

I am using a query to pull data from another source and then using openpyxl to create and excel table to be able to analyze the data. My array varies in size and I am trying to figure out how to vary the size of my table.
In creating the table and using ref="A1:B4", I am looking to call on the size of my array to populate the ref.
I have tried using ref=none and my excel file then gets corrupt and I get errors.
tab = Table(displayName="Table1", headerRowCount=0, ref="A1:B54")
My table size will vary and I want to use the size of the array to establish ref.
Replace the ref="A1:B4 with the size of your array. Use any size if you do not now the array size beforehand. You can resize an existing table later by changing the ref. Tables can be found from the worksheets ._tables.
for table in worksheet._tables:
if table.displayName == "SalesTable":
table.ref = "A1:C10"

Printing a large dataframe across pages

I have a need to print a large table across multiple pages which contains both header rows and a “header”column. Representative of what I would like to achieve is:
I do not want the contents of any cell to be clipped, split between pages, or auto-scaled to be smaller. Each page should have the appropriate header rows and each page should have the appropriate header column (the ID column).
The only aspect not depicted is that some of the cells would contain image data.
Can I achieve this with pandas?
What possible solutions do I have when attempting to print a large dataframe?
Pandas has no such capabilities, it wasn't designed for that in the first place.
I'd suggest converting your DataFrame to excel sheet and print that using MS Excel. It has -to the best of my knowledge- all what you need.

Ext js 4:multiple grids showing different records from the same store

I have a Json data store which contains the following records
Now i want to show subrecord1 in one grid and subrecored2 in another grid.
Grid1 contains columns 'dateVal','typeId', and 'name'.
Grid2 contains coulmns 'messageDate','typeId', and 'location'.
How can i do this from the same store?
Thanks in advance
I suggest you setup 2 stores with different readers that look at the root of the data differently. You can have each fetch its own data or have one fetch the data and the other load data from the first upon it's load completion.