How update existing IOS app with expo app in testFight and app store - react-native

I need to update existing IOS app with expo app and I need some documentations or ways.
I can successfully connect app-store-connect with expo app and connect TestFlight


How to update react native app in Expo Go?

I created react-native application
I run it on Expo Go - physical devise (IPhone) and emulator (IPhone)
I removed application
I created new react-native application
I run this new app on Expo Go on same device and same emulator.
Expo Go show me Old application...
How to fix it and see new application?

Expo app deleted know unable to deploy new app on google play store

I have created react native app using Expo and deployed it on the Google play store and it was live and working. Unfortunately, the expo app was deleted from my system.
I want to update my app with new features and bug fixes, so I created a new expo project how can I deploy it to the same app on the google play store?
The project needs to have a higher version, as the existing one, same bundleID and you need to use the same upload key to upload the app to the play store

difference between standalone Expo app and expo go

I want to implement google sign in expo app.
But while reading doc, it says expo-google-sign-in cannot be used in Expo Go. but it only works for standalone Expo apps
I don't understand what this means.
I have created expo app using expo init command.
Is this standalone app or Expo go?
Please let me clear about this.
Wild guess here :
Expo Go is an app where you can test your app in it (when you scan the QR Code after expo start, your app is launched inside Expo Go app).
Standalone Expo app is your application when you upload it on the store.
I had the same issue for notifications : inside Expo Go app, notifications didn't work for my app but when I uploaded my app on the AppStore, notifications worked fine.

Building expo app is not updating the app in store

I used to run expo build:android (or ios) to build and publish my react-native application.
The app in the app store automatically updated doing this.
Since I updated my expo version to 38.0.8 it doesn't seem to be working anymore?
Does anyone know what's the problem here?
Generally you have to run
expo build:ios(or android)
to generate an expo build, and then run
expo upload:ios(or android)
to upload to the App Store or Google Play Store

How to publish a react native app to test flight from in windows 10

I need to publish my react native application to test flight from windows environment
You can't do it on Windows 10.
You need XCode to archive the app and send it to ITunes, where you can use tesflight
Actually, you can't even run the iOS app on Device without XCode.