Low throughput with amqpcpp 4.3.17 and rabbitmq 3.8 - rabbitmq

I followed the examples of amqpcpp to create an example of a consumer and a producer. https://github.com/qiuwei/amqpcpp_demo
However, I can only get ~1000 TPS on a powerful machine(500G memory, Xeon 6240C x 2).
The rabbitmq instance is running in docker(using image rabbitmq:3.8-management-alpine).
Is this expected? Or am I misusing amqpcpp or rabbitmq?


RabbitMQ poor performance

We are facing bad performance in our RabbitMQ clusters. Even when idle.
Once installed the rabbitmq-top plugin, we see many processes with very high reductions/sec. 100k and more!
What does it mean?
How to control it?
What might be causing such slowness without any errors?
Our clusters are running on Kubernetes 1.15.11
We allocated 3 nodes, each with 8 CPU and 8 GB limits. Set vm_watermark to 7G. Actual usage is ~1.5 CPU and 1 GB RAM
RabbitMQ 3.8.2. Erlang 22.1
We don't have many consumers and producers. The slowness is also on a fairly idle environment
The rabbitmqctl status is very slow to return details (sometimes 2 minutes) but does not show any errors
After some more investigation, we found the actual reason was made up of two issues.
RabbitMQ (Erlang) run time configuration by default (using the bitnami helm chart) assigns only a single scheduler. This is good for some simple app with a few concurrent connections. Production grade with 1000s of connections have to use many more schedulers. Bumping up from 1 to 8 schedulers improved throughput dramatically.
Our monitoring that was hammering RabbitMQ with a lot of requests per seconds (about 100/sec). The monitoring hits the aliveness-test, which creates a connection, declares a queue (not mirrored), publishes a message and then consumes that message. Disabling the monitoring reduced load dramatically. 80%-90% drop in CPU usage and the reductions/sec also dropped by about 90%.

How to increase RabbitMQ low publish rates performance

I'm using RabbitMQ 3.6.10.
Having 16GB RAM on the machine and set water benchmark to 6GB. 4 cores.
I'm trying to perform some tests on Rabbit. Creating 1 publisher and no one that will consume the messages.
When creating 1 connection with 1 channel publishing unlimited messages one after another the management UI shows that average publish/s in ~4500.
When increasing the number of channels/connections and do it parallel in different kinds of combination i can see that it also not writing more than ~4,500.
I saw many benchmarks that talk about many more messages per second.
I can't figure what can cause the bottleneck? Any ideas?
In addition, when using many channels with many messages I get to some point that the Rabbit RAM is full and it blocks the publishers from publishing more messages. This is a good behavior but the problem is that the Rabbit stops writing to the disk and it stuck in this status forever. Any ideas?

Flow control limitting message rate on single queue

I have a exchange and only one queue bind to it. When the message publishing rate goes over some cap the rabbitmq automatically throttles the incoming message rate.
On further investigation i found this happens due to the "Flow control" trottling mechanism built in rabbitmq. https://www.rabbitmq.com/blog/2014/04/14/finding-bottlenecks-with-rabbitmq-3-3/
As per this document i have connection, channels in flow control and not the queue. which means there is a cpu-bound / disk-bound limit.
My messages are not persistent so i don't have disk limitation. On Searching, i found documents stating a queue is limited to single cpu. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/rabbitmq-users/wzHMV7F0ugU/zhW_9b8ACQAJ
What does it mean ? do the rabbitmq queue process uses only 1 cpu even multiple cores are available in the machine? what is the limitation of cpu with respect to queue flow control?
A queue is handled by one and one only CPU, which mean that you have to design your message flow through rabbit with multiple queue in order to remain scalable.
If you are on one queue only you will be limited to a maximum number of messages no matter if you have 1 or more cores
If you have a specific need to build an architecture with only one logical queue, which is explicitely not recommended ; or if you have a queue with a really high trafic, you can check sharded queues here : Github Sharded queues Plugin
It's a pluggin (take with caution and test everything before going to production, especialy failure and replication) that split a logical queue name into multiple queues.
If you are running a benchmark on rabbitmq, remember to produce and consume on a number of queues superior to the amount of CPU cores present on the server.
Other tips about benchmark, try to produce only, consume only, and both at the same time, with different persistence settings (persistence, message size, lazy queues, ...) and ack settings.

ActiveMQ performance for producing persistent text messages

As advised on the webpage
activemq-performance-module-users-manual I've tried (on an Intel i7 laptop with Windows 7 OS and SSD drive) the performance of producing persistent messages on a ActiveMQ Queue :
mvn activemq-perf:producer -Dproducer.destName=queue://TEST.FOO -Dproducer.deliveryMode=persistent
against the default installation of activemq 5.12.1
The performance which I got is around 300-400 messages per second.
On the page activemq-performance I have been reading much higher numbers:
When running the server on one box and a single producer and consumer thread in separate VMs on the other box, using a single topic we got around 21-22,000 messages/second using 1-2K messages.
On the other hand, when the messages are not persistent, the performance of the producer grows to 49000 messages per second. -Dproducer.deliveryMode=nonpersistent
When the messages are sent asynchrounously.
-Dproducer.deliveryMode=persistent -Dfactory.useAsyncSend=true
I get around 23000 messages sent per second.
From what I see here stackoverflow-activemq-persistent-performance-on-different-operatiing-systems it makes a difference when running activemq on different OS.
Can somebody give me some tips for having a better performance for writing persistent activemq messages?
Performance of sending persistent messages is all about disk based IO as the message must be written to the disk prior to the broker signalling the client that the message send completed. The faster the disk the better your throughput will be, all else being equal.
To work around some of this you can send persistent messages in transactional batches so that the send itself is complete and the synchronization point is reduced to the transaction boundary.
Depending on the size of the text messages you can also gain some performance by using compression, this can be turned on via a option in the ActiveMQConnectionFactory.

RabbitMQ clustering

I have created RabbitMQ cluster on single windows machine with HA policy to all and created two DISC and two RAM node and 1 STAT node. I then ran the PerfTest (rabbitmq client test utility), the result were disappointing, it was around 5000m/sec. But when I ran the same test with single RabbitMQ node it gave me good result i.e. 25000m/sec. I am unable to get what wrong is happening, its result should be impressive if run within cluster, but it is opposite. Anyone have encounter the same or if know the reason behind it.
A RabbitMQ Cluster with Mirrored Queues won't go faster than a single node. Why? Clustering is there to improve reliability and fault tolerance, not to improve throughput.
What's the reason for this? When you enable mirrored queues, RabbitMQ needs to coordinate state between nodes, that is, it needs to coordinate publishes, consumers and acks, to not deliver the same message more than once, or to more than one consumer. All this coordination affects performance, but that's the tradeoff with this kind of replication.
If you need decentralised replication, then you could use the Federation Plugin
The throughput rate would depend on couple of factors. In our perf tests for RabbitMQ in a cluster we observed that the rate varied depending on RabbitMQ nodes were DISC or RAM, but a big chunk of the performance variation was observed when running RabbitMQ Cluster with Mirrored Queues vs without. With Mirroring enabled we were seeing a rate of 3500 m/sec, while without it was 5000 m/sec. Also what is your message size when you run your perftest.
As is typical with RabbitMQ, it really depends. Here are a few ways that I have found to improve performance with RabbitMQ clustering:
Push the messages to a set of appropriately sized memory nodes only using a load balancer
Keep the message size very small
Do not use amqp transactions or Publisher Confirms
Only use HA Mirrored queues for a small set of queues that you absolutely have to have the data saved
Set a TTL on all messages or queues using a policy
Just to addon to above comments.. Putting it as FYI
The problems is that you are running a cluster on the same machine with the same resources.
The purpose of a rabbit cluster is to scale out and not scale in.
In other words, to have more network connections available, more disk power of course more CPU power to handle more messages.
When adding nodes on a single machine you don't scale your resources plus you are adding overheads of using a cluster. (As stated above)