Use vuejs-vr in Vuejs Components to load a cube image - vue.js

i installed vuejs-vr from, but this error is show:


Vue3 Electron app: components loaded with createSSRApp ignore styles

I have an Electron app based on Vue3 SFCs. I created a separate Vue component for printing; I load it using createSSRApp and create the HTML string to print with renderToString. It basically works, but the HTML string does not contain any of the styles defined in the print component's <style> section.
The HTML string is loaded into a new Electron BrowserWindow like this:
printWnd.loadURL("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURI(html))
This leads me to another problem: when I try to load assets from the package, e.g. CSS or fonts, the chromium engine in Electron complains about not wanting to load them since they are being referred to from a privileged level.
How can I load styles and assets into this print HTML? Or should I try a totally different approach for printing?

Vue.js 3 runtime component compiler

I want to create a fully customized Vue.js application and what I want is to save Vue.js component in database and load the corresponding Vue.js component based on the user.
That will make the app fully customized and I can customize component for each user individually.
Is there any library can compile Vue.js 3 component (composition API) on the fly?

Failed to load the vue route component

enter image description here
This problem has bothered me for a long time. I do not understand why the route component cannot be loaded when loading . I tried to check the path, but it didn't work

VueJS error: "Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined"

I struggle to understand the component and template system in VueJS. I downloaded the VuetifyJS PWA example template and tried to replace the complete content of Hello.vue with the content of the VuetifyJS google-contacts.vue example template.
I got this error message after npm run dev on localhost:8080:
> vue.esm.js?65d7:578 [Vue warn]: Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined.
found in
---> <Hello> at /home/a/my-project/src/components/Hello.vue
<App> at /home/a/my-project/src/App.vue
Why is it not possible to just replace the <template></template> content and what do I need to change to use the google-contacts.vue template content instead of the Hello.vue content?
I just followed the process and it works ok for me, so I'm guessing it's most likely a miss-step in your build, but so far can't reproduce it.
Note, it looks like docs/examples/layouts/google-contacts.vue is a replacement for the overall page layout rather than an individual component (thinking along the lines #B.Fleming mentions in comments), so it's more appropriate to replace App.vue than Hello.vue.
This is what I originally did (not reading your post thoroughly). But subsequently replacing Hello.vue gives me the same working Google Contacts page.

VueJS + VueX Components render only on window changes

I'm using VueJS with VueX state manager, and for some reason the component only renders when i click on the component in devtools / when i resize the screen / open inspection tool.
I have implemented the same structure of code as in the examples.
Has anyone experienced that behavior ?